The Westville News from Westville, Mississippi (2024)

PRIMARY ORDERED. THE WEST YILLE NEWS. A CARD To the members of the Star The Democratic Executive Com-! PCBLISHRD EVERY THURSDAY. Crown mutual Fire Insurance As mittee of fcpnyson county met at Westville, -Saturday, June 9, 1900. Members and proxies pres sociation of America: Mrs.

R. J. GE1GER, Proprietor. H. A.

GKIGKR. Editor. As one of our members. Mr. J.

ent seven. The following resolutions were Official Organ of Simpson County. Slay, had the misfortune of having his home destroyed by tiro RACKET STORE adopted: That while we do not asree we take this method of notitying with the State Democratic Execu dve Comrittee in ordering a pri Subscription Rates: 00 'Six itonlts, 50 Entered at fre post office t. Westville, as second mail our nietbr of the same. Mr.

Slay's insurance covered about one-third of his loss.only, and as people of the community of flAS ON EXIHIBTON THE LATEST which he is a citizen know him to mary election for the selection of delegate to the National Democratic Convention and Presidential electors, yet we recognize the order from, the state executiue com be an upright, christian gentle THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1900. Novelties 117 men, we, the managers of said association, adjusted the loss, and have received satisfactory protf of mittee as coming from a higher authority in- the party, tha same, and are now readv to therefore, ueitliesolvedby the Jewelry Democratic Executive Committee cf Simpson county, that a-demo- i i i i write Mr. Slay a check for his money. We shall make a small assessment, not more than one-tenth of one per cent to replace our money. HORRIBLE IN THE FXTREME! A Hellish Deed by a Fiend Incarnate.

Never io the annals of crime was recorded more horrible and revolting deed'' than the oue committed near Biloxi last Saturday a girl 'scarcely in her teens is cruelly out-'ragxl and murdered. The victim 'of unholy lust was a school girl jthir-'teenytars old, Christen Winterstein bv name, and a pupil of the Bilosi crauc primary eiec-uon oe nem on June 21, 1900, for the Durpose of IT MAKES A HORSE LAUGH selecting presidential electors and International Stock Food, delegates to the Dernocratia Na Uur motto is: Claim of rotten tional Convention to be held in 3 Feeds for 1 cent. Kansas City, July 4, 1900. rascality and proof of same, we don't pay; just and honest claims and proof of same we promptly nnr 1 7 Kesolved, lhat a mass meet Look at our 12 1-2 cent washed ing ot tne democratic voters ot Simpson county be cajled to as semble at the courthouse in the town of Westville on Saturday, Pros and Gen'l. Miss Eddie L.

Sullivax, Sec't'yand TrVr. Rio Coffee, 10 sacks left August 11, 1900. for the purpose To whom it may concern: Pope Side Harrows at $3.75. of selecting delegates to the Congressional convention called to on the day she met 'such a horrible' fate she bad com to 'Biloxi to practice for the closing exercises of the school. After aceom-plishing her mission siie started on I her return Jittle dreaming ere the sun set she would stand before her Maker.

When the girl failed to arrive home at the prooer time her parents became somewhat alarmed and some members of the family 'were sent in search of her. They Scame to the home of Mr. Collins 'looking for the little girl, having I have this, the 4th day of June 1900, received of the Star Crown Mutual Fire Insurance Association meet in Jackson, Miss. on August 14,1900, to nominate a democratic candidate for congress from this, W. M.

PURR. of America full payment of logs occasioned by fire on the 10th day the 7th district. Managers aud bailiffs were ap pointed for the voting precincts as follows: found ber tat in tne roaa coming Mountain Hill May, Boon oi way, 19UU. J. W.

