Little flocks guarded against grievous wolves. an address unto those parts of New-England which are most exposed unto assaults, from the modern teachers of the misled Quakers. In a letter, which impartially discovers the manifold haeresies and blasphemies (2024)

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About this Item Pages description Page 1 QƲAKERISM DISPLAY'D, AND GEORGE KEITH DETECTED; IN A LETTER, Addressed unto those parts of New-England, which are most in danger of being there∣by SEDUCED. description Page 2 description Page 3 description Page 4 description Page 5 description Page 6 description Page 7 description Page 8 description Page 9 description Page 10 description Page 11 description Page 12 description Page 13 description Page 14 description Page 15 description Page 16 description Page [unnumbered] description Page 18 description Page 19 description Page 20 description Page 21 description Page 22 description Page 23 description Page 24 description Page 25 description Page 26 description Page 27 description Page 28 description Page 29 description Page 30 description Page 33 description Page 34 description Page 35 description Page 36 description Page 37 description Page 38 description Page 39 description Page 40 description Page 41 description Page 42 description Page 43 description Page 44 description Page 45 description Page 46 description Page 47 description Page 48 description Page 49 description Page 50 description Page 51 description Page 52 description Page 53 description Page 54 description Page 55 description Page 56 description Page 57 description Page 58 description Page 59 description Page 60 description Page 61 description Page [unnumbered] description Page 62 description Page 64 description Page 65 description Page 66 description Page 67 description Page 68 description Page 69 description Page 70 description Page 71 description Page 72 description Page 73 description Page 74 description Page 75 description Page 76 description Page 77 description Page 78 description Page 79 description Page 80 description Page 81 description Page 82 description Page 83 description Page 84 description Page 85 description Page 86 description Page 87 description Page 88 description Page 89 description Page 90 description Page 91 description Page 92 description Page 93 description Page 94 description Page 95 description Page 96 description Page 97 description Page 98 description Page 99 description Page 100 description Page 101 description Page 102 description Page 103 description Page 104 description Page 105 description Page 106 description Page 107 description Page 108 description Page 109 description Page 110 description Page [unnumbered]

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Little flocks guarded against grievous wolves. an address unto those parts of New-England which are most exposed unto assaults, from the modern teachers of the misled Quakers. In a letter, which impartially discovers the manifold haeresies and blasphemies, and the strong delusions of even the most refined Quakerism: and thereupon demonstrates the truth of those principles and assertions, which are most opposite thereunto. Withjust reflections upon the extream ignorance and wickedness; of George Keith; who is the seducer that now most ravines upon the churches in this wilderness / written by Cotton Mather.

Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728.

Boston :: Printed by Benjamin Harris, & John Allen, at the London-Coffee-House,

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"Little flocks guarded against grievous wolves. an address unto those parts of New-England which are most exposed unto assaults, from the modern teachers of the misled Quakers. In a letter, which impartially discovers the manifold haeresies and blasphemies, and the strong delusions of even the most refined Quakerism: and thereupon demonstrates the truth of those principles and assertions, which are most opposite thereunto. Withjust reflections upon the extream ignorance and wickedness; of George Keith; who is the seducer that now most ravines upon the churches in this wilderness / written by Cotton Mather." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed June 7, 2024.


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QƲAKERISM DISPLAY'D, AND GEORGE KEITH DETECTED; IN A LETTER, Addressed unto those parts of New-England, which are most in danger of being there∣by SEDUCED.

IT gives me no little Exercise, MY NEIGH∣BOURS, when I see Quakerism, that great Choakweed of the Christian and Protestant Religion, taking Root in the Borders of a Coun∣try famous for that Holy Religion; and unto you, doubtless it is not without prodigy, that altho this Country was planted more than Twenty Years before the first Quaker that ever we could hear of, appeared in the World, yet there should be some scores of Quakers in di∣vers

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Corners of the Country. But we know, That where God has his Church, there will be something else! Let me give you the Reverend Bxers opinion of it, expressed in his own words, which are, Why is George Keith and his other Quakers from Bensylvania now assaulting the Churches in New-England? The Hunter knows, where is the best Game? And allow me that fault of Love, to do something that may help to spoil the Game of the Nimrod, who has Quakers among the Setters, by which Men are catched with him Upon a very exact and sincere Self-Examination, I cannot charge my self with any Malice or Hatred against the poor people that are Seduced into the strong Delusions of that Sect; I am utterly against vexing and creep∣ling of them with punishments on their Estates or Bodies for their Consciences; I would not en∣tertain An Admirer of the Light with worse usage, than an Ancient Jewish History tells us, the Patriarch Abraham was (tho hardly) con∣vinced, That a worshipper of the Fire, coming into his House, was to meet withal; I look upon many of them as fair condition'd men, and persons of a Temper which we are to treat with Civility and Obligation; I think, we should labour to Overcome them with good, with Prayer for them, with pity to them; and for my own part, I must briefly say, Let that Quaker of them all, that has most Abus'd me and Revil'd me, make me to understand wherein I may do him any real kindness, and if I do it not, let

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this Letter be a witness against me. This I ut∣ter not as a vain brag of my victory over them that have spawned one Pamphlet after another, fill'd with impertinent Reproaches and Calumnies against The Colledge-Boy of New-England, as their Hawkers, they say, please to call me; but it is that I may discover the Equality of Spirit, with which I now address you.

Nevertheless I cannot account my self here∣by Released, from any proper Endeavours to Antidote my Neighbours against the venemous and contagious Heresies of Quakerism. I re∣member that George Keith somewhere bids us Turn our minds to the Light within us, wherewith Christ has enlightned all men, and points at this as a way to be saved from mistakes. I do then solemnly declare, that I have seriously Turned unto that Light, and with the best of my light as yet, I can see many damnable Heresies in Quakerism; if I have (as the Quakers own all have) one spark of Light in me, Quakerism is but a profound and a deadly Pit of darkness. I look upon Quakerism, as a snare of the Devil, wherein many are taken alive by him at his will; and I were very uncharitable, if I should not labour to rescue my Friends out of such an un∣doing Snare; a meaner Creature than the mea∣nest Owner of Reason, must have our Help against a Pit less Dangerous than that of Qua∣kerism. Quakerism, it attempts nothing but the leaving our whole sacred glorious Religi∣on

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in such a confusion, as that it shall no longer give any plain and clear conduct unto us, in our drawing near to God; and though it pretends unto Light yet it leaves the bewildred Souls of men, in Chains under darkness, unto the Judgment of the Great Day.

Our Blessed Religion is wonderfully suited un∣to our constitution, by laying before us both sensible and spiritual objects to converse withal; but Quakerism, under the pretence of advancing the Spiritual Objects of Religion, goes to annihi∣late all the Sensible; so that we must have no Bi∣ble, no Jesus, no Baptism, no Eucharist, no Or∣dinances, but what shall be so Evaporated into Mystical Notions, as to become unto the Chil∣dren of Men, altogether unintelligible, or at least unprofitable. Indeed, there is hardly any one Fundamental Article of that Reformed Re∣ligion, whereby we look to be saved, that is not undermined by Quakerism, whatever professions it makes unto the contrary, when, An Angel of Light, is to be personated. What Re∣ligion shall we have, if the Scriptures, once come to be vile in our opinion of them? Now to withdraw men from the esteem and study of the Scriptures, ha's hitherto been the main De∣sign of Quakerism. Are they not the express words, of the Quakers in their Systems of Divi∣nity, Tis Blasphemy for any to say, the letter [by which they meant the Bible] is the word of God; it is the Devil that contends for the Scriptures to be the word of God. Do they not expresly tell

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us, It is the greatest error in the world, and the ground of all errors, to say, The Scriptures are a Rule to Christians? The Quakers in their Books expresly challenge us, Tell me one Scripture that hath light in it, And at the same time entitle their own books, Light risen out of Dark∣ness. They expresly reproach men for, Doting on the Scriptures; and at the same time their own silly Scribles they call The Shields of the truth, and Things written from the spirit of the Lord, Hence as Mr. Cheiny tells us, in their Disputes, the Quakers openly have said, God has no where commanded us to walk according to the Scriptures. Thus when Mr. Cotton of Ply∣mouth, with some others, had attested, that they heard George Keith affirm, The Scriptures are the word of God, this Keith Prints a letter to revile the witnesses, for, Not Dealing Fairly, nor as becomes true witnesses. Now let any reaso∣nable man, find any reason of their thus treat∣ing the Holy Scriptures; what can this caution signify? if they would not have us think, that we pay too much Respect unto those Oracles of God. A Crime which I assure you, few among us are guilty of! Though we are not so far gone in Blasphemous Wickedness, as to speak of the Scriptures in James Nailors Terms God is at liberty (sais he) to speak to his people by them if he please; & where they are given by inspiration he doth so, & so he is at liberty to speak by any other created thing: as to Balaam by his ass. Thus dos that Father of Quakers bray out his contempt of our precious

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Bible. I say we cannot vomit out such Blasphe∣mies, and yet we think that wonderful Book, our Bible; has not a due estimation with us.

It would be more tedious indeed, than useful for me to Transcribe the many other horrible passages, which continually fall from the Pens of the greatest Rabbi's among the Quakers, and such as have most pretended unto Inspiration among them; but you shall find the Books of their most admired Apostles fill'd (if I may speak the Truth) with most admirable Blas∣phemies. They begin to speak somewhat wari∣ly in their later Catechisms; but what cen∣sure have they hitherto passed upon one of their Authors, who twits us in the Teeth, with, Our imagined God beyond the Stars; or, one of their Authors, who tells us, Your car∣nal Christ is utterly denied by the Light?

When did they deal with Whitehead for cal∣ling it a LYE, To say, the Scripture is the means by which Faith is wrought? or for saying in a Book signed by him and three other Qua∣kets, pretending to answer, a worthy Mini∣ster, Thou blind Beast, thou that sayest that the Scriptures reveal God, Thou art a Lyar? What Animad version have they used upon the most witty & Learned Gentleman that ever had the unhappiness of being among them, for saying, (as Mr. Thompson cites him) Ʋnless Father, Son, and Spirit, are three distinct Nothings, they must be three distinct Substances, and consequently

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three distinct Gods? Have they testify'd against the same Ingenious, tho Heretical Writer, for saying, Justification by that Righteonsness, which Christ fulfilled in his own Person without us, is a Doctrine of Devils? or have they chastised their Farnworth, for saying, What Righteonsness Christ performed without me, was not my Justification, neither was I saved by it? What Retractation have they advised unto their Fox, when he had written, He is deceived, who saith God is Distinct from the Saints? Have they thought Mr. Pen worthy to be mended, for saying, Either the Re∣surrection of the Body, must be without the mat∣ter, or it must not; if it must, then it is not that same Numerical Body, and so their proper and strict taking of the word, Resurrection, they must let go; if it must not; then I affirm it cannot be Incorruptible; for in such a manner does he oppose the Doctrine of the Resurrection? Has Mr. Hieks falsify'd, when he quotes Whitehead uttering such a Black Speech as this, They are like to be deceived, who are expecting that Christ's Second Coming will be personal? In fine, hath their Primer yet been corrected, wherein we read, False Teachers preach Christ without, and bid people believe in him, as He is in Heaven a∣bove; we are told, Those things called Ordinan∣ces, as Baptism, and Bread and Wine, rose from the Popes Invention. We are told.

As for that called, The Lords-day, people do not under∣stand what they say, every day is the Lords Day.
Does not their Catechism (which came

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out of William Smith's Forge, in the year 1665) also deride men, for saying in their Prayers,

They are miserable Sinners, and they do those things they ought not to do?
Is not this the Reflection there made upon it.
And if so, then not Believers; for they that believe in Christ, are not miserable sinners, neither do those things they ought not to do. In that which they call, The Lords Prayer, they ge∣nerally say, Our Father; Now the Children of God are not miserable Sinners; nor do not those things they ought not to do?
And as to Prayer, is not this the Conclusion there made of all,
All must ceafe from their own words, and from their own time, and learn to be silent, until the Spirit gives them ut∣terance?
The sense of which, if you would know, you must fetch it from the horribly prayerless Lives of the Quakers. How many prayerless Houses, and prayerless Tables, are to be found among the best of them▪ Some of them have confess'd, That they never pray with∣out an inward motion from the Spirit; and that in many years, they have not had a motion to prayer. See J. C's Call to prayer, page 97. Thus do these Blasphemers, charge their own pride, and sl••••••, and wickedness, upon the Eternal Spirit of God!

I say, until the Quakers do disown and re∣prove such Expressions as these, they must par∣don us, if we look upon these Expressions to be but the Explications of what they mean, when

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they speak with more subtilty in their Confessi∣ons which they make, when they are charged with being No Christians; and indeed their Confessions are mostly so worded as to admit of these Explications. If the Quakers do sincerely intend as my Charity obliges me to think and hope, that many of the Seduced may honestly in∣tend, no more than they declare in some of their later Catechisms, it is a prognostic where∣at I would rejoyce exceedingly; it is a mar∣vellous Alteration; yea, it threatens no less than an Approaching Extirpation of the Here∣sies, whereby that Sect formerly Denied the Lord that bought us. I find the Sect very won∣derfully changed, in several of their Circum∣stances; and particularly, in that grand one from whence the Name of Quakers was first put upon them. Heretofore, at almost every Meeting, you might have seen some of them, taken with a strange Quaking, which look'd so like a Diabolical Possession, as that it well nigh produced another sort of Quaking, by the hor∣ror it gave to the Beholders of it; and Fisher in his Rusticus ad Academicos which is in En∣glish, The Clown speaking to the Scholar, calls Dr. Owen, a Blind Guide and a Bruit Beast, [a Language, befitting a Clown] for some words of his against (as the man styles it) The Ho∣ly Duty of Quaking. But this is now grown, I suppose, a rarer thing among them; and the words of their Patric Livingston upon it are,

Because the mighty motions of the Bodies of

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Friends are ceased and Friends are still, cool, and quiet, they think that the same power is not in Meetings; but oh ye Foolish Ones,—Were not all the shakings and quakings of Friends Bodies, to purge out sin? they were but for a little time, and so were quickly gone again; and the voice of the Lord was not distinctly discerned there. The stilness being come, that's a durable thing; and here the mind is brought into a capacity to discern the voice of the Lord.
One would inferr from this; either that those who are of late years Converted unto Quakerism, have no Sin to purge out; or else that after their Quake∣rism they continue with their sins unpurged all their Days. But however, 'tis here granted, That about thirty years ago, The Quakers did not distinctly discern the voice of the Lord; so that I am not altogether in Despair, that they may now better discern it, and by degrees re∣turn to him that is the Shepherd and Bishop of Souls, by leaving all their Errors, as well as the Tremblings which first accompany'd them. Ne∣vertheless, no Spectacles I have yet met withal, can dispose my Charity to do any other than suspect the Integrity of the more busy Teachers among the Quakers, when they seem to ac∣knowledge the principal Articles of our Chri∣stian Religion; there is cause to think, that they Kiss that Religion of ours only to Betray it; it is doubtless in this thing that they practise what they sometimes prosess, To become all

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things unto all men, that they might win the more; nor do I make my self a Judge of Hearts, if I give you that warning about them, When they speak sair, believe them not, for there are seven A∣bominations in their Hearts. The cause of my suspicion is plainly this;

If they believe just as they speak in some of their Confessions, a∣bout Religion, pray why do they oppose and reproach us, for speaking of those very things?
For instance, The Quakers will verbally say, that they own the man Christ Jesus, who suffered for our sins, and in the entire and perfect Na∣ture of man is gone into Heaven, and shall in like manner come again. But if they really think so, why do they fling out whole Pam∣phlets against godly men meerly for speaking that very thing? I pray tell me, Does not George Fox in a Folio Book vehemently Revile and pretend to Refel, one Antagonist for saying, The Lord Jesus Christ is afar off in his Bodily presence? and another, for saying, Christ is with out the Saints, in respect of his Bodily presence? and a third, for saying Christ is distinct from e∣very one of us? And a fourth, for saying, There is not any Heaven, within, into which the man Christ is Ascended, or can any man contain a man four foot long. What occasion can the Quakers have to Write, Rail, and Shoot Porcupine's Quills, in voluminous Harangues, against them that have so expressed themselves, if they deny not the Things contain'd in the Expressions that are thus unexceptionable? or, what should

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ail their Humphry Norton to say in Print, You look for a Christ without you; what Country man is He? You stand gazing up in the Clouds after a man; but we stand by in white, Chiding of you? The other principles of the Protestant Religion, are in like manner treated by these Gaynsayers; when they seem to own those principles, 'tis protestatio contra Factum, they give themselves the Ly: If they own those principles, why won't they give us leave to own them? Why must we for Holding and Preaching of those principles, be worried by these people under the most christian, loving, handsome Names, of Idol Shepherds, Priests, Dogs, Vipers, Dragons, Serpents, Reprobates, Children of Darkness, Lyars, Blasphemers, Devils, Impostors, Sorcerers, pollu∣ted and accursed Beasts? And yet these are the best Names for that very cause put upon us, in the Writings of those whom the Quakers do celebrate as, Men of God.

