December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court · RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (2024)

December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (1)

December 21, 2015

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December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (2)

RB-1 (2015)


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December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (3)

RB-2 (2015)

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December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (4)

RB-3 (2015)

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December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (8)


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December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (9)


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December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (10)


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December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (11)


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December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (15)


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December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (16)


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December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (20)


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December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (21)


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December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (22)


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December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (24)


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December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (25)


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December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (26)


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Caption: Exhibit List • Continuation

Case No.

Type of Hearing Date of Hearing

Exhibit Information Exhib t Managemen



Description O


ed B





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l Storage Location '

Return:. / .Date

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Date Destroyed

• Continued on next page.

GF-102, 09/14 Exhibit List SCR 72.01(45),(46),(46m>,(46r), and §757.54, Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material.

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Exhibits Marked in

Ex. Description Witness Marked Date Ex. Not With- Not Admitted Over No. of Exhibit Identifying by (C/R) Marked Offered drawn Admitted Objection


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Exhibits Marked in

Ex. Description Witness Marked Date Ex. Not With- Not Admitted Over No. of Exhibit Identifying by(C/R) Marked Offered drawn Admitted Objection


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Witnesses in

# Name: called by (C/R): Date: Time: Legal Elements Addressed:

Key Phrases of Testimony:

Problems/Weaknesses in Testimony:

Questions to ask:

# Name: called by (C/R): Date: Time: Legal Elements Addressed:

Key Phrases of Testimony:

Problems/Weaknesses in Testimony:

Questions to ask:

# Name: called by (C/R): Date: Time: Legal Elements Addressed:

Key Phrases of Testimony:

Problems/Weaknesses in Testimony:

Questions to ask:

# Name: called by (C/R): Date: Time: Legal Elements Addressed:

Key Phrases of Testimony:

Problems/Weaknesses in Testimony:

Questions to ask:


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Witnesses in

# Name: called by (C/R): Date: Time: Legal Elements Addressed:

Key Phrases of Testimony:

Problems/Weaknesses in Testimony:

Questions to ask:

# Name: called by (C/R): Date: Time: Legal Elements Addressed:

Key Phrases of Testimony:

Problems/Weaknesses in Testimony:

Questions to ask:

# Name: called by (C/R): Date: Time: Legal Elements Addressed:

Key Phrases of Testimony:

Problems/Weaknesses in Testimony:

Questions to ask:

# Name: called by (C/R): Date: Time: Legal Elements Addressed:

Key Phrases of Testimony:

Problems/Weaknesses in Testimony:

Questions to ask:


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In the Matter of Disciplinary Proceedings Against HBHHI, Attorney at Law

Case No. 15AP*-D

Pursuant to SCR 22.13 (3),

. IT IS ORDERED that James G. Curtis, Jr. is appointed referee in the above entitled matter. -

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the originals of all papers and pleadings in • the above matter filed with the Clerk of the Supreme Court, and copies shall be served on the referee pursuant to SCR 22.13(5). If the referee nonetheless receives the original of any paper or pleading from a party, the referee shall immediately return the original paper or pleading to the party for filing with the Clerk of the Supreme Court or shall forward the original paper or pleading to the Clerk of the Supreme Court for filing, and shall keep a copy for himself/herself. The referee shall also immediately file with the Clerk of the Supreme Court the original of any order or paper generated by the referee. The referee shall not retain originals of any paper or pleading for any purpose. For purposes of this order and SCR 22.13(5), the terms "paper[s]" and "pleading[s]" shall be construed broadly and shall include, without limitation, amended complaints, answers (initial or amended), motions, responses, briefs, memoranda, correspondence, exhibits, transcripts, and similar documents. The terms "paper[s]" and "pleading[s]" shall not include correspondence or discovery materials exchanged between the parties, a courtesy copy of which is sent to the referee (unless the correspondence or discovery material is filed in connection with a motion or marked as an exhibit at a hearing).

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the referee shall ensure that a complete and organized record of the hearing in this matter is created and filed with the Clerk of the Supreme Court. The hearing record shall contain all original hearing transcripts, all original exhibits marked or identified at the hearing, whether or not received into evidence, and a completed Exhibit List on Forms GF-102 and GF-103 (blank copies attached) showing which exhibits were offered, received, withdrawn, or denied. (The stipulation and order for return of exhibits on Form GF-102 shall not be used), The hearing-related record shall be filed with the Clerk of the Supreme Court prior to or simultaneously with the filing of the referee's report and recommendation in this matter,

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the referee's working file, except for any notes that the referee might have created in the course of the disciplinary proceeding, shall be filed prior to or simultaneously with the filing of the referee's report and recommendation in this matter. The referee's working file shall not be made a part of the

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public case record in this disciplinary proceeding and shall not be made available for review by the parties or the public, except when specifically ordered by the Supreme Court. The referee's working file shall be maintained by the Clerk of the Supreme Court.

Dated at Madison, Wisconsin, this_ day of , 2015.

Patience D. Roggensack Chief Justice

cc: Office of Lawyer Regulation

^[pcR, couvk»EQ James G. Curtis, Jr.

December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (52)



3625 W, Oklahoma Ave Milwaukee, WI53215


Telephone: 414-383-3902 Fax: 414-383-2384

Legal Assistants:

Theresa M. Cavender

Rebecca L. Beaumont December 29,20

I, Esq, Office of Lawyer Regulation 110 East Main Street, Suite 315 Madison, WI 53703-3383

Dear Ms. J0MI and Mr. 1MI:

As you have been previously advised, I have been appointed referee in the above-mentioned matter.

Pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 22,15, I would like to hold a telephonic scheduling conference in this matter, The telephonic scheduling conference will be held on Thursday, January 29,2015, at 11:00 a,m. I would ask that Attorney take responsibility for initiating the three-way conference call.

The parties should be prepared to discuss the following during the scheduling conference:

1. Any issues not set forth in the complaint. 2. The necessity of amending any pleadings. 3. Any issues relating to depositions and discovery, 4. The possibility of any stipulations. 5. The number of witnesses each party intends to call at the time of hearing, 6. The expected length of the hearing. 7. Anticipated pre-trial motions. 8. Your position on trial briefs, 9. Any other pre-trial matters which need to be addressed.

Re: In the Matter of the Disciplinary Proceedings Against Vft, Attorney at Law Case No.: 2014AP®d-D

I currently intend to hold the hearing in Milwaukee County at a location to be designated later,

December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (53)

mmmmmm, Esq. December 29,2014 Page 2

If you believe it would be helpful, you are both encouraged to discuss all of the above-mentioned matters between yourselves prior to the scheduling conference.

I remind each of you that all original doc ' ~" Clerk of Supreme Court, with a copy provided to opposing counse

/lames J. Referee

JJW:tmc cc: Diane M. Fremgen

Clerk of Supreme Court

December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (54)









A telephone scheduling conference in this proceeding was held on September 17, 2014. Participants were Retained Counsel for Complainant OLR, Respondent and Honorable James R. Brickson, Referee.

After conferring with the participants,


i. Simplification of Issues. Complainant's counsel and Respondent shall confer and:

a. Identify the issues, and

b. Determine if the issues can be simplified, and

c. Determine if they can stipulate to any facts and if so attempt to stipulate to all facts not in dispute, and

d. Determine if they can agree to the identity or authenticity of documents, and

e. Consider any other matters which may aid in the disposition of this proceeding.

By October 31, 2014, Complainant's counsel will send a proposed stipulation of facts to Respondent and Respondent will respond to such stipulation of facts with a written response within ten (10) days and the parties will go from there.

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2. Disclosure of Witnesses:

•Complainant, by October 17, 2014;- Respondent by October 31, 2014;

Complainant shall file with the Clerk of the Supreme Court, with a copy to the other side and to the Referee, a written disclosure of the name, address and subject of the anticipated evidence from each witness, expert and non-expert, Complainant intends to call by the date specified above.

Respondent ' shall file with the Clerk of the Supreme Court, with a copy to the other side and to the Referee, a written disclosure of the name, address and subject of the anticipated evidence 'from each witness, expert and non-expert, Respondent intends to call by the date specified above,

If Complainant does not designate an expert witness and Respondent thereafter designates an expert witness, Complainant shall have thirty (30) days from the date the Respondent has designated an expert witness to designate its own expert witness.

3. Deadline for Filing Motions.

The deadline for filing dispositive motions is October 31, 2014.

Both parties have expressed a desire to file a motion for summary judgment. Dispositive motions may be filed and served by either party on any date up to the deadline set above. Dispositive motions must be accompanied by a supporting brief. The original of such a motion shall be filed with the Clerk of the Supreme Court, with a copy to the other side and Referee. Responses to any dispositive motion must be filed and served within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the date of service of motion. Any reply by the movant must be filed and served within ten (10) calendar days of service of the response.

4. Deadline for Filing Discovery.

Discovery deadline is t'ebruary 3, 2015.


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Discovery has commenced and may continue. Discovery may include, but is not limited, to oral depositions. All discovery in. this case must be completed no later than the date set forth • above, absent written agreement between the parties to some other date.

5. Disclosure Deadline.

Disclosure deadline is February 9, 2015, Each party shall file with the Clerk of the Supreme Court, with a copy to the other side and the Referee, by the above deadline:

a. Any motion in limine.

b. Any trial brief the party desires to file prior to trial.

c. An exhibit list listing all exhibits that party intends to use at the hearing,

d. A- copy of all exhibits that party intends to use at the hearing.

Exhibits sent out . by the Complainant shall be numbered beginning with number 1 and be sequentially numbered.

Exhibits sent out by the Respondent shall be numbered beginning with the number 200 and be sequentially numbered.

6. Final Pretrial Conference.

A final pretrial conference will be held on February 16, 2015 at 8:30 a.m.

A telephone pretrial conference shall be held at the above time and date, with such telephone conference call to be initiated by Complainant's Counae1,

7. Trial.

The trial of this matter will be held on February 26, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in Eau Ciaire, Wisconsin, Complainant and Respondent will agree on a mutually acceptable location for the trial or hearing.


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(Respondent has the right to have the hearing held in the County of Respondent's principal office.)

Complainant's counsel will arrange for the presence of a court reporter to record the proceedings at the hearing.

Dated this day of September, 2014, nunc pro tunc the 17th day of September, 2014.

James R. Erickson Referee


December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (58)

Scheduling Order after Scheduling Conference


In the Matter of Disciplinary Proceedings Against: [respondent name] Attorney at Law, Respondent. CASE NO. [case number]


WHEREAS, a telephonic scheduling conference was had in the above-captioned matter on [date], at [time], [referee], Referee, presiding, and the appearances being the respondent, Attorney [respondent name], in person, and the Office of Lawyer Regulation, by Attorney [OLR attorney name]; and

WHEREAS, the Referee discussed with the parties those issues set forth in Supreme Court Rule 22.15;

NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered as follows:

1. The Office shall provide in writing to the referee and respondent by [date] the following information:

a. A list of all witnesses intended to be called at the final hearing in this matter, including experts. Disclosure shall include the address and phone number for each proposed witness.

b. A summary of expected testimony for each witness named.

c. A list of documentary exhibits to be produced at the final hearing.

2. The respondent shall provide in writing to the referee and the Office by [date] the following information:

a. A list of all witnesses intended to be called at the final hearing in this matter, including experts. Disclosure shall include the address and phone number for each proposed witness.

b. A summary of expected testimony for each witness named.

C. A list of documentary exhibits to be produced at the final hearing.

3. The parties shall complete all discovery, including depositions, by [date] unless good cause for an extension is shown.

4. A final pretrial and hearing date for motions in limine is set for [date] at [time]. Any motions by the Office or the respondent shall be filed with the Court and served upon the other party and the


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referee by [date]. The location and method of hearing conducted on [date] will be determined by the referee after the receipt of any motions filed.