Slay. Georgetown, Miss. Notice. Bridge Builders. Notice- is hereby given that contracts for building the hereinafter 'down, 'Thj gentleman then started 'out' and after a brief search he found Weathersby and Charley Brinson, managers; Albert Mangum, bailiff.

blood in the road, which gave he Fresh Stockl (joshen A Mc- and a companion a clue to follow, named bridges will be awarded by and found the body of the child Lchaney, Layton, managers. Wilson Jones, bailiff. the Board rf Supervisors of Simpson county to the lowest re sponsible bid about a hundred yards trom tne roaa Dnrr Shivers, Burns ders on Monday, July 2. 1900, in still in death. There were evidences of a struggle and Peter Smith, managers; Hamp front of the courthouse doer in the Patterson, -bailiff.

on the side of the road near s'here Gum Springs VV iley Bell, A I am now receiving the Lar town of Westville, Miss. towit: Bridge across Go Jd water creek on Brandon and Williamsbnrg road. Manning, Jones, managers Wiley Hales, bailiff. 'the fiend first attacked his little victim, and there was blood rpm there fto where her body was found. Her 'remains were found at 6 p.

ni. There were marks on' her face where she gest and most Complete stock of Bridge across Limestone creek on Westville berry, Kobert Pearl river road. Giles, Bush, managers; Patterson, bailiff. midge across Bank creek on goods ever brought into liad been apparently struck with Westville and Alliance Ferry road Little' Mill Lee, Saidbridges are to be built as per Little, Oscar Smith, managers; 1 Mian's fist, another mark on her breast, and the top of her head bore 'the mark of a blunt instrument of some sort, her scalp laid open, and plans and specifications on hie id the Armstrong, bailiff. Simps County on Chancery Clerk's office of said coun- Fork Church Taylor, Keen, VV Iiinson, managers Board reserves the right to re her skull fractured.

The shock she ject any and all bids. J'fi Harris," bailiff. i ti sustained from the last injury wouia rearl-HJohn Barlow, JS J. Hilton, P. B.

S. June 1900. liave been sufficient under the cir Parker. II Butler, managers; eumstances to have caused death. A Hedgepeth, bailiff.

The Chinese liver Best Bacon at 8 cents. Best Patent Flour at 4 75. Coffee at 10 and 12 cents. Gold Duet at 17 cents. 4 Tobacco at 35 and 40 cents per pouhd.

Clico at 4 and 5 cents per Flowrered Lawns at from 4i to 6 cents per yard, llescue Plaids at 5f cents. Heavy Sheeting at oi cents. Feather Ticking at 10 and Emit Jars at il 00 per dozen. Harnsville li: Berry, instead of bow do yen do? for Tier books, wrap and umbrella were found piled up within about ten feet of her corpse, showing that the murderer had been most delibetate in the commission of his most heinous A A McDonald, bailiff. when the liver is active the health is good, iJJeWltt's Little Early Ei Committee adjourned to meetat sers are famous little pills-tor the 11 o'clock, Friday, June 22, 1900, to recanvass the votes of election.

liver and bowels. E. Giles Son erime When you want to buy come to W. J. Heed, Ch'm'n F.

E. Shivers, Sec'ty. It is not positively known who the perpetrator of this foul crime is. but woe unto the guilty wretch if caught MILLINERY ee me. I will not be undersold Several negroes are suspected ot ue- W'tbe authors.

Are we iu favor I am just receipt of a most when cash is in sight. of Ivnch law In such cases as this Ve unhesitatingly answer YES And rive notice to the sniveling hyp- Beautiful stock of Spring Millinery Goods Unless food is dipested quickly it will ferment and irritate the stomach. Alter each meal tawe a tea-spoonfnl cf Kodol Dyspepsia Cnre. It digests what you eat and will allow you to eat all yon need of anything you like. It never tails to cure the worst cases of dyspepsia.

-It is pleasant to take. E. Giles Son, Money to Lend At ten per cent. i V)critp who profess to love the negro of the latest and most popular that just so long as me maun urutca butragp our women and childreu mob law will prevail. Araen! Demo- creations, and invite you to cal Yours Tru J.