Suppose that Mather the Younger, should say He witnessed the Light which is in every man to be Christ the Saviour of the world, and yet suppose he should publish whole Books, to Reproach every man as a Blasphemous Beast, for using such terms; would not the Quakers call him worse then ever they have called him hitherto, tho they have call'd him bad enough? would they not count him a lying Hypocrite in his protesta∣tion for the Light? Either the Leaders of the Quakers design by fair Speeches in their Cate∣chisms to decoy their Proselytes into such hor∣rible

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opinions as I have laid before you; or else they are Stark Mad, when they spit such foul speeches at us, for maintaining the Things that are seemingly allow'd in those Catechisms; and if so, it was then most fitly propounded by a wise and good Magistrate in Plymouth Colony, That a Law might be made for the Quakers to have their Heads shaved; The punishment, I confess is Capital. But as it is the worst Punishment that ever that Colony will inflict on them, so 'tis the best Remedy, for ought I know, that we can provide for them; unless, The Oyl for Lunatscks, lately invented might be more efficacious.

Among the modern Leaders of the missed Quakers, you must give me leave to set a special remark, upon one George Keith, who rather then leave the Churches of God unmolest∣ed, has •••• express terms contradicted the Trem∣blers tha have writt before him; and yet on the other side lest he should be a pure Keithian, alone by himself, he puts in, My Doctrine is one with theirs. By the Respect which Keith finds among his friends, One may see what an unset∣led and uncertain Thing it is to be among them. Heretofore, they made Lamentable out∣cries, against that which they call, Outward Learning; and the way to be applauded with them, was to have the qualifications of the Liquatri Illiterati, at Noci, a Town scarce ten Leagues from Rome; where they do at this Day choose their own Magistrates, but use an

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exact care, That no man who is able to write, or to Read, shall be capable of any share in the Govern∣ment. Whereas, That which now renders Keith to be A great one, among his Friends, is, That he ha's a little Outward learning, that is the out∣side, or Bark and shell of a Scholar with him: tho he be most horribly venemous, yet he has a pearl in his head, and they make him their head upon that account. It is a passage which Mr. Tompson cites, from their paper sent forth into the world, pag. 3.

The word, which is the Ori∣ginal, was before Tongues were and your Ori∣ginal, which will break all your Tongues and O∣riginal to pieces. Pilate had your Original, of Hebrew, Greek and Latin, [where, by the way, their light fail'd 'em; for, when did we make the Latin our Original?] who crucified Christ. He that drawes back into many languages, as into Hebrew and Greek, drawes back into the Naturals and so drawes into confusion. But the Ministers of God, who preach the Everlasting Gospel, draw up into one Lan∣guage; and so the Priests, and all that Trade into Natural Languages we utterly deny.

Alas, what will then become of our poor Friend George? He has in his Writings, tho less Truth, yet more Hebrew and Greek, than ever Pilate had upon the Cross; he is upon all occasions drawing back into many Langua∣ges; and indeed he draws into confusion too. 'Tis his drawing back thus into the Naturals that

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procures him the Admiration of a Drove that are little more than meer Naturals; they De∣ny him no, but rather Adore him, because tho he be a compound of as great Inconsist∣ences as Iron and Clay, yet he has (I will not say, a Golden, but) a Guilded Head. This Keith it is, who has given the greatest advanta∣ges to Quakerism, & that with no little Alterati∣ons. Of his, we are newly Entertained with a wily Catcehism, wherein Quakerism is so disguised, as that one would almost suspect him a Real Pro∣testant; nevertheless, the juice of Toads, were as wholsome a potion as that Catechism. You can∣not swallow it, unless, you also come to Believe,

That the inward excusing or condemning principle, which all men are born withal, is the man Christ Jesus.
Upon whieh, the In∣genious Mr. Lodowick, a Gentleman of Rhode-Island lately Recovered out of Quakerism, in a Challenge to the Quakers, tells them,
If this your foundation stand sure, it would follow, That all honest Pagans, Jews, and Mahome∣tans, are in Christ as well as you; and true Christians, Believers, Disciples, and Followers of Christ (at least, as to the Mystery) and so your Brethren in Christ.
There are more∣over, some other Errors, plainly enough ex∣pressed in that Catechism, to make us all avoid them. E. G.
That some who are left without either the Help of the Holy Scriptures, or Holy Men. do yet so rightly improve the inward Help

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of Christ's Light and Teaching in their Hearts, as to be Accepted with God;
altoge∣ther contrary to Rom. 1. 21, 22. where we see what became of the Heathon, for want of the Gospel. And,
That some who are under the first Covenant, and have not had Christ out∣wardly preached unto them, yet cannot pe∣rish;
directly contrary to Rom. 10. 14. where we find no Salvation is to be had without Be∣lieving, and no Believing without Hearing and Preaching. And,
That the principle of the New Covenant is in all men;
contrary to Eph. 2. 12. where we see many Strargers to the Covenant of promise. And,
That the having of more Wives than One, was not for bidden to Jews or Gentiles under the First Covenant.
Contrary to Mat. 19. 45, 48. which points to a Law from the beginning against that Iniquity. And.
That when one feels not a present Help to pray in words, he is to wait in si∣lence.
Contrary 10 Acts 8. 22. where a man that was without the Spirit of God was bidden to pray. And,
That Faith is not the only In∣strument whereby Christ is Received for Just∣ification.
Contrary to Rom. 3. 28. A man is justify'd by Faith without the Deeds of the Law; and Rom. 11. 6. If it be of works, then it is no more Grace. And,
That none become Repro∣bate, until they are finished in wickedness, and have no true Humanity remaining in them.
Contrary to Rom. 9. 11, 12. where 'tis affirm∣ed of those not yet born. And,
That Christ's

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Baptism is not with Water.
Contrary to Asts 8. 38. And,
That the Lords Supper is to be Administred withou outward Eating.
Contrary to 1 Cor. 11. 26. But let all unwary Readers know, that the principles of this Ca∣techism, are but the Shooing-horns of more Quakerism; if you swallow so much of the more specious and guilded Quakerism, you will soon find your selves entangled at such a rate, that you must wax worse and worse, and become as bad as all the other Heresies of a Keith can render you. For notwithstanding the Ortho∣doxy which in some other points George Keith has blended in his Catechism with such False Doctrines as these now recited; and although he, like other Quakers, in their Books, has a way of discoursing more ambiguously than e∣ver any Daemon of Delphos did, and usually i∣mitates the Cuttle-fish by so darkning his Con∣text with his Ink, that one can hardly find him without some evasion; yet I have one sure way to catch him. He directed (and since pub∣lished) a Letter unto the Ministers of Boston, which begins with saying, I being well assured, both by the Spirit of God in my Heart, and the Testimony of the Holy Scripture, that the Doct∣rine ye preach to the people is false, and concludes with divers Articles of this Doctrine, which he particularly charges as False Doctrine, besides many others (as he says) that I could mention. Well then, from what George Keith here counts False, we more easily than from his crafty ex∣pressions

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in other places, may gather what he counts True; and I now promise you the fair∣est and finest System, we have yet had of a Quakers Divinity. He tells us, we hold False Doctrine, when we say, That God hath commit∣ted his Counsel wholly to Writing; by which he knows, we mean, That God has not obliged us to believe or practise any thing in order to our Salva∣tion, which the Scriptures do not either directly or by just consequence Reveal unto us. So then, the Quaker holds. That there is part of Gods Coun∣sel, (that is, that we are to think or do some∣thing in order to our own Salvation) which we cannot learn from the Holy Scriptures. He tells us, we hold False-Doctrine, when we say, That God hath foreordained whatever cometh to pass; although he knows we affirm, That God has not by his Eternal Decree either taken a∣way the liberty of the Creature, or become the Au∣thor of sin in the Creature. So then the Quaker holds, That there are some things come to pass which God has not foreordained; and so the Blessed God either do's not Fore-Know every thing, or else He do's Fore-Know something which He do's not Decree: and it must be said, that He knows things because they will be, and not that things will be because he appoints them; and His Know∣ledge must be Fallible and Uncertain; and the Glorious First-Being is made Subordinate to, & Determined by second causes. He tells us we hold False-Doctrine when we say That God hath not afforded or provided sussiciency of Grace, and means

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of salvation to all mankind whereby they may be sa∣ved; albeit we also say, That all mankind are Salvable. So then the Quaker holds, that the In∣dians and Negroes, and the Pagans beyond China, have Sufficiency of Grace and means of Salvation. He therefore holds according to what Keith adds upon it, That the Light that is in every man, is sufficient to enable him to do any work acceptable to God. He must hold that there is not in the darkest corner of the Indies, a man that is Ʋnto every Good work reprobate. He tells us we hold False-Doctrine, when we say, That Christ hath not Dyed for all men; although we therein speak on∣ly concerning The Secret purpose of God and Christ; and we grant,

That the satisfaction of our Lord is both sufficient for all men, and offered to all men; and that a day of patience for all men is thereby procured.
So then the Quaker holds, That,
Christ has Dyed for all men;
And that the vertue and success of our Lords Death depends wholly upon something to be done by men themselves, which God is not the doer of: That the Death of Christ never bought that Grace and Faith and Repentance for us by which the Elect are qualified to enjoy the vertue and success of it; and that Peter was no more beholden to the Merit of the Lord Jesus for his Salvation, than Judas was for his. He tells us, we hold False-Doctrine when we say
That Justification is only by Christs Righte∣ousness without us, imputed unto us, and Re∣ceived by Faith alone, and not by any Righ∣teousness

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of God or Christ infused into us, or wrought in us.
Albeit, he cannot be igno∣rant, that we think Justification is always atten∣ded with Evangelical Obedience. Hence then the Quaker holds, that Justification and Sanctifi∣cation are the same thing [which is rank Po∣pery; and ye Keith charges us with Antichrist∣ianism, for holding of the contrary: so by the way, I see Keith is one of those who look not for Antichristianism in Popery;] and that (as Kihs own words are,)
The Graces of Sancti∣fication are the Instruments of obtaining Justi∣ficationfrom Christ;
and so that men exercise all those Graces, before they can be Justify'd; and (as Keith also elsewhere expresses it)
He who is imperfectly Sanctify'd, cannot, while such, be perfectly Justify'd;
and so it seems there is not one Justify'd man alive in the world. He tells us we hold False-doctrine, when we say, That beginnings of true Sanctifi∣cation cannot be totally fallen from; although we do also say, That every sin is Mortal; That Saints falling into grosser scandals, do becloud the Evidences of their Saintship; That yet Saints cannot fall so far, but God will Recover them before they dy, and make them sincerely penitent. It follows then, the Quaker holds, That a truely sanctify'd man may totally fall a∣way, and a child of God become a child of the De∣vil. When shall we have done? He tells us, we hold False Doctrine because we say, No man in this life, by any grace of God given him,

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or to be given him, can perfectly keep the Com∣mandments of God, but doth daily break Them in Thought, Word, and Deed; though we do not say, That the good works of Gods Holy Spi∣rit are Defiled, but we say, our Duties as far as they are our own, will in this life alwayes have Imperfection cleaving to them, which God pardons, therewithal accepting what sincerity is in them for the sake of Christ Jesus. The Quaker then must hold, That men in this life can perfectly keep the commandments of God; and that a man may say, He has no sin, without be∣ing a Lyar for saying so.

Once more, He saies, we hold False-Doctrine, because we say,

No men ever since the Apos∣tles Days are assisted, by any Infallible Spirit, to Preach, Pray, and Write; and that to Speak and Pray by the Holy Ghost, as the Prophets and Holy men witnessed of old, are ceased.
In which Assertion, we are far from limiting the Holy Oe of Isael, who may still do things extraordinry and miraculous: but our in∣tent is That we have no Warrant now to look for such Extatical Inspirations and Insalli∣ble Assistences as the Ancient prophets had. And yet we own special Illuminations of the Holy Spirit which the Souls of all true Be∣lievers do and must experience; and we de∣clare that without special Assistances of the Holy Spirit, we can do no Duty as it should be done. We do not think (as Keith did a a minute or two ago) that we bring into the

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world with us a principle that is sufficient to enable us to do any work acceptable unto God. Now the Quaker must then hold, That men in our Days have the same Inspirations and Assist∣ances, that were given to the Apostles of old; and may preach, pray, write, with as much Infallibili∣ty as they.

There are several other things, which Keith charges us with False-Doctrine for holding of; and what sense can there be in his charges? what is he but stark out of his wits, if he do not hold the contrary for true Doctrine himself? Supposing then that Keith has truly represented the Doctrine of the Quakers, as indeed he has laid before us but the most Easy Tenets of it; You then see Quakerism in a true light; and I have taken the more pains, because that so to Behold it, is a much more difficult thing, than to Refute it. My Neighbours, you see what Quakerism is, the very best of Quakerism, or else you are never like to see what it is at all. Say, whether we are like to have any Religion, that may be call'd Protestant or Christian, if once this Doctrine be received! I am confident there need no more to render Quakerism loathsome to all sensible men then the bare dissection of it, yet that I may further prevent your Drinking the death in the pot, a∣bout the Ingredients whereof I have thus ad∣vis'd you, it is necessary that I first give you the Characters of the Man, who is thus invit∣ing you to swallow it. If I now set before

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you the Marks of him that is labouring to snatch many poor Lambs out of our Flocks, with such a vigilance and violence, as has awa∣kened me to give you notice of him, it is not out of any particular spite at his person, but meerly because his Person (under the Disguise of Sheeps-cloathing) is that by the Fame and Noise whereof, his Doctrine comes to be the more favourably look▪d upon. 'Tis because he is cry'd up for a Rare Man, that his Word begins to go so far among many unthinking people; and therefore, if I can Demonstrate, That George Keith is not the Man which he is taken to be, but a most absurd and wicked Se∣ducer, and one from whom all good men should with Detestation Turn away: I shall do more to obviate the spreading of a perilous Cancer among you, than by answering all the Argu∣ments of the Quakers, which are just Noe at all. I find that when the Blssed Apostle Paul would stop the progress of an Error, which the Quakers in our Days are infected with, he offers a pourtraiture of the persons that were the principal Spreaders and Patrons of that Malignant Error. Give me leave then to tell you, What a person 'tis, that some have in ad∣miration so as to be in hazard of becoming Quakers for him; and I shall deal so moderate∣ly in it, as to avoid all Reports and Hear says, and confine my self to the Idaeas of him which his own Books, and but two or three of Them

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neither, have given us. I say then,

That GEORGE KEITH is a Person, from whom, they that have any Love and Care for their own Souls, are to Turn away.

And I thus prove it.

The First Argument.

A Person that pretends, An Assurance from the Spirit of God, for a thing that is a Direct LYE in matter of Fact, is one from whom all that are concerned for their Souls, are to Turn away.

But such a person is George Keith.

All men will and should beware, how they deal with a convicted Lyar; honest men usual∣ly can as little endure the sight of a person that makes no Bones of a Lye in matter of Fact, as Erasmus professes in his Collequies. But when a man that comes with a LYE shall Fa∣ther that Brat of the Devil (for such is every Lye!) upon the Holy Spirit of God, that sa∣cred Spirit of Truth; surely the Impiety is risen to a monstrous Elevation. And now I think, that George Keith is chargeable with no less a wickedness. He has not only forfeited all Reputation for Inspiration, as much, as the Quaker, that a while since pretended, That he came with a Message from the Lord, unto a per∣son who was it seems then out of the Way by

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being out of the Town; but he has Ly'd like Ananias himself. I do not mean, in his Ac∣count of Ralph Jones and his Cows at Barnsta∣ble, which is affirmed to be a Lye: but I mean in his Printed Letter to the Ministers of Boston. In that Letter he says, He is well assured by the Spirit of God, That the Doctrine, which we preach to the people is False; and says he, The particu∣lar Things I charge on you are these,—The last of them is, That the Scriptures ought to be believ∣ed only for their own outward Evidence, and Testi∣mony, and not for the inward Evidence and Testi∣mony of the Holy Spirit in mens Hearts. Now this is a Doctrine directly contrary to what we have preach'd a thousand times over. For, tho we do say, That the extraordinary ways by which God Revealed Himself to his People, before & for the writing of all the Scripture, are so Ceased, that we have no warrant now to look for them, yet we grant, that all Believers do still enjoy the special Illuminations and Assistences of Gods Ho∣ly Spirit; and we hold that without a special Influence of the Holy Spirit in the Hearts of men, the Scriptures cannot be duly and aright Be∣lieved. But that which makes the LYE of this Keith more inexcusably impudent and notori∣ous is this. In that Letter he says, That he has diligently examined our Confession of Faith, and thereby Learnt what we Preach. Now [to see how he wanted the Memory so necessary for such persons] in that Confession, there is one whole Article, to assert this Doctrine,


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the Heavenliness of the matter [of the Holy Scriptures] the Efficacy of the Doctrine, the Majesty of the Style, the consent of all the parts, the scope of the whole, the full Disco∣very it makes of the only way of mans Sal∣vation, the many other Incomparable Excel∣lencies, and the Entire Perfections thereof, are Arguments whereby it doth abundantly Evidence it self to be the Word of God;

yet notwithstanding, Our full Perswasion and As∣surance of the Infallible Truth and Divine Au∣thority thereof, is from the INWARD WORK of the Holy Spirit, bearing witness by and with the Word in our Hearts. If this do not prove Keith a LYAR of the first magni∣tude, there never was yet a Lyar from the Be∣ginning. And you shall now hear how Impeni∣tent he is in his Lying. I did in print Admo∣nish him of this Lye, because it was in Print he vented it; but he does in Print Reply up∣on me, Thy Affirmation is False; and adds ano∣ther Lye to it; by saying, That we deny the inward Revelation of the Holy Spirit in the Hearts of the Saints. And lest here should not be Lye enough, he further says, Dr. Owen denies that the Scripture derives its Evidence from the Inward Revelation of the Holy Spirit in Mens Hearts. Whereas Dr. OWEN in the Book to which, I suppose, he refers, expresly says, That the Scripture be Received as the Word of God, there is required a twofold Efficacy of the Spirit; The First respects the Subjects or the mind of man,

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that assents to the Authority of the Scripture. And then the Doctor spends more than four whole Pages, to tell us, That the Spirit of God communicates a Spiritual Light unto men, and with his work of Illumination takes off the per∣verse Disposition in their minds, and Effectual∣ly perswades them to receive the Truth; and therewithal gives them a Spiritual Sense or Tast thereof in themselves in order hereunto. Thus palpably does Keith you see cover l, e with lye, and yet it Rains through after all. I durst refer it unto any sober Quaker in the world, whether Keith be not now Convicted of gross Lying in matter of Fact: I do here, in auditu quam plurimorum, charge him as an Egre∣gious lyar; and let him lay his Action against me when he please.

