Chapter 48: Index - Silent Spring Revolution: John F. Kennedy, Rachel Carson, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and the Great Environmental Awakening (2024)


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Abbey, Edward, 30, 102, 405, 465–66, 472, 522–23, 535, 547, 671

ACE. See Army Corps of Engineers

Across the Wide Missouri (DeVoto), 95

Adams, Ansel: Ansel Adams Wilderness, 397; “The Artist and the Ideals of Wilderness,” 204–5; “Aspens, Northern New Mexico, 1958,” 178; Drakes Beach, 448; David Brower, 97, 581; Jimmy Carter, 669; Colorado River dams, 449; Gerald Ford, 669; interior building, 191; Lady Bird Johnson, 449; JFK, 269–70; LBJ, 354, 419, 533; legacy of, 669; Minarets, 397–98, 669; A More Beautiful 419; My Camera in Yosemite 269; Ralph Nader, 425; National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, 533; Natural Beauty speech, 419; Point Reyes Peninsula, 273; prophecy of, 551; Redwood National Park, 403; Sierra Club, 97, 208, 270; This Is the American 178–79; Stewart Udall, 272, 355, 599; wilderness, fight for, 551; Wilderness Conference, 204–5; Yosemite, 96–97, 269–70, 272

Affluent Society, The (Galbraith), 160–61

African Wildlife Leadership Foundation, 556

Agent Orange, 520, 565, 623

Agnew, Spiro, Earth Day, 602

Air Around Us, The (Carson), 124

air pollution, 35–41, 117

Air Pollution Control Act, 89, 293, 359, 370

Air Pollution Control District, 87

Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge, 249

Alaska National Lands Conservation Act of 1980, 204

Albright, Horace, 214, 273, 507

aldrin, 53, 256, 352

Aldrin, Edwin “Buzz,” 579

Aleutian Islands National Wildlife Refuge, 468–69

algae, 24, 82, 134, 139, 166, 572, 576, 577

Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument, 280

Allagash, 74, 103, 181, 200, 440–41, 553

Allerton Park, 499, 540

Amdur, Mary O., 36–37, 36

American Conservation Association, 419

American Cyanamid Company, 150, 257, 263, 352, 307

American Heritage Book of Indians, 228–29

American Indian Movement (AIM), 522

“American Land Ethic, An” (Momaday), 524–25

American Values (Kennedy), 6

America’s Natural Treasures (Udall), 672

“America’s Vanishing Wilderness” (Douglas), 406

Anders, Bill, 549–50, 594

Anderson, Clinton P., 129, 132, 210–11, 232, 238–39, 278, 386–87, 391, 393, 535

Animal Machines (Harrison), 302

Animal Welfare Institute, 148, 301

Ansel Adams Wilderness, 397–98

Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, 633

anti-freeway protest, 364

Antiquities Act, 216–17, 391, 545, 547–49, 559, 646

“Anti-Uglies,” 299

Ants, The (Wilson), 152

Apollo 8, 549–50, 594

Apostle Islands, 188, 291–92, 335–38, 607

Appalachian Trail, 235, 292, 536, 560

Appalachian Trail Club, 79, 536

Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, 470

Aravaipa Canyon, 465–66

Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge, 468

Arctic Circle National Monument, 547

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 355, 549, 568

Arctic Wilderness (Marshall), 397

Armstrong, Neil, 579–80

Army Corps of Engineers (ACE): Buffalo River, 106, 246, 636; William Orville Douglas, 219, 499, 621; environment and, 483; Everglades, 34–35, 230; Manufacturing Chemists’ Association, 220; motto of, 106; Oahe Dam, 268; Padre Island, 276; Potomac, 219; Red River, 498; Sierra Club, 581; Water for Peace program, 456; Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, 530

arsenic, 91, 159, 470, 479

Arthur Kill blob, 578

“Artist and the Ideals of Wilderness, The” (Adams), 204–5

ASARCO, 36–37

asbestos, 364, 445, 510

“Aspens, Northern New Mexico, 1958” (Adams), 178

Aspinall, Wayne, 163–64, 211, 238, 267–69, 347–48, 387, 415–16, 505, 540, 548–49, 644