5. The final hearing in this matter will to commence on [date] and will continue each day thereafter through [date], if necessary. The hearing will be held at [location] or such other suitable place as determined prior to hearing. The referee shall be responsible to reserve a room for said hearing. Further, the referee will make arrangements and appoint a person to act as a court reporter to make a verbatim record of the proceedings.

6. All of the aforesaid deadlines of this scheduling order must be adhered to by the parties unless a party is relieved from such deadline by approval of the referee. Failure to comply with a scheduled deadline may result in imposition of sanctions by the referee as provided by Wisconsin Rules of Civil Procedure Sections 802.10 (3) (d) and 805.03.

Dated this day of ,

[signature] Referee


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Scheduling Notice after Non-performance by Respondent


In the Matter of Disciplinary Proceedings Against: [respondent name] Attorney at Law, Respondent. CASE NO. [case number]


A telephonic scheduling conference having been held in the above proceeding on [date] with the Office of Lawyer Regulation appearing by Attorney [name], and the respondent attorney not appearing, although [s]he was given timely notice of the hearing,


1. A scheduling conference was held on [date], attended by telephone by both Attorney [OLR attorney name] and respondent Attorney [respondent name].

2. As a result of the scheduling conference, a Scheduling Order in writing was signed, with the original sent to the Supreme Court and copies to the parties.

3. Pursuant to the terms of the Scheduling Order:

a) Respondent was to file his answer to the Complaint no later than [date]; he failed to comply with the Scheduling Order;

b) Attorney [OLR attorney name] agreed to allow Attorney [respondent name] to mail a responsive pleading on [date], thus granting an extension of time; the respondent has failed to file a responsive pleading or serve a responsive pleading as of [date]; and,

c) Both parties were to file with the Referee a list designating prospective witnesses no later than [date]; the respondent has not filed or served a copy of his perspective witnesses on the Referee, Supreme Court or counsel for the Board.

4. The undersigned contacted Attorney [respondent name] by letter dated [date], indicating the non receipt of Attorney [respondent name]'s responsive pleadings and inquiring as to whether he intended to file responsive pleadings.

5. Attorney [respondent name] failed to respond in any way to that letter.



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1. Counsel for the Board made a verbal.motion for a default judgment at today's hearing; and,

a) Counsel for the Board will file a written motion for default judgment by [date]; and,

b) If Attorney [respondent name] has any objection to either the form or substance of the motion, then he will, no later than [time] on [date], contact the undersigned's office to schedule a hearing on the motion, as well as have in the Supreme Court, the undersigned and Attorney [OLR attorney name]'s hands, a sworn testamentary evidence and/or written legal argument in support of his objection to the default judgment; if he does not contact the undersigned's office and/or file the required documents, then the Office's motion for default judgment will be granted and an appropriate order issued.

2. In light of Attorney [respondent namej's failure to supply witness names pursuant to the scheduling Order, he will be allowed to call no witnesses other than himself.

3. If the default judgment is entered, then the previously scheduled hearing date of [date] will be utilized on the issue of sanctions, at the time and place previously set.

Dated this day of

[signature] Referee


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Referee's Report in Default Case


In the Matter of Disciplinary Proceedings Against: [respondent name] Attorney at Law, Respondent.


CASE NO. [case number]

This matter was commenced by the filing of a Complaint, an Order to Answer and Admission of Service in the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin on [date].

The undersigned was appointed as Referee by order of the Supreme Court on [date], pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 22.13(3). Attorney [Office attorney name] appears for the Office of Lawyer Regulation and Attorney [respondent name] appeared pro se.

A scheduling conference was held an [date] by telephone, with both Attorneys [Office attorney name] and [respondent name] appearing. Attorney [respondent name] was ordered to file his answer no later than [date], and was further ordered to provide a list of proposed witnesses no later than [date]; he failed to comply with the Order.

A second scheduling conference was noticed on [date] for [date] at [time] by telephone. The undersigned made attempts to contact Attorney [respondent name] and failed. Inasmuch as there was sufficient notice, the scheduling conference went ahead at [time] and a new Scheduling Order was issued, indicating that the Office was to file a written Motion for Default Judgment by [date] and, if Attorney [respondent name] had any objection to either the form or substance of the motion, he would no later than [time] on [date]: "contact the undersigned's office to schedule a hearing on the motion, as well as have in the Supreme Court, the undersigned and Attorney [Office attorney name]'s hands, sworn testamentary evidence and/or written legal argument in support of his objection to the default judgment." Knowing that if he failed to comply with the Order, the Office's motion would be granted and the appropriate order issued, he deliberately failed to comply with the order.

The same Scheduling Order indicated that if a Default Judgment was entered, the previously scheduled hearing date of [date] would be utilized on the issues of sanctions only.

The Office filed a Motion for Default Judgment and for Sanctions on or about [date], with an Affidavit in support of the motion. The Order for Default was signed on [date].

As of today's date, no motion to re-open the Default Judgment has been filed, although Attorney [respondent name] handed to both the undersigned and Attorney [Office attorney name] an "Answer" at the hearing.



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The Office has proven by the requisite burden of proof the factual allegations of the Complaint as to all three numbered counts.


As to Count I, the grievance of [name], Attorney [respondent name] has violated SCR [etc.]

As to Count II, [etc.]


The Office has recommended ...

Attorney [respondent name] has requested .


It is the recommendation of the Referee that....

Dated this day of ,

[signature] Referee


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Case No. 2014 AP®#-D

) I I


The Office of Lawyer Regulation having filed a Motion for Default Judgment and for sanctions on or about March 11, 2015, and an Amended Notice of Motion and Motion for Default Judgment and for sanctions on or about March 31, 2015, The undersigned having issued two separate notices to the respondent requesting his Answer to the Complaint and the undersigned's correspondence.

The respondent, Attorney ••••NHMM, having not complied.

FINDINGS: 1. OLR properly served WHI with a Complaint and Order to Answer on February 10,

2015, pursuant to SCR 22:13(1). 2, HMI has defaulted by failing to timely answer the Complaint against him in the

above entitled matter. 3, VMMft failed to respond to correspondence dated March 26, 2015, and April 10, 2015

from the Referee. 4. flHHVfailed to participate In the Default hearing scheduled on April 23, 2015.

IT IS THE JUDGMENT of the undersigned that OLR's Motion for Default Judgment be and hereby

Is granted,






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5, Paragraphs 4 - 36 of OLR's Complaint dated December 5, 2014 are proven to the requisite burden of proof.

RECOMMENDATION: 6. OLR argues that •MBp's Wisconsin law license be suspended for two years. 7. OLR argues that •••I pay restitution in the amount of $43,369,74 to the Estate of

and 8. OLR argues thatVHMl be ordered to pay the costs of the disciplinary proceedings,

Based on all the foregoing circ*mstances, that:

J's Wisconsin law license be suspended for two years. pay restitution In the amount of $43,369.74 to the Estate of

be ordered to pay the costs of the disciplinary proceedings.

Dated this 20th day of May, 2015.

> / / Christine Harris Taylor Referee State Bar No. 1033411

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FILED JUL 0 J 2015




Complainant, CASENO. 2014APJB® D



1. On September 29,2014, The Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR), represented by Atty. HHHHHH, filed a five-count Complaint with the Supreme Court requesting that the Respondent, Atty. be publicly reprimanded for violation of several "Supreme Court Rules, and required to pay the cost of the instant proceedings.

2. Counts 1,2 and 3 of the Complaint allege that SB: • accepted a fee from a client regarding future representation, and failed to

communicate the scope of the representation, the basis of the fee and similar matters, in violation of SCR 20:1.5(b)(l) and (b)(2);

• failed to deposit the fee into his trust account, in violation of SCR 20:1.15(b)(4);

• failed to provide relevant information to OLR in its attempt to investigate the client's grievance in violation of SCR 22.03(2) and (6), enforceable under SCR 20:8.4(h).

3. Counts 4 and 5 of the Complaint allege that, in another case, BMB:

• failed to surrender the file to the client in a timely fashion after multiple written requests, in violation of SCR 20:1.16(d): and

• failed to provide relevant information to OLR in its attempt to investigate the client's grievance, in violation of SCR 22.03(2) and (6), enforceable under SCR 20:8.4(h).

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4, According to the affidavit of Atty. HI he was unable to serve the Complaint and Order to Answer on HHHf with reasonable diligence, and sent an authenticated copy of the Complaint and Order by certified mail to Sommers's office and home addresses. The former was returned with the Post Office message: "return to sender not deliverable as addressed unable to forward," and the latter was returned stamped "unclaimed" and "return to sender unable to forward!"

5. vHMi has failed to appear in any manner or form in these proceedings, and I consider all allegations of the Complaint to be established


• 1. OLR has established, compliance with the service requirements of sec. 801.11(1), Wis. Stats., SCR 22.13(1), and SCR 22.11, andMJIJgb^ainly in default

2.1 thus conclude that the allegations of the Complaint have been established and that, on this record, VMHH is in violation of the above-cited Supreme Court Rules and OLR is entitled to the relief it seeks.

• 3. OLR is hereby directed to serve a copy of this Report to Atty. HHMI


I recommend that the Wisconsin Supreme Court issue a Public Reprimand to Atty. HHHFfor the violations found above,

I recommend that the Wisconsin Supreme Court order Atty. HHHfto pay the costs of this proceeding.

Dated at Madison, Wisconsin, this 29th day of June, 2015

11- 2

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Referee's Report based on a Stipulation


In the Matter of Disciplinary Proceedings Against: [respondent name] Attorney at Law, Respondent.


CASE NO. [case number]

This matter was commenced by the filing of a Complaint, an Order to Answer and Admission of Service in the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin on [date].

The undersigned was appointed as Referee by order of the Supreme Court on [date], pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 22.13(3). Attorney [Office attorney name] appears for the Office of Lawyer Regulation and Attorney [respondent name] appeared pro se. •

Attorney [Office attorney name] appears for the Office of Lawyer Regulation. The Respondent, Attorney [respondent name], appears by Attorney [name].

An Answer was served and filed on behalf of the respondent on [date], admitting both the jurisdictional responsibility of the Board and that the respondent was an attorney duly licensed to practice law in the State of Wisconsin.

Pursuant to the terms of the Scheduling Order issued on [date], a hearing was scheduled to be held on [date] at [location]. Prior to the date of the final hearing, counsel for the Office and the Respondent informed the Referee of their expectation that they would reach a stipulated settlement and the hearing was removed from the calendar.

On [date], the Referee received the Stipulation of the parties, which is attached and incorporated by reference as Exhibit "A".

The undersigned Referee adopts the language in the "Facts" portion of the parties' Stipulation, from paragraph [number] through [number] verbatim, and incorporates it into this Report and Recommendation.

The allegations of the Complaint are proven by the requisite burden of proof.



Tie Referee concludes as a matter of law that [etc.]



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The Office argued that [etc.] Counsel for the Respondent argued that [etc.] [Discussion, including aggravating and mitigating factors.]

Based on all the foregoing circ*mstances and in consideration of the aggravating and mitigating factors, it is the recommendation of the Referee that [etc.]

Dated this day of ,

[signature] Referee


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fOiJLUwiNih SiTlP 1/LAT\0tGrtl) fkMD HASC4NO061j <&bWW>i D&ft/TCSf)







Case No. 2014 APJ M)

Respondent. Case Code: 30912



A.. Hie Office of Lawyer Regulation, by retained, counsel, Attorney i •I, filed a complaint on September 5,2014, which alleges six counts of professional misconduct. See Count One through Count Six of the complaint.