Wherefore when Keith comes among you, you must consider him as an Impenitent Lyar, who ha's yet blasphemously Entituled, the Blessed Spirit of our God, unto his LYE. But will you then hear such a man as a Preacher of the Truth? or must you not reasonably suspect all his pretended Inspiration; I say, Beware the Geese when such creatures Preach! The society to which he belongs, if he belong to any, are so far, No Christians, if they don't endeavour to bring him unto open repentance for such crimes as these.

The Second Argument.

A Person that has (if not certain, yet) fear∣ful

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marks of the Ʋnpardonable Sin upon him, is one from whom all that would be concerned for their Souls are to turn away.

But such a person is George Keith.

The Apostle tells us, That we are not to pray for those that have committed the Ʋnpardonable Sin; I am sure then we should not suffer any such doleful sinners to prey on us. I know 'tis no easy thing to conclude who are Guilty of that Sin, and we should not be hasty, and sudden in such conclusions. Nevertheless there are such Persons who have upon them, the Direful marks, of their being Not far from the Great Transgression; and for some of them, Keith has been observable. He has been enlightned, and had formerly much of his education and conversation among the people of God; never∣theless he is a most Infamous Apostate from the Truths and Ways of God, professed among them; and of an Apostate he is become, as far as his Chain will reach, a Persecutor; for besides all his malicious Railing, at the Mini∣sters of God, which the Scripture calls Perse∣cution, he levels his Writings at no Design more plainly, than to get them starved of all their poor Subsistence in the world; which was Julians way of Persecution. Were the Trans∣migration of Souls a Truth, you might, when you see Keith, imagine that you see Alexander the Coppersmith, alive among us, doing much harm to the Religion of which he once made, like Alexander, a no mean profession; and

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with a no less vrazen Impudence, than knock∣ing Diligence, hammering of mischief against the true Ministers of God. But he stops not here; for he has arisen to the Malice of Blas∣phemy against a special work of Gods Holy Spirit. There were four young people sensibly and horribly possessed with Devils, in Boston, where of the whole Town which is the most populous of the whole English America, had full satis∣faction The Ministers of the Town by no∣thing but solemn and zealous prayers over those possessed persons, obtained from our good God, such a deliverance for them all [ and they are now all alive upon the spot!] as has been heard and read with wonder in more than both Englands.

Well, This Keith in a pamphlet emmitted by him, to Reproach the person that now writes, Reprochfully more than once calls these Prayers,

A Cojuing of the Divel.

And aftewards again puts the style of Charms and Spels upon them. And yet he knows, That it is our profession

To pray by the Holy Spirit of God;

yea, that we suffer for that profession: and he has cause to think that those prayers were made by, The Spirit helping our Ifirmtes. Now for him to call these prayers, but so many works of the Devil! I'le assure you 'tis very like that sin, for which our Lord Jesus told the pharisees, They should never be forgiven. It is bad enough in the Quakers to say of the best Ministers, as Parnel does They

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are meer Witches: but for a man to put the name of Witchcrafts upon the most serious and successful of our prayers I say tis a most horrible Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of God. And which is further admirable; Keith does in a page or two before, charge mee with

Falsifying the Holy Scripture and Alledging a Down∣right Falsehood, upon Christ himself,

because I say'd in a Sermon, We are told in Math. 12, 26. Satan is no divided against himself. Now, I confess, I took that for the sense and scope of the Text; and I am deceived, if I have not the generality of Interpreters of my side. Yea, 'tis plain, that our Lord Jesus is there vindicating himself from the cursed aspersion (which Keith has cast upon the poor Servants of the Lord Jesus here) of

casting out Divels by charms and spells;

and His Argument is from the subtilty and policy of the Devil. For if Devils do so side with our Lord as to confirm His word, by the casting out of Divels, the Devils Kingdome would be so Divided as to be quickly Ruined; but the Devil is too cunning to admit of such a Division in his Monar∣chy.

Whereas, Keith affirms, That Christ doth not so much as imply, That Satan is not divided against Satan. Yea, says he,

'Tis utterly False, for Satan is divided oftimes against Satan; and his Kingdom is divided also.

Behold, how concerned Keith is to wrest from our Blessed Jesus, the chief Argument, by

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which he prov'd, that he was not (as the impar∣donable Blasphemers then counted him,) A Sor∣cerer. Thus he that was committing so much of That sin himself, has been left so to take part with the Pharisees, in doing that unpardon∣able Injury to the eternal spirit of God! Now, if Keith be not gone so far in, The sin unto death, as that we are to despair of doing any good on him, certainly, we have at least, a sad cause to despair of getting any good from him. How can you imagine, that the Spirit of God should speak, by a man that will put the title of witch∣crafts, upon the special operations of that Spirit? Or will you hear the Sermons of a Wretch, that when you are going to Prayers, will tell you, that they are charms and spells, which you are about?

The Third Argument.

A Person that pretends the Instruction of Souls, in the only way of Life, and yet is full of shameful Self-contradictions in his Instructi∣ons, is one, from whom all that are concerned for their Souls are to Turn away.

But such a Person is George Keith.

Verity is a thing marvellously Consistent with it self; where you see Inconsistencies, you may suspect a cheat is intended for you; now Keith has good store of them. Among these, I will not insist. upon this, That George Keith all over his Writings does exclaim against our Fathers

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that lived near forty years ago, as the most hi∣deous Murderers and Bloodsuckers in the world, and a most persecuting generation: And yet in that printed paper, which he calls A call to us; his words are,

O unthankful Nation; ye are gone from that tenderness, sobriety, and sim∣plicity, that was among you and your Fathers sometime ago.

What? is he angry because we don't continue the Tenderness, which two pages after he styles, more Inhumane, cruel, and Barbarous, than what is in most of all sorts of man∣kind? But I shall confine my self to this mans more Doctrinal Contradictions. Keith and his Friends are mighty Ready to find Contradictions in other men; and will make what they can't find. Thus one Delaval, in an Appendix to a Late Book of Keiths, raises hideous Tragedies against my self, as a self-contradicter; because, in one page of a Discourse, Entituled, The Serviceable Man, speaking of the present Gene∣ration in this Country, I say, There are Church∣es in it, Where we may see proportionably as much of God as in any spot of Ground which the Chil∣dren of Adam walk upon. And almost thirty pages after, speaking to the Rising Generation, I do to awaken them (not Affirm, but) En∣quire, Whether as they grow up, they will not give their Fathers cause (if the Dead could express themselves) to Rebuke them for their not walking in their ways? And if this be any Contradiction! Ridicula Capita! A Dutch Wo∣mans unintelligible Bubling at one of their pri∣vate

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Meetings would as much Enlighten me, as the Impertinent Scribling of this man affects me. But indeed, if one would see Contradicti∣ons, Let them only look into one Book of Keiths; and in that one Book, I will note but a few of them, that would occur upon a stricter Exami∣nation; it is the one Book, which he Entitles, The Presbyterian and Independent Churches in New England brought to the Test. The very Title of that monstrous Book, tells us, that these Chur∣ches have neither the Doctrine, nor the Mini∣stry, nor Worship, nor Constitution, nor Govern∣ment, nor Sacraments, nor Sabbaths which be∣long to the true Church of Christ: and who would now expect Salvation under the conduct of Churches thus False upon all accounts be∣yond that of Rome it self? And yet within a Leaf or two, in an Epistle to those very Church∣es, he says,

He has a true Charity concern∣ing a Remnant among them, that they belong to Christ, and are the Real Members of His Body, which is his Church; and that they are the Sheep of Christ.

But in the Book it self, which is a Box of poyson as bad as what the Title promises; is it not a Contradiction to say, page 1. The Scriptures contain a full and en∣tire Declaration of all Christian Doctrine; and to say in the same page, Yet they do not contain the whole Mind, Will and Counsel of God? Or, will he grant, that we are to enquire after Du∣ties and Comforts, which are no part of Christi∣an Doctrine? Either Keith contradicts himself:

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or he would have us to believe (and so indeed he would!) some things which are no Christi∣an Doctrine at all. Is it not a contradiction, to say, page 32.

We are not assured that any man is in that state of perfection, that they may not by Humane Frailty depart from the infallible Teachings of the Spirit of God;

and to say in page 204.

'Tis false Doctrine to hold, That no men ever since the Apostles Days, are assisted by any Infallible Spirit, as the Prophets witnessed of old?

Or, will he say, That the Writers of the Scripture, did by Humane Frailty therein, sometimes depart from the Infallible Teachings of the Spirit.

Is it not a conradiction, to say in pag. 74. We no where find in all the Scripture, that God hath Reprobated any part of mankind before the foundation of the world; And in the same page, To allow, That Gods Purpose and Holy Will concerning them that finally perish, is from be∣fore the foundation of the world. And in a page, or two after, to confess,

That God has a special and peculiar care towards all that shall be saved; the number of whom is most infallibly known to God; and, That God in his Infinite Counsel [which is Eter∣nal] permits others finally to resist His Grace?

Is it not a contradiction, to say, in pag. 7. Election goes before reprobation and is not Coaevous with it; and yet own a page or two before,

That Gods purpose concerning them that perish, is from before

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the foundation of the world, and it considers them as having resisted the call of God?

Or is it not a flat contradiction, to tell us, That there is Election without Reprobation, which is to say, That among diverse objects, there may be some chosen before and without others; and yet others not Left out, not Rejected, not Omit∣ted in the choice. Is it not a contradiction, to say, in pag. 87. The Holiness of the Children of Believers only signifies a nearer capacity that some have to become actually Holy in time; and yet say the page before, All have a possibility to be Converted and become the Children of God; (and to mend the matter add in his own Vindication p. 87. All Infants are clean! By which also the express words of the Apostle, in 1 Cor. 7. 14. are most expresly contradicted?) is it not a Contradiction to say, in pag. 99. That our Doctrine of,

Reprobation, makes the effectual use of means absolutely impossible to any, so as to leave them under Discourage∣ment.

While he himself tells us, that there are Elect, and that none but these shall be Saved? The man seems to be one of Mahomets Angels. Mahomet saw certain Angels (as the Turkish Bible tells us) that had Horns which were half Fire and half Snow; the Inconsistencies which were on Ovtside of their Heads, are got into the Inside of this mans, who (by the way) is not so good a Christian as many thou∣sands that at this day dwell in Constantino∣nople. Thus the sixth Section in his

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Chapter of Justification, does not only contra∣dict the tenets of them that are most Men of Renown in the Congregation of the Quakers, but also give away the whole cause which he is pleading of, by saying, The Lord Jesus Christ is the alone and only Foundation and ground of Justification. Is it not a gross Contradiction, to tell us in pag. 140, 141. That our Doctrine of

Perseverance is a most false, wicked, pernici∣ous, poysonous Doctrine, and a most wonder∣ful piece of confusion;

and yet grant in di∣vers other pages,

That if God suffers those whom He hath drawn at any time, to depart, they shall certainly be reclaimed; nay that eve∣ry one of them shall certainly be Saved, and none of them shall finally perish!

Do's not he inform us in pag. 147. that a

True believer may be only in the first Covenant!

and is not that a Contradiction! Is it not a most Jangling sort of Contradiction, to tell us in pag. 156. That whereas we say.

The best of the Saints cannot perfectly keep the Commandments of God, but doth daily break them, This is most expresly contrary to Scripture in many places, and quite opposite to the very nature of the New Covenant;

and yet acknowledge in pag. 161. That those who have the most Noble Degree of Holiness may yet fall short; and in pag. 162. That the best of men have motions to sin, and these motions arising from the Natural and Mortal part still remaining in them! Is it not

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a Contradiction to tell us in pag. 193. That we

have no reason to keep the First day of the week, as our Sabbath;

and yet confess in that very page,

It is commendable in Christians, to to set apart the first day of the week, for rest from employments, and to help the mind in its Spiritual Exercises?

These & many more such Thwarting things you shall find his writings entangled with; so that you shall never know where you are, or what he would have. If Keith be what some take him to be, he might have known that there is in the Popes palace an Officer called the Corrector of Contradictions, through whose hands all the Popes Bulls are to pass. Keith should have made his Book to have passed through the Hands of that Officer, that it might not have been so full of Bulls. Indeed, I doubt I have done the world a diskindness by noting of these Contradictions in him; for he will go near now to print ano∣ther Volumn of equal Blasphemies, but of great∣er Confusions, to Reconcile these two Champi∣ons George and Keith; which two wandring Stars being in opposition, have an Aspect, that foretels the downfal of Quakerism. But af∣ter all, tis I, and not He, that must solve this ap∣pearance, and Reconcile them. Know therefore that the design of this Heretick has been, cheef∣ly to raise a Dust and a Noise, in the midst and by the means of which he might make the peo∣ple suspect their Ministers to be False-Teachers.

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And though George must therefore for more than twice two hundred pages together, cry out, False Doctrine! False Doctrine! yet Keith has been under such Conviction of Conscience, that before he is aware, he confesses all the Truths that he opposes. After all the Darts that he shoots against Heaven, he falls down before the Truth; and like the wicked Julian of old, he cries out; Thou hast overcome! but he will not say, I yield! he has a stomach too strong for that. Neighbours, You may still hold all the principles in which our Catechisms have Instructed you; for either George or Keith has in Effect own'd them all. You'l say, Then the better man he! I answer, No; so much the worse; for him to Rail with one tedious Pamphlet after another, at the Religion which we do maintain, while he himself is not a∣ble to withstand it; I say, it looks abomina∣bly; it shows that if he be not an Emissary of Rome, yet he is an Emissary of Hell. And if so, you see how you are provided with a Teacher!

The Fourth Argument.

A Person that shall expresly Renounce both the Religion and the Saviour which the Saints have hither to ventured their Souls upon, is one from whom all that are concerned for their Souls are to Turn away.

But such a Person is George Keith.

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The People of New-England have generally hitherto received the same Gospel and the same Jesus which was Preached by the Apostle Paul; we can bring plain and full Testimony from the Inspired Writings of Paul, for what we hold, or else I dare promise, in the Name of my Country-men, we'l Renounce it; and therefore to us also are directed the awful words of Paul to the Galatians, There are some which Trouble you, and would pervert the Gospel of Christ; [There's a G. K. among them!] But though we, or an Angel from Heaven, Preach any other Gospel unto you, than that which we have Preached unto you, let him be Accursed. You shall hear presently, you shall see the Name of the poor man, whom the terrible Thunderbolt of this Curse, will fall upon. The words of George Keith in pag. 172, 173. of the Book we have so often quoted, are, The Religion ye pro∣fess is not the true Religion,—in the very founda∣tion it self, which is Christ Jesus. Now there is no sense in these words, if he do not mean, That ours is not the true Christ Jesus. And therefore, when we did in our Printed Answer, make this Descant upon it; George Keith bids the world to take notice, that he utterly Renounceth the Religion we profess, even in the very Foundati∣on of it, which is JESƲS CHRIST; I cannot find that in his Printed Reply, he has at all disclaimed the Censure which we have pass'd upon him. As for us, Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ is, The Eternal Son of God, who became a

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Man, by taking to Himself an Humane, but sin∣less Body and Spirit, being Conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost in the Virgin Mary; and so was and continues to be God and Man, in two Di∣stinct Natures, and one person for ever. Never was any sinner saved but by This Glorious Me∣diator; 'tis He, whom all the Saints of God have hitherto trusted with all the Important and Eternal Concerns of their Never-dying Souls. But it seems, Keith does Renounce this JESUS CHRIST, in the close of all his Wri∣tings, notwithstanding the, Hail Master! which he had before treated our Lord withal. He has Another Jesus Christ, for you, ye People of New-England; and will you Hear such a Man, any more than you would a Turk or a Jew, holding forth among you? or will you not rather satisfie your selves, as Peter did, There is no other Name, whereby we may be Sa∣ved?