Assateague Island, 56, 237, 316–18, 428

Atchafalaya, 352

“Atom Accord,” 328

“Atomic Bomb Bounce” (Mossman), 342

Atomic Energy Commission. See AEC

atomic testing, 40, 54, 580, 672. See also SANE, Nevada Test Site

“Atoms for Peace” (Eisenhower), 68

“Atom Versus Nature at Bodega” (Gilliam), 297

At War with 479

Audubon, John James, 52, 473

Audubon Society, 77, 135–36, 236, 246, 259, 289, 347, 368, 490, 492, 514, 594, 639, 670


Babbitt, Bruce, 469, 535

baby teeth, 144, 300

bald eagles, 335, 371, 463, 469, 471, 473–74, 539, 621, 638, 641

Barn, Point Reyes, California (Adams), 273

Barry Commoner and the Science of Survival (Egan), 141

bass, 246, 286, 289–90

Bat House (Skull Bluff) near Woolum (Benton), 246

Battle Creek Post Office, 462

Battle for Yosemite, 100

“Battle in the Clouds, A” (Carson), 45

Bay, The (Klingel), 64

Bear River Wildlife Refuge, 56

Benstock, Marcy, 353, 577

Benton, Thomas Hart, 246–47, 636

Berry, Wendell, 29, 498–99, 625

Beston, Henry, 7–8, 73, 135, 367, 525, 590

Bethlehem Steel Company, 241, 243, 410–11

Beyond the Hundredth Meridian (Stegner), 184

Bible, Alan, 225, 383

Big Bend National Park, 276, 441–44

Big Cypress National Preserve, 512, 594–95, 661

Big Horn Canyon National Recreation Area, 461

Big Roads, The (Swift), 125

Big Rock Candy Mountain, The (Stegner), 101

Big Thicket, 442, 512

Big Water 420

Bikini Atoll, 23–25, 54, 84, 232

“biocides,” 257–58, 308

biodynamic agriculture, 149

“Birth of an Island, The” (Carson), 57

Biscayne National Monument, 545–47

bison, 654

“bi-yohs,” 480

Black Mesa, strip mining in, 455

“blister brigade,” 79, 81

BLM. See Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

Blue Lake, 114, 335, 522, 618–19, 663

Bob Marshall Wilderness, 392, 397

Bodega Head, 295–97

Boeing, SST, 497, 577

Bohlen, E. U. Curtis, 655, 659

Boise Cascades of International Falls, 473

Bombs in the Backyard (Titus), 40

Booker T. Washington National Monument, 476

Book of Naturalists (Beebe), 52

Boone and Crockett Club, 116, 175, 386

Boundary Waters Canoe Area, 81, 108, 392, 396–97

Bouvier, Jacqueline, 69, See also Kennedy, Jacqueline

Boyle, Robert H., 287–90, 421, 571

Briggs, Shirley, 56, 57, 77

Brookhaven National Laboratory, 371, 489, 491

Brooks, Paul, 219, 256, 395

Brower, David R., 96–103; 97; Canyonlands National Park, 410; Cape Cod National Seashore, 136; Rachel Carson, 344–46; Central Park Country: A Tune Within 520; Colorado River dams, 321, 449; Cumberland Island National Seashore, 650; dams, Nixon and, 621; Dinosaur National Monument, 98–102; William Orville Douglas, noise pollution, 497; Paul Ehrlich, 523; environmental preservation movement, 117–18; Escalante River, Friends of the Earth, 582; Glen Canyon Dam, 98, 320; Hetch Hetchy Valley, 100; Walter Hickel, 568; House committee, testifying before, 453–54; LBJ, 435, 540–41; Let the Mountains Talk, Let the Rivers Run: A Call to Those Who Would Save the 582; Life magazine, 451; Minarets, 397–98; noise pollution, 497; “oil shock,” 658; The Place No One Knew: Glen Canyon on the 341–42; Point Reyes National Seashore, 273–274; redwoods, 401; The 504; Save the Grand Canyon, 450–52; Sierra Club, dismissal as president of, 581; Silent 265; Special Message to the Congress on Conservation and Restoration of Natural Beauty, 416–17; Russell Train, 519–20; typefaces, 451; Stewart Udall, 355; Vietnam War, “technological colonialism,” 520; White House Conference on Conservation, 236; Yosemite Valley, 100; Zero Hour in the 504