B. The parties entered into a: stipulation, which'was filed March 17,201-5, The stipulation is. an agreement between the parties that the facts and allegations- of the stipulation are agreed and are stipulated to and that the only .issue left to be resolved is the appropriate sanctions to be imposed by the Supreme Court. The stipulation includes the disciplinary history for Attorney W only for the consideration of the referee in his report and recommendation of sanctions for this pending complaint. See stipulation on file.


The referee adopts the. stipulation of the parties by reference as and for the finding of facts and incorporates them-as- though fully set forth herein.


Upon the basis of the stipulation of the parties, I conclude that Attorney 'MMHHBPis in. violation of each Supreme Court-rule as charged in all six counts of the complaint.


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The Office of Lawyer Regulation urges the referee to recommend a six-month suspension of Respondent's Wisconsin license to practice law, iwMMMiMi

The OLR briefs and arguments are well done, reasonable in their recommendations to the referee,, and cover all theappropriate matters to be considered by the referee and the Supreme discipline matters. Please see briefs on file.

Respondent urges the referee to .recommend that any suspension either be concurrent with his present suspension or be for a period less than six months. .Respondent's briefs.and arguments are likewise well done, reasonable in. his recommendations to the.referee, and cover appropriate matters to be considered by tire referee and the Supreme Court in discipline matters. See briefs on file,

The crux of the case is why One justifiable

explanation "might .be that .Respondent's clients actually |MRk That issue has not been adequately covered in the

stipulation or iri the briefs. That type of argument, not having been made, must not now be further considered as a viable defense or explanation,


My recommendation is that the Supreme Court .orders a sanction of license suspension for a two-month period, It is my opinion that six months, of suspension is not necessary to meet the gottls of ; Wisconsin's disciplinary system. '•patMriHMBHHpHHMlHik j

Respondent's conduct has.moire to do with sloppy office supervision and inadequate staff and self-training than, h has to do with intentional professional misconduct.

i i

Costs, while not argued, should be assessed against Respondent, I

Dated at Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, this 23 rd day of June 2015.

Respectfully submitted,

6 James R. Erickson Referee


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TO: Warden c/o Columbia Correctional Institution P.O. Box 950 Portage, WI 53901

Tlie Office of Lawyer Regulation, by its attorney, having madp a ' 4

motion before Referee Christine Harris Taylor for an order directing the Columbia Correctional

Institution to produce M* for a deposition and/or video deposition for use at the hearing,

and the referee being advised as to all the facts and circ*mstances concerning the issue;

IT IS ORDERED that the Columbia Correctional Institution, through its appropriate

employees, shall:



Dated this

Referee Christine Harris Taylor

Make *•*•*, an inmate at the facility, available for a discovery deposition to be conducted by respondent at a date and time agreed to by the parties; and

Make an inmate at the facility, available for a video deposition to be used at the hearing to be initiated by Attorney *j* at a date and time agreed to by the parties,

day of ,2013,

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Complainant, Case No: 11AP1 -D



TO: The Honorable Robert E, Kinney, Referee in the above entitled matter,

VMBPMHNB- being first duly sworn on oath states as follows:

1. SNMHflNb, a material witness in the above-entitled matter is presently confined at the Outagamie County jail in Appleton Wisconsin, in the.custody of the Sheriff and/or jail Division,

2. is a material witness in the above entitled action which is pending in the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin, and evidentiary proceedings are scheduled at a hearing to be held commencing June 19th, 2012 at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton Wisconsin commencing at 9:00am.

WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays for the issuance of a Writ of Habeas Corpus Ad Testificandum directing the Sheriff of Outagamie County or his designee to deliver said inmate witnessbefore the undersigned at a time certain as set forth above.


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Dated this day of May, 2012

Retained Counsel Office of Lawyer Regulation

Subscribed to and sworn to before me This day of May 2012

Notary Public Dane County WI My Commission is Permanent



IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that you have the body Qf a materia.l witness in the above entitled matter, detained in your custody at the Outagamie County Jail appear before the Honorable Robert E. Kinney, Referee in the above entitled matter at a hearing to be held at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton Wisconsin on the 19th Day Of June, 2012 at 9:00 AM.

For the purpose of giving testimony in said proceedings; and immediately after said proceedings that you return her to said institution, under safe and secure conduct.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that you have said inmate witness at the place designated for the hearing 30 minutes prior to the time set for hearing to allow her time to meet with complainant's counsel.

Dated this day of , 2012

Hon. Robert E, Kinney Supreme Court Referee


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PERSON before , Office of Lawyer Regulation

, at 110 East Main Street, Suite 315, Madison,

Wisconsin, on Monday, March 12, 2012 at 10:00 A.M. to provide

documentation as set forth below to the Office of Lawyer

Regulation relating to the above-captioned action.

YOU ARE FURTHER COMMANDED to bring with you copies of the

following records relating to the Trust Account of Attorney

>, Associated Bank - Green Bay, Account No.

The signature card; 1,

2, Monthly bank statements for the months of July 2010 to December 2011;

Any and all canceled checks, both front and reverse, that are listed on the bank statements for the months of July 2010 to December 2011;

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4. Records of any and all cash withdrawals, wire transfers, cashier's checks, bank checks, money orders, and electronic transfers to or from the account for the months of July 2010 to December 2011;

In lieu of your personal appearance, this subpoena can be complied with by e-mailing electronic copies of the subpoenaed records to MBBHMWWI©wicourts. gov prior to March 12, 2012," However, a failure to comply in that fashion or to appear may result in punishment for contempt.

Issued this day of March, 2012.

Timothy L. Vocke Supreme Court Referee

Referee Timothy L. Vocke Vocke ADR 540 Spring Lake Rd Rhinelander, WI 54501-3257

Drafted by:

Office of Lawyer Regulation 110 E. Main Street, Room 315 Madison, WI 53703-3383 Direct Phone: 608-267-8915

Please Note: Payment of your travel expense and witness' fee shall be made upon submission of a claim to the OLR Director. Such payment need not be tendered with this subpoena. Wis, Stats, sec. 885.06(2).

- 2 -

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CASE NO. 2014AP4>D •

The hearing in his matter occurred on September 8th through September 9, 2014, At the

conclusion of the hearing, rather then giving closing statements, the parties requested the opportunity

to file post-hearing arguments.


1. OLE. shall have until October 10, 2034, to file any optional post-hearing arguments

on any and all issues raised during the hearing, including appropriate sanctions if any, The

arguments may be made by way of letter, memorandum or brief,

2. The Respondent shall have until November 10, 2014, to file optional post-hearing

arguments on any and all issues raised during the hearing, including appropriate sanctions., if any.

The arguments may be made by way of letter, memorandum or brief.

3. 01,R shall have until November 30,2014, to reply to any written arguments filed by

the Respondent.

4. Both parties shall affirmatively address the following in any submissions:

A. A ny restitution requested.

B, Effective day for commencement of any sanctions.



Attorney at Law

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C. Costs,

D, Any special conditions or sanctions sought..

5, The parties are reminded that the original of each filing should be made directly with

the Wisconsin. Supreme Court, with a copy to the referee and opposing counsel.

Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this 1 Ifh day-of September, 2014.

James L \yin .Refeee


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Referee's Report for a Public Reprimand


In the Matter of Disciplinary Proceedings Against: [respondent name] Attorney at Law, Respondent.


CASE NO. [case number]

This matter was commenced by the filing of a Complaint, an Order to Answer and Admission of Service in the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin on [date].

Subsequently, an Answer was signed on [date] by Respondent's counsel, [name], and filed with the Supreme Court.

The undersigned was appointed as referee by order of the Supreme Court on [date], pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 22.13(3). Attorney [Office attorney name] appears for the Office of Lawyer Regulation and Attorney [name] appears for the Respondent.

In lieu of a hearing, the Office and the Respondent, through their respective attorneys, reached an agreement whereupon: 1) the Office would issue a public reprimand; 2) the Respondent would accept the public reprimand; and, 3) this action would be dismissed upon payment of costs incurred both by the Office and the Supreme Court.

A copy of the public reprimand of Attorney [respondent name] as well as the Consent signed by Attorney [respondent name], is attached and incorporated as Exhibit "A".

The agreement reached by the Office and the Respondent seems reasonable under the circ*mstances and, therefore,

IT IS THE RECOMMENDATION of the undersigned that the agreement between the Office of Lawyer Regulation and Attorney [respondent name] be accepted and that upon payment of costs this action be dismissed.

Dated this day of ,


[signature] Referee


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FILED OCT 1 8 2012




The Complainant, Office of Lawyer Regulation (hereinafter "OLR"), by its retained counsel,

Robert Krohn, commenced this matter by filing a complaint and order to answer with the Supreme

Court of Wisconsin on or about August 2,2011. The Respondent,'filed an answer

to the complaint on or about September 2, 2011. An amended complaint was filed on or about

November 21, 2011'. Shortly thereafter, Attorney appeared on behalf of the

Respondent. I was appointed Referee by the Wisconsin Supreme Court on October 6, 2011.

I issued an initial scheduling order on November 21,2011. Subsequent pretrial orders were

entered on April 12, 2012, and May 23, 2012.

1 The parties stipulated during the hearing that the original answer would serve as the answer to the amended complaint, with all unanswered allegations being denied. (T. 267-269)


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The hearing in this matter commenced on June 13,2012, at 9:00 a.m., at the Milwaukee Bar

Association Building, 424 East Wells Street, the Cardozo Room, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The

hearing continued on June 26,2012, and July 9, 2012. The hearing concluded at approximately

11:00 a.m. on July 9, 2012.

During the hearing, ORL asked that Counts 1 through 3 of the amended complaint be

dismissed. There was no objection and the counts were dismissed. (T. 113)

I issued a post-hearing order on July 10, 2012. Any post-hearing briefs, memorandums or

related writings were to be filed on or before August 27,2012. Each party was given the opportunity

to file a response to the other parties' argument on or before September 20, 2012.


The following Supreme Court Rules are at issue in this case:

SCR 20:1.3 Diligence

A lawyer shall act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing a client. t

• • •

Former SCR 20:1.4(a) Communication (effective prior to July 1, 2007)2

(a) A lawyer shall keep a client reasonably informed about the status of a matter and promptly comply with reasonable requests for information.

2The alleged misconduct in theJMVtmatter was from approximately March, 2007, to August 23,2010.


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SCR 20:1.4(a)(3) Communication

(a) A lawyer shall: (3) Keep the client reasonably informed about the

status of the matter;

SCR 20:1.4(a)(4) Communication

(a) A lawyer shall: (4) Promptly comply with reasonable requests by the

client for information;

SCR 20:1.5(a) Fees

(a) A lawyer shall not make an agreement for, charge, or collect an unreasonable fee or an unreasonable amount for expenses. The factors to be considered in determining the reasonableness of a fee include the following:

(1) the time and labor required, the novelty and difficulty of the questions involved, and the skill requisite to perform the legal service properly;

(2) the likelihood, if apparent to the client, that the acceptance of the particular employment will preclude other employment by the lawyer;

(3) the fee customarily charged in the locality for similar legal services;

(4) the amount involved and the results obtained; (5) the time limitations imposed by the client or by the

circ*mstances; (6) the nature and length of the professional

relationship with the client; (7) the experience, reputation, and ability of the lawyer

or lawyers performing the services; and (8) whether the fee is fixed or contingent.


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Former SCR 20:1.5(b) Fees

(b) When the lawyer has not regularly represented the client, the basis or rate of the fee shall be communicated to the client, preferably in writing, before or within a reasonable time after commencing the representation.

SCR 20:1.5(b)(3) Fees

(b)(3) A lawyer shall promptly respond to a client's request for information concerning fees and expenses.