You'l be desirous to understand, What CHRIST it is, that Keith is a Disciple of? in∣asmuch as in some of his Confessions, he seems to fall down before our Lord, and say, Jesus of Nazareth, I know thee, who thou art, The Holy One of God. Now, I know no better way to guess at his meaning, than to repair unto the Writings of the Quakers that have gone before him; doubtless, it is their CHRIST, that he is a Believer in, or else they are the most unhappy of all Wanderers, while they suffer him to lead them. It was an Expression among the

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Printed Questions of that famous Queker Pen∣nington, We can never call the Bodily Garment, Christ, but that which appeared and dwelt in the Body. The Quakers in Pennington's Days own∣ed, That there was such a man, as Jesus the Son of Mary, and that God, or rather Christ, was in him. But all this is no more than they profess'd also of Themselves; and there∣fore Pennington also says,

That which he took on him, was our Garment, even the Flesh and Blood of our Nature; which is of an Earthly perishing Nature; but He is of an Heavenly Nature, and his Flesh and Blood, and Bones are of his Nature.

In short, I cannot ex∣press the Mystery of their CHRIST, in better Terms, than Mr. Faldo has done it for them;

There was an Heavenly, Spiritual, Divine Body Constituted of Flesh, Blood and Bones, in which Christ came from Heaven; and he put that Body, into the other Body of our Nature, which He took of the Virgin; and that outermost Body, He lest behind, when He Ascended into Heaven, no-body knows where; and this Heavenly, Spiritual Body, is the Man Christ, which is in the Quakers; and so the Quakers are as com∣pleat Christs, as ever the Son of Mary was; for they also have the Divine Nature of Christ, dwelling in a Body of Spiritual Flesh and Blood, and those their Bodies which we see, are but the outward Tabernacles of the God, and the Man Christ Jesus.

It seems,

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that unto such a sense as this, you must accom∣modate all Keith's Confessions about the Man Christ Jesus. You must imagine, 'twas this more Spiritual Body, which was Crucify'd in that more gross Bodily Garment which was de∣riv'd from the Virgin Mary; and you must imagine that Body to be in every Body as in a Garment, Crucify'd over again; thus the whole Story of the Gospel is acted over again every day, as Literally as ever it was at Jerusalem of old; it is all transacted by unaccountable Dis∣pensations within our selves; and Christ is in every Quaker, as properly as he was in that Garment of a man, which was hang'd upon the Tree; hence Keith Expounding that place in Jam. 5. 6. Ye have killed the just one, says, That as Christ Jesus in their Hearts, Him they Crucify'd; as Mr. Hicks quotes it, from Keith's Book Of Immediate Revelation. Behold, here's a Key, by which you may open the Hearts of such men as Keith, when they seem to confess, The Lord Jesus, whom God Raised from the Dead. Let Keith tell us honestly, whether he does not count his own Body to be the Body of Christ, in the same sense that the Visible, Tangible Flesh which hung upon the Cross, was the Body of our Lord. Is it not a Declaration in the Qua∣kers Catechism, We beleive that Christ doth offer up himself a Living Sacrifice to God IN us, by which the wrath of God is Appeased to us? And is not Mens Acquaintance with this Notion, called, The Discerning of the Lords Body, in the

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Writings of the Quakers? Here I suppose, this Christ, is that Light within, which the Quakers do so much magnify, omnify, Deify; 'tis to this, that we must repair for all our Light; and for the sake of this, we must have Penningtons Blessing upon us, My upright Desire to the Lord for you (says he) is, That he would strip you of your Knowledge of the Scripture according to the Flesh! though with my consent, we will soon∣er be stript of our SKIN, Yea, and our FLESH too, than of our Scrip∣ture. I must profess, I do not now wonder at what Mr. Hicks quotes as the Words of one Robert Wastfield,

You are not able to bear what we have to hold forth concerning him; should we deliver what we hold concerning Jesus Christ, we should be stoned in the streets.

Neighbours, I will animadvert no further upon these things; but say of them, as the worthy Mr. Faldo does, He that can digest such Fables as these, has a stomach hotter than an Ostrich! and add, That the Curse of the Lord Jesus belongs to the man that Pro∣pagates them, or Embraces them.

The fifth Argument

A Person that makes himself a Writer among the people of God, but in his Writings discovers upon all occasions, a marvellous Giddiness, Ignorance, and Falshood, is one from whom we should all Turn away

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But such a person is George Keith.

Our Lord will not send Ridiculous Persons upon such Special Messages, as Keith pretends unto; but so Ridiculous, and therewithal so Slanderous is our Keith, as that methinks where∣ever he comes, every sensible man should say concerning him, Lo you see the man is mad; wherefore then have you brought him to me! It would fill almost as many pages as Keith has written, to recount the Instances wherein he has made himself Ridiculous; but I will touch upon a few in that one book, which calls our Churches to the Test. If any man whose name is Mather, had written about God's an∣swering the returns of the Prayers of his people; it had been a piece of Nonsense? but Keith has in a new Book strained and found a way to clear it. Is it not admirably argued, The word is compared unto the Rain and the Dew and to bread; Now the Drops of Rain and Dew, and the small Grains of Flower in Bread, cannot be numbred; therefore the Scripture contains not all the Word of God: And yet se pag. 78. of that Book, whether this be not the profoundest of his Arguments! Did the Ridiculous man mind what he writt in pag. 12. where he cites, Cant. 2. 4. He brought me into his Banqueting House; And AGAIN, The King hath brought me into his Wine Cellar. What AGAIN was there! Is it not the same Text, and the same word? Can any thing be so Ridiculous as the Rabbinical Fopperies, which he sometimes

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makes ostentation of? Is he not Ridiculous, when he interprets the Things made, in Heb, 12. 27. to be Man made, or made by men, when they were the things of Gods making, even the Ordinances of the old Testament! And as Ridiculous is he in hs exposition of 1. Pet. 4. 11 in pag. 49. Is it not Ridiculous for a man to allude unto 1. Pet. 2. 2. The Sincere Milk of the Word, and then tell us, That the Word of God is not the Milk but the bottle? One would think none but one that had been at a∣nother bottle could so unreasonably express himself. Tell me whether it be not Ridicu∣lous, to allow singing, yet condemn Singing with Notes or Tones.

Is it not Ridiculous, for a man that says,

Ministers can require no Maintainance from the people,

to prove it from 1 Cor. 9. 14. The Lord has ordained, that they who preach the Gospel, should live of the Gospel? s not this a pretty Argument,

If God hath positive∣ly ordained, that Ministers of the Gospel shall have Maintainance, then the people may choose whether they will maintain them or no.

But see whether in p. 55. Keith have it not, if he have any at all. Is not the man Light-headed, when he says, Light being used as a Name of God, is no Figurative or Tropi∣cal Expression? And when he says, Light is im∣mediate, though it comes through a Medium? Does not he talk in page 16. about an Ef∣ficacy as well as a Sufficiency, or of a Sufficient

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Efficacy, in the Grace which God hath provided for them that are never saved, and never have the Effect of that Grace? Is it not one of his Revelations, That

Christ bestows Adoption only on his Brethren?

which is as much as to say, None but the Adopted are Adopted! Can any thing be so Ridiculous as this man, in pag. 169. Where he finds fault with us, for cal∣ling our Assemblies together, by a Bell, be∣cause we should have,

A Gospel-Bell to Ring and Sound in our Hearts, and call us toge∣ther?

or have his Friends got the property of the Cynocephalus in the Temple of the Egypti∣an Serapis? or are they qualify'd like the man in Germany, who never can speak a word, but just precisely at one a Clock? One of the gra∣vest Writers in the world, cannot forbear a Sarcasm on this occasion; he tells the Qua∣kers, our Bells are not carnal ones, as they call them; for if they were flesh they would never be able to sound so high and far as they do. But if the Quakers don't allow Bells, we shall see they can afford Libels before we have done; which are things that one archly derives, as being Lies, because false, and Bells because Loud. And Keith too carries about a Carnal Clapper in his head. Is it not Ridiculous to make an Invisible Work in mens hearts to be the ga∣thering of a visible Church? Is it not Ridiculous to tell us, That the Baptism with Water, ap∣pointed by our Saviour and practised by his Apostles, belonged only to Johns Dispensation?

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Is not the man Infatuated, when he tells us,

No words of Institution are commanded to be used in Baptism, but the Command is, Go Teach & Baptise all Nations in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost?

Were not a man Intoxicated with something besides Water, he could never discourse at so wild a Rate; I say Intoxicated, because he that will have none but a Spiritual Water in the Baptism of our Lord, must permit me to mind him, that there is a Spiritual Drunkenness. From such a Giddiness 'tis, that he tells us, about the Sabbath of the Lord, Exod. 20. 8, 9. Saith no∣thing of one Day in Seven, but only of a Seventh Day; as if a Seventh Day were not One Day in Seven! From the same Giddiness 'tis, that he tells us, The Sabbath is Christ; and goes to prove it from Heb. 4. 9, 10. as if Christ En∣tred into Himself! And it is in this Rapture of high Speculations, that he tells us, In the New-Testament there is no outward Day. [What? must our Days now go by Clocks that strike on∣ly on the Bells in our Hearts?] Yea, that we can't prove, that the Fourth Command Enjoyned the Jews to keep an outward Seventh Day. Seve∣rinus Boetius that had the skill to make the first Clock, never had the skill to find out such a Day; to be measured by his Ingenious Ma∣chin. I hope this Rare Invention, of, An In∣ward Day, will be acknowledged by the Mathe∣maticians of this Age, as a fore-runner to, The

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Quadrature of the Circle; or which were bet∣ter, The Longitude found; the Emperour Charles V. that had a Watch made in the Jewel of a Ring, had the only Instrument that was wor∣thy to give the Time of such Days as we shall have, when we have no outward ones. But I will not be any other than serious with him. I confess 'tis not easy to mention the Follies of Quakerism without Sarcasms, like those which the Prophet bestow'd upon the Balies of old. But when I had once a little of Irny in a Discourse, which one of the most Grave, Holy, Serious Persons now alive in the world, namely, the Venerable Richard Baxte, has yet seen cause to Reprint in the other England, with a kind Preface of his own unto it; George Keith cannot for bear calling me, A shallow Man, Aiery and full of Froth. As for the shal∣lowness, I own it; [I am so Shallow that I can't find sense in Keith for my life!] but for the Air & Froth, I hope I have not a Neighbour in the world, which will not vindicate the Composedness of my whole Conversation, from the slanders of this Reviler. And indeed the slanders which Keith commits in his Writings, are almost as many as his Follies. Is it not a slander, when he says, We Preach altogether an Absent Christ? None Preach the most Intimate Ʋnion & Commu∣nion with the Lord Jesus Christ, more than we. But he may well slander us, if it be fitting for him to slander the most Eminent Saints, or to say, That Nathanael and Cornelius, were Ʋn∣believers, when the glorious Testimonies in the

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Scriptures were given of them. Yea, he can slander a whole Assembly of Divines at once, by saying, They expresly word what he recites in pag. 155, 156. as it is recited there; which is u••••erly false; 'tis he that has worded it so; and fathered some things upon them, which they do not speak. Why does he represent us, in pag. 258. as telling people, That if a man Dy in his sins, his Faith shall save him, tho he Live and Dy in his sins? If he did not mean himself to Live, in the sin of slandering, or to be a man of no Faith until he Dy? Into what a Bears Skin does he Slanderously put us, when he says,

That Notoriously scandalous persons Lyars, Deceivers, Drunkards, &c. are quali∣fy'd Members of our Church?

I say, He is a scandalous person, Lyar, Deceiver, for saying so; and there is not one of our Churches, but what would on the account of those Qualifica∣tions Excommunicate him, if he had been under their Inspection. Is it no Slander upon thousands of Godly People in the Country, when he says, Our Sacrament has no inward spi∣ritual signification to us? Indeed, he all along is full of opposition; but he can tell rather to whom, than to what: he is resolved the Pastors and Churches of New-England shall be sound∣ly rail'd at, that so unwary people may be decoy'd into a detestation of them; and in order to this, he childishly makes up a man of his own Clouts and Rags, and calling it by a New-English Name, he falls to pelting of it.

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He misrepresents most of our Doctrines, and this very wilfully, to make us odious; and as among the Russians, a Knave will sometimes convey his own Goods, into another mans House, thereupon crying out agianst him as the Thief; so Keith puts Words and Things upon us, which we never thought of; and then raises the Country with a Cry of, Thieves, Thieves! Ranters! Blasphemers! False-Teachers! and what not? This si the manner of the Man. As for the Slanders that he raises upon our En∣deavours to Evangelize the Indians, I have al∣ready in the Life of our Venerable Eliot refu∣ted them with (I hope) a sufficient Efficacy: But as it was of old asked, about the Pro∣phets, Who is their Father? the Answer to such a Question about the Lyars, will give you to see what a person you have to deal withal, when Keith comes among you, seeking whom he may devour.

I remember, I mention'd Ignorance among the Accomplishments of this man; and of That also, you shall have one little Specimen,

I will not here inlarge upon, that foolisla Banter of Keiths, in pag. 202. 203. of his late Reply upon our Answer unto him. We thought, and might well think that he had spoke Non-sence, by saying We call'd our Duties, but not saying what we call'd them; and we inform'd him thereupon, That we call'd them Dirt and Dung and Nothing. So in truth, we thought we might, because the Apostle Paul,

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in Phil. 3. 8. had call'd his Duties by no bet∣ter a Name. Well, you shall see whether Paul George are of a mind, and whether George will not count himself a better man than Paul! Sayes

Keith, Ye call them Dirt and Dung, and yet ye continue to offer up this Dirt and Dung unto God, but Remember that God will cast the Dirt and Dung of your Sa∣crifices on your Faces. And surely, seeing by your own confession, your Prayers are Dirt and Dung, they cannot be that pure Offering which God promised his people should Offer up unto him.

Now, was there ever seen such a Fool in Print! This man has Learn'd his Catechism, I see, which teaches him to deride those that shall in their prayers acknowledge themselves to be, Miserable Sinners. Its a Good Lad! But indeed, will Keith dare to brag before the Almighty God, that his own prayers, are not as Dirt and Dung, before those Pure Eyes which cannot look upon iniquity! Neigh∣bours, t'will be but just for you to disdain as Dirt and Dung, the Preachments of such a Proud Fool, as will not confess his own Prayers to be but as Dirt and Dung before the Lord; you have to do, Cum Siercore, when you have to do with such a man.

But this is not the thing which I intended. It is this; He had said,

The Baptizing of In∣fants, was not the practice of the Church, during the first Century,

Upon this we rejoined, Origen and Cyprian tell us, that the

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Apostles gave Order for the Baptizing of Infants; & Augustine tells us, The Baptism of Infants had been universally practised in the Church ever since the Apostles. And we thought that these had been as credible Reports about the First Centu∣ry, as we could have when we had not many Wrtings of those that lived in it; except we could prove, which Keith would like, that the Mystical Dionysius was of that Century. But Keith, who makes a mighty Lerry with Quo∣tations from the Ancients, resuming of this point, makes that Foolish Return, That Origen, Cyprian, and Augustin, be not Scripture; pray who said, they were? and he falsely insinu∣ates as if we practised Infant Baptism upon their Authority; upon which he adds,

Ye can give no Evidence in Church-History, that Infant Baptism, was practised until Cyprian's Time, past two hundred years from Christ's Resurrection.

An Assertion to which there needs no Rejoinder, but what Calvin made upon them that uttered the like, In eo Foedissime Mentiuntur; siquidem nullus est Scriptor tam Ve∣tustus, qui non ejus Originem ad Apostolorum Sae∣culum pro certo referat. You see, No less a man than Calvin, had call'd Keith, A most fil∣thy Lyar, for so speaking; and from Calvin let him take it. The poor man doubtless thought, that our young Libraries in America, had not yet got any of the Fathers in them; but he is mistaken. We can tell him, that Origen flourished a little before Cyprian; and

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he says in his fourteenth Sermon on Luke, Lit∣tle Ones [Parvuli] are Baptised for the Re∣mission of Sins; with much more to that pur∣pose. And in his 18th. Sermon on Leviti∣cus, he says, Secundum Ecclesiae observantiam, etiam parvulis Baptismum dari; it had been a custome and usage in the Church of God. Nor is it any other than a Cavil, to object, That these and more such passages were the Interpolations of Ruffinus afterwards. But be∣cause Keith may tell us, That Origen dy'd not very long before Cyprian, and he is not such a Computer of ••••mes, but that you may allow him a handful of Minutes to prevent or excuse the mistakes of his Chronology; I shall ask him, what Age Tertullian lived in? Whether he lived not in the Century before Cyprian? Well, Did not this very Tertullian, Acknow∣ledge that the People of God then made Haste for the Baptism of their Children, while their Innocens Etas, their Innocent Age was yet upon them? But perhaps the Tertullian whom Cypri∣an would call his Master, will be no Master to our Keith.