Brown, Edmund, Yosemite 270, 272

Buffalo Creek flood, 634–36

Buffalo River, 106, 198, 246–47, 636–37

Buldir Island, 468–69

“Bulldozed America,” 430–31

Bulloch v. United 39

Bureau of Land Management (BLM), 29–30, 95, 108, 240, 470, 531, 620

Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, 224, 320, 418, 536

Bureau of Reclamation, 75, 98–99, 102, 106, 158, 174, 378, 449–54

Burnap, Robert, 286, 491

Bush, George H. W., 611, 664–65, 671

butterflies, 96, 175, 287–88, 346, 367


cactus, 113, 217, 442, 444

Cadillac Desert (Reisner), 230

Caldwell, Lynton Keith, 483–84, 556, 615

“Cancer Alley,” 229

Canoeing with the Cree (Sevareid), 308

Canyonlands, 197, 211, 225, 334, 354, 398, 408–10, 503, 547, 559

Cape Cod (Thoreau), 7, 30

Cape Cod National Seashore, 119, 121, 134, 167, 201–2, 213

Cape Hatteras, 119

Capitol Reef National Monument, 410, 547

carbon dioxide, 232, 417, 427, 583–84, 611

Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site, 476

Carlsbad Cavern, 280, 459

Carpenter, Liz, 381, 444, 532, 602

Carr, Archie, 133, 466–68, 650

Carson, Rachel, Acadia National Park, 63; The Air Around 124; American Academy of Arts and Letters, 353; animals, 302; atmosphere documentary, 124; atomic testing, 54; Audubon Medal, 353; background of, 44–45; balance of nature, 367; Baltimore 47; “A Battle in the Clouds,” 45; Beston, 51, 73; Bikini Atoll tests, 54; “The Birth off an Island,” 57; books, view of, 374; breast cancer, 167, 179; California, 344–46; Catholic, 264; Columbus address, 118; Conservation in 55–56, 215; Conservationist of the Year, 347; Lois Crisler, 223; William J. Darby, 264; DDT, 52–54, 147; death of, 366–67; Defenders of Wildlife, 369; Democratic Advisory Council, 167; Dinosaur National Monument, 99; diving, 57; “eco-activist revolution,” 599; “ecologist,” 346; The Edge of the 72–73, 122–23, 133; Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, 149–50; “fisheries fiasco,” 240–41; Flaming Gorge Dam, 240–41; Frances K. Hutchinson Medal, 62, 311; Ann Cottrell Free, 302; Dorothy Freeman, 179; Orville Freeman, 334; Robert Frost, death of, 303; Garden Club of America, 311–12; Carol B. Gartner, 367; geese, 350; Guarding Our Wildlife 56; “Help Your Child to Wonder,” 368; Hickory Hill seminar, 314–15; interdependence, 367; iritis, 218; islands, 61; Kaiser Foundation symposium, 346; JFK, death of, 350–51; JFK, administration and, 311; Paul Knight, 252; 264; Linda Lear, 48, 148; Man Against the 151; media star, 553; medical problems, 57; monarch butterflies, 346; Moppet, 301; “My Favorite Recreation,” 45; National Audubon Society, Rachel Carson Award, 368; National Wildlife Federation, 347; Natural Wildlife Refuges, 56–57; The Nature Conservancy, Maine, 123; “Of Man and the Stream of Time,” 255; 124; “Our Ever-Changing Shore,” 133; Linus Pauling, 85; pelicans, 345; pesticides, 150; Presidential Medal of Freedom, 368; The Quiet 346–47, 356; reptiles, 44; Marie Rodell, 344–46; Schweitzer Medal, 301–3; Albert Schweitzer, 301–2; Scripps commencement address, 255; The Sea Around 57, 60–62, 180; seashore, 43–64, 367; Senate Committee on Commerce, 314; Senate subcommittee on DDT, 314, Sense of 368; Silent ad hominem attacks for, 264; Silent finishing of, 218–19; Silent primary aims of, 254; Silent writing of, 167; The Silent Spring of Rachel 307–10; Solomon, 63–64; William Souder, 51; Southport, Special Libraries Association, 254; Strontium 90, 222; as teacher, 367; 264; “Undersea,” 47; Under the 50–52; Velsicol Chemical Corporation, 263; White House Conference on Conservation, 236; wildlife refuges, 215; Woman’s Home 368; Women’s Committee for the New Frontier, 179; World Book Encyclopedia 265

Carter, Jimmy, 368, 397, 464, 546, 558, 650

catalytic converter, 659

Cathedral in the Desert, Glen Canyon, Utah, 1964 (Hyde), 398

Central and Southern Florida Project, 34

Central Arizona Project, 450–56

CEQ. See Council on Environmental Quality

Chavez, Cesar, 446–48, 474, 478, 493–94, 513–14, 553, 590, 600

Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park, 14, 76–83, 199, 294, 429, 551, 601, 667