SCR 20:1.15(b)(4) Safekeeping property; trust accounts and fiduciary accounts.

(b) Segregation of trust property. (4) Unearned fees and cost advances. Except as

provided in par. (4m), unearned fees and advanced payments of fees shall be held in trust until earned by the lawyer, and withdrawn pursuant to sub. (g). Funds advanced by a client or 3rd party for payment of costs shall be held in trust until the costs are incurred.

(4m) Alternative protection for advance fees. A lawyer who accepts advance payments of fees may deposit the funds in the lawyer's business account, provided that a court of competent jurisdiction must ultimately approve the lawyer's fee, or that the lawyer complies with each of the following requirements:

a. Upon accepting any advanced payment of fees pursuant to this subsection, the lawyer shall deliver to the client a notice in writing containing all of the following information:

1. the amount of the advanced payment; 2. the basis or rate of the lawyer's fee; 3. any expenses for which the client

will be responsible; 4. that the lawyer has an obligation to

refund any unearned advanced fee, along with an accounting, at the termination of the representation;

5. that the lawyer is required to submit any dispute about a requested refund of advanced fees to binding


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arbitration within 30 days of receiving a request for such a refund; and

6. the ability of the client to file a claim with the Wisconsin lawyer's fund for client protection if the lawyer fails to provide a refund of unearned advanced fees.

b. Upon termination of the representation, the lawyer shall deliver to the client in writing all of the following:

1. a final accounting, or an accounting from the date of the lawyer's most recent statement to the end of the representation, regarding the client's advanced fee payment with a refund of any unearned advanced fees;

2. notice that, if the client disputes the amount of the fee and wants that dispute to be submitted to binding arbitration, the client must provide written notice of the dispute to the lawyer within 30 days of the mailing of the accounting; and

3. notice that, if the lawyer is unable to resolve the dispute to the satisfaction of the client within 30 days after receiving notice of the dispute from the client, the lawyer shall submit the dispute to binding arbitration.

c. Upon timely receipt of written notice of a dispute from the client, the lawyer shall attempt to resolve that dispute with the client, and if the dispute is not resolved, the lawyer shall submit the dispute to binding arbitration with the State Bar Fee Arbitration Program or a similar local bar association program within 30 days of the lawyer's receipt of the written notice of the dispute from the client.

d. Upon receipt of an arbitration award requiring the lawyer to make a payment to the client, the lawyer shall pay the arbitration award within 30 days, unless the client fails to agree to be bound by the award of the arbitrator.

• • •

SCR 20:1.16(d) Declining or terminating representation

(d) Upon termination of representation, a lawyer shall take steps to the extent reasonably practicable to protect a client's interests, such as giving reasonable notice to the client, allowing time for employment of other counsel, surrendering papers and property to which the client is entitled and refunding any advance payment of fee or expense that has not been earned or incurred. The lawyer may retain papers relating to the client to the extent permitted by other law.


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1. The OLR was established by the Wisconsin Supreme Court and operates pursuant to

Supreme Court Rules. The amended complaint was filed pursuant to SCR 22.11.

2 . R e s p o n d e n t , a n a t t o r n e y l i c e n s e d t o p r a c t i c e

law in the State of Wisconsin. The last known address provided by<90fc|p the State Bar of

J^^delayed the filing of a writ for eleven months and did not respond to a client's telephone calls, emails, and letters for more than twenty months after filing the writ. She was found to have failed to act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representation of a client, in violation of SCR 20:1.3, and to have failed to promptly comply with reasonable requests for information and to explain a matter to the extent reasonably necessary to permit the client to make informed decisions, in violation of former SCR 20:1.4(a) and (b).

(b) At the time the original complaint was filed in this matter, a disciplinary proceeding alleging additional misconduct was pending. In an opinion filed May 23, 2012,^00Kceived a 60 day licence suspension in relation to 11 counts of misconduct, which included: failing to act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing a client; failing to communicate appropriately with a client; failing to promptly respond to a client's request for information concerning fees and expenses; failing to take steps to the extent reasonable to protect a client's interest; failing to cooperate with an OLR investigation into her conduct; willfully failing to provide relevant information, fully answer questions, or furnish documents during the course of an OLR investigation; and engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation.

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4. was convicted of one count of possessing

firearms after having been previously convicted of a felony, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1),

and five counts of violating 26 U.S.C. § 5861(d) for possessing firearms not registered in the

National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record.

5. On January 5, 2007, a judgment of conviction was entered againslMBHbwhereby

he was sentenced to six concurrent terms of 84 months imprisonment - one term for his felony-in

possession conviction under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1) and five terms for his 26 U.S.C. § 5861(d)

convictions, with two^ears of supervised release.

6. After sentencing, iffP* contacted Attorney Robert Henak (hereinafter "Henak") to

file an appeal to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Henak initiated the appeal, but, prior to the filing

of appellant's brief, Ip^i substituted his attorney fltfphad not previously represented

7. dl^P^greed to represent for a total of $20,000.00.

8. There was no written fee agreement between^^P^and d^^p did not

communicate to I^SPthe basis or rate for her fee or the precise legal service covered by the fee.

•believed the fee covered a direct appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the 7th

Circuit, including a motion for rehearing, a motion for rehearing en banc, a Petition for Writ of

Certiorari to the Supreme Court, a petition pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2255 to vacate the sentence, a

motion pursuant to 18U.S.C. §3143 for bail pending appeal, and various filings with the Department

of Probation to correct the Pre-Sentence ReporUflj^Bfeiaintains she did not promise any particular

3The parties presented this case one subject matter at a time. I will continue that pattern in this Report and I will make Finding of Facts and Conclusions of Law one subject matter at a time.

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legal services for the agreed upon fee of $20,000.00, other than the appeal to the 7th Circuit and

possible §2255 petition. asserts the precise nature of legal service to be rendered for the

$20,000.00 fee were dependent upon her review of the file. However, even after review of the file,

•never stated the precise nature of the legal services to be rendered by her to

9. sought to raise a variety of issues in his appeal. Among other issues,

wanted: to challenge the late admission of a photograph introduced by the government at trial; he

believed the search warrant used to search his home was defective; he claimed that new evidence .•*

existed to support his innocence; and he wanted to assert a claim of ineffective assistance of trial


10. strategy for her direct appeal on behalf o^^^Pwas twofold. She would

attack the government's argument that!^^« could be charged individually under § 5 861 (d) for each

Unregistered firearm in his possession. • She would also attack the government's proof that tied

l^^to the firearms or that I^pplin facfpossessed the destructive devices. Similar multiplicity

and possession arguments had been offered during trial. The trial court rejected those


11. ^^P'was scheduled to surrender to the Bureau of Prisons on March 5, 2007, and

that date was stayed until March 25, 2007, after 1^^ petitioned for more time. Thereafter,

requested that^j^ppseek bail pending appeal. However, never filed such a motion with the

trial court, and^^JPPremained incarcerated during the appellate process.

12. wrote on April 4, 2Q07,_and again on April 20, 2007, requesting

information concerning the appeal and proposed motion for bond. Additionally, calledJH^

on multiple occasions during this time period, did not respond to^p^1 letters or calls.


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13. On June 11,2007, Jj^filed her appellate brief in the 7th Circuit. She raised the two

arguments concerning possession and multiplicity of counts.

14. On June 18,2007,wrote after reading her briefand commented that she

had not raised claims regarding the late admission of the photograph, the defectiveness of the search

warrant, the existence of new exculpatory evidence, or the ineffective assistance of trial counsel.

I did not respond to such communications fromJppP

15. On June 27,2007, again wrote asking for a response to the prior letter.

| reiterated he had attempted to reach Hl^by telephone without success did not

respond to the letter from!

16. On July 2, 2007, again wrote and requested a response to his prior

letters. He also requested a copy of the motion for bail pending appeal did not respond to the

letter from J

17. On July 12, 2007, wrote again, noting that he had reviewed a draft

motion for bail pending appeal. He requested a telephone conference with'

J 8. . After filed a repjy brief on or about August 8,2007, wrote to on

August 14,2007, and commented at length about her brief, pointing out areas that he believed were • * *.


19. wrote^JJ^ on September 27, 2007, and specifically asked her when issues

regarding the defectiveness of the search warrant would be addressed, pflfedid not respond. ' T'

20. ..argued the case before the 7th Circuit on October 25, 2007.

21. From October 21,2007, through December 31,2007,jppjfccalled^|^pe eighty-four

times from the Federal Correctional Institution in Oxford, Wisconsin. was consistently

unavailable to speak withj^^^and answer his questions concerning the appeal. In addition,11

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friend, called and email ed^|j^g regularly in an attempt to

assist^^0in obtaining the status in his case, but was unable to reach^^^ to discuss the various


22. In an opinion dated January 22,2008, the 7th Circuit affirmed I|^|' conviction. The

Court rejected the multiplicity argument, stating that multiple federal circuit courts had rejected this

multiplicity argument, and that£^^»- for unexplained reasons - never discussed or distinguished

these other cases. The Court also rejected the insufficiency of evidence claim. According to the

Court,^p|^had conceded that the government had raised a case of constructive possession at the

trial level.

23. did not advise flBpthat his appeal had been denied.

24. From January 1, 2008_, through April 1,2008, calledl^^ multiple times and

was unable to communicate with her regarding his appeal.

2ft"^ Tn July of 2008, learned of the decision from a law clerk at the correctional


26. ^H^^did not file any motions for rehearing or take further steps with respect to the

direct appeal.

27. On December 30, 2008,J|^^filed a motion under 28 U.S.C. § 2255 to vacate, set

aside, or correctl^Bpftentence. Such a motion is considered an extraordinary remedy and requires

a showing that the Court committed errors of law of constitutional dimension.

28. ^Jp^motion raised two issues, the first being ineffective assistance of counsel and

the second challenging the search warrant. According to J^00rtew testimony provided byl

would show the warrant was defective, ^^^id not attach any affidavits to support her position,

and her supporting arguments were minimal. **


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29. On January 9, 2009, the trial court summarily denied 28 U.S.C. § 2255

motion to vacate sentence, noting the motion lacked legal or evidentiary support.

30. Jp^did not advise p^^of the Court's January 9, 2009, decision. did not

send*p^^a copy of the Court's denial of the motion. maintains she must have missed the

Court's decision on the motion, given that it was sent to her only by email, and that she must have

accidently deleted the decision from her computer.

31. On January 29, 2009, a c0Py °f her 28 U.S.C. § 2255 motion to

vacate sentence, despite the fact that the motion had been denied prior toP^^ sending this letter.

32. On February 5, 2009,J|^^pwrote^i^^and asked about the 28 U.S.C. § 2255

motion. He also asked for a copy of his retainer agreement or engagement letter and also "a full

written accounting of the time you have spent on my matter", did not respond.

33. On May 13, 2009, wrote and noted she had not responded to his last

four letters.

34. ^pp wrote again on August 8,2009, requesting information on his appeal.

He reiterated that he attempted to call P^ppumerous times and was unable to reach her. According _ _ a

to fppP his former wife informed him that the Court had denied his motion to vacate.

3 5. From June 2009 through September 2009,^^^1 made many unsuccessful attempts

to reacbJ^^P by telephone from prison.

36. 4g^and made numerous attempts to contact regarding the § 2255

motion during this time frame, and staff repeatedly told them that the Court had made no

ruling on the motion. -

37. On September 3, 2009, wrote^^^ again and asked about the status of the

§ 2255 motion to vacate.


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38. On September 3 0,2009, wrote the Clerk for the 7th Circuit stating in his letter

that he had been trying to reach the attorney who represented him in both matters by telephone and

in writing "... to no avail". He asked the Chief Judge to order to communicate with him

regarding his matter,

39. On January 7,2010, l^^^filed a motion witty the trial court to reopen the decision

denying the § 2255 motion. His pro se request was denied. The Court indicated that a copy of the

previous order denying the motion was sent to his lawyer in January 2009. The Court declined to

extend the 180-day deadline rule that allows a Court to assist a litigant who has not received notice

of a judgment. Since filed his motifth more than 180 days after the entry of the order,1

motion was denied.

40. On February 12, 2010,wrote* and requested a copy of his file and a

refund of fees.

41. On February 24, 2010, jj|^^ again wrote terminating his relationship with

her and requesting a copy of his file, a return of unearned fees, and an accounting of her time.

42. On April 7, 2010, and on April 17, 2010, ^^0^ wrote OLR informing OLR that

JlB^iad riot returned file. OLR communicated with !fl^^ton several occasions suggesting

she supply IJH^vith a copy of the file.

43. On June 10,2010, l^^^nvrote OLR and stated that, as of June 9,2010,4^£ had

not provided him with a copy of his file.

44. On July 21, 2010, Wrote OLR and Indicated he still had not received his file



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45. On July 28, 2010, OLR issued a Notice to Appear to for an investigative


46. complied with the Notice and on August 23, 2010, appeared and answered

questions posed by OLR. also provided to OLR a complete copy of file which OLR

copied and forwarded to

47. ^P^^Tdid not furnish any accounting for her fees and did not return any portion of

the $20,000.00 paid by However, the legal services i|^BLdid render to|^BB*while lacking

in communications with ^BBftustify the $20,000.00 fee and are not unreasonable.


48. Following a jury trial, convicted of one

count of Burglary - Armed with a Dangerous Weapon and one count of Second Degree Endangering

Safety While Armed.

49. convicted on October 2, 2008, and on November 26, 2008, the Court

sentenced PMI^Pto five years imprisonment and five years extended supervision on each count

with the sentences to*rmf consecutively to each other and to any other sentence £BVBamight be

serving. , . y •

50. On August 10,2010, motions with the Court of Appeals indicating that

he was proceeding pro se. p^Bfcthen filed multiple postconviction motions with the trial court.

51. On August 25, 2010, the trial court denied postconviction motions in

writing. The Court issued its order without prejudice.


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52. On the mistaken belief that0^|^ftiiily had twenty days to file an appeal following

the denial of his postconviction remedies, i^Bil spouse4,

contacted#H^Pbn September 7,2010, and asked her to file an appeal-oraiJJ^BlPbehalf.

53. |^^paidBf^$2,500.00 on September 7,2010, with the understanding that

would promptly file a motion with the Court of Appeals. ̂ ^pS|reed to file a motion with the

Court of Appeals prior to September 14,2010, seeking to reinstate the appeal.

54. ^J^deposited the $2,500.00 into the firm's (business) operating account and not

the firm's trust account. Jjj^tfien sent a "Retainer/Fee Agreement" to 90? (Exhibit la), but

Tj^tfiever signed or returned the fee agreement to The fee agreement refers to the fee as

"non-refundable." The fee agreement does not state: the basis or rate of the lawyer's fee; the ability

of the client to file a claim with the Wisconsin lawyers' fund'for client protection if the lawyer fails

to provide a refund of unearned advanced fees; and that upon termination of the representation, the

lawyer shall deliver to the client, in writing, a final accounting, regarding the client's advanced fee

payment with a refund of any unearned advanced fees.

55. From September 7, 2010, through September 14, 2010, If^piook minimal action

on case. She did not file a notice of appearance with the trial court or the Court of Appeal

and she did not file a motion seeking to reinstate the appeal. jHPlid determine tha^^^P had

already lost his appellate rights and that there was no September 14,2010 deadline. ^^^|did not

inform either ^Bfcthat 9/000 appellate rights were already lost and that there was

no September 14, 2010 deadline.

4The evidence suggests that not married, but thought of each other as spouses.


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56. Between September 15,2010, and September 27,2010, ̂ P^called^J^multiple

times and informed her that she wished to terminate the representation and recover the $2,500.00

advanced fee. ̂ H|*lerminated^^^BS-epresentation on or about September 27, 2010.

57. Following the termination of the representation, returned file to

did not account for or refund any advanced fees. 4

5 8. titaHvfthired new counsel and the Court of Appeals granted ̂ ^•fcadditional time

in which to file either a notice of appeal or a new postconviction motion.




59. By failing to respond in a timely fashion to J0BBbrepeated requests for information

regarding the status of his appeal and his other requests for information, as indicated in

letters to^4p» dated April 4,2007, April 20,2007, June 18,2007, and June 27,2007,®^^PfaiIed

to keep a client reasonably informed about the status of a matter and failed to promptly

comply with reasonable requests for information, in violation of former SCR 20:1.4(a).

(effective prior to July 1,2007).


60. By failing to keep reasonably informed about the status of his appellate

matters, including the status of his direct appeal as well as his motion to vacate sentence pursuant


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to 28 U.S.C. § 2255, despite numerous written and oral requests by<^0Bi seeking the status of the

matters,violated SCR 20:1.4 (a)(3).


61. By failing to comply promptly with repeated requests for information

regarding his appellate matters, despite numerous written and oral requests by seeking

information regarding his appellate matters, violated SCR 20:1.4(a)(4).

t v •>


62. By failing to explain her fees in a manner that allowed to understand clearly

what legal services would be provided, how they were, t<q be charged, and how they were to be

refunded in the event of an early termination, failed to communicate the basis for her fee,

in violation of former SCR 20:1.5(b).


63. By failing to respond to|p^|^letters dated February 5, 2009, February 12, 2010,

and February 24, 2010, seeking an accounting of legal fees and expenses, violated SCR



64. By failing to surrender file in a timely fashion after multiple written requests,

violated SCR 20:1.16(d).


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65. OLR has failed to prove by clear, satisfactory, and convincing evidence that^JB

violated SCR 20:1.3 by not taking any meaningful action on behalf of^HBfduring the period of

timeB^ represented ̂ BH^


66. By keeping a $2,500.00 fee for representation she did not complete,•

an unreasonable fee in violation of SCR 20:1.5(a).



67. By failing to deposit the $2,500.00 advanced fee into her trust account, and instead

depositing the money into her law firm operating account with no evidence of utilizing the

alternative fee placement permitted by SCR 20:1.15(b)(4m), SCR 20:1.15(b)(4).


68. By failing to refund unearned fees toi i violated SCR 20:1.16(d).



The difficulties between Bflfe and ̂ ^BPbegan as a result of the fact that there was no

written fee agreement or oral understanding as to precisely what legal servicejBV^011^ perform


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for pointed out several times during the hearing that her representation of 1

began before written fee contracts were required. She is correct that no written fee contract was

required in 2007 when she began representing However, the fact that no written fee contract

was required in 2007, is a different issue from whether there was a clear understanding between

^fpliand<K|^^as to what legal services she would perform for the $20,000.00 non-refundable fee.

During their initial meetings before PHtewas incarcerated,felt that he would get all

necessary legal services for the $20,000.00 fee. He had discussed witbppfc during their pre-hiring

conferences, the fact that he believed he should get bail pending appeal. jpR also thought the fee

covered the appeal to the7th Circuit, a § 2255 motion, review of his sentence and all other legal

services, including a possible Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court.

Ad^testified that in criminal matters, it is impossible to determine precisely what legal

services will be appropriate until after she has a chance to totally review the file. While there is

some truth to proposition, certainly a written or oral understanding as to the basic nature of the

legal representation was still possible. In addition, asdPPteviewed the file, either written or oral

communications were necessary for her to express her strategy and recommendations topPK

Except for communications with i^fcain relation to the direct appeal to the Circuit Court, I am

satisfied that there were no meaningful communications betweenf^HkncHJppas to ̂ services

she would perform during her representation of^^^S

There is no doubt that(||^p*vas a high maintenance client AsppPlicknowledged during

the hearing,dP® wished to avoid serving prison time. He wanted everything possible done to

avoid imprisonment and to shorten any period of time he Would be in prison. He was a desperate

individual. He made many phone calls to the^Pb law office and tc^d^in her cell phone. He

also wrote many letters to((|Pasking questions and inquiring as to the status of his case.


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bould have avoided many problems if she had reasonably responded to the

communications sought by Instead, ^^Pseldom got through to^fl^when he attempted

telephone communications. His written correspondence seeking information about his case went

unanswered for the most part. The lack of communications led d^HAto make even more phone

calls and write even more letters. I am most satisfied thatf^^did not reasonably respond to both

written and oral communications from ^^fein relation to his case.

^|^did not need to respond to every telephone call or every letter from However,

she should have periodically made an effort to communicate with'P^Bfc Ignoring repeated

telephone calls and letters for weeks and even months is not reasonable communications.

^0bhas many excuses for her lack of communications with MlHl She blames the fact

that telephone calls from prisons are not clearly identified on telephone systems. She maintains that

her staff does not take such telephone calls if^^^is out of the office or busy, further

maintains that she can not take telephone calls to her cell phone when she is involved in work at the

courthouse or helping other clients. However, the Supreme Court Rules do not require that a lawyer

immediately respond to all inquiries from a client, but rather that the attorney reasonably

communicate with a client and keep him or her informed. *

^j^^maintains that written communications to a client in the federal prison system are

risky. She states that anything she puts in a letter to an inmate in a federal prison can backfire on her

client and be used by other desperate inmates to the disadvantage of^^^ls client.

I asked for expert testimony in the area of communications with a federal prisoner from other

appellate criminal lawyers. Three such experts gave testimony during this hearing. I am satisfied

from their collective testimony that written communications with a federal inmate are appropriate

. • 19

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and not inherently dangerous. Further, if^pS had such concerns she should have addressed them

It is clear from the numerous letterpij^^pgwrote that he had no such concerns. He

wanted his letters and telephone calls answered.

<4£p^also maintains that setting up scheduled telephonic conferences through the prison

system are problematic. Again, I am satisfied from the expert testimony that an attorney who wishes

to communicate with his or her client in the federal prison system can establish confidential

telephone communications with that client.

was not able to produce any memorandums or notes of her alleged telephonic

communications with She maintains that keeping memos or notes of communications are

dangerous for her client. She also suggests that her busy practice is such that it is not possible to

document all communications with clients. She operates essentially on memory. Further, she was

only able to produce a few copies of letters that she had written to flHP, some of which 4HB *

maintained he never received.

I am most troubled by assertion and testimony during which she outlined the periods •*

of time during which communications with a convicted criminal client are necessary and those

periods during which there is nothing to communicate to the client. Such testimony suggests that

communications with a client are only necessary when (BP^feels they are necessary. Such a

position wouki mean that reasonable inquiries from a criminal client during periods in whichJID

thought no communications were necessary would be ignored.

I also reject any suggestion that case volume and an attorney's workload excuse an attorney

from undertaking reasonable efforts to keep a client informed. ^^^|has a fine reputation in the

criminal defense area. Expert testimony supports the fact that she is an excellent criminal defense


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lawyer. She has a very busy practice and is in high demand, as is her law firm. However, none of

these facts excuse from her duties and obligations to reasonably communicate with a client

and to meet the same Supreme Court Rules as do other less busy criminal defense lawyers.

The evidence is quite clear that many letters written by to^J(f went unanswered.

1^0^letters repeatedly refer to prior letters he wrote being unanswered. The evidence

supports,the fact that^^Hfried very hard to have meaningful communications with that

he only resulted to progressively harsher language and the ultimate dismissal o^H^over the lack

of communications.

The evidence shows thaf^Jfc did not respond to request for a full accounting of the

time she had spent in his case, f^^kdmits and the evidence shows that ^^BSignored

request for a copy of his file after J(PP*vas dismissed as his attorney. excuses, which

included the file was too large to transmit to the prison and that she intended to drop the file off in

person, are unacceptable. The file was not produced until OLR investigated the matter, which was

many months after ^l^pinitial request for his file.

presented evidence that she has suffered personal health problems in recent years. She

also offered evidence that she suffers from depression. However, does not claim either

problem caused her misconduct in this case and there was no expert testimony supporting such a

conclusion. I also note that^J^penies misconduct in this case and thus she does not contend her

personal health issues contributed to the alleged misconduct.

While failed to furnish an accounting of her time and expenses during her

representation ol^^fe, I am satisfied that she did spend substantial time handlingfile. Her

time included investigation, file review, transcript review, a direct appeal to the7th Circuit, and a


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§2255 motion and brief. While may not be happy with the result of the legal services

performed by^f£, OLR has not requested and has not proven by clear, satisfactory and convincing

evidence that any portion of the $20,000.00 fee should be returned.


•/as retained by^B® initially to preserve<|^PB* appellate rights, which fl^^nd

lought required legal action by September 14, 2010. Durin^BBBirepresentation of

'determined that |^0iad already lost his appellate rights and that there was no

September 14,2010 deadline. Any help could give to f^BBfctfould first be by reinstatement

o f h i s a p p e l l a t e r i g h t s . W h i l e i t w o u l d h a v e b e e n b e t t e r p r a c t i c e f o r H ^ t o i n f o r m a n d

^fethat there was no September 14,2010 deadline, I do not find that failure to take any

other action on behalf of BHBBduring her brief period of representation amounts to misconduct

and a violation of SCR 20:1.3.

While did check CCAP to determine the status o£|^BBi case, I find that she did

not perform any other meaningful legal services forBBBBfc Her claim that she reviewed transcripts

is not credible. B0Bhad a substantial jury trial to prepare for as she told^BBBat the time she was

retained. A staff member from the H^^law firm testified that she saw^i^R reading^BlHb

transcripts after ^^^was retained by However, testified that she reviewed the

transcripts over the weekend at home. In any case, claim that she immediately reviewed the

transcripts, thus justifying the $2,500.00 legal fee charge, is not supported by the evidence.

Here, as in thetjUfmatter, there is a lack of a meaningful understanding as to the precise

nature of the legal servicesB(Bwill render. While there is a written fee contract hereB^^admits


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it is not clear and that it contains errors. The evidence reveals that staff members typically put

together "boiler plate" fee contracts in the normal course of business at the^(Bjfirm.

^^^aeeds to understand the need for a meaningful written fee contract with clients when

retained. I do not accept the premise advanced by^fe that the precise nature of services to be

rendered in criminal matters is difficult to state in writing at the commencement of representation.

I also reject the notion that a revised understanding can not be reached with a client and placed .in

writing as a criminal case proceeds and new facts result in new direction for a case.

I sense that^^e feels confined by written fee contracts and does not appreciate the need

to reach a clear understanding with clients as to the precise nature of legal services to be rendered.

The duties of a criminal defense lawyer are no different from any other lawyer. I also sense a great

reluctance bf^l^to document communications with clients as representation proceeds.

^placed the $2,500.00 unearned advanced fee into her business account. The amount

should, have been placed in her trust account. Her written and oral agreement with the client did not

comply with SCR 20:1.15(b)(4). Simply calling an advanced fee "non-refundable" does not change

the fact that it is an advanced fee subject to the requirements of the Supreme Court Rules.

Given the minimal amount of services rendered by^^ tof^^Btt and*^(| the $2,500.00

does represent an unreasonable fee. In addition|^^k failed to account for or refund the unearned



The factors for consideration in imposing appropriate discipline for professional misconduct

include: (1) the seriousness, nature and extent of the misconduct; (2) the level of discipline needed


December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (103)

to protect the public, the courts and the legal system from repetition of the attorney's misconduct;

(3) the need to impress upon the attorney the seriousness of the misconduct; and (4) the need to deter

other attorneys from committing similar misconduct In re Disciplinary Proceedings Against

Carroll, 2001 WI ISO, f 40, 248 Wis.2d 662, 636N. W.2d 718.

Aggravating factors in this case include the fact that recently received a 60 day

suspension for multiple counts of misconduct. The misconduct in that case included repeated

failures to communicate with clients and act diligently on their behalf. pattern of not

communicating with her clients in a meaningful fashion is troublesome. It is particularly

troublesome to me when viewed in conjunction withfl^P testimony that there are only particular

times in a criminal case that communications are necessary between a lawyer and his or her client.

While it would have been unreasonable to expect immediately respond to every inquiry,

whether oral or written, from it is most reasonable to expect her to have done a much better

job communicating with|

|did not express any remorse over her conduct. She was quick to blame her own clients

for the communication problems that occurred in both of these matters. Her claim that written

communications with clients in federal prison are dangerous and the reason she does not put

communications in writing, was greatly exaggerated as shown by the testimony of the experts.

I am not sure this disciplinary case or the prior disciplinary cases have impressed upon^^p

the need to communicate with her clients from the beginning to the end of her representation. I also

do not believe she accepts the need to have a clear understanding of what legal services she will

perform for criminal clients, both at the beginning of her representation and as the case develops.

I sense she remains most reluctant to put anything in writing.


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There are some mitigating circ*mstances in this case. )Hhas a reputation in the

community as a fine criminal defense lawyer. Judge David Hansher testified that^jBb'is a fine

lawyer and that^J^can be counted on by the Court to handle cases appropriately. She is well

prepared and has earned the respect of the judiciary in Milwaukee and other counties. Judge Hansher

further testified that he was totally surprised, as were other Milwaukee judges, over the7th Circuit

actions againsfl^Pfc as well as her previous 60 day suspension. I also note that except for a

previous private reprimand in 2009,<d|^Bfe misconduct problems seem to have occurred in recent

years and that she was problem free during the early years of her career.

I have reviewed all cases cited by the respective parties in relation to appropriate discipline

in this matter. I have also factored in aggravating and mitigating factors. I believe the range for

appropriate discipline in this case is a suspension of four to six months. I am somewhat reluctant

to accept OLR's recommendation of a four month suspension, given^J^s recent suspension for

similar misconduct of 60 days. Simply adding two more months to the suspension in this case may

not be enough to impress upon^^(khe need to change her ways. However, there was no direct >

dishonesty involved in the current case as there was in the previous disciplinary proceeding and

OLR' s recommendation of a four month suspension is within the range of appropriate discipline.

I recommend a four month suspension license to practice law in Wisconsin. I also

recommend that she be ordered to refund the $2,500.00 retainer in the matter. I do not

believe she should be ordered to make any refund of legal fees in thefj^fcmatter. should

be ordered to pay all of the costs of this disciplinary proceeding.

davof Oriole Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this 1 b> day of 2012.

Respectfully submitted,



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Case No. 14-AP- -D


OLR served its Amended Statement of Costs on 9/17/15. Respondent

•has not served an objection to the Statement of Costs.

While Mr. VHMultimately stipulated to the facts and the sanction sought by OLR,

OLR was required to retain counsel, frle its Complaint, and a referee was appointed. It was

not until the day before the scheduled hearing that Mr. VHHMI stipulated to the public

reprimand sought by OLR.

Considering SCR 22.24, the referee recommends that the court follow its genera!

policy to impose full costs upon the respondent.

Dated this /2— day of October, 2015.

JarhesTH. Curtis Supreme Court Referee State Bar No.: 1017951


OCT 1 6 Z015 Ul" r uf i_mv1 u1 '


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Complainant; CASE NO. 13 AP®J-D

'©©FY Respondent.


I have received and reviewed OLR's Statement of Costs and Recommendation in this

matter. No objection to the Statement of Costs has been received from the Respondent

within the time period set forth under SCR 22.24 (2). The referee's recommendation on

costs is governed by the factors set forth under SCR 22.24 (lm) (a) - (f). I agree with the

analysis of those factors contained in lIHHMb's submission of November 13,2014, and

I hereby incorporate such analysis herein. I find that the amount of $HHBH was

reasonably and necessarily incurred in the investigation and prosecution of this matter, i

know of no extraordinary circ*mstances, nor have any been brought to my attention, which

would justify deviating from the standard policy and practice of imposing full costs in attorney

misconduct cases.

For the reasons stated, I recommend that the respondent be ordered to pay all the pre-

appeiiate costs of this proceeding, totaling

Dated this 8th day of December, 2014.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert E. Kinney, Referee

December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (107)





v. CASE NO. 2013AP«B-O



The referee makes this recommendation pursuant to SCR 22.16(7). On November 19,

2014 the Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR) served its Pre-A.ppellate Statement of Costs and

Recommendation. The OLR provided information regarding the factors articulated in SCR'

22.24(lm)(a)-(f) and recommended a full assessment of costs against Respondent Wtttk

JMfe. Mr. VMfc served an objection to the OLR's statement of costs on December 15,2014,

On December 19, 2014 the OLR served its reply to '•MM's objection and affirmed its

statement and recommendation. . .

"The court's general policy is that upon a finding of misconduct it is appropriate to

impose all costs, including the expenses of counsel for the office of lawyer regulation, upon, the

respondent," SCR 22,24(lm). In addition, "[tjhe supreme court may assess against the

respondent all or a portion of the co sts of a disciplinary proceeding in which misconduct is found

,andmay enter a judgment for costs." SCR22.24(1).

December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (108)

A referee must explain Ms or her recommendation by addressing the factors set forth in

SCR 22.24 (lm). As stated in SCR 22.24(lm),

The court's general policy is that upon a finding of misconduct it is appropriate to impose all costs, including the expenses of counsel, for the office of lawyer regulation, upon the respondent. In some cases the court may, in the exercise of its discretion, reduce the amount of costs imposed upon a respondent In exercising its discretion regarding the assessment of costs, the court will consider the statement of costs, any objection and replys the recommendation of the referee, and all of the following factors: (a) The number of counts charged, contested, and proven, (b) The nature of the misconduct. (c) The level of discipline sought by the parties and recommended hy the referee, (d) The respondent's cooperation with, the disciplinary process. (e) Prior discipline, if any. (f) Other relevant circ*mstances,

A f t e r ' c a r e f u l c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f t h e s e c r i t e r i a , t h e r e f e r e e a g r e e s w i t h t h e O L R ' s

recommendation that full costs be assessed on the respondent, The litigation of the case did not

include the type of extraordinary .circ*mstances that would justify asking- the Court to deviate

from that policy.

• Attorney committed misconduct as to each of the eight charged counts.

4 The nature of the misconduct demonstrated a pattern and practice of misconduct

that rose to a level to justify the full imposition of costs.

° The level, of discipline sought is a 60-day suspension..

•" SB's interactions with the disciplinary process did not result in any non-

cooperation charges.

has two prior public reprimands; BHtfHipflBHNNNMiMMRt,


OLR1s counsel time and expenditures were largely caused by the maimer in which

BMB elected to defend and hy the case.


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Although IHHI asserts that "various discovery proceedings were included to respond to

elements of the Complaint that were not necessary'* and that "the amount of attorney fees

incurred by the OLR is not justified," he does not cite specific examples of ways in which the'

OLR excessively litigated this proceeding.

The resultant costs of this disciplinary proceeding were incurred solely as a result of

respondent's actions; therefore, it is appropriate to impose all costs upon Mr. SH). '


IT IS RECOMMENDED that the cost of this disciplinary proceeding be imposed on

Dated; December 30,2014

By: V _ Revin L. Ferguson' Referee

Post Office Address: 1900 Hill dale Lane StouglitoB, "WI 53589' Telephone; 608-692-7562 Email:


December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (110)

Referee's Report in a Medical Incapacity Case


In the Matter of Medical Incapacity Proceedings Against: [respondent name] Attorney at Law, Respondent.