I shall therefore again ask him, whether Ire∣naeus did not live before Cyprian, and even be∣fore Tertullian too; and whether Jerom do not reckon him A man of the Apostolical times! Now that man is utterly a stranger to the Language of the Ancients, who do's not suppose Infant-Baptism intended by him, when he saies Infan∣tes Renasc*ntur. I cannot for my Life, Divine,

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[although Keith have call'd me A Conjurer] what Keith can say to these things; except he should think to put his Reader off with that flamm, that Tertullian & Irenaeus, are no Church-History. But if here be not enough, what will he say to Hyginus, who was Martyred, Anno Dom. 144. Of whom, Church-History men∣tions, the Orders which he had about those, Qui Infantes tenent dum Baptizantur; who held up the Infants to be Baptized? Or, if t'was Justin Martyr that wrote that Ancient piece, Quest. & Resp. ad Orthodox. You there have an Author living at the farthest in the very next age to that of Apostles, affirming, That Baptized Infants obtain the good things that come by Baptism. Or, if that Piece were spuri∣ous, yet in the Dial. cum Tryph: we have that Justin Martyr who lived, as is judged,, even in the Days of the Apostle John himself, say∣ing,

That all alike might then Receive Bap∣tism, which is the Spiritual Circumcision.

It is impossible for Keith now to come off, un∣less he will tell us, that though we do find Infant Baptism asserted by the Church History, to be attended within less than Two, yea less than One Hundred years after the Resur∣rection of our Lord, yet, He did not mean outward years, When he affirmed the contrary; he spoke of inward years, which may differ as much from ours, as the Lunar do from Solar ones. I take the more notice of this matter, be∣cause I do Divine that Keith may write a

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Book, to prove, That the Ancients were all Qua¦kers. For I find Keith ever now and then showing this Mark of Hypocrisy; That he commends the Dead Saints, but condemns the Living Ones. Just like Penn; who in the Name of the Quakers, professes an high esteem for the English Martyrs; and yet of those Mini∣sters who now agree perfectly with them, in all the principles and practices of Christiani∣ty, he says, They are the Pest os the World, the old Incendiaries to mischief, and the best to be spar'd of Mankind. So, I don't know, but Keith may try to hook into his party all the Departed Saints of our Creed; not only the Reformers, but even the Fathers too, whom he seems inclinable to the Applauding of. But if ever he do, pray see what a Trusty Recorder and Reporter of Antiquity you'l be troubled with! He will impose upon you, with bold but false Representations of all Antiquity; and his word is not to be taken for any thing he says. This is Keith; and now say, whe∣ther This be not one, from whom all that have any Love to their own Souls are to Turn away. He is all over Leprous, and particularly has. The Plague in his Head: it is but an wholsome Caution for you, to avoid a person so Infecti∣ous.

Having now done with George Keith, it re∣mains that I set before you, a little part of that Spiritual Armour, which may defend you against the Assaults of Quakerism. As for

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the most of that Sophistry, which Keith has to pester you, 'tis detected and refuted in an An∣swer to him, lately Published by the Mini∣sters of Boston; and I Exhort you to furnish your selves with such an Antidote against him. He has indeed printed a Book to Revile that of ours, as if it were a meer Bundle of Weeds; But I believe, if all the Rattle-snakes in this Country [and it happens, that at the very minute of my Writing this, casting my Eye upon a certain Pamphlet, which decoyes peo∣ple to dwell at Pensylvania, the first word I read in my Author is, There be Rattle-snakes at Pensylvania too; which he says, make a Noise like a Childs Rattle!] I say, if they all had the voting of it, they would cry out upon Snake-weed, as a Weed which did abundance of hurt in the world. But if any Quakers do personally set upon you, my humble advice to you is, That you have no Regard unto the Deceitful Generals wherein they will make a noise like a Childs Rattle, and cry up Theirs as the only True Religion; but compel them to come unto a Point. Ask them, Whether your own Re∣ligion be False? If they will say, 'Tis not, then bid them be quiet; What would they have? If they say 'tis; make 'm to pitch upon a, particu∣lar Instance; keep 'em to That, and let them not confound you with Tedious and Rambling Digressions from, The Thing in hand. Accept no proof but Scripture, or what is just conse∣quence from Scripture; Tell them, If they

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speak not according to that Word, there is no Light in them. Lay down your own Principles, in plain, brief, close Terms, and ask them, Which of these they Deny? What they Deny, be you ready to Defend; thus, Resist them and they'l flee from you.

I. Assert, That the Bible is the Word of God.

Tell them, That by [the Bible] you don't mean the Paper, or the Letter, but the Heaven∣ly Matter contained in it. If they make that Irreverent Irrational Cavil, That there are the words of Sinners, yea, and of Devils in the Bible; ask them, Who made the History which relates those words? Whether that History were not written by Inspiration of God? If they Cavil, That Christ is the Word of God; own it, and give the cause why He is called so; namely, because He is the chief Subject which the Word insisteth on; and because He does, as a Word, signifie and manifest the glorious Attributes of God; yea, because, as a Word, is the Off∣spring of the Mind, so our Lord Redeemer is by an Eternal Generation the Son of God. But then turn them, to Jer. 23. 30. I am against the Prophets that steal my Word, every one from his Neighbour. Ask them, whether Christ can be Stolen? Turn them, to Eph. 6. 17. The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Ask them, whether Christ be an Instrument for the Spirit or no? Enquire of them, Whether the

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Devil himself did not own the Bible to be the Word of God, when our Lord made him to Fly, by fetching three Texts out of Deuterono∣my to him? Let them see, That you'l try that Method upon Them; and do you see, whether they will be worse than He.

II. Assert, That we have no Warrant in our Dayes, to look for such Inspirations as were given to the Prophets and Apostles of our Lord, before the Canon of the Scripture was compleated.

Acknowledge, That the Saints in our Days have their special Illuminations from the Holy Spirit of God; and that the Spirit by those Illuminations does help us to understand the Things Revealed in the Scriptures, which o∣therwise cannot be savingly understood; and does further help us to apply the Scriptures un∣to our own Instruction, Direction, Consolation. Yea, acknowledge, that the Holy Spirit of God is the Author of all the Good Works, whereof there are many, (and let them be what they will) in the Hearts of his People. But then tell them, These things, do not amount unto such Inspirations as qualify'd the Writers of the Scriptures for their work. In those Inspirations the Bodily Perceptions, did not use to carry the Objects unto the Rational Faculties, and conclu∣sions were not usually formed in such a way; the Soul was more passive in them; it was not by the Improvements of a sanctify'd Ʋnder∣standing,

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but it was by the Illapses of rapturous Extasies, that these Inspirations were convey'd into the Subjects of them. The Inspirations were not common to all Believers, nor were they Habitual in those few which had them; nor were they Augmented by the Industry and Experience of the Godly. Ask them whether Paul do not evidently make a Difference be∣tween the Illuminations of all good men, and the Inspirations of some, in 1 Cor. 7. 40. After my judgment, and I think also that I have the Spi∣rit of God. He gives his Advice, as a Saint that had the Spirit of God Enllghtning of him as he does other Saints; whereas, if that Advice had been immediately Inspired into him, he did not well to make his own Judg∣ment bear a part with the Infallible Authority of God. See likewise 1 Cor. 12. 39. Are all Prophets? Challenge the Quakers to do any of those Miracles, or to speak any of those Lan∣guages, which many of them that were of old Inspired, could. You need not go to prove, That such Inspirations are so ceas'd, as that they are not ordinarily to be look'd for. Let them, if they can, prove that they be Not Ceas'd. Yet that you may fully silence them, Turn them to 2 Pet. 1. 19. We have a more sure word of Prophesy, whereunto ye do well to take heed, as unto a Light shining in a dark place, until the Day dawn, & the Day-star arise in your Hearts. Look on the Context. Ask them, whether the Prophesy of Scripture be not the

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more sure word, which is there said to be, More sure, than a voice from Heaven, or any Immediate Revelation in our Days? Ask whe∣ther, those that Peter then wrote unto, had not Christ in them, as much as any Quakers now? Or whether it be not said of them in the Be∣ginning of the Epistle, That they had obtain∣ed like precious Faith with the Apostles? and whether these were not now to preferr the Scriptures before a voice from Heaven it self? Tell them, that the word [until] does not always intimate, that afterwards the thing must be [No more] See Mat. 5. 18. But we must Give Heed, unto the Scripture, [That so] the Day-star of Gospel Administrations may arise in our Hearts; and continue thus to do [until] our Lord Christ Himself do come un∣to the Judgment of the World.

III. Assert, That the Will of God Ex∣pressed in the Scripture, is a perfect Rule for the Belief, and Practice, of every Christ∣ian.

Turn them to 2. Tim. 3. 16. 17.

All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God, and is profitable. That The man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Ask them, whether any but a Perfect Rule can do this! Or, whether there be any Good Work which we are not by the Scripture both Directed and Obliged un∣to?

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If they pretend; that they have the Spi∣rit as a Rule to them; tell them, that the Spi∣rit speaks in and by the Scripture. Tell them also, That you'l Try, that Pretence.

Turn them to 1. Joh. 4. 1.

Beloved, Believe not every Spirit, but try the Spi∣rits whether they are of God.

Ask them, what Rule we shall have to Try, the pretences which men make to the Spirit, if the Scripture which the Spirit has given us be not the Rule! And ask them, whether That which is to Try the Spirits, is not the Supreme Judge of all Con∣troversies in Religion.

IV. Assert, That every man is not Enlightned with a Saving Light.

Affirm to them, that the Light which is in every man do's not Effectually make all men to apprehend all Truths necessary to Salvati∣on. Turn them to Deut. 29. 4. The Lord hath not given you eyes to see to this Day. Ask them whether any can have, what God never gave! or what saving Light is in them that can't see? Turn them to Mat. 6. 23. If the Light that is in thee, be Darkness, how great is that Darkness? Ask them whether Darkness be a Saving Light? If the Light in all men, be able to save them, ask them, Why they make further Inspirations to be necessary!

Affirm to them, That the Light which is in every man, does not so much as Objectively Re∣veal,

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all that we must know, if we would be Saved. Ask them, whether the Light which is in our Tawny Pagans, ever did Reveal unto them, That Great Mystery of Godliness, God manifest in the Flesh? Do the Pagans know the Gospel by this Light? Or, has not Paul said in 2 Cor. 4. 3. If our Gospel be hid, it is hid unto them that are lost?

Ask them, what need there was for the Scrip∣ture to be written, if all men had Light enough to discover all Saving Mysteries unto them! press them with the Question, in Rom. 3. 1. What ad∣vantage has the Jew?

In short, If the Heathen had always Light enough to save them, ask them, what Our Lord meant, when he said, in Joh. 4. 22. Salvation is of the Jews! [Who then were the only people, with or from whom the Scriptures were to be had.]

V. Assert, That the Light (or power) in every man, which condemns him after he hath done amiss, is not, THE CHRIST OF GOD.

Grant them, that we have a Light which is a Ray from the Sun of Righteousness, as being the work and gift of our Lord, who was the Creator of Man, and has put a Conscience in∣to him. It is this Conscience, which is, The Candle of the Lord. Yet let them know, That you can distinguish between Causes and Effects. You can distinguish between a Light given by

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Christ, and Christ Himself, who gives the Light. Grant them also, That all the Saints have a most Intimate and wonderful Union with Christ, so that the Spirit of Christ, or Christ by his Spirit, is in them the Hope of Glory. But then let them know, That Christ our Light, is not thus in all men; 'ts a priviledge peculiar to the Saints, who are the Mystical Body of Christ. Maintain against them, That the Light in all men which Rebukes them when they do amiss, is not, The Man Christ Jesus. Ask them, whether the Light within were born of the Virgin Mary? And whether 'twas the Light within which Encountred all the Things mentioned in the Gospel? Dispute after this manner with them; The Christ of God condemns men for all sin. But the Light in many a man does not so. Ask them, whether many a man does not sin, when yet he acts according to his Light? Enquire of them, how we shall know Light within, from Thought within. Quote them Joh. 16. 2. The time cometh, that whosoe∣ver killeth you, will think that he does God Service. Ask them, whether their Light reproved them, when they Thought they did God Service in what they were about? Quote them, Acts 26. 9. I verily Thought with my self that I ought to do many things contrary to the Name of Jesus of Na∣zareth. Ask them, whether that Light which Approved, a man when he did many things a∣gainst Jesus, could be Christ or no? Did Thought within, bear witness against these Dam

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nable Sins? If yet they are obstinate, ask them, whether their Magistrates ever had a Light which directed them to punish a filthy Woman for Exposing her self stark naked be∣fore their own Eyes in a publick Assembly, to prove her Attainment of that Innocency which is without shame? Ask them, if they know of no such thing that has lately happened? Or, whether when the Light has not hindred seve∣ral such Light Hussies, from those unnatural Pranks, in the Light among us, their Light ever taught 'em to bear due Testimonies against them? Once more, They say, All men have this Light within. Pray then, turn them to, Eph. 2. 12. At that Time, ye were without Christ. If they go to perplex you with Joh. 1. 9. That was the True Light, which Lighteth every man, that cometh into the World. Answer them; You own that our Blessed Mediator, doth both Instruct, and Comfort, the Souls of poor Sin∣ners; Tell them, He is the True Light, in op∣position to the Ancient Figures and Shadows, which were but so many Dark Lines of him. Tell them, That even the Light of Reason is a Light, which the Son of God has blessed all Man∣kind withal. It is rather as a Creator than as a Redeemer, that all men Receive Light from Our Lord; and the Context there, do's Marvelous∣ly Suit this Exposition; let the Quakers prove a better if they can. But if it must be under∣stood of Enlightning with Gospel-discoveries, tell them yett, it implies not that every individual

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man, is therewith Enlightned; it means, That all who are Enlightned have their Light from him. Show them Col. 1. 28. We Preach, warning e∣very man, and Teaching every man. Ask them, whether the Apostles ever did so to every In∣dividual Man. Show them Psal. 145. 14. The Lord upholdeth all that fall. Ask them, whether it implies any other, but that all who are up∣held are upheld by God alone. And finally Confess to them, That by [every man] may be meant Jews and Gentiles, without such Li∣mitations as were before the Incarnation of our Lord. Put them upon proving this Ex∣position to be false.

VI. Assert, That God has foreordained, what∣ever eomes to pass.

Turn them to Eph. 1. 11. Who worketh all things after the counsel of His own Will. Ask them, whether any Creature can work without God? or, whether the Counsel of God, be not from Eternity? Turn them to Acts 4. 27, 28. Against thy Holy Child Jesus—they were gathered together, for to do whatever—thy Coun∣sel determined before to be done? Ask them, whether there could be worse things done, than what were against the Holy Child Jesus? and whether even such things as those were not fore-determined by the Counsel of God? Make 'em look into Acts 2. 23. Him being deli∣vered by the Determinate Counsel and Fore-know∣ledge

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of God, ye have taken, and by wicked Hands have Crucify'd. Let them tell you, whether the Treason of Judas was not one of the Things in the Delivering of our Lord Je∣sus into the Hands of them that Crucify'd Him! and whether even This also were not by the Determinate Counsel and Fore-knowledge of the Almighty? And do you tell them, That you do not conceive the Liberty of the Creature to be taken away by the Decree, no, nor by the Influx neither, of the first cause upon all second causes: but that there may be Necessi∣ty, where there is no Coaction or Compulsion; and that we may act most Voluntarily when we act most Necessarily. If they taunt at you, That you render God the Author of Sin; tell them, No; tell them that God may be the Author of an Action done by Man, when Man only is the Author of the Evil in that Action; tell them, That God may Purpose to withold, & He may withold, from men the Grace which He never ow'd them; and no Blame ly upon God, for the Sin which will follow thereupon, and admi∣nister innumerable occasions for His Glory. Ask them, whether God Foreknow all that comes to pass? or see Act. 15. 18. Well, if God have not also Decreed it, then God knows many things but conditionally; and His Know∣ledge is but fallible and uncertain; and then there are some things whereof God is not the Determiner; but the Free-will of man will make the Counsel, and so the very Essence of

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God Himself to depend upon it. Away with such Blasphemies!

VII. Assert, That there is an Eternal Reproba∣tion, as well as Election; and that this Reprobation is Absolute as well as Eternal.

Since there are persons Converted, you prove that these were first Elected, when you Demon∣strate that nothing ever comes to pass, without the Counsel of God. Bid 'em read Act. 13. 48. and then say, whether, there are not some Ordained unto Eternal Life. Ask them whether they never heard from 2. Tim. 2. 19. The Foun∣dation of God stands sure, having this Seal, the Lord knows who are his. And bid them con∣fess whether Election be not that Foundati∣on? See, 2. Thes. 2. 13. And Rom. 8. 30.

