Paula Deen Carrot Cake Recipe (2024)

Searching for the perfect carrot cake? Try this Paula Deen carrot cake recipe. A layered cake with loads of shredded carrots, warm spices, all baked and topped witha cream cheese frosting.

Paula Deen Carrot Cake Recipe (1)

Carrot cake is one of my favorites. The warm spices, nuts, carrot slivers. It all works and this Paula Deen recipe is a favorite. Also, check out these other 20 carrot cake desserts or carrot cake waffles for breakfast.

Paula Deen Carrot Cake

Birthday Carrot Cake, Easter, spring brunches, you bake it this cake makes a debut. It is also perfect for baby showers, or even a bake sale. Also, if you love Paula Deen recipes check out her famous banana pudding.

Why is it called carrot cake?

Carrot cake is a cake that has shredded carrots, raisins, nuts, and other warm spices in it. Olden days they would use other vegetables to shred and use in cakes as well. Carrot cake has adapted over the years and you will find so many types of recipes and variations to try out.

Paula Deen Carrot Cake Recipe (2)What Does Carrot Cake Taste Like

Carrot cake is a very moist and spice-filled cake. Similar to a spice cake but richer. Shredded carrots, pecans, and all the warm spices add tons of flavor to the cake.

Expert Tips For Making Carrot Cake

  • Spray pans then line the bottom with parchment paper.
  • Shave your own whole carrots. The shredded carrots you buy are dry. Shredding your own will provide moisture and the perfect texture.
  • Measure properly to prevent adding too much or too little of ingredients.
  • Watch the cake to ensure it doesn’t overcook. To know it’s done place a toothpick in the center and if it comes out free of cake batter, it’s done.

Paula Deen Carrot Cake Recipe (3)Storing


You can store the carrot cake covered and in the refrigerator. Due to the cake ingredients and frosting, this cake requires refrigeration.


If you run into where you have more than you plan to eat, toss it in the freezer. Place cake in the proper freezer container.

Carrot cake can freeze for up to 3 months. I recommend pushing it back so when you open and close the freezer it doesn’t affect the temperature changing.

Paula Deen Carrot Cake Recipe (4)Cream Cheese Frosting

Carrot cake is known for its cream cheese frosting. It is the perfect pairing with the warm spiced cake. You will love this recipe from the frosting to the last crumbs of cake on the plate.

Plus the presentation value of this carrot cake is exceptional and would be great for entertaining loved ones.

Paula Deen Carrot Cake Recipe (5)

Paula Deen Carrot Cake Recipe

Yield: 1 cake

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 15 minutes

Paula Deen Carrot Cake Recipe is a rich and decadent carrot cake with a homemade cream cheese frosting on top. Add on some sprinkling of nuts and dive in to the best carrot cake you will ever have.


  • 2 cups plus more for pans all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups vegetable oil
  • 3 cups grated carrots
  • 1 (8 oz) package room temperature cream cheese
  • 1 stick room temperature salted butter
  • 1 (16 oz) box powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 cups chopped, divided (optional) pecans


  1. Preheat oven to 350 °F. Grease and flour 3 (9-inch) round pans;
    Line bottom of the pans with parchment paper.
  2. In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt. Add eggs and vegetable oil. Using a hand mixer, blend until combined. Add carrots and 1 1/2 cups pecans, if using.
  3. Pour into pans. Bake for approximately 32 minutes. Remove from oven and cool for 5 minutes. Remove from pans, place on waxed paper, and allow to cool completely before frosting.
  4. For the frosting: Add cream cheese, butter, vanilla, and powdered sugar into a
    medium bowl and beat until fluffy using a hand mixer.
  5. Stir in 1/2 cup nuts. Put into a disposable piping bag and cut off the end of the piping bag, making sure it’s large enough to allow enough room for the pecans to go through.
  6. Pipe frosting neatly between the layers, spreading evenly with a knife between each layer. (You won’t use much between the layers, so there’s plenty left for the
  7. Pipe dollops of frosting neatly on top. There is exactly enough for what
    you need. Lastly, sprinkle pecans on top, if desired. This is the easiest way
    to frost the top of a naked cake!!
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 12Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 597Total Fat: 38gSaturated Fat: 8gTrans Fat: 1gUnsaturated Fat: 28gCholesterol: 85mgSodium: 498mgCarbohydrates: 62gFiber: 1gSugar: 45gProtein: 5g

Paula Deen Carrot Cake Recipe (6)

Paula Deen Carrot Cake Recipe (2024)
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