How is Sofie Dossi so flexible? (2024)

Sofie Dossi is a young American dancer, contortionist, and YouTuber who has made a name for herself with her incredible flexibility and balance. Many people have seen her on America’s Got Talent, where she wowed the judges and audience with her amazing performances. But what many people don’t know is how Sofie became so flexible in the first place. In this blog post, we’ll explore the factors that contributed to her impressive flexibility.

Naturally flexible spine

One of the main reasons why Sofie Dossi is so flexible is that she has a naturally flexible spine. According to her, she was born with a condition that gave her a certain degree of spinal flexibility that made it easier for her to perform contortion moves.

However, having a flexible spine alone wouldn’t be enough to perform all the amazing stunts that Sofie showcases on stage. She has to train and practice extensively to master the skills she uses in her performances.

Gymnastics training

Sofie was first introduced to the world of gymnastics when she was a kid. Her love for the sport grew as she got older, and she started pursuing it more seriously. Her experience in gymnastics gave her the foundation she needed to become a contortionist.

Gymnastics is known for its emphasis on flexibility and strength. It trains the body to be flexible in ways that are essential for contortionists like Sofie. By mastering the basics of gymnastics, Sofie was able to build her strength, balance, and flexibility, which helped her to become better at contorting her body.

Dedicated training and practice

Sofie Dossi is known for her dedication to her craft. She has spent countless hours training and practicing her contortion skills to achieve the level of mastery she has today. Her rigorous training regime includes regular stretching, conditioning exercises, and practicing her stunts.

Sofie’s approach to training is meticulous and detail-oriented. She pays close attention to her form, technique, and posture to avoid injuries and to perform her stunts precisely. She also works with a coach who provides her with feedback and guidance on how to improve her performance.

Healthy diet and lifestyle

In addition to her training, Sofie Dossi follows a healthy diet and lifestyle to maintain her flexibility and strength. She makes sure to eat a balanced diet with enough protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates to fuel her body and aid in muscle recovery. She also hydrates well to avoid cramps and muscle pulls.

Sofie makes a conscious effort to get enough sleep and rest to allow her body to heal and recuperate after intensive training. By prioritizing her health, Sofie is able to sustain her contortion abilities and prevent injuries.


Sofie Dossi’s incredible flexibility is the result of a combination of factors, including her natural flexibility, gymnastics background, dedicated training and practice, and a healthy diet and lifestyle. Her success is a testament to what can be achieved with hard work and dedication, and she has become an inspiration to many aspiring performers worldwide.


Who is the most flexible person on earth?

The most flexible person on earth is widely regarded to be Daniel Browning Smith, also known as Rubberboy. Smith was born in 1979 and developed an unusual talent for contortionism at a very young age. He became an official contortionist at the age of 19 and has since become a world-renowned performer.

Smith’s flexibility is truly remarkable. He is able to contort his body into positions that would be impossible for most people, such as squeezing his entire body through a tennis racket or fitting into a small box. He is also able to dislocate many of his joints, including his shoulders, elbows, and even his hips. This allows him to stretch his limbs to lengths that would not be possible for the average person.

In addition to his impressive physical abilities, Smith is also a skilled performer. He has appeared in numerous television shows and movies, and has even set Guinness World Records for his contortionist feats. He has also used his talent for a good cause, performing at charity events and raising awareness for various causes.

Despite Smith’s incredible flexibility, there are others in the world who have demonstrated similar abilities. However, he remains one of the most well-known and respected contortionists in the world today. His dedication to his craft and his ability to entertain audiences with his incredible abilities have made him a true icon in the world of contortionism.

Is it unhealthy to be a contortionist?

Contortionism, also known as contortion, is the art of performing acrobatic contortions involving the limbs and torso. A contortionist can be very impressive to watch, but there has been much debate about whether this practice is safe and healthy in the long term.

Contortionists often perform movements that involve bending and twisting the body in extreme ways that can put significant stress on the spine and the surrounding soft tissue. Some of the risks associated with contortionism include spinal “misalignment,” joint dysfunction, muscle strain, and other long-term soft tissue damage. In addition, there is a risk of nerve damage and circulatory problems, especially if you practice contortionism for a long period of time.

However, if you have been practicing contortionism for some time, the risk of injury is greatly reduced. It is important to learn the proper techniques and to gradually increase the intensity and duration of your training. This can help to reduce the risk of injury and maximize the benefits of contortionism.

It is also important to note that some individuals may be more susceptible to injury than others, depending on their age, overall health, and individual anatomy. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss any concerns about practicing contortionism with a medical professional before beginning.

While there are inherent risks associated with contortionism, these risks can be significantly mitigated by proper training techniques and caution. If you are interested in pursuing contortionism, it is important to do so under the guidance of a professional instructor and with the understanding of the potential risks involved.

What age can you not be flexible?

Flexibility is the range of motion possible at a joint or group of joints. This range of motion is important for performing everyday activities such as bending over, reaching for objects and even getting dressed. It is also required for athletic performance and can help to prevent injuries.

As we age, we gradually lose the ability to move a joint through a full range of motion. This is primarily due to changes in our muscles, tendons and joints. As we get older, our muscles become weaker, stiffer and less elastic; our tendons and ligaments become less pliable; and our joints lose some of their lubrication and cushioning.

By age 70, 25%-30% of overall flexibility is usually lost, which is considered normal in an average population. However, some joints are affected more than others. For example, the shoulder and hip joints tend to lose more flexibility than the knee joints.

It’s important to note that there is no set age at which flexibility is lost entirely. Factors such as genetics, lifestyle and physical activity level can all influence the rate and amount of flexibility loss. For instance, if an individual maintains an active lifestyle, engages in regular stretching and exercise, and maintains a healthy nutrition regimen, they can remain relatively flexible well into their later years.

Flexibility is an essential component of everyday life and overall health. As we age, we may experience some loss of flexibility. However, this can be mitigated by maintaining an active lifestyle, engaging in regular exercise and stretching, and maintaining a healthy diet.

Is flexibility genetic or trained?

Flexibility is the ability of the human body to move joints and muscles through a full range of motion. It is an essential aspect of physical fitness, enabling a person to perform various activities that involve movements such as bending, stretching, and twisting. Many factors can influence flexibility, including genetics, age, gender, body composition, and physical activity.

Research has shown that some genes play an important role in determining an individual’s flexibility levels. Certain genetic variations have been linked to flexibility, influencing traits such as muscle fiber composition and connective tissue strength. Variations in these genes can affect the amount and type of collagen and elastin fibers in the body, which in turn can impact the body’s ability to stretch.

However, genetics is not the only factor that determines flexibility. Physical fitness and training can also play a crucial role in increasing flexibility. Activities such as stretching, yoga, pilates, and dance can all help improve flexibility over time. These exercises can help lengthen the muscles and improve their elasticity, increasing joint mobility and range of motion.

That said, it is important to note that overstretching and pushing muscles beyond their limits can lead to injuries. It is, therefore, recommended to start a new exercise program slowly, ensuring that you warm up and stretch appropriately to avoid muscle strain or ligament sprains. With consistency and proper training, a person can improve flexibility levels, regardless of their genetics.

Flexibility is influenced by both genetics and lifestyle factors. While genetics may play an initial role in determining one’s flexibility levels, proper training and exercise can help improve flexibility in the long run. As with any physical activity, it is important to seek medical advice before embarking on an exercise plan and to ensure that proper precautions are taken to avoid injuries.

How flexible are contortionists?

Contortionists are known for their remarkable physical feats that require immense flexibility. They are extremely flexible in several key joints, such as the hips, shoulders, and especially the spine. Contortionists have the ability to bend, twist, and stretch their bodies into positions that seem almost impossible to the average person.

One of the defining characteristics of contortionists is their exceptional spinal flexibility. They are able to bend and contort their spines into positions that seem almost inhuman, such as folding their bodies in half and touching their toes to their head. This is possible because contortionists have a much greater range of motion in their spines than the average person. In fact, contortionists can stretch and compress their spines to a greater degree than most other animals, including other primates.

Contortionists are also extremely flexible in their hips and shoulders, which allows them to perform a wide range of movements and poses. They can rotate their hips and shoulders in ways that are not possible for most people without causing serious injury. This flexibility is due to a combination of genetic factors and years of intense training and practice.

In order to become a contortionist, one must have a natural aptitude for flexibility, as well as a tremendous amount of dedication and discipline. Contortionists spend hours every day stretching and practicing their routines, gradually building up their strength and flexibility over time. They also undergo rigorous physical training to improve their balance, coordination, and endurance.

Contortionists are some of the most flexible individuals on the planet, with a remarkable ability to twist, bend, and contort their bodies in ways that seem almost unimaginable. They are able to achieve this level of flexibility through a combination of natural talent, intense training, and years of practice.

How is Sofie Dossi so flexible? (2024)


What makes contortionists so flexible? ›

It is possible to have extra bones (in very very rare cases) but the real reason behind the flexibility is an increased range of motion. Sometimes this is a condition you are born with, Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (joints are unstable) or a condition called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS).

Who is the most flexible girl alive? ›

A girl known as the most flexible person in the world has demonstrated some of her signature moves.

Why am I not flexible at 13? ›

Flexibility restrictions occur because during growth spurts kid's bones grow so fast that the length of their muscles are unable to keep up. Suddenly your limber child that you referred to as Gumby suddenly is complaining that they are tight and are complaining of knee pain or heel pain.

When did Sofie Dossi start contortion? ›

From the age of 12, when she discovered her talent as a contortionist, Sofie has worked continuously to pursue her passion for artistry. She got her start on Season 11 of America's Got Talent as a finalist and Golden Buzzer recipient.

Why is Sofie Dossi so famous? ›

She rose to prominence after winning the golden buzzer in the 11th season of the famous reality television show “America's Got Talent.” Her act soon garnered the judges' and audience's favor and she emerged as one of the season's finalists. Since then, she has become a popular Internet personality.

How does flexibility happen? ›

The joints in a human body are surrounded by synovial membranes and articular cartilage which cover, cushion and nourish the joint and surfaces of each. Increasing muscular elasticity of the joint's range of mobility increases flexibility.

Is contortion healthy? ›

These risks may include spinal “misalignment,” joint dysfunction, muscle strain, and other long-term soft tissue damage, and can vary in severity. However, if you have been practicing these exercises and stretches for some time, the risk of injury is greatly reduced.

Why was I born flexible? ›

For a baby to be born, the whole skeleton has to be squashy, so many of the bones are joined with flexible cartilage. And after birth, those bones start fusing together, a process that doesn't stop until young adulthood.

Why is poor flexibility bad? ›

Decreased flexibility may also lead to abnormal stress on structures and tissues distant from the initial site of inflexibility. One example of this is that tendonitis in the knee can be related to calf tightness.

Is Sofie Dossi still flexible? ›

Of course she does. Sofie Dossi is incredibly flexible. She would not be able to do any of the stuff that she does now without a flexible spine.

Who is the bendiest girl in the world? ›

Liberty Barros, 14, kicked off Friday's This Morning with an impressive contortionist performance, before revealing how she stretched her way into world records, after no flexibility or gymnastic skills as a child, but began to bend her body into unimaginable shapes aged 10.

What are bendy people called? ›

A contortionist is an extremely flexible performer who can bend her body into interesting and odd positions. If you go to the circus, you may get to see contortionists.

Who has the most flexible body in the world? ›

Daniel Browning Smith
BornMay 8, 1979 Meridian, Mississippi, United States
Nationality (legal)American
Other namesThe Rubberboy
Occupation(s)Actor, contortionist, television host, comedian, sports entertainer, stuntman
2 more rows

Why am I so bendy? ›

There are a number of different factors that may contribute to why some people are more flexible than others. Genetics, gender, work and exercise history, and other factors can contribute to a person's flexibility.

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