Hubbard. and see same before making your trat-Star. spring purchases. Hats and bon It is already beginning to look nets trimmed in the latest styles by Highest for Proiuce, Lowest Pric for Goods, as if Edna is to be a town of con siderable importance in a very an experienced milliner. MRS.

E. M. DIDLAKE, short time. Several merchants of Save Time and Money. tGLM SPRINGS, MISS The official returns of the special election held on the 26lhday of May in Simpson county to determine whether or not the county seat of said county should be moved shows that the toial vote cast in the connty was 904.

Total for removal 644. Total for no removal 260. Total for Edna 626. Edoa, a town site on the G. S.

I. R. by a two thirds majority. The result is very pleasing to the editor of the Westville News, since he had chimpioped large 'means have bought property here arid will begin the erection of good, substantial business BRICK 'houses right away, so as to be ready to buy cotton by the time FOR SALE Ihe season bne'ns Up. We don't cause of removal from start to fin- 7 bretend to be a prophet, but it In large or small quaptities, $6.00 By Selling Your Cotton and all Kinds of Prodnce to J.

P. Cox Son, lBraKton, Who are Paying: Hishest Prices for same and who will sell 3'ou Goods Cheap1 tor Cash or on Secured Notes. Our Ware house is now Loaded Down with Seed Oats at 50c per bushel. isb. Smith County Reformer.

Deed not surprise you hat iu less than twelve months Simpson All who suffer from piles will be per thousand. EUBANKS glad to learn that DeMtt's Witch Hazel Salve will give them instant and permanent relief: euro eczema and all skin diseases. Be TRAYLOR, county can boast of a bank at her proposed new seat of justice. At the present' outlook it is reasonable to believe that inside one year from this date Edna 'will 'have a ware of coiinterfits. E.

Giles Son Notipariel Fertilizer $20 per ton Brick Manufacturers, mr. olive, miss. In the Congressional primary elect population of not less than 500, Two large stores "and a hotel wil ion held in (be third district on Hon day, Hon. Pat Henry, late district Acid Phosphate $17.50 a ton. Turning Plows, Plow Gear, Straight Boiler and High Patent Flour.

We can also sell Nonpariel Fertilizer 815 25 and.AcidJPhosphate at 12 50 at Jackson. Miss. go up inside of '30 6ays, other attorne and recently appointed cir stores and a number of residences will go up as 'early as lumber can Tryas once and be Coayricedl that we are the CheapH be had. Mr. L.

May is getting Dyspepsia Cure biB new to ill- shape and hopes tp tie able to cui an Diaests what you eat lumber needed very 'Taken all in' the fiitufe for Edna is trv bright1, but1 we would whi- cuit judge, was nominated for Congressman to MUcceed Hon. T. C. Catching, the present incumbent. From present indications it looks as if the next congress will contain two Pat Henry's, both from Mississippi, The Georgetown bridge it would seem is how an assured fact.

The Converse Bridge to whom the contract for erecting same was award ed', appeared, 'before the Board of Supervisors of Copiah county at the June term and claimed their contract-The bridge company was granted an extension of time till November to begin construction of same. est as well as the Largest oncern in the J. P. Cox 5on, Wholesale and Retail, Braxton, Miss. More Credit Customers wanted.

Money to loan on Secured Note where we can get credit trade. per a word of warning to the prop erty owners, that is iiottdmake the mistake a nuinber'of other It art! ficially dl gests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and reconstructing ihe exhausted digestive organs. It Is the latest discovered digest-ant and tonic No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It instantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick and all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 60c and II.

Larue size contains 2V4 tlme9 small Book all about dyspepsia mailed free Prepared by E. C- DeWITT CO-. Chicago- places have made, not to put your Property up too high, for it takes pubiness people to build up a town and no prospector should be ai Highest price for Produce. Lost Price fof Coo. med to 0 away on mat account,.

The Westville News from Westville, Mississippi (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

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