Child Protection Act, 478

Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, 56, 316

Chippewa, 337, 338, 474

Chisman Creek poisoning, 91

chlorinated hydrocarbons, 256, 257, 375

Christiansted Harbor at Saint Croix, The Virgin Islands (Lamotte), 216

Christie, Roger, 63, 252, 257, 367

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 87, 88

Church, Frank, 168–69, Apollo 11, 579; defeat of, 668; Earth Day, 602; Paul Ehrlich, 524; LBJ, 354, 502; National Environmental Policy bill, 484; Nixon, 564; River of No Return Wilderness, 668; Silent defense of, 370; Sun Valley ski resorts, 496–97; White House Conference on Conservation, 238; Wild and Scenic River Bill, RFK, 423; Wilderness bill, 211, 304, 391; wild-river legislation, 414–15; WSR, 534–35

Citizens for Clean Air, 58, 359, 589

Citizens League Against the Sonic Boom, 497–98

Civilian Conservation Corps, 9, 158, 536, 559

Civilization and Ethics (Schweitzer), 48

Civil Rights Act of 1957, 173

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 376, 413, 463

Clean Air Act (1963), 136, 293, 305–6, 358–59, 417, 424, 579

Clean Air Act (1970), 604, 619–20, 658–60

Clean Water Act (1972), 289, 353, 424, 437, 480, 574–77, 631, 644–45

Clean Waters Restoration Act, 306


climate change, 232, 375, 427–28, 472, 583, 585, 662, 668

Clinton, Bill, 228, 576, 604, 672

Closing Circle, The (Commoner), 328, 624, 668

Cohelan, Jeffery, 403

Cold War, 22–23, 38–41, 67–68

Colorado River, “Bulldozed America,” 431

Colorado River Basin Project, 449, 454

Colorado River Compact, 101

Colorado River dams, 449, 599

Colorado River Storage Project, 99, 100, 102, 106

Committee for a More Beautiful Capital, 421, 428

Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, 304, 482, 530

Committee on Rare and Endangered Wildlife Species, 463–64

“Committees of Correspondence,” 406

Commoner, Barry: Baby Tooth Survey, 144; chemical-manufacturing business, 138; The Closing Circle: Nature, Man, and 624, 668; DDT, 54–55, 138; Diablo Canyon Power Plant, 571–72; Earth Day, 624; ecology, 553; ecoracism, 667–68; 554; “dioxin-producing factories,” 360; fallout, 85; incinerators, 360; Indianapolis speech, 143; Lake Erie, 576; LBJ, Special 435; media star, 553; National Conference on Air Pollution, 292; National Environmental Policy Act, 590; Nuclear 553; “oil shock,” 658; “Paul Revere of Ecology,” 553; plastics, 139, 624; pollution, 554; run for president, 667; Science Information Movement, 143; science, 554; Scientist and 553; Test Ban Treaty, 328; Washington University office, 138

Compton, Neil, 246, 636–37

Con Edison, 285–86, 431

Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), 622–23, 623

Congressional 276, 463

conservation, 116, 377, 552

Conservation Foundation, 556, 586

Conservation in Action (Carson), 55–56, 215

Conservationist of the Year Award, 347

Contribution to the Heritage of Every American, A (Newhall), 130

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 657

Cooley, Arthur, 371, 489, 491

COPD, 87, 88

copper, 463, 485

Corral Canyon nuclear power plant, 297

Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), 556, 587–88, 608, 645, 654–55