If there were an Eternal Election of some, ask them whether it be not pure Non-sense to say, that some were Chosen, and others were not Lest Ʋnchosen? And what else is Reprobation, but a leaving of some Ʋnchosen, or a refusing and rejecting of some from the unchangeable purposes of mercy by Jesus Christ? Ask them, whether God ha's Eternally Chosen all to Salvation? If so, why ha's He not Call'd All, Justify'd 'em, and Glorify'd 'em? Ask them, whether they are not contradicted by Our Lord in Joh. 6. 37. All that the Father giveth me, shall come to me. It is clear then, that God

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ha's not Chosen al. Ask them whether the Rest are not passed by? Do's not the Apostle say, in Rom. 11. 7. The Rest were blinded? see, Rev. 17. 8. Force them to read, Jude. 4. There are certain men, who were before of old Ordained unto this Condemnation. When and How Ordained? Show 'em, That our Sin is the only cause of Damnation. Do not say, That God made men to Damn them. Yet bid 'em consider that in Rom. 9. 17. But show 'em, That the cause of Reprobation is Gods Will. If Sin were the cause of that, ask, why are not all men Reprobates? for all men might come under the consideration of Sinners before the Lord. God will Damn particular persons for their sins; hence He did Eternally Decree to Damn those persons for their Sins. But what was the cause of the Decree? Fetch your Ac∣count of it from Mat. 11. 26. Even so, Father, for so it seemed Good in thy sight. If they now begin to Blaspheme, That then God is partial or cruel; say to them, with the Apostle in this case, in Rom. 9. 20. Nay but, O man, who art thou that Repliest against God? Yet make it ap∣pear, That none are to be hence discouraged from the use of means. Ask them, whether when a Battel is to be fought, God has not certainly Decreed, who shall fall in that Battel; and whether any Souldier should therefore forbear doing his utmost for his own Preservati∣on.

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VIII. Assert, That there is one God in Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.

They will own, There is out one God. Ask them now, whether we don't read in Mat. 28. 19. Of, The Father, and, The Son, and, The Holy Spirit? Show 'em, That the Father is God; because 'tis said, Joh. 17. 3. Thee, the only true God. Show 'em, That the Son is God; because 'tis said, in Rom. 9. 5. Christ who is over all God Blessed for ever. Show 'em, That the Spirit is God; be∣cause tis said, in Act. 5. 3. 4. Why hath Sa∣tan filled thine Heart to Ly unto the Holy Ghost? Thou hast not Lyed unto men, but unto God. Bid them Read, 2. Cor. 13. 13. Tell them, that yet the Father is not the Son; and the Son is not the Spirit; because it cannot be said, That the Son begat the Father, or that the Spirit, sends the Son. And force them to own, That the Father and the Son and the Spirit, are PER∣SONS, because they are Intelligent Subsistences. Point 'em to, Joh. 15. 26. I will send unto you, from the Father the Spirit of Truth. Say to them as Athanasius did unto them which doubted the Trinity; Go to Jordan and thou shalt see it. Make 'em to Read, what was done at Jordan, in Math. 3. 16. 17. and out of that convince 'em. Tho you cannot fully Fathom the Mystery of the Trinity, yet be not Shaken by such a Rope of Sand as Mr. Pen would ham∣per our Doctrine with, when he saies, If each Person be God, and God subsists in three Persons, then in each Person, there are three Persons or Gods,

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and so from three they would encrease to nine, and so in Infinitum. You dont want any help of mine, to show you the Folly and poorness of such a piece of Sophistry. If they Boggle at the word Person, tell 'em what, A Person in the Godhead signifies. It means not, A Distinct Substance, but A Distinct Subsistence; it is, The Divine Essence subsisting in a Relative property. Cause them also to Read Heb. 1. 3. His Son—the Express Image of his Person.—There you see the Father is a Person. Cause them again to Read, 2. Cor. 2. 10. I forgave it in the Person of Christ. There you see the Son is a Person, to be represented. Pilate call'd him, in Math. 27. 24. This Just Person; a Quaker is worse than a Pi∣late, if he will not own as much. And then for the Spirit,—He that can descend from Hea∣ven in a Bodily shape is a Person: but we find Luk. 3. 22. The Holy Ghost descended in a Bodily shape.

IX. Assert, That the Death of the Lord Jesus Christ, was not intended by God, for the Salvation of all Mankind.

Allow, That the price paid by our Lord in His Death, was indeed sufficient for all Man∣kind; and that the Benefit of it is tendered and profered unto all indefinitely, If they will believe: yea, that His Death is the thing that has procured this Tender and Profer for the World. But, yet it was not the secret

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Intent, either of God or Christ, that His Blood should purchase Life Eternal for all the Chil∣dren of Men. Ask of them, whether our Lord by His Death has not bought Faith for them that have it, even the Faith which qua∣lifies them for Benefit by his Death? Is there any Believer, that can dare to say concerning his Faith, The Blood of Christ never bought it for me? Well then, If the Blood of Christ as purchasing Salvation, were intended for all Mankind, was not the Blood of Christ as pur∣chasing the Condition of Salvation so intended? But, how comes it then, that all Mankind have not that Faith which is the Condition of Salvation? They will say, 'tis meerly because the Sinner says, I won't; but what will they say, when they must own, that our Lords Death is to purchase the Sinners being over∣come to say, I will? Ask them further, What the vertue and success of our Lords Death de∣pends upon? Is it wholly left unto the Free∣will of Man? will then be the principal in his own Salvation. Yea, this I say; if the Number of persons Interested in our Lords Death, be not fixed and settled, it were possi∣ble, That no man at all should ever be the better for it! Horrible to be spoken! And Si∣mon Peter were no more beholden to the Me∣rit of our Lord, than Simon Magus was. Ask them, whether they can be so Absurd (though they have as large a Gift at Absurdity as any people in the world) as to think, That God

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in sending his Blessed Son to Dy, had as full a Purpose, that His Death should be Effectual to Save, those who from all Eternity He foreknew never should be saved, as for those whom he certainly foreknew the Salvation of? or, whe∣ther God foreknows not who shall, and who shall not be saved? Finally, Turn them to Joh. 17. 9. I pray not for the world. And ask them, whether our Lord Jesus intended His Death, for them, whom He would not bestow a Prayer upon. The Quakers perhaps may tell you, That Christ Dyes IN all men, and so must needs Dy FOR them all; but you are then drawn to another point. Only before you leave this, Tell them they have done ve∣ry well to acknowledge themselves, The proper Crucifiers of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is one Mr. H. Glover, who has Printed a Pamphlet, wherein he Reviles me, as being more than a Semi-Quaker, because in a Book Enti∣tuled, A Companion for Communicants, I go to prove, That the Lords Supper is not [ex Insti∣tuto,] a Converting Ordinance. The Founda∣tion of that Gentlemans Discourse, is, That Christ has dy's for all men; and the Sacraments are nothing but Seals to the Truth of that Asser∣tion. I desire him now to accept the As∣sertion and Argument of this paragraph, as my Answer to him. As to my being, more than a Semi-Quaker, 'tis the mistake of a Gen∣tleman, that has more than a Sesqui-Arminian in him; and I shall only tell him, That when

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I apply my self to the Quakers for a Commu∣nion with them, I will make use of His Testi∣monial, without whch, I know they will not now Receive me.

X. Assert, That our Justification, is by the Righteousness, or Obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ, Imputed unto us.

To be Justify'd, is to be Absolved from the Curse due for Sin, and Entitled therewithal to Life Eternal. If they ask you, Who Justifies you? Answer, 'Tis God that passes the mer∣ciful Sentence; as we read in Rom. 8. 33. It is God that Justifies. If they ask you, For what you are Justify'd? Answer, For the Obe∣dience which our Lord Jesus rendred unto God, as a Surety and Ransome for us: as we read in Rom. 5. 18. By the Righteousness of One, the Free Gift came upon all men to Justification and Life. If they ask you, By what you actually come within the reach of this Imputation? Answer, 'tis by that Faith, which receives the gracious profer of the Lord Jesus Christ, and relies upon it: as we read in Rom. 10. 10. With the Heart man believeth unto Righteousness. If they ask, In what you may Evidence the Truth of your Faith, so as to demonstrate its being Faith unfeigned? Answer, 'Tis by the Works of a Godly Conversation, which Faith has deriv∣ed strength from the Lord Jesus, for the per∣formance of; as it is written, in Jam. 2. 24.

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You see then, how that by works a man is Justi∣fy'd, and not by Faith only. Let them not baf∣fle you, about this Fundamental Article. We cannot be legally just before God, until we are Owners of a Righteousness that fully satisfies the Demands of his Holy Law. Even Bur∣roughs the great Oracle of the Quakers tells us, God accepts not any, where there is any Fail∣ing; or, who do not fulfil the Law, and answer every demand of Justice. Ask them, whether it be not said in Rom. 4. 6. God Imputeth Righ∣teousness without Works? and let them (if they can!) soberly tell you, what they think of it. If they say, The works of Faith are our Righ∣teousness, ask them, whether they be the Works wrought before we are perfect? or af∣ter? if the Works before, then God will pro∣nouc us Legally Righteous, while we are yet Legally Ʋnrighteous; for our works have not fully answered His Law. If the Works after, then wo o us all; for we shall not come thereto until we Dy. Cite unto them, Gal. 3. 13. Christ hath Fedeemed us, from the Curse of the Law, being made a Curse for us. And ask them, whether our being set free from the Curse of the Law, is not in our being Justi∣fy'd? Cite them before those Texts, in Rom. 5. 9. Being now justify'd bp his Blood, we shall be saved from Wrath thro him; and in Rom. 3. 4. Being Justify'd freely by his Grace, through the Redemption that is in Christ; and in Eph. 12. 6. We have Redemption through His Blood,

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the Forgiveness of our Sins. And make them fall before the force of 2 Cor. 5. 19, 21. and Mat. 26. 28. and Rom. 5. 10. and Phil. 3. 9. with many more. After all, if they answer you, as Edward Burroughs does one that enqui∣red, whether there be any other Righteousness by which the Saints are Justify'd, than what Christ works only in them; Thou Beast (says he) to whom the Plagues of God are due, and upon whom the Wrath of God must be Accom∣plished, who wouldest have another Righteousness, than that which Christ works in the Saints: Don't return such foaming Language to them again; but only say, That you despair of es∣caping the Plagues and Wrath of God, with∣out another Righteousness. If they are so ex∣travagant, as to speak what William Pen writes, It is a great Abomination to say, God should condemn and punish his Innocent Son, that he ha∣ving Satisfy'd for our sins, we might be justi∣fy'd by the Imputation of his perfect Righteous∣ness; Only Reply, That it is a great Abomi∣nation unto you to hear such Abominable Blas∣phemies!

XI. Assert, That a Sinless perfection in this world, is not attainable:

It is true, Godly men are such as, Do no iniquity, and they, Do not Commit Sin. But let 'em understand, that this refers only to a Choice of Sin, and a Course of Iniquity. Let them

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know, you don't plead that Wickedness may live, but you plead that Repentance mayn't dy while we live. Tell 'em, that they do but enflame the most Cursed and Hellish Pride, while they Nourish a vain opinion of Perfection here. Let them know that such as the Scripture some∣times calls the Perfect, are the Sincere, and not the Sinless ones. Show them in, phil. 3. 11. Not as tho I were already perfect. Ask them, whether Paul, who was then an old Believer, and an old Apostle too, were not as perfect as any Quaker, yea, or any Christian, in our Days! Point them, to ver. 15. Let us, as many as be Perfect, be thus minded. Ask them, whether well-grown Saints are not there called Perfect Ones; and yet, whether the most Perfect must yet be thus Minded, as you Read before, Not as tho I were already Perfect. Ask them, whether Holy David did not Cry out, Psal. 143. 2. Enter not into Judgement with thy Servant, for in my sight shall no Flesh Living be Justify'd. Quote 'em-Eccl. 7. 20. There is not a Just man upon Earth, that doth good and sinneth not. And Jam. 3. 2. In many things we offend all. And accept not of Quibbles for Answers to such a plain Conviction. If they will yet make a Pother, Let loose Paul again upon them. Let 'em hear the complaint of Paul, in Rom. 7. 19. The Good that I would, I do not, but the Evil which I would not, that I do. Put 'em to it, whether the Best of them, do not always make the same complaint; if

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they do not, then do you pass that Censure upon them, The Best of them is a Briar. The very Best of them are Stark Naught. Let 'em also hear a Better man than the Best of them, Exclaming, in Rom. 7. 24. O wretched man, that I am, who shall deliver me from this Body of Death! Ask them whether we shall not have a Body of Death in us, till, The Death of our Body? If any of them do pretend a full deli∣verance, from the Wretchedness of that Body, say to them, That they are most Wretched Bo∣dies themselves, and under the Deadly power of that Body still. Enquire of them whether Idle Words, Be not Sins: and Convince them that they have been Guilty of several such in that little while that they have been talking with you. If after all, they will say, They or any of their Friends, Have no Sin in them, knock 'em with that Scripture, in 1. Joh. 1. 8. If we say we have no Sin, we deceive ourselves, and the Truth is not in us. Tell them, That if they will Deceive themselves, they shall not Deceive you; and so have done with them.

XII. Assert, That a Saint of God can not fi∣nally or totally fall away from the Grace of God.

Let them Read (if they can do it) 1 John 3. 9. Whosoever is born of God, His Seed re∣maineth in him. Ask them, whether the Seed of God, be not the Grace of God, Received

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in Regeneration? If this can be utterly lost, ask them, How it Remaineth? Ask them, whe∣ther those that are Converted, are not also Justify'd? Let them know, That you think, They are; because Paul thought so, in Rom. 3. 30. whom be called, them He also justified. But then let them tell you, whether they that are once pardoned, are not ever so? or, turn them to Jer. 31. 34. I will forgive their Ini∣quity, and remember their sin no more. But, if once men fall into an Ʋnconverted, they must then fall into an Ʋnjustify'd State again. If you have leisure for it, make them feel the force of such Texts, as that, in John 10. 28. Neither shall any pluck them out of my Hand. Ask them, whether they that are pluck'd out of a state of Grace, are not pluck'd out of our Lords Hand? And that in 1 Joh. 2. 19. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us. Ask them, whether it be not now past all doubt that none who really are among the Renewed, and Gracious Peo∣ple of God, can wholly go out from that Number? Recommend unto their Considera∣tion, the precious, Heart-melting, Mediatory Prayer of our Lord Jesus, in Joh. 17. 16, 20, 24. I pray that, thou shouldest keep them from the Evil; I pray for them that shall believe on me; Father I will that they also, whom thou hust given me, be with me, where I am, that they may behold my Glory. Ask them, whether

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all Saints were not concerned in this Prayer; and whether this Prayer will not preserve them and their Grace from being Lost for e∣ver? See Luk. 22. 32. Finally, Ask them, from 1 Pet. 1. 5. Whether the Saints are not, Kept by the mighty power of God, thro Faith un∣to Salvation? If they object, That Peter or David fell so as to become utterly Ʋnsancti∣fy'd; never grant them That. Affirm, That the sudden prevalency of the Flesh in David, or Peter, did not so Biass their Hearts, as that hereupon they Habitually preferred the Crea∣ture above God; nor did they become Habi∣tual Unbelievers, As for David, he still went on in the ordinary course of Religion and if he had been, with Deliberation put up∣on it, he would still have chosen God before the world. As for Peter, we are sure, His Faith failed not, in the swoon of his perfidy. If they bring Instances of Apostacy, tell them they bring but so many Instances of Hypocrisy. And if at last, they Bark, That the Doctrine of Perseverance is an Enemy to Holiness, give 'em to see, That men are for that, under ne∣ver the less Obligation, but under the more En∣couragement, to work out their own Salvation. Show 'em that passage in Act. 27. 24, 31. Lo, God has given thee all them that Sail with thee; Paul said to the Centurion, and to the Souldiers, except these abide in the Ship, ye cannot be saved. Own also to them, That tho a Saint may fall into very scandalous Evils, yet those Evils will

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Eclipse his Evidences; nor can a man have the credit or comfort of a Saint until such Evils be Repented of.. In fine, if they pro∣duce from Heb. 6. 4, 5, 6. High Attainments that may be fallen from; then from verse 9. prove, That these High Attainments are none of the Better Things, which Accompany Salvae∣tion.

XIII. Assert, That Baptism with Water, is an Ordinance of our Lord Jesus Christ.

When once the Quakers have Bitten any, they are presently taken with an Hydrophobie, so that they are marvellously afraid of the Wa∣ter which our Lord would have us to be Bap∣tised with. But ask them, What Baptism, our Lord meant, when He gave that Order, in Mat. 28. 19. Go teach all Nations, Baptising them? His Order is for our Duty; 'tis not our Duty to Baptise men spiritually, although it be our Desire; only God can give the Spi∣rit; and it is not our Sin if our Hearers re∣main Unconverted still. Is it not an External Teaching which our Lord has given us His Or∣der for? And why not an External Baptism too? Ask them, whether Paul would have thanked God, in 1 Cor. 1. 14. that he Baptised so few, if Spiritual Baptism had been his work. Ask them, whether all that the Apostles Bap∣tised, were certainly and inwardly Sanctify'd? Remember them, that Simon Magus was one

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of them; and is he a Saint among the Qua∣kers? if Spiritual Baptism is all that we are to look after, then every Believer is already Bap∣tised. And if so, what is the further Baptism which Believers are to be made partakers of? Consult Mark 26. 16. Act. 50. 48. Act. 18 8. Ask them, whether the Apostles did not Bap∣tise with Water. Prove that they did, from Act. 8. 38. They both went down into the water, and he baptised him; and from Act. 10. 47. Can any man forbid water, that these should not be Baptised. And is not their practice a sufficient Intimation of our Lords Precept, for Water-bap∣tism? See what they can say to this? Indeed some of the Quakers have answered unto it, The Apostles knew not the mind of Christ. But if any of your Assailants be so abominably In∣solent, then tell them, That you'I prefer the Judgment of One Apostle, before the Arrogant Opinion of ten thousand Quakers; and so have done with them. Do not, like the Witches, Renounce your Baptism, for any of their per∣swasions.

If, to be further Troublesome, they Enquire, Wherefore you Baptise Infants? Tell them, that our Lord alwayes had in the World, a Catho∣lick Church, which is the Mystical Body of Christ; and that a Visible Saintship renders persons the Visible Members of this Church. Tell them, that in the Days of the Old Testa∣ment, the Infants of Believers were visible Members of the Church Catholick; and that

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you will reckon the Infants of Believers to have the like priviledge in the Dayes of the New Testament until the Anabaptists can find where our Lord Jesus has expresly cut them off; and that you cannot imagine the Lord has now deprived the Infants of the Godly; of a priviledge which they had from the Beginning: for, either He must have done it, in Anger, or in Kindness; not in Arger, because God has no new Controversy with our infants; not in Kindness, because 'tis a mercy unto our Infants to sustain this Rela∣tion. And then tell them, That all Members of the Church are to be Baptised. Moreover, Tell them, That holy Persons are to be Bapti∣sed: now, 'tis said, about the Children of Believers, in 1 Cor. 7. 14. They are holy. Fi∣nally, Tell them, They that belong to the Kingdom of Heaven, are to be Baptised; now 'tis said, about the Children of Believers, in Mat. 19. 4. Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. And show them from Act. 15. 10. how our Lord graciously reckons our Children, his own Disciples; now shall not his Disciples be Bap∣tised?

XIV. Assert, That our usage of Bread and Wine, in the Sacrament of the Holy Supper is an Appointment of our blessed Saviour.

The Quakers do a worse thing, than pul∣ling the Bread out of our Mouths, when they

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go to make us forego the Sacrament of the Supper; and whereas 'tis justly stigmatized as a wicked Sacriledge for the Papists to cheat the common people of the Wine in that Ordi∣nance, when our Lord foreseeing it, expresly forewarned it, saying, All of you drink you of it: it is a more Diabolical Sacriledge that these Robbers are to be charged with. Confute them, from 1 Cor. 11. 23, 24. I have Receiv∣ed of the Lord, that which also I Delivered un∣to you: This Do. Ask them, whether our Supper of the Lord, were not a Command of the Lord? Is not a sacred use of Bread and Wine in Church-Assemblies pressed by the Apostle, as Enjoyned by the Lord Jesus? Will they now tell you, That it is an Ordinance only for weak Believers? Then say, That you are one of Them, and will accordingly observe it, though a Crew of Dead Hereticks, will have no Communion with it. And yet also say, That many of the Corinthians, to whom this Order was given (as well as to us) were Enriched in all Knowledge, and were Justified, Sanctified, Washed, and were united unto Christ, and were as able to see through Shadows as a∣ny of the Quakers: nor when Adam was perfect in Paradise, was he too high to use a Seal of Gods Covenant. And say, That E∣vangelical Shadows of our Lords own Instituti∣on, are not Repeal'd, not useless; and that he that shall Despise them, can expect not a Spiritual Appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ,

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but his being Revealed from heaven in flaming fire to take vengeance on them. Turn them to 1 Cor. 11. 26. A oft as you eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye shew forth the Lords Death till he come.

To this their, printed Answer is, We do not Read of another coming in the Flesh, yet to be Expected. What, man▪ And not, in his Glo∣rified Flesh? Did not Job say, In my Flesh I shall see God, He shall stand at the Latter Day upon the Earth! And yet did not Paul say, The Saviour will come from Heaven, to make our Vile Bodies like his Glorious Body! Jobs Body then will be Flesh, and so will Christs.

Reply upon them, That the whole New-Testament assures you, of nothing more than of what the Angels Expressed, when they said, This same Jesus which is taken up from you, into Heaven, shall so come in like manner, as ye have seen him go into Heaven. If they do not look to see our Lord shortly coming in like man∣ner, or, in his Glorious yet Visible Humanitie, tell them, They are the Scoffers of the Last Days walking after their own Lusts. But show, That when t'was said, This, Do till our Lord come, it cannot mean the Spiritual coming of our Lord: for so He was already come to the Corinthians. They were already converted, and Joined unto the Lord. They were Christians, and the Qua∣kers dare not say, That Christ was not come in them. If they go on to call your Holy Fellowship, in this Mystery, as Parnel dos, A

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Feeding upon the Husk, tell them, they are Swine for saying so. And if they declare as Keith do's, that their Ordinary Meals are a Celebra∣tion of this Institution, tell them, That men who pretend every Collation they have at a Loose Tavern to be as Divine a thing as what we have at the Lords Table, are as profane as the Creatures who do not eat of the Childrens Bread.

XV. Assert, That the Bodies which we lay down at our Death, must Rise again, at the end of the world.

When the Quakers come to you. with such Explications of the Resurrection, as their Nai∣lor gives, when he saies,

The Heart is set free from Corruption, and made able to e∣scape the Pollutions of the world, and to run the Pure Wayes with Delght; which is the Glorious Liberty of the sons of God, the Resurrection from the Dead;

Or when the Quakers talk as they do in their Catechism,

A man hath no Will, nor Wisdom, nor Reason left in him, But all Baptized down into the sufferings of Christ,—and there the power Kills him, and gives him Life again; and so man lays down his own life, and takes up Life in Christ, in which Life he comes to be Raised in the Resurrection of Christ.

If you press them to tell plainly what Body tis' that is to rise again? they will probably say as they use to do, Thou art one of

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the Fools that Paul speaks of. But you may safely tell them, That they are some of the Knaves that Paul speaks of; In 2. Tim. 2. 18. Who concerning the Faith, have erred, saying, The Re∣surrection is past already; and overthrow the Faith of some. And let them know, That your Faith shall not be thus overthrown.

The Quakers will say, They own the Resur∣rection of the Dead; but be not ready to trust them: for they use to come off with Allego∣rical Evasions, and some of their greatest Heads, have, as Mr. Faldo says, confessed,

That they did not believe their Body should Rise again after Death.

Consute them from the fifteenth Chapter to the Corinthians. If they object, Flesh and Blood cannot Inherit the King∣dom of God; Reply, 'Tis meant of Corrupti∣ble flesh and blood. But say, That in the Re∣surrection, God will fetch a fitting portion of our Dust out of the various matter which it has been dissolv'd and dispers'd into, and make it become Incorruptible. Say, That they may believe a Surrection, but they deny a Re∣surrection, unless they look to have again, A Body, that shall be substantially the same, with what we have now, though wonderfully al∣tered for qualities and accidents. If they object, As the Beast dieth, so dieth man, tell them, a Beast must not be disputed with, and so bid them Farewell. One Turner a Quaker, (as Mr. Hicks has quoted him) Raves at this rate, If the Bodies of men Rise again,

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then there is a preheminence in the Bodies of men, above the Bodies of Beasts; which is to give So∣lomon the Lie. Who but men Turned into Bruits would argue thus? pray, take heed, Neighbours; they have got a Lycanthro∣py upon them.

XVI. Assert, That the First Day of the Week is by Divine Order, to be kept as an Holy Sab∣bath to the Lord.

You may easily prove, That the most High God, at the Creation, did set apart, a Se∣venth Day of Time, to be kept Holy unto Him∣self. You may prove it, from Gen. 2. 3. God Blessed the Seventh Day, and Sanctified it. How did God Sanctifie such a Day, but by Appoint∣ing that it should be Kept Holy? The words will bear no other sense. Nor is it a tolera∣ble Interpretation, to say, That God Sanctify'd such a Day, by only determining, that the little people of the Jews, between two and three thousand years afterward, should Cele∣brate it. Yea. you may prove, out of Mat. 24. 20, That our Lord Jesus Christ Recom∣mended the Observation of a Sabbath unto his Disciples; a Sabbath to be kept, after the Abrogation of the Mosaic Law, and after his own Ascension into Glory. Having proved this; then go on to prove, That the First Day of the Week, on which our Lord Rested from the work of Redemption by Him on Earth

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Engaged in, is by the Divine Appointment become the Christian Sabbath. Our Lord ly∣ing in his Grave, all the last day of the week, the Sabbath of that day was buried with him. You may prove, out of Rev. 1. 10. That there was in the Apostles Days, a particular Day, well known by the Name of The Lords Day. All Antiquity demonstrates, That this was, The First Day of the Week. Now, it could not be called, by way of Eminency, The Lords Day, if it had not been Holy to the Lord. Compare Psal. 118. 24. It was the Day of our Lords Resurrection; it seems the Day of his Ascension too; and this was indeed the Day, which our Lord still chose to grant spe∣cial Communion unto his Disciples on.

Yea, you may prove out of 1 Cor. 16. 12. that we have an Apostolical Command for Sanc∣tifying the First Day of the Week as our Sab∣bath. Why did the Apostle require Collecti∣ons for the Saints, to be on the First Day of the Week? No Reason can be given for it, if this were not the Christian Sabbath. Had the Day been Indifferent, the Apostle would not have bidden us to have esteemed it above other Days. You may also prove, out of Act. 20. 7. That we have an Apostolical Pattern, for so Sanctifying the First Day of the Week: Paul and the Disciples with him, either kept the Seventh Day, or the First Day as a Sabbath; but we find the First Day and that only, at∣tended by them for Sabbath-Duties. Finally,

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you may prove out of Ezek. 43. 27. that the Eighth Day, or the Day after the Seventh, was of old Prophesied to become the Christian Sab∣bath. 'Twas Typify'd by the Solemnity on the Eighth Day of the Feast of Tabernacles. If none of these things will satisfie them, give a Rest, unto the Disputation.

XVII. Thus have I been helping of you, to Assert many Truths of God; you shall now give me leave to Assert one more before we part. I see cause to Assert, That the Faithful Men, which receive and atttnd the care of your Souls, with a solemn separation thereunto, are to be treated no otherwise than as the Ministers of God among you. If any of them do prove scandalously and incurably Ʋnfaithful, it should be the Endeavour of their Neighbours, that they may be removed from their Ministry. Yea, blessed be God, the Hunter of Souls ne∣ver sticks the Dart of any gross miscarriage, into the side of any one poor Hart among us, but the whole Flock soon pushes him out of their company. And yet if a Minister become an Apostate, you must not then have your minds Royled with an Imagination, That all the Ministerial Acts of that man while he was yet a secret stranger to the Grace of God, were null, & void; that the Sacraments whereof this man was the Dispenser, were all invalid; or that the Conversions, whereof this man was the Instrument, where all In∣Insincere.

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The Souls of Believers must be distress'd with Eternal Entanglements, if the Truth of either Sacraments or Conversions de∣pended on true Piety in the Heart of the Mi∣nister; and to rescue the Hearts of Christians from such Distresses, is the Design of our De∣claring, How far Piety is Essential to a true Minister. It is this Necessary Provision for the Everlasting Peace of Renewed Souls, (which never can be safe, if it must wholly depend upon Grace in the Heart of a Minister, that may afterwards prove to be without Grace) It is this, I say, that makes the most Infa∣mous of Lyars even George Keith, to Print this Exclamation,

It is no wonder that New-England abounds with such Impious Ministers!

But let me freely say it, It is a Wonder of Divine Patience, that the Earth can bear such an Impious Lyar on it. If some of our Ministers had none of the cleanest Garments on, yet our Blessed Lord would now say to this Keith, The Lord Rebuke thee, O Sa∣tan. But indeed, there is not that spot of Ground upon the face of Gods Earth, which can proportionably match New-England for Ministers that not only have and use all true Piety, but also are most Exemplary for it. No man becomes a Minister in our Churches, till he first be a Communicant; and no man becomes a Communicant, until he have been severely Examined about his Regeneration as well as his Conversation. If any Minister do

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misbehave himself, he soon hears of it, and becomes either a Penitent or a Deposed Man. Let this wicked Shimei, find so much as one Ungodly Man, allow'd as a Minister, in any one of our Churches! or let him find but one that shall be half so bad as himself, and I'le ac∣knowledge him to be Better than ever I could yet acknowledge him: Whereas I now do but reckon him, An Eminent Servant unto the ac∣cuser of Bretheren. In the mean time, I hope the young Scholars at the Colledge, will be so studious of an Ʋnblemished youth, as that the Quakers afterwards Charging our Ministers with Impiety, may not be able to find so much as Old Follies of youth to twit them with.

No, Neighbours, you are Blessed with Mi∣nisters that excel in piety; and you are very unjust if you do not Support and Honour them. As for the Quakers you may prove, even out of their own words, that there are, No true Ministers among them at all. George Fox in his Mystery, denies any to be true Minist∣ers, but those that Can Witness an Immediate Call from God. As for us our call is mediate; we know our Call from God, by the Call of his Church, which He Qualifies and Enables us for the Answering of. The Apostles being Extra∣ordinary Officers had their call, Not of men Or by man; We that are Ordinary Officers, have our Call By men tho not of men. The Qua∣kers pretend, An Immediate Apostolical Call, and as tis added they must have No Dwelling

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place; Now try these False Apostles: Put 'em to Prove their Call: If they say, That They do know it in themselves, ask 'em. How You shall know it; and until they can give such a proof of their Call, as the Apostles did, you must say to them, Out of thine own mouth, thou wicked Servant, Thou art no true Minister of Jesus Christ! If this will not muzzle these De∣stroyers of our vines, fetch another passage from Fox, in his Mystery. Saies he, How can ye be Ministers of the Spirit, and not of the Letter if ye be not Infallible! Now if among all the Quakers there were to be found, An Infallible man, that should be the man for my money; I would part with all the little I have in the world, for one Days talk with such a man; But until then, you are, it seems, by their own allow∣ance, to care no more for them than for the Pope of Rome: If any of them will be talking, presently try their Infallibilitie; and if they don't (which you may stay long enough till they do) prove that, you may tell them, They are at the best but Ministers of the Letter! and yet even so much is a Concession too much, for such Ʋnlettered holders-forth, as the most among them.

You may also give them to understond, that as None of their Speakers are True Ministers, thus you can give some very particular Grounds (and good Masculine ones too) why their Women, who Speak so much at their Meetings, may not be look'd upon as Ministers. If you

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put 'em in mind of the Apostles Canon, In r. Cor. 14. 34. 35. Let your Women keep silence in your Churches,—for it is a shame for Women to speak in the Church; They will very Learn∣edly Indoctrinate your Plumbeous Cerebrosities with telling you; That the Woman is the Flesh, and that the Flesh has an Husband which is the Divel; if then you demand, whether the Flesh is to ask the Devil, that he would instruct her in the principles of Religion, they'l be in a rage to find themselves entangled. But I am confident, he would teach her just as Keith do's his proselytes. In the mean time their Patriarch Fox has got this further prodigious answer for you? The man may speak, even Christ in the Male, and in the Female. But you may do well to tell 'em, That it is only for silly Women, led Captive by Knavish Foxes, and laden with sins, to be satisfied with such an Answer. Query, Whether we should not have as many Pope Joans in every Town, among the Quakers, as there are Au∣thors (and there are above threescore Popish Ones) that have handed us down the Story of the Old One; if, this would serve. Tell 'em also, That the only Excuse they can have is, That they have no true Churches, nor a∣ny thing but meer Herdings among them; and for that among other causes,

Come not into their Secret, O my Soul; unto their Assembly, mine Honour, be not thou united!

It is possible, that some of you, or yours

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may be Enticed unto their Meetings by an Itch after the New Things to be there met withal: but if I might advise you, have a care how you go among them; for having the Itch already, you'l not escape a more dir∣ty and spreading Scab among such a Drove.You had better say like them in Neh. 10. 39. We will not forsake the House of our God. 'Tis commonly pleaded, That we are to Try all things; but this implies not that we are to Hear all men. The Synagogues of Satan are not to be visited by unsettled and unstable people, upon such a Notion: Will you put your hand into the Fire, to try whether the fire be hot! No, I have already told you, what is at their Meetings. If after all you will be of the Gadding Tribe, and will venture in, it were just that God should per∣mit the Divel there to take possession of your Hearts: the Divel may Pretend, as he did when he siez'd a Woman at a stage play, That he finds you on his own ground? so that I cannot for bear calling upon you, in the words of Moses,

Depart, I pray you from the Tents of these wicked men, Left ye be consumed in all their sins.

In the mean time, you have Reason to be Thankful, for such Holy, Humble, Able, Pain ful, & prayerful Minnisters as God has generally blessed these Churches with: and I exhort you, as you would approve yourselves worthy to wear the Name that was begun at Antioch,

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that you do not forget that Command of our Lord, in Heb. 13. 17. Obey them that have the Rule over you, and submit your selves; for they watch for your Souls. They gladly spend their Time, their Strength, and their All, to Serve you, in your best Interests; and all the Dis∣couragements you give unto them, the Glori∣ous Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven says, Ye did it unto me! See Mat. 10. 40. and Luk. 10. 16. The more that the Quakers call them as William, Pen has taught them, A cursed Stock of Hire∣lings, the more cause have you to countenance them; and if they must be Dogs, yet the Sheep are Fools if they part with them, be∣cause the Wolves call them so. To Preach for Hire, is a vile thing; but for you to give Hire unto them that Preach, for what they do, is but just; Has not our Lord said, in Luk. 10. 7. The Labourer is worthy of his Hire? Does now Paul say, in 2 Cor. 11. 8. I took wages? It is no easy Employment, which they have Devo∣ted themselves unto; But most of them can say with him, I profess, were it not for the Be∣lief of the Greatness and Necessity and Excellen∣cy of the Truths I am to Preach, and for the will of God, and the good of Souls, I would be a Plow-man, rather than a Minister. If they are Faithful, they deserve more than ever yet you did for them. Had they been brought up to another Calling, or would they yet apply them∣selves to a meaner Trade, they might Live as wll as any of you. You owe them a Living,

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while they are in their Warfare for you; and yet you see, none of them do Sue or Strain, for any of the Dues which may be unjustly detained from them; the voluntary Agreements and Disbursem*nts of their Parishes is all that they hitherto subsist upon. If they are pru∣dently concerned about their Subsistence, 'tis because they have Read that word, in 1 Tim. 5. 8. If any provide not for his own, he is worse than an Infidel. And the Quakers are worse than Infidels, when they clamour against a com∣fortable Provision for the Ministry: the worst of Infidels do honourably maintain those that are set apart for the supposed Service of their Souls. Do not think that your Ministers are more Burdens than Blessings among you. No man that contributes Liberally towards the Maintainance of the Ministry, finds himself at the years end, a penny the poorer for it; but a secret Influence of Heaven prospers the Affairs of such a man: while they that go to withhold more than is meet, prove but Penny wise, and Pound foolish, at the last. Some lit∣tle Towns in this Country, that have been at the most considerable Expences for their Mi∣nistry, are upon observation, the most Thri∣ving Towns in the Country; and the Israelites were but Enriched upon it, when the Tribe of Levi, which was not a fortieth part of the peo∣ple, had as much Maintainance as Three of the Twelve Tribes beside. Pray consult, Mal. 3. 9, 10. Ye are cursed with a Curse, for ye have Rob∣bed

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me. Let there be Meat in my House, and prove me now herewith, if I do not pour them out a Blessing. The Ministers of the New Testa∣ment, are as worthy Men, as those under the Old; and yet if they might have a quarter part of what the Levites had, it would help them to attend upon their work, without such Di∣straction in them, as is now too often unprofita∣ble to their Hearers. But if Moses took such care for his Ministers, may we think that Jesus (the Son over His House) takes no care at all for His? The Holy God will blast the Spirit, as well as the Estate of that man, who shall not confess that a Portion of his Estate, more peculiarly belongs unto the Lord; indeed, our Lord Jesus Christ, who is a Priest after the Order of Melchisedeck, may well challenge those which Abraham own'd as the Rights of Mel∣chisedeck; now, let the Ministers of our Lord Jesus, receive but Half of those Rents, and it will more than satisfie them; yea, 'twill be upon Experience found, That the Souls of them that are most Liberal this way, are for Grace and Joy the Fattest, in the Congregati∣on; God makes His Word most useful to them that most Encourage it. But if after all, you will think, that the Families of Mini∣sters who wast their Lives for your Souls, must not have Bread enough to keep Life and Soul together in them, or if those grievous Wolves that Lead the Modern Hereticks, must have a Muzzle chapt upon the Oxen which Tread out

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the Corn; pray, contrive some honest way to get those Texts out of the Bible; 1. Cor. 9. 14. Even so has the Lord Ordained, That they which Preach the Gospel, should Live of the Gos∣pel; and Gal. 6. 6. Let him that is Taught in the Word, communicate unto him that Teacheth, in all Good Things; which give us as good a Title to our Livings, as any of you have to yours.

Thus have I briefly setch'd from the Pano∣ply of God, some of those Weapons, which you may keep off the Quakers with. But when you have beaten them, every other way, they will fall to Railing at the Country, for putting three or four Quakers to Death, be∣tween thirty and forty years ago. Now for That, after you have Disclaimed all Inclinati∣on to Persecution, you need only Quote three Things unto them. First, Quote 'em the Laws which were then acted upon. The Ger∣neral Court therein expresly Recognize,

That no Humane power is Lord over the Faith and Consciences of men;

but the Quarrel against the Quakers of those Days, they De∣clare to be

Their Speaking and Writing Blasphemous Opinions; Despising of Govern∣ment, and the Order of God, in Church and Common-wealth: and seeking to gain Pro∣selytes unto their pernicious ways; and their Impetuous Attempts to undermine our peace.

Ask of them, whether one William Harris a∣mong the Quakers, did not publish Writings

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against all Earthly Powers, Parliaments, Laws, Charters, Magistrates, Princes, &c. Now this was the Spirit of the Quaker's which then suffered: and in my opinion the Quakers do not wisely now to profess themselves of that party. The Government was then in its Insan∣cy, and finding that so little a thing as A stray Swine, was then able to shake it, it was no wonder, if it saw cause to make severe Laws against the Assaults and Inroads of those more dangerous Beasts, which would certainly have broke up the plantation, if they had not been some way Restrained. The Jesuites never Undermined Old England more than the Qua∣kers did New, in that Critical Time; nor were Blasphemies ever so notorious, as theirs, when they would ordinarily say to our people, We deny thy Christ! We Deny thy God, which thou callest, Father, Son, and Spirit: Thy Bi∣ble is the Word of the Devil, &c. Now, ask, whether the Laws of England against both Je∣saites and Blasphemies, are not far more severe than any that ever were among us, against the Quakers? Next quote 'em a passage in a Vindication of New-England from a certain Lying Address lately Printed; where 'tis said,

Of late, none has troubled the Quakers. These Laws were but begun to be Executed, before the New-Englanders grew sensible of their Error in making them; and of them∣selves, by disuse they dy'd away, long be∣fore their Charters were disturbed. The

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very Quakers themselves, would say, That if they had got into a corner of the world, and with an Immense Charge had made a Wilderness Habitable, on purpose there to be Undisturbed, in the Exercise of their Worship, they would never bear, to have New-England men come among them, and interrupt that Worship, and endeavour to seduce their Children from it; yea, and Repeat such Endeavours, after mild Entrea∣ties first, and then just Banishments, to be gone. You must note, They had liberty to be gone,

once and again given them, after they were in the Briars; but they chose what they had. They had the phrensy of the old Circumcellions, with worse Doctrine and Error in them.

Lastly, Quote 'em the words of a manuscript which was written on that, and shall be pro∣duced on this, Occasion. They are These,

There is no man that is justly possessed of House or Land, but He would Count it Unreasonably Injurious, that another who, Ha's no Authority [and one likewise that had The Plague upon him, whereby his Own Children and Servants mght be Infected] Should Intrude into his House, without his Consent: yea, and when the Owner doth Expresly Forbid the same, If such an One should presume to enter into Another Mans Habitation, He might justly be impleded As a Thief: and if in case of such Violent En∣try,

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the Owner should Se-defndendo, Slay the Assailant, his Blood would be upon his own Head. May not the like be granted unto the Keepers and Guardians of the Common-wealth?

Note, That the Rulers of this Country would have been glad of any Expedient where∣by to have kept these Quakers, in those Coun∣trys whence they came and whither they had bin once or twice remanded. If after all, they will still Clamour; tell them, That New-En∣gland has Renounced whatever Laws are against a Just Liberty of Conscience. And also tell them, That you are shy of their stories; because because one of theirs, namely George Bishop [another George! The Fable of Georges Fight∣ing with Dragons, must give way to a real sto∣ry of Georges turned into Dragons, if this trade continue; and so many Keiths, Whiteheads, Fox∣es, Bishops▪ and the like appear among us. I say, George Bishop] relates in Print the Names of Two Quaker Women here that came stark naked into our Assemblies; and he complains of the New-England Persecution Because those Women [Baggages, that they were!] suffered Whipping by the Officers of New-E∣gland for it. Ask 'em whether this be the perse∣cution they complain of?

But it is now Time to have done with them. Unless they have one Declaration more to vex you; and that is for THEE and THOU, to bee used in all our Language to a

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Single Person. For this, you may tell them, what few of themselves ever knew about it. You may tell them, That it was the Gene∣ral Custome of the old Pagans as well as of the Old Christians ordinarily [Tutoyer, as the French have it, that is,] to THOU, and THEE, a single person. But that when the Common-wealth of Rome was turned into a Kingdom and an Empire, and the power of many came into one mans Hand, it grew com∣mon to treat Persons of Quality in the plural Number with YOU; and so by degrees its descended unto all particular Men. You may tell them, That Custome is the Master of Speech; and THOU in our Dis∣course is upon the Matter as Indecent as, YOU has been in the Prayer of some that have used it: and you want them, to show an Instituti∣on, for joining a Nominative Case of the Se∣cond person to a Verb of the Third, which is usual with them, when they say, Thou writes, thou Hears, and the like: Let them find you a Scripture for it. If they quarrel you, about The Hat, you may shew them, that the Saints throughout all Ages, deny'd not the Ceremo∣nies of Civility to their Neighbours; but the best thing that can be done with such Imper∣tinencies, is, To throw our Caps at them.

And now manum de Tabula.—I shall now break off; and there is a passage in the Qua∣kers Catechism, which at last obliges me there∣unto; pag. 94. Let none Reason about us, for

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there [that is, in REASON] they can never know us, nor come unto us. You see that if e∣ver you come unto them, you must have No Reason for it; and it is very true: You see also, that No Reason can find them out, and therefore 'tis in vain to meddle any further with them. When I first look'd upon Qua∣kerism, I may say, Fatuitas Dogmatum me red∣didit securum, I thought no Fishes but silly Shrimps or Pouts could be taken with it; but alas, 'tis not every Town in these Colonies, that has the priviledge of Ipswich, where Quakers that creep into many other places, find the Soyl as disagreeable to them, as the Serpents do in Ireland; I now see so many swallow the Hook, that some Labours and Warnings for your preservation are loudly called for. And I have this to say of it; It is among the Abominable Idolatries committed by the Quakers, that their Apostle Fox in his Great Mystery, lashes out into such words as these (as Mr. Faldo cites them) Thou makes a great pudder, that any should witness, He is equal with God; Is not the Soul without Begin∣ginning? it is Infinite in it self, a part of God. As this one thing is enough to show the wick∣edness of Quakerism; so the prevailing of Qua∣kerism is enough to confute the Thing; Souls that can digest Quakerism sure have little of God in them: they serve but as the Salt of the Flesh they live in; and have nothing, Infi∣nite, but their madness. But I beseech you

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then, to Beware of Quakers and of Quake∣rism. I entreat you to take heed, in the first place, of their Heresies; and then of their Practises; especially the horrible want of Houshold Piety, which they are noted for. I request you, therefore to profit under the means of Grace, and receive the Truth in the Love of it, that you may not be judicially gi∣ven up to their strong Delusions. I Address you, in the words of John, 1 Ep. 3. 18, 26. Little Children, There are many Antichrists, whereby we know that it is the the Last Time. These things have I written unto you, concerning them that Seduce you. And in the words of Paul, 2 Tim. 3. 13, 14. Evil Men and Sedu∣cers shall wax worse and worse; Deceiving and being Deceived. But continue thou in the Things, which thou hast Learned and been Assured of. If ever you would see the Spirit of Antichrist, and of Deceiving, you may see it in the Spi∣rit of Quakerism. For my own part, I expect a world of Malice and Railing from that Spi∣rit which I have thus been Detecting of. When I was preparing one of my Little Books for the Press, a Devil from the mouth of a pos∣sessed person threatned me with much Dis∣grace for what I was about; whereupon im∣mediately, George Keith Printed a Ridiculous Pamphlet, on purpose to Revile That very Book. But I have now more cause than ever, to look for all sorts of Calumnies from George Keith and his Associates; especially, if Mr.

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Cheiney have given them their true portrai∣ture, when he says,

For Pride and Hypocri∣sy, and Hellish Reviling against the painful Ministers of Christ, I know no people can match them;

and if they should use the way, Mr. Hicks in his Dialogue mentions, when he says, (and offers to prove it)

One of your Friends, meeting with a person that had writ against you, tells him, That if he did write any more against them, they would Print a∣ny thing against him, that any person would Report, be it what it would.

If the Qua∣kers want any Assistance for the good work of adding to my Crown by their manifold Calum∣nies, Let 'em call in all the Adversaries of New-England for their help; they'l all be so charitable as to give it. And if Massachuset will not afford enough, let them Travel to Connecticut, where they will doubtless find some Orlando Furioso that will count it worth his while to Syringe one Pamphlet after another, that they may prove me an Impudent Youth. I have now run the venture of such a Perse∣cution; and I shall not sweel away my short Life in endless Replies unto those that resolve like the Scold, They will have the last word; but every stone they throw at me, I will take and wear as a Pearl bestowed by my Glorious Master, the Lord Jesus Christs, upon me; and if I may rescue any one poor Soul from the Snares of Death, I shall count my self abun∣dantly recompensed for all that these can ex∣pose

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me to. As Jerom could say, Gratias ago Deo, quod Dignus sum, quem mundus oderit: So I can truly say it, I bless God I have the Ho∣nour to be by the Quakers buffered and spit upon.

In sum, I have made these observations, up∣on the Quakerism, with which you have now seen me Combating. I have observ'd, First, That places which have more Eminently Sin∣ned against the Light of the Gospel, are by the just Revenges of God, most Smitten with that Spiritual Plague of Quakerism, which with a pretence of Light Leads men into Perdition, as far as any Fools Fires can decoy them. I have observ'd Next, That whereas tis the Ten∣dency and Character of every Truth, to, Abase the Creature; the main design of Quakerism is to Advance and Exalt man; and to find that in man himself, which may be instead of Savi∣our, Scripture, Heaven, Righteousness, Ordinances, and all unto him. I have Observed, Thirdly, That Quakerism ha's been a cunning Engine of Trade, which will shortly fail; and as that fails, the whole Irreligion will go out of the World; Upon which it may be probably fore∣told, That the Days of prevailing Quakerism may be Threescore Years and Ten; and if by rea∣son of mens weakness, They be Fourscore Years, yet the strength of it will then be wasted; it will be soon Cut off and Fly away. I have Observed, Fourthly, That while the Quakers do abomina∣bly vilify the undoubted Sacraments of our Lord Jesus Christ, they have invented Sacraments of

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their own: Such as, THOU, and THEE, and, THE HAT; for there must be Sacraments in the Kingdome of Darkness, as well as in the Chur∣ches of our Lord. I have observed, Fifthly, That the Quakers in their Disputations, do not love to be ty'd unto the Subject, of the Argument; but are much for Digressions and Excursions; and especially such as may cast their Antagonist into some Disadvantageous Passion; which plainly argues the Extreme wretchedness of their cause. I have Observ'd, Sixthly, That the Quakers like the Ancient Pharisees and Hypocrites Con∣demned by our Lord, will mightily Applaud those that are Dead, and at the very same time spend whole volleys of Curses upon the Living Saints, that are of the very same Creed and way. I have observ'd, Seventhly, That he who has to do with the Quakers, has to do with almost all the Hereticks that ever appear'd upon the stage; only with this Difference, that former Hereticks have had some Reason, and these have nothing but Clamour with them. Lastly, I have Ob∣serv'd, [and when I have Observ'd That, I will have done observing; for they are not Stars in a Telescope, but Mates in a Microscope, which I thus Observe.] That in the Quakers and the Papists are fulfilled some of the Signs, that the Coming of our Lord is at hand: while the Papists do in their Transubstantiation, as in Mat. 24. 26. say, Behold, Christ is in the secret Chambers; which may be Rendred, in the Cupboards, (where they put Bread:)

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The Quakers do bid us Look for Christ here and there in themselves; yea, they do in Effect e∣very one make himself a Christ; and they add, Behold he is in the Desart; Go to Pensyl∣vania, an American Desert, and you shall find Him there. But the Coming of our Lord will shortly put an end unto these Doages. Amen.

Let the Lord Jesus come! In the mean time, As Doctor Holland when he took his Leave of his Friends, would say, Commendo vos om∣nes Dilectioni Dei, & odio Papatus; thus you must give me Leave to take this Leave of you; I commend you to the Love of God, and the Dis∣like of Quakerism. Let none of you say to me, as they did unto Moses of old, Who made thee a Judge over us? For I am so far from denying (as the no less Uncivil than Un∣christian Quakers do, when they count the Title of Mr. too good for the best men they know, or see) My Neighbours to have Com∣mand over me; as that the utmost which I pretend in this Freedom with you is to be,

Among the Meanest, and yet among the truest of your Servants, COTTON MATHER.

Sept. 1. 1691,

In aljis Mansuetus ero, at in Blasphemis con∣tra Christum non ita. Zuing.

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Little flocks guarded against grievous wolves. an address unto those parts of New-England which are most exposed unto assaults, from the modern teachers of the misled Quakers. In a letter, which impartially discovers the manifold haeresies and blasphemies (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.