Time to plan – and plant – for upcoming summer heat - AgriLife Today (2024)

The official start of summer is near and now is the time to ensure your garden is ready before those sky-high Texas temperatures arrive.

“It may seem like a challenge to keep your garden beautiful in the summer, but with a little planning ahead, you can keep it producing and colorful,” said Larry Stein, Ph.D.,horticulture specialist at Uvalde and professor in the Department of Horticultural Sciences.

As tempting as it may be to remove flowers as soon as they are no longer blooming, Stein said to allow foliage of spring-flowering bulbs to mature and yellow before removing.He also said gardeners need to “like ugly a little bit longer,” be patient with their wildflowers and make sure the seed heads are brown and mature before shredding.

Stein said gardeners should also critically examine their landscapes during the height of summer development. Think of your yard as an extra room of your house that you want to be able to enjoy with friends and family. Make notes of how you think it can be better arranged, plants that need replacement and overgrown plants that need removal.

Use mulch to protect moisture

During the summer, soil moisture becomes extremely important and essential for good plant production. Because continual watering is oftentimes costly and time-consuming, it pays to conserve the moisture around plants. This is best done by mulching.

“A good mulch will retain valuable moisture needed for plant growth and improve overall gardening success,” Stein said. “Mulches are usually applied 2 to 6 inches deep, depending on the material used. In general, the coarser the material, the deeper the mulch. For example, a 2-inch layer of cottonseed hulls will have about the same mulching effect as 6 inches of oat straw or 4 inches of coastal Bermuda hay.”

You can purchase mulch or make it using organic materials on hand or readily available in your region. AgriLife Extension offers an easy guide to mulching.

Top garden tips for May

Stein offered the following tips for gardeners this month.

  • It is not too late to sow the seeds of sunflower, zinnia, morning glory, portulaca, marigolds, cosmos, periwinkles and gourd seeds directly into the soil. Achimenes, cannas, dahlias and other summer-flowering bulbs can also be planted in May.
  • Pinch back the terminal growth on newly planted annual and perennial plants. This will result in shorter, more compact, well-branched plants with more flowers.
  • It’s time to plant caladium tubers, impatiens, coleus, begonias and pentas in shady areas.
  • Replace or replenish mulch materials in flower beds and shrub borders to conserve moisture and reduce weed growth.
  • Take cuttings of your favorite chrysanthemums and root them in a mixture of sand and peat moss. Cover the cutting box with plastic and place it in a shaded area for five or six days to prevent wilting.
  • Prune climbing roses as they complete their spring bloom season. Remove dead or weak wood as needed.
  • Check for insects and diseases. Destroy badly infested plants. Spider mites can be especially troublesome at this time. Select a chemical or organic control or use insecticidal soap.
  • Harvest your vegetables promptly so they do not get too big. Eating quality is much better if you harvest when the produce is small. Some refer to picking them small as “baby vegetables.” Harvest your onions as the tops fall over. Ideally, tie the spent tops together and hang them in a dry, cool place.
  • Be on the lookout for the ripening of early maturing peaches and blackberries; if you are not vigilant, birds will often get them before you know they are ripe.
  • Side-dress your tomatoes, peppers and even eggplant with fertilizer as they set fruit to encourage additional growth and more fruit set.
  • If you are a fan, it is prime time to plant okra, but remember it needs full sun and plenty of space between plants, about 2 feet.
  • Now is also prime time to bud and/or graft trees. Go to the Aggie Horticulture YouTube channel for how-to videos.

Give mystic spires blue salvia and Bougainvillea a try for summer

Stein suggests gardeners add Texas Superstar mystic spires blue salvia to their yard and/or experiment with a container of Bougainvillea this summer.

“Improved mystic spires blue salvia was one of the best Texas Superstars we have ever released,” he said. “It blooms prolifically all summer with an occasional removal of spent flowers needed and comes back with elegance each spring.”

Mystic spires blue salvia is a compact form of another popular salvia called indigo spires. Though shorter than indigo spires, mystic spires flower even more frequently during the growing season. It produces masses of blue flowers that work nicely with other annuals and perennials. This Texas Superstar was improved years ago to shed dead petals to keep a cleaner look in the garden. Now all mystic spires blue salvia sold are this improved variety.

The perennial averages 18-30 inches tall and can be grown in containers, but it is typically used in bedding and perennial borders. It is also popular as a cut flower. It adapts to most Texas soils but needs good drainage. It is also tolerant of heat and both low and high humidity and is not typically bothered by pests, disease or deer.

Another plant to consider adding to your garden – especially in a container – is Bougainvillea. A container allows you to move the plant as needed and can add to the stress it needs to bloom. These plants flower best under stress – which is accomplished by keeping them slightly on the dry side and allowing the plant to become root-bound.

The tropical vine has sparse leaves and small, plain flowers. What gives this plant its colorful punch is its bracts which can be anywhere from yellow to orange to green to pink to purple to magenta. A bract is a modified or specialized leaf, and the Bougainvillea has triple bracts surrounding its flower.

“Bougainvillea is a plant that prefers hot and dry conditions,” he said. “Full sun and a rest period without too much watering are usually necessary before a burst of new blooms.”

Stein said any well-drained potting soil mix is suitable for growing Bougainvillea.They are rarely bothered by insects and a few aphids can be treated with the appropriate pesticide.

These plants do best in large clay containers if grown outdoors or in large hanging baskets. Hanging Bougainvillea are typically sold in 10-inch baskets but will do better in a 12-inch basket. Place the containers in full sun, or at least a half-day of full sun.

If a Bougainvillea is not blooming, it probably needs more sun or fertilizer. The vines are heavy feeders and ideally need almost constant feeding with a half-strength water-soluble fertilizer.

Time to plan – and plant – for upcoming summer heat - AgriLife Today (2024)


When to plant for summer harvest? ›

Late spring and early summer is the time to set out heat-loving crops–tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, zucchini, squashes, cucumbers, okra, and melons.

Should you plant new plants in summer? ›

Summer isn't as ideal of a time to plant as spring or early fall, but with a few precautions, most plants will do fine. Peak sunlight and searing heat are added stressors on young plants with small roots, not to mention, summer soil tends to be drier.

What is the best vegetable to grow late summer? ›

Crops to Plant in Late Summer
PlantDays to MaturityCold Tolerance
Peas60-70 daysTolerate a light frost
Cauliflower60-80 daysTolerates a light frost
Cabbage60-90 daysTolerates a hard frost
Sunflower60-90 daysTolerates a light frost
12 more rows
Aug 23, 2023

How to plant in the summer? ›

If you buy a plant in summer, don't save it to plant in fall. Getting it in the soil helps keep the roots cool and allows more water retention. Plant on a cloudy and/or cool day, or in the evening as temperatures are starting to dip. Fill the newly dug hole with water and let it drain before planting.

What time of day is best to plant flowers in the summer? ›

Ideally, transplant your flowers, ornamental grasses, and foliage plants on a cloudy, overcast day that isn't too windy. Planting early in the morning before the sun heats up the soil will produce the best results.

Can you plant crops in July? ›

Fast-growing leafy greens are a good choice for planting in July. They can take the place of other crops that you've already harvested and they'll be ready to pick before frost. Fast-growing leafy greens are a good choice for planting in July.

Can you plant in 90 degree weather? ›

So, how hot IS too hot for plants? The general answer is around 90 degrees F, with some exceptions to the rule.

What is the best month to plant plants? ›

June is one of the best months for plantation. The other best months to plant trees are February and March. Spring season is one of the best seasons to plant trees in India. During these months, the weather is not too hot, humid, or wet.

Is July too late to plant peppers? ›

Vegetables that are late to mature in cooler climates do fine down south when sown in July. Lucky gardeners in this general region can plant nightshades, like peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant, and pick their ripe fruit from the vine into early winter.

Which plant grows fastest in summer? ›

The best vegetables to grow in the summer are warm-weather crops like tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and squash. Tomatoes require intense heat for production - more intense than most other plant species.

What vegetable grows best in hot weather? ›

Vegetables that do well even in really hot climates

Vegetables like corn, okra, eggplant, hot peppers, tomatillos, and even though they aren't vegetables, melons like watermelons and cantaloupes. Corn originated as a tropical grass.

What vegetable grows well in hot weather? ›

Zucchini and summer squashes like “Yellow Straight Neck” and “Patty Pan” are some of the most productive plants you can grow, and they love hot weather. Sow just a few plants at a time, every few weeks throughout the summer, to avoid being overwhelmed by the harvest.

Can you plant during hot weather? ›

If you just can't wait that long, here are some rules of thumb for planting in hot weather: For areas in your garden that get full sun: Plant in the evening and make sure to water new plants in very well after planting. Plant on a cloudy day when there is little chance of sunshine.

What is the best crop to plant in summer harvest moon? ›

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town

Well, turnip will be your best friend in Spring, since it's the first Spring. On Summer, go wild with pineapples. Sweet potatoes for Fall, and nothing for Winter. Sweet potatoes blow every other crop out of the water.

What is the best month to start a garden? ›

For many regions, the best time to start spring crops ranges from late January to mid-March. To get more exact planting recommendations based on your city and state or province, consult The Old Farmer's Almanac.

Is July too late to start a garden? ›

Is July a good time to start a garden? July is not too late to start a garden, and you can still get a bountiful harvest in just a few weeks or months.

What month is too late to start a garden? ›

Listen, it is never too late to start a garden because there are things that can always be growing in the garden, even when it's covered in snow.

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