CASE NO. [case number]

This matter was commenced by the filing of a Petition alleging Medical Incapacity, an Order to Answer and Admission of Service in the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin on [date].

The undersigned was appointed as Referee by order of the Supreme Court on [date], pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 22.34(10). Attorney [Office attorney name] appears for the Office of Lawyer Regulation and Attorney [respondent name] appeared pro se.

Attorney [Office attorney name] appears for the Office of Lawyer Regulation. The Respondent, Attorney [respondent name], appears by Attorney [name].

An Answer was served and filed on behalf of the respondent on [date], admitting both the jurisdictional responsibility of the Board and that the respondent was an attorney duly licensed to practice law in the State of Wisconsin.

Pursuant to the terms of the Scheduling Order issued on [date], a hearing was scheduled to be held on [date] at [location]. The confidential medical records of [respondent name] were admitted into evidence. The medical records received by the Referee have been sealed and forwarded to. the Wisconsin Supreme Court with the recommendation that those records, as well as those previously filed with the Supreme Court, shall remain sealed and be held in confidence, unless the Court orders otherwise in the future. No copies have been retained by the Referee.

The Referee concludes that [respondent name] has a medical incapacity within SCR 22.34.

Medical incapacity presents a danger to an attorney's clients and to the public in general. [Discussion.] Therefore, the referee's recommendation is that Attorney [respondent name]'s license to practice law in the State of Wisconsin be subject to certain conditions described as follows.


[Specific diagnoses, etc., based on medical records and testimony.]




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1. The respondent attorney shall continue to submit to a course of treatment, consultation and medication for his/her mental illness and s/he shall follow the advice of his/her treating psychiatric specialist.

2. The respondent attorney shall direct in writing to his/her treating psychiatric specialist, and such specialist shall agree, that in the event the respondent fails to follow his medical advice, including the taking of prescribed medication, he promptly will notify the Board of such failure by the respondent.

3. That respondent attorney shall direct in writing to his/her treating psychiatric specialist, and such specialist shall agree, to notify the Board promptly if the respondent becomes delusional during his/her treatment and consultation.

4. The respondent attorney shall direct in writing to his/her treating psychiatric specialist, and such specialist shall agree, to perform random drug screenings to verify that the respondent is in compliance with his requirements for his/her taking appropriate prescribed medication, and such specialist shall agree to make reports to the Board with respect to such random drug screenings.

5. The respondent attorney shall maintain a policy of professional malpractice insurance with a liability limit of at least $500,000, single limit, and shall furnish evidence of such coverage to the Office.

The costs of this proceeding shall be assessed against the respondent attorney.

Dated this day of

[signature] Referee


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Referee's Report for Revocation by Consent


In the Matter of Disciplinary Proceedings Against: [respondent name] Attorney at Law, Respondent.


CASE NO. [case number]

This matter was commenced by the filing of a Complaint, an Order to Answer and Admission of Service in the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin on [date].

The undersigned was appointed as referee by order of the Supreme Court on [date], pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 22.13(3).

An Answer was filed on [date] admitting the allegations of the complaint. A scheduling conference was held on [date]. At the scheduling conference, Attorney [respondent name] indicated that he would cooperate in a Petition for Revocation. Attorney [respondent name] signed the Petition for Revocation of License on [date].

The Office appears by Attorney [Office attorney name] and Attorney [respondent name] appears pro se.

A copy of the Petition for Revocation is attached as Exhibit #1, and the facts as disclosed in paragraphs [numbers] of the Petition for Revocation are adopted in their entirety as if fully stated herein.

Based upon the stipulation admitted to this Referee, as well as the Answer to the Complaint, I hereby recommend that the Stipulation be approved by the Supreme Court and the license of Attorney [respondent name] be revoked. It is further recommended, as also contained in the stipulation, that all costs of this proceeding be assessed against Attorney [respondent name].



Attorney [respondent name] [etc.]


Dated this day of

[signature] Referee


December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (113)

s 9 £ T t t U A J " ]


In the Matter of Disciplinary Proceedings Against

Attorney at Law CaseNo, 2014-AP-^fc-D


-V8- '

Ct%n "S^0ts • Respondent • Jr^SUPbrn* °<̂ Q%


Tills matter is before this referee on Respondent's Petition for Revocation

by Consent pursuant to SCR 22.I9.1 Tins Referee recommends that such Petition

1 SCR 22,19 Petition for consensual license revocation. (1) An attorney who is the subj ect of an investigation for possible misconduct or the

respondent in a proceeding may file with the supreme court a petition for the revocation by consent or [sic] his or her license to practice law.

(2) The petition shall state that the petitioner cannot successfully defend against the allegations of misconduct,

(3) If a complaint has not been filed, the petition shall be filed in the supreme court and shall include the director's summary-of the misconduct allegations being investigated. Within 20 days after the date of filing of the petition, the director shall file in the supreme court a recommendation on the petition, Upon a showing of good cause, the supreme court may extend the time for filing a recommendation,

(4) If a complaint has been filed, the petition shall he filed in the supreme court and served on the director arid on the referee to whom the proceeding has been assigned, Within 20 days after the filing of the petition, the director shall file in the supreme court a response in support of or in opposition to the petition and serve a copy on the referee, Upon a showing of good cause, the supreme court may extend the time for filing a response, The referee shall file a report and recommendation on the petition in the supreme court within 30 days after receipt of the director's response,

(5) The supreme court shall grant the petition and revoke the petitioner's license to practice law or deny the petition and remand the matter to the director or to the referee for further proceedings,


December 21, 2015 - Wisconsin Supreme Court· RB-1 (2015) [?\^]`_ acbedgfhbeij[ ahik[ l 1. mon#p qsrHt`rvuxwnzye{E|}ux~)r 'p n#w )rv|}ux~x 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - [PDF Document] (114)


be granted and that the Court order Respondent's Wisconsin law license be

revoked and that Respondent be ordered to make restitution as specified herein,


1, The Office of Lawyer Regulation ("OLR") was established by the

Wisconsin Supreme Court and operates pursuant to Supreme Court Rules,

2. OLR appears in this matter byj

counsel and respondent, MMRI

appears by Attorney"

3. M was admitted to practice law in 'the State of Wisconsin on

1, Her current'mailing address is <

4, On April 30, 2014, OLR filed a complaint against WBI alleging

six counts of misconduct in a single client matter, requesting revocation and

restitution, On June 4,2014,filed an answer to the complaint. In an order

dated June 18, was appointed the referee herein, In a motion

dated June 24, IHV made a motion for substitution of referee Dugan,

5, In dn order dated September 4, the undersigned was appointed the

successor referee herein, At a scheduling conference on September 15, OLR was

granted permission to file an amended compliant, which it did on October 27, and

answered the' same in a pleading dated November 17, The amended

complaint alleges twenty-three counts of misconduct involving four different

• 2 -QBY34732197.)

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client matters, The amended complaint sought revocation of BBS's Wisconsin

law license and restitution in one of the four client matters, At a scheduling

conference conducted on December 11, this matter was set for hearing to

commence on April 28, 2015,

6, In a petition pursuant to SCR 22.19 dated March 27, 2015, HBI

acknowledged that she could not successfully defend herself with respect to the

misconduct allegations in the amended complaint, BM's petition further

acknowledged that she was the subject of twenty-eight additional pending OUR

grievance matters that had not been, fully investigated or brought to the

Preliminary Review Committee with respect to which she could hot successfully

defend herself, The amended complaint was attached to the petition as

Appendix A, and a summary of hie twenty-eight additional grievance

investigations was set forth as an attached Appendix B, •••also agreed that she

should he ordered to make restitution as described herein. On March 30, OLR

filed its recommendation supportingBBBs SCR 22;19 petition.


7. The amended complaint alleges six counts of misconduct in Hie

•Hi matter (counts 1-6); eight counts of misconduct in theHB- matter

(counts 7-14); three counts of misconduct in theBBBbmatter (counts 15-17); and

six counts of misconduct in theJBB^kmatter (counts 18-23), Restitution is sought

in the JHBA matter,

QB\34732197,1 - 3 -

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8, In Appendix B to(pMs SCR 22.19 petition is a summary of

twenty-eight additional grievance investigations which have not been concluded.

These investigations are; (1) the MMM^PMMHMMt matter; (2) the

matter; (3) the ilMMNM

tire MMMMMMMMl matter; (5) the I

••M matter; (7) the •••• matter; (8) the

matter; (9) the ••MP matter; (10) the

matter; (11) the MMMMAmattel3 (12) the MMBMM1 matter; (13) the

••Ml matter; (4)

matter; (15) the

matter; (18) the Mi

matter; (20) the MnMMM


matter; (25) the

matter; (14) the

matter; (16) the MHV matter; (17) the

matter; (19) the MMHHH

matter; (21) the MMHMI matter; (22) the

(23) the ^HMBPmatter; (24) the

MMMRr matter; (26) the

matter; (27) the 9MMM0* matter; and (28) the

Restitution is sought in the I

; matters.


9. Based on MP's petition and OLR's response thereto, this referee

finds by clear, satisfactory and convincing evidence that W has engaged in

very serious misconduct which included; converting client funds; transferring

clients' money without their consent; engaging in dishonesty, fraud, deceit or

• 4 -QB\34732197.1

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misrepresentation; engaging in criminal sacts; making multiple misrepresentations

to both, kef clients and to OLR during OLR's investigations; submitting forged

documents to her clients; engaging in a conflict of interest; entering into an

ownership interest adverse to a client; entering into a business entity with non-

lawyers; failing to enter .into written fee agreements with her clients; failing to

place advance fees in trust; engaging in incompetent representation; fading to

consult with her clients regarding the consequences of the documents she had

drafted for them; and failing to communicate with her clients, These actions or

inactions by®B|are in violation of SCR 20:1.1; 20:1,2(a); 20;1,3; 20:1,4(a) and

(b); 20:1.5(a) and (b); 20:1,7(a); 20;1.8(a); 20:1,15; 20:1,16(d); 20:5,4(b)(4);

20:8,4(b) and (c); and 20:03(6) enforced via 20:8,4(b).2


10, Based onH£s SCR 22,19 petition and the above findings, this

referee recommends that the Court grant her petition and revoke

js license to practice law in the State of Wisconsin, and that the Court order

: to make restitution in the following amounts and matters.

1 less any funds already provided by her to Ms. restitution;

(B) WNMMto ^e htmd, attributable to the'Fund's approval and payment on the claim off

s In the interest of saving a tree,,, and perhaps my secretary's sanity.,., all of these Rules will not be set forth in this report,

- 5 -QB\34732197,1

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(C) Wto HHpHHHMIf reduced by such amount as she may establish to the satisfaction of OLR represents the value of services she actually performed for Rosemary and Charles Reis;

(D) W MMMMMMk reduced by such amount as she may establish to the satisfaction of OLR represents the value of services she actually performed forMHMMMHI

(E) MM to MMM reduced by such amount as she may establish to the satisfaction of OLR represents the value of services she actually performed for MMMMM"! (F) VMM to MMHMHMMMv reduced by such amount as she may establish to the satisfaction of OLR represents the value of services she actually performed for MIHHHHBHHM

(G) MMM to ]^HBMkre^uoed by such amount as she may establish to the satisfaction of OLR represents the value' of services she actually performed for MMMNM;

(II) Ml to AHMHHMHMMM, reduced by such amount as she may establish to- the satisfaction'of OLR represents the value of services she actually performed forMMMHMMMM MM; and -

reduced by such amount as she may establish to the satisfaction of OLR represents the value of .services she actually performed for

There is nothing in the record before this referee that indicates MMhas been the

subject of any prior discipline, This referee will withhold comment on the

assessment of costs until that matter is presented to the undersigned pursuant to *

SCR 22,24(2).

Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin this 22nd day of April, 2015,

Richard C, Ninneman, Referee

QBV34732W.I - 6 -

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Referee's Report for a Temporary Suspension


In the Matter of Disciplinary Proceedings Against: [respondent name] Attorney at Law, Respondent.


CASE NO. [case number]

This matter was commenced by the filing of a Complaint, an Order to Answer and Admission of Service in the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin on [date].

The undersigned was appointed as referee by order of the Supreme Court on [date], pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 22.13(3).

The respondent was ordered to answer the complaint within twenty days of service. S/He failed to do so.

The respondent was ordered by the Supreme Court on [date] to show cause by [date] why his/her license to practice law in the State of Wisconsin should not be temporarily suspended, pursuant to SCR 22.21 (2), during the pendancy of this disciplinary action. The respondent failed to do so.

The respondent was informed that a scheduling conference by phone was set for [time] on [date], S/He failed to attend.

The respondent was informed by Scheduling Order that (1) s/he was in default for failing to answer the Complaint as required; (2) s/he was required to show cause on or before [date] why his/her license should not be temporarily suspended; (3) s/he was required to appear at a hearing at [location] at [time] on [date].

On [date], the Office of Lawyer Regulation appeared by Attorney [Office attorney name] and after it was determined that the respondent was not present, a hearing was had and the allegations in the Board's Complaint were adopted by the undersigned by default on the record.

The undersigned finds that all the allegations contained in the Complaint are proven by the requisite burden of proof.

In addition, the respondent has failed to cooperate with or participate in this proceeding.



Attorney [respondent name] has [etc.]


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Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is the recommendation of the undersigned that: (1) the respondent's license be immediately and temporarily suspended pursuant to SCR 22.21.

Dated this day of

[signature] Referee


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Outset's - ReiNisx^TEK^T~]





Case No. 11APW|-D



On October 15, 2014, VHHIHHHI filed- a petition seeking

reinstatement of Ms law license, which had been suspended for twelve months by

decision and order of the Wisconsin Supreme Court rendered on January 4,2013,

On January 22,. 2015, the Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR) filed a

comprehensive response not opposing the petition for reinstatement, Following a •

public hearing on February 10, 2015, this Referee finds and concludes that

JHfl^has demonstrated by clear, satisfactory and convincing evidence that he

has met the criteria set forth in SCR 22.3 l(l)(a)-(d)1 and recommends to the

Court that the petition be granted undflMA' law license be reinstated.

1 SCR 22.31 Reinstatement hearing, (1) The petitioner has the burden of demonstrating, by clear, satisfactory, and convincing

evidence, all of the following: (a) That he or she has the moral character to practice law in Wisconsin, (b) Th at his or her resumption of the practice of law will not be detrimental to the administration

of Justice or subversive of the public interest,

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1. *BBHBwas admitted to practice law in Wisconsin in^BBand

practiced in the BBBBBfc area sin©6 admission. He has no prior disciplinary

history. SW

* 2, The GLR was created pursuant to SCR Chapter 21. Pursuant to

SCR 22.30(2), the OLR is directed to investigate the particulars of petitions for

reinstatement and the eligibility of persons filing same, and to file a response in

support of or in opposition to such petitions, Pursuant to SCR22.31(4), the

Petitioner and OLR me directed to appear at the public hearing on such petitions.

3, The undersigned Michael R Dubis was appointed as Referee

herein on October 28, 2014, by order of the Supreme Court. Attorney

MMHHi of

appeared for the petitioner, flHHBBBB> ^d Attorney'

VBBHL appeared for the OLR. Status and scheduling conferences were

conducted by telephone on November 17,2014 and February 3,2015. The public

hearing was held on February 10,2015, in the Business Suite of the Baymont Inn

in Waterford, Wisconsin, Notice of such hearing was published by the OLR in

the Waukesha Freeman on December 26,2014 and in the December 2014 issue of

The Wisconsin Lawyer so as to comply with SCR 22.30(3) and (4) (Exhibits 10

(c) That his oi her representations in the petition, Including the representations required by SCR 22,29(4)(a) to (m) and 22,29(5), are substantiated,

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and 11), No interested persons appeared to present information in support of or 111

opposition to reinstatement under SCR 22,31(5),

4, At the public hearing, Mb testified on his own behalf in

support of bis petition, In addition to the professional character references whose

names he provided to the OLR in the reinstatement questionnaire that flHHI was

asked to complete (Exhibit also presented letters of good character

from bis current employer, another attorney, several members of the local

community and Ms wife (Exhibit 12), A complete exhibit list will be attached to

the original sealed transcript of the public hearing proceedings,

5, Because SCR 22,31(5) provides that the "rules of evidence shall

not apply, and the referee may consider any relevant information presented," this

Referee read and considered each of the responses and letters (Exhibits 8 and 12)

in making this report and recommendation, as well as a letter and follow-up email

in opposition submitted to the OLR by Attorney VNMfe fiom the law firm

that previously employed VHBb (Exhibit 9).

6, At the February 2, 2015 prehearing conference, counsel for the

petitioner advised tMs Referee that the Board of Bar Examiners had been

provided with verifications of4BBBfcbeing currently in compliance with, the

Court's CLE and EPR requirements for reinstatement, most recently completing a

three-credit ethics CLE program in December 2014, If his license is reinstated,

(d) That he or she has compiled fully with the terms of the order of suspension or revocation and with the requirements of SCR 22,2(5,

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has Indicated he will continue to comply with the continuing legal

education requirements, the rules and requirements of SCR Chap. 20 and would

like to resume the practice of law in the area of worker's compensation in

southeast "Wisconsin,


7, With the foregoing background information, this Referee will now

address the requirements for a petition for reinstatement, SCR 22.29 provides:

(4) The petition for reinstatement shall show all of the following:

(a) The petitioner desires to have the petitioner's license reinstated,

(b) The petitioner has not practiced law during the period of suspension or revocation,

(c) The petitioner has complied fully with the terms of the order of suspension or revocation and will continue to comply with them until the petitioner's license is reinstated,

(d) The petitioner has maintained competence and learning in the law by attendance at identified educational activities,

(e) The petitioner's conduct since the suspension or revocation has been exemplary and above reproach,

(f) The petitioner has a proper understanding of and attitude toward the standards that are imposed upon members of the bar and will act in conformity with the standards,

(g) The petitioner can safely be recommended to the legal profession, the courts and the public as a person fit to be consulted'by others and to represent them and otherwise act in matters of trust and confidence and in general to aid in the administration of justice as a member of the bar and as an. officer of die courts,

(h) The petitioner has fully complied with the requirements set forth in SCR 22,26.

0) The petitioner's proposed use of the license if reinstated.

-4 -

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(k) A fall description of all of the petitioner's business activities during the period of suspension or revocation,

(4m) The petitioner has made restitution to or settled all claims of persons injured or harmed by petitioner's misconduct, including reimbursem*nt to the Wisconsin lawyers' fund for client protection for all payments made from that fund, or, if not, the petitioner's explanation of tine failure or inability to do so,

(5) A petition for reinstatement shall be accompanied by an advance deposit in an amount to be set by the supreme court for payment of all or a portion of the costs of the reinstatement proceeding. The supreme court may extend the time for payment or waive payment in any case in which to do otherwise would result in hardship or injustice.

The reference in subparagraph (h) to the requirements of SCR 22,26 relate

to the actions a lawyer must take in notifying clients and courts that one's license

has been suspended or revoked and as noted at footnote 1 beginning on page 1 of

this Report, SCR 22,31 provides that a petitioner "has the burden of

demonstrating, by clear, satisfactory, and convincing evidence,,,, (c) [tjhat bis or

her representations in the petition, including the representations required by

SCR 22.29 (4)(a) to (m) and 22,29 (5), are substantiated,"

8, Based on the testimony, exhibits and submissions filed with the

Court and at the public hearing, this Referee finds by clear, satisfactory, and

convincing evidence, that WKttk sincerely desires to have his license reinstated;

that WKff has not practiced law during the period of his suspension; that

J^0|has complied fully with the terms of the order of suspension and will

continue to comply with tliem until his license is reinstated; that HHM has

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maintained competence and learning in the law by attending identified

educational activities; that VBHI' conduct since the suspension has been

exemplary and above reproach; that VHHk has a proper understanding of and

attitude toward the standards that are imposed upon members of the bar and will

act in conformity with these standards; thatJBBftc-an safely he recommended to

the legal profession, the courts and the public as a person fit to be consulted by

others and to represent them and otherwise act in matters of trust and confidence

and in general to aid in the administration of justice as a member of the bar and as

an officer of the courts; thattHBBIhas fully complied with the requirements set

forth in SCR 22.26; that if reinstated, HMMI intends to use his law license to

resume practice in the area of


•̂•1 has made a full disclosure of all of his business activities during the

period of his suspension, which activities are lawful and did not involve (he

practice of law; that there was no restitution required under (4m); that^H£ did

pay the costs imposed upon him as part of his suspension order; and

has made the deposit required by (5),


9, Having addressed SCR 22.31(c) regardingSflHI substantiation

of his representations in his petition, this referee will now address the remaining

standards of SCR 22,31, which are set forth at page 2 of tins report, The

remaining criteria are that^HMfcbas burden of demonstrating by clear,

- 6 -

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satisfactory and convincing evidence that he has the moral character to practice

law in Wisconsin; that his resumption of the practice of law will not he

detrimental to the administration of justice or subversive of the public interest;

and that he has complied fully with the terms of the order of suspension and with

the requirements of SCR 22,26, which relate to the notification of clients with

respect to his suspension and the ceasing his practice as a result thereof, In this

regard, this Referee notes that the record made at the public hearing, along with

the SCR 22,30 Response of the OLR, which does not oppose®BB® petition for

reinstatement, confirm his compliance with the terms of the order of suspension

and the requirements of SCR 22.26, Accordingly, this Referee finds thatttNk

has demonstrated such compliance by clear, satisfactory and convincing evidence,

10. With respect to^Hm moral character and his resumption of the

practice of law not being detrimental to the administration of justice or subversive

of tire public interest, this Referee references the judge's and attorneys' statements

referenced in the OLR Response and at Exhibit 8, as well as the statements in the

character reference letters submitted byVHUk at the public hearing (Exhibit 12),

and tlie statements in his petition, affidavit, and in his responses to the OLR

reinstatement questionnaire. This Referee also notes VIMS testimony at the

February 10, 2015 public hearing, his acknowledgement of past professional

misconduct, and his commitment not to engage in unethical practices or

professional misconduct in the future, if his license to practice law is reinstated,

Considering the above testimony, exhibits and submissions, as well as the

- 7 -

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testimony of BBWJ himself in support of Ms own petition, this Referee finds that

petitioner has demonstrated by clear, satisfactory, and convincing evidence that he

lias the moral character to practice law in Wisconsin and that his resumption of

the practice of law will not be detrimental to tire administration of justice ox

subversive of the public interest,


11. 9HHHB ̂ as Pa^ a very significant price for his professional

misconduct, has shown that he understands his ethical duties and can he

readmitted to practice, being mindful of those duties and the need for compliance,

His suspension has resulted in significant economic hardsMp to him and his

family, and reinstatement of his law license will allow him not only to resume his

career as an attorney, but to

Accordingly, I recommend that

Petition for reinstatement be granted,

12, If the Court approves the Referee's recommendation, to reinstate, 1

also recommend thatMHBBMk be assessed the entire costs of the reinstatement

proceeding, pursuant to SCR 22,24(1),

Dated this day dHmbruary, %


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