Counselor: A Life at the Edge of History (Sorensen), 67

Courage of Empire, The (DeVoto), 95

Cousins, Norman, 20–22, 60, 126, 141–42, 144–45, 160, 323–26, 377, 430, 445, 659

Cousteau, Jacques-Yves, 68–69, 140, 166, 231, 320, 643–44

Craighead, Frank and John, 32, 414, 468, 532

cranberries, 150, 213, 259, 474

cranes, 113, 463, 469–73, 661

Crisler, Lois, 223, 274, 395

crocodiles, 34, 545, 661

Cronkite, Walter, 553, 599, 624, 651

Cronon, William, 399–400

Cross Bronx Expressway, 363–64

“Crying Indian,” 625–626

Cumberland Island National Seashore, 120, 127, 649–50

Current River, 198–99, 245, 347

Cuyahoga River, 429, 572–76, 587

cyanide, 470, 575, 632


“Daisy,” 411

dams: American, number of, 535; anti-dam sentiment, 378; Blanco River, 532; Bridge Canyon Dam, 321, 449, 455, 487; Central and Southern Florida Project and, 34–35; Douglas on, 221, 405; EPA, 608; Eisenhower and, 106; Federal Water Project Recreation Act of 1965 and, 420; Flaming Gorge Dam, 240, 381; Goodbye to a River (Graves), 532, 561; Greers Ferry Dam, 347–48; Hells Canyon dam, 158; High Mountain Sheep Dam, 485; Hoover Dam, 321, 341; Johnson and, 158, 174, 417, 420; Marble Canyon Dam, 321, 449, 455, 487; Missouri, 268; Murie and, 78; Murray and, 111; Nixon, 608; Oahe Dam, 268–69; O’Shaughnessy Dam, 98; policy contradictions and, 347; Reagan, 665; Red River Gorge, 498–99; San Luis Dam, 272; Trinity River and, 378; Truman and, 34, 40–41; Water for Peace program and, 456; western states and, 68, 184; wild and scenic river system and, 245, 530; Yellowtail Dam, 461; See also Allagash, Buffalo River, Bureau of Reclamation, Dinosaur National Monument, Glen Canyon Dam, Potomac River, Riverbend Project, Save the Grand Canyon

DDT, 52–58, 638–42; agricultural workers, 447; A Wilderness Bill of 406; bald eagles, 469, 641; cancer and, 254; caribou, 369; Rachel Carson, 314, 367; chromosomes and, 367; defenders of, 253; EDF, 491–92; falcons, 148; fire ant, 253; fogger spraying, gulf shrimp, 352; Japanese beetles, 492; malaria and 375; MCC, 488–90; Michigan, 150; Montrose Chemical, 263; mosquitoes, 258; Müller, 258; Nader, Ralph, 425; Gaylord Nelson, 291; New York lawsuit, 146; NFWA, 447; Nixon and, 557; pelicans, 345; penguins, 369; Richard Pough, 112; Abraham Ribicoff, 314; Robert Riseborough, Albert Schweitzer, 146; Senate banning of, 292; Spock lawsuit, 147–50; spraying of, 313; Stringfellow Acid Pits, 494; Suffolk County’s Control commission, 372; Suffolk trial, 489–90; United Nations Stockholm conference, 641; Use of 312; wars, 370, 489; Robert White-Stevens, 309; Wisconsin, 492; World Health Organization malaria project, 262; Charles Wurster, Suffolk trial, 488–90; Victor Yannacone, Jr., 488–90; Yaphank Lake, 372, 488–90

Death Valley, 545, 557

Deep 373

Deer Family, The (Roosevelt), 559

Defenders of Wildlife, 32, 302, 357, 369, 465–66, 470–71, 589

Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, 428, 459

Dellums, Ron, 510, 622–24

Democratic Party, 1968 convention, 520

desalinization, 230–31, 238

Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness (Abbey), 30, 102, 522–23, 547

Desert Year, The (Krutch), 205

Designer Poisons (Moses), 514

DeVoto, Bernard, 95–96, 670

Dharma Bums, The (Kerouac), 114–15, 210, 542

Diablo Canyon Power Plant, 571–72

dieldrin, 53, 150–151, 256, 352, 369, 375, 492

Diet for a Small Planet (Lappé), 605

Dingell, John, 304, 352–53, 484, 586, 588, 608, 643, 654, 659

Dinosaur National Monument,98–102, 116, 240, 423, 449, 552

“Dirty Dozen,” 616–17

“dirty water,” 429, 489, 492, 638

“Dirty Water” (Standells), 159

Disaster on Buffalo 635, 636

“disease of overconsumption,” 591, 625

Dobrynin, Anatoly, 324, 659

dolphins, 48, 140, 232–33, 578, 643–44, 650, 654

Dominy, Floyd, 409, 450

Donora, PA, 35–37, 59, 88–90, 117, 587

Douglas, Cathy, 495–96, 498–99

Douglas, Marjorie Stoneman, 32–34, 286, 414, 435, 467, 483, 590, 594–95

Douglas, Paul, 129, 188, 199, 241, 243–44, 248, 429–30, 474, 499

Douglