Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

t'AOK EfOHT THE EVBNINO OBSERVEB, DUNtCIKK-FBlSDONIA, SATURDAY, NOV. 2 1 1048 CLUBS. socirriEt tiadassah Meeting A reauiar raseting of fth will Be heid on Monday ir.s a'. She Dunsir's Hebrew Community building at $07 Washing- ten avenue. Airs.

Hazel Lederman. educational chairman of (he Buffalo chapter who will be the guest apeaXer will give a rc- pofVof the Madjvvsah convention City of Dunkirk Rubbish Collection 3rd Ward Monday. November 20th which recently took place In Atlantic city. Meeting And Party On Wednesday evening at 7:45 the Women's Guild of St. John's Evangelical and Reformed church will hold a regular meet ing and Christmas party in church parlors.

The church council will meet at 8 o'clock. Cub Pack 54 The members of Cub Pack 54 will hold a mooting at 8 o'clock Monday evening at St. Mary's hall. Zonta Club The regular meeting of DunkUrk-Frodonla Zonta club will be held on Thursday evening, Dec. 2, at Cease's restaurant.

Dinner will be served at 8:30 o'clock. Lodge Meeting Tho members of Good Samaritan Kcbcknh lodge held a meeting on Friday evening at the I. O. O. F.

hall. Mrs. Fa ye Baumgartner, noble grand, presided at the business session. There were 31 persons present. RIFRIOIRATOR BIG 7 Of.

CWAXITY irf the ffobr spoee of "4" ANIW low ma LOCATION 8AVE1 YOU MONEY HOLIDAY GLAMOUR is yours with your pro- lent gowns by sending them to ns for oar efficient Method Dry Cleaning and expert pressing service. VALONE Dry Cleaning Company Phone 2008 Main Street Dunkirk, N. Y. SENIOR PLAY--Miss Susan WelnbcrR, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

JulluN Woinberg of Washington avenue, who will have the part of Richard Early, the mother, In the play which will be presented at the school by the senior class on the evenings of Dec. 8 and 9. A Christmas party wets discussed and the date decided upon for the event Is Dec. 10. A lunch was served by Mrs.

Emily Bremer and Mrs. Minnie Kolplen who were the chairman in charge. The next regular meeting will take place on Dec. 10. Shower Party Miss Ruth Hackett was hostess to 18 guests at a shower at her home in Roosevelt avenue on Friday evening given in honor of Miss Anita Lofano whose marriage to Warren Brown of Forestville will take place on Dec.

During the evening a were played and prizes were won by Jane Staehle a a Zacarri. Regreshments were served at midnight from a table decorated with white tapers and a miniature bride and groom standing near a floral arrangement representing a lily pond. The bride-elect was presented with a gift for her new home by the group. WEDDIN6S Hollowcll Szymczak marriage of Miss Dolores Martha Szymczak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Szymczak of Franklin avenue, to Frederick Sidney Hollowell son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hollowell of Leopard street, place on Nov. 20 at St. Hedwlg's church.

The Rev. Francis LUD- acz officiated. The bride, who wore a slipper satin gown and a short veil of Illusion and lace, carried a bouquet of white roses. She was attended by her sister, i Barbara Szymczak as maid of honor. The best man was Robert Douglas.

After the service there was a reception at the bride's home for the immediate families. Both the bride and groom are graduates of Dunkirk i school. He served for 1 1-2 years In the U. S. army, 15 months of which was spent in Germany.

At present Mr. Hollowell Is associated with his father in the fur business. On their return from a motor trip through Canada, couple will take up their resi dence at 426 Columbus street. Dutton Walbeck The Rev. Franklin Blank performed the 11 o'clock service on Thursday morning which united in marrage Miss Barbara Jane Walbeck, daughter of Mrs.

Anna Green of Lincoln avenue, and Elvin Dutton, son of Mrs. Effle Krouse of Lincoln avenue. The ceremony iook place at the Grace Lutheran church. The bride wore an ice blue velvet gown fashioned with a bateau neckline, fitted bodice, all around peplum and full- skirt ending In a court length train. Her flowing finger-tip veil was caught to a crown of Her cascade bouquet was composed of gardenias and camell- Those in attendance were: Miss Maxlne Loeb, maid of heritor; the Misses Sharon Paser and Eileen Ludwlg bridesmaids; Patricia Ann Walbeck, flower girl; John Burke, man; George Dutton of Westfield and Jack Baer, ushers.

The bride and groom both attended Dunkirk High school. He served in the marine corps tor 2 1-2 years during the recent war. A reception for 250 guests was held after the ceremony at the American Legion clubrooms in Central avenue. After a wedding trip the couple will reside at 115 Lincoln avenue. ENGAGEMENTS Zoluoskl-Pawlak Mr.

and Mrs, Stanley Pawlak of 60 North Martin street announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Joan Roman to Edward Zolnoskl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gerlach, of Detroit. Mich. On Jan.

8 the wedding i take place. Engagement Announced Mrs. Emil Person of announces the engagement of her daughter, Marilyn Jenne Knlss, to Richard Leroy Steen, formerly of Oil City, Pa. marriage Is to take place In the near future. Paris, (UP) Andrei Vishin- sky of Russia attacked the United Nations special committee on the Balkans today as a collection of illegal detectives a amateur Sherlock GLORIA SEK IDS At.

10 o'clock this morning at Sacred Heart church the marriage of Miss Gloria Sek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sek of Middle road to Michael Matesevac, son of Mr. and Mrs John Matesevac of Silver Creek took place. The' Rev, Julius Noo performed the cereomney.

bride's gown of white slipper satin was trimmed at the neckline with seed pearls and rhlncstoncs and the pick-up skirt had insertions of chantilly luce. Her three-quarter veil edged with Chantilly lace was attached to fi princess crown of seed pearls and rhlnestones. She carried a satin muff decorated with orchids and white baby pompons. Attendants were Miss Catherine Matesevac of Silver Creek maid of honor; the Misses Phyllis Raths and Caroline Halicki of Dunkirk bridesmaids; Rita Klocek, flower girl; Edmund Kulpa, best man; Jack Shaln and Leo Szymczak, ushers. Following the service a reception, which will continue all day for 200 relatives and friends, is being held at the First Ward Falcon club.

The bride attended Dunkirk High school. The groom, who attended Silver CreeK i school, served for 2 1-2 years in the U. S. navy during the last war. He Is at' present the proprietor of a restaurant.

Guests who were present at the wedding came from a Lansing, Buffalo, Blasdell, Lowellville, Derby, Enhaut, and Lancaster, Pa. When-the couple return from a honeymoon in New York -city they will be at home at 80 Middle road. Mrs. Lena Farkas Died After Long Illness Mrs. Lena Farkas, widow of Perc Farkas, died Thursday in Brooks hospital here following an extended Illness.

Mrs. Farkas, who resided at 430 a 18th street, Erie, was a native of Hungary and was 73 years old. A resident of Erie for the past 18 years, she was a member of Ohel Jacob Jewish congregation of that city. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Rose Hirch of Erie a Mrs.

Ruth Drumer of Rochester; a brother, Aaron Farkas of New York city; two grandsons, Sam and Louis Farkas of Dunkirk. PARTIES Mr. and Mrs. H. K.

Williams will entertain guests for co*cktails on Saturday afternoon at their home In Central avenue and also for dinner at Shorewoocl Country club Saturday evening honor of their house guests, Dr. and Mrs. Paul B. Steele oJ Pittsburgh. Mr.

and Mrs. Albert J. Poley entertained guests for dinner at their home in Central avenue Friday evening. LIBRARY CORNER Dunkirk Free Library Phone 2445 Recent Books At The Library Selected list of books that the library has acquired in the pasi three months: Allen, Hervey--Toward Morning. Armstrong, Charlotte--Chocolate Cobweb.

Berlin, Ellen Lace Curtain. Brown, John M. -Insides Out. Carfrae, Elizabeth Morning, Miss Morrison; Churchill, Winston Gathering Storm. Cronin, J.

Sharron's Way. Ford, Leslie Devil's Stronghold. Garth, David Hopeful Heart. Godden, Rumer Candle for ureene, Grahame Heart of the Matter. Grlswold, Alfred Farming and Democracy.

Howard, John World's Great Operas in Story Form. Lathrop, Eleanor Throw Me a Bone. Leman, Lotte My a Lives. Noble, Hollister Woman with a Sword. Patrl, Angelo- How to Vour Child Grow Up.

Paul, Elliot-Ghost Town on the Yellowstone. Platt, Rutherford-Our Flowering World. St. George, Eleanor- Dolls of Yesterday. Seifert, Elizabeth- Glass and the Trumpet.

Seifert, Elizabeth Hospital Zone. Sinclair, Upton One Clear Call. Smith, Betty- Toi. Will Be Better. Thayer, Lee- Out Brief a n- dle.

Trollope, Anthony Tro'llope Reader. Walsh, Maurice Dambsel De- bonalre. Warner, Esther New Song in a Strange Land. Waugh, Evelyn Loved One. Welles, Sumner We Not Fail.

Wilson, Helen African Vlo- The library Is open Monday through Friday from 10 to yept Sundays and holidays, Saturdays from 9 to 6. The branch, located in Dunkirk Industrial school, Is open on Monday 2 to 4 and 7 to Thursday 2 to 4. --Ida J. Briggs, Librarian RECENT BRIDE James Henry van Buren, the former Nancy Jane Cress, who waa married to James H. van Buren on Wednesday evening, Nov.

24 in St. Andrew's Episcopal church in Ann Arbor, Mich. Mrs. van Buren is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Earl H. Cress of Ann Arbor and Mr. van Buren is the "on of Mrs. II. Marvin Pollard and the late James II.

van Buren. His grandmother is Mrs. J. Lyman van Buren of Swan street, Dunkirk, and his aunt is Mrs; Kemp Keena of Fredonia. SERVICE STATION IS Five dollars In nickels and a 50-cent piece were taken by a burglar who entered the Park Service station, 45 East i street after prying loose a piece of tin nailed on a rear door and reaching through and turning the handle.

The entry occurred between 6 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. today when the station was opened by Sam C. Joy, 107 West Doughty street, who operates it. 13 More Deer Are Entered in Contest Thirteen more deer, including eight bucks, brought the a number entered in a Fredonia contest to 67.

A buck with a 25 1-2 inch rack, entereed by Nick Milletti, Jamestown took over the lead in this division of the contest. A doe with hide-covered spikes and a part-albino entered early today were among the deer for which the prize for "most unusual" is being sought. The contest Is being conducted by the Fredonia Truck and Farm Equipment company and the hanging deer a attracted large numbers of spectators to the concern at the corner of East Main road and Laona road. Cut Out For You 9295 SIZES Marian Martin Designed for a housewife's special needs! Neat and pretty dress has big practical holdall pockets, new square-scoop neckline, slim sideline. Easy ironing! Pattern 9295 comes in sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48,.50.

Size 36 takes yds. 35-inch. This easy-to-use pattern gives perfect fit. Complete, illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step. Send Twenty-Five cents in coins this pattern to Dur" Evening Observer 356 Pattern 232 West 18th New York 11, N.

Y. Print plainly name, address with zone, size and style number. Many more slenderizing fashions In your correct size. All In our Marian Martin colorful winter Pattern Book! Sewing dollars make fashion sense with these wearable livable styles. Gift-pages too; and Free pattern for new molded shoulder pad printed in the book.

Fifteen cents more brings this book to you! Iraq's only cosmetics and perfume factory, destroyed by fire in 1944, Is being rebuilt. CITY and VICINITY --Textone texture paint. Mc- Machans'. Is your opportunity to buy 5 or 10 acres ol good land 5 minutes from your business. See Mulholland, Broker, --Murphy color scheme paints.

Custom colors at ready-mixed prices! McMachans'. --Special this week-end--pecan bark--rich milk chocolate filled with pecan nuts, at 90c per Ib. Candyland. --Fabukm, "the pedigreed" floor finish, requires no filler, McMacharis'. best Insurance buy In years--the Comprehensive Personal Liability Policy---coverage up to $10,000 for as little as $10 for one year, $25 for three years.

For details call or see Richard L. Fitzer, "The Biggest Insurance Man In Town," 22 E. 4th Phone 7614. --New and used piano accordions also Hohner's 8 bass button style. Adam's Accordion Studio, 31- N.

Martin Dunkirk, Tel. 4251. --Lost, red lined hood to a black plaid coat. Reward. 434 Washington.

Phone 4715. --Murphy color scheme paints. Custom colors at ready-mixed prices! McMachans'. --Mirro and Presto pressure cookers. Also replacement parts.

Peoples Hardware, 5 E. Main Fredonla. --Sale! off on ladies' and men's Amity and other make billfolds. Damon Electric Russo "Facing the Parks," Fredonia. --Barreled Sunlight Chinaline white enamel will not turn yellow.

McMachans'. --For rent: 5 room unfurnished apt. for couple or 1 adult. Write Observer Box 118. --Wagons, tricycles, skates, pocket knives, Rex May's racers, chemistry sets, erector'sets, sleds, guns, and other toys.

Gift wrapped free. Peoples Hardware, 5 E. Main Fredonia; since 1916. --See us for your tire needs. We handle Lee and Firestone quality tires.

Murphy's Texaco Service, Central at City Line, Dunkirk. --Barreled Sunlight Chlnalme white enamel will not turn yellow. McMachans'. --Rent a trailer for all your hauling needs, fully 'Insured and licensed, low rates. Murphy's Texaco, Central avenue- at City Line, Dunkirk.

--Wallpaper steamers for rent. McMachans'. --The best insurance buy In years--the Comprehensive Personal Liability Policy--coverage' up to $10,000 for as little as $10 for one year, three years. For details call or see Richard L. Fitzer, "The Biggest Insurance Man In Town," 22 E.

4th Phone 7614. allowance for your old washer In trade for a new Q.E automatic washer. Damon Electric Russio "Facing the Parks," Fredonia. --Marine Band harmonica's at Adams Accordion Studio, 31 N. Martin Dunkirk, N.

Tel. 4251. --We have a good stock of food mixers, pop up toasters, electric irons, coffee makers and all small appliances for Christmas giving. Damon Electric "Facing th Parks," Fredonia. --Wallpaper steamers for rent.

McMachans'. --Auction: At the meat market in the center of Slnclairville, Tuesday, November 30, at 1 p. m. Meat market equipment: 8 ft. 10 ft.

walk-In or reach-in electric meat cooler; glass front refrigerated show case, 10 ft. long; computing scales; new hamburger grinder; meat block; baloney slicer; cube steak machine; violet ray light for cooler; lard press; rendering machine; roll, top Heatrola; small steam boiler; small tools and other articles. Orrin Loucks, Auctioneer. John Tarbox, owner. --The best insurance buy In years--the Comprehensive Personal Liability Policy--coverage up to $10 000 for as little as $10 for one year, $25 for three years For details call or see Richard L.

Fitzer, "The Biggest Insurance Man In Town," 22 E. 4th Phone 7614. --H. R. Scott's Sons Abattoir, Phone 3273, Brocton, N.

Y. We have beef, pork or lambs for sale for your locker or home freezer. We do curing and smoking. A place where you can buy with confidence and reasonable prices. Also custom slaughterin, r--Tinkertoys at Fredonia Hdwe.

Co. --Toy accordiaus, $1.69 and $3.95 at Fredonia Hdwe. Co. antique and old dining suite, twin beds, gas stoves and heaters, frlgidalr.e. 250 Central Fredonia.

--Dart boards, 98c, $1.69 and $3.49 at Fredonia Hdwe, Co. --1946 Travelite house trailer, 21 used 6 months, all aluminum; like new. Cost $2400 new, will sacrifice for only $1495. Terms. Dunkirk Square Deal Motors, 33 Lake Shore W.

--Use our lay-away plan on pop-up toasters, mixers, radios, vacuum cleaners, Irons, washing machines, stoves and toys. Main Appliance "Bob" Smith 329 Main Dunkirk, phone 4847. ENGAGED--Miss Catherine Catalano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthonoy Catalano of Leopard street, whose engagement to Che-ter Damlan, ion of Mr.

and Leo Damian of Armadillo street, has been announced by her parents. BIRTHS AT HOSPITAL A daughter today to Mr. and Mrs. George Apthorpe, 20 Chautauqua street, Fredonia. A daughter today to Mr.

and Mrs. Manual Maio, 31 Third street. Cattle were made to pull crude plows with their tails as late as 1631. -Read the OBSERVER. Three Street Posts Hit by Cars City street light took a bad beating In Dunkrik during the-past 24 boors, three of them being damaged by automobiles.

Valentine D. Dell, 19. Of 963 Central avenue, told police i sedan skidded late Friday afternoon near the Central Howard avenue intersection a crashed into a light standard. Henry J. Gdnla, 27, of 9 Beach View Silver Creek was backing his coupe from a parking place at the rear of the Main diner Friday evening when the vehicle knocked down a Mgtot post.

Donald P. 19, of '931 Swan street early this morning damaged a light on the northeast corner of East Seventh street and Central avenue. Phillips was travelling west in Bant Seventh street and stopped at the avenue. Traffic appeared clear so he started into Intersection. Phillips told police he heard a horn and suddenly noticed a car without lights approaching from the south.

To avoid being he swerved over the curb and struck the lamp post. EVENTS TONIGHT Post 62 Legion Lions basketball team will play host to the Kane, Pa, Moose club in a Penn York league contest at 8:30 o'clock on the Dunkirk High school court. POOD of Excellence JAOKrADtOHELIM at Hammond Organ FREDOH1A NW YOfWT Dinner Music: Nitely Entertainment Dancing Trt Sat. and GOWN In Cozy Flannelette With Waistband and Of Warm Flannelette "Coquette Twins" romantic with flirtations yoke and wrist ruffles demure floral print. Made of warm, cuddly flannelette both feature free-action (no more under arm ripping or binding) Syl-O-Jama boasts smooth waistband.

Adorable look- alikes for Mother and Daughter Sisters or dormitory pals. Pajamas sizes 32 40; gown 34 -40. Reg. U.S. Pat.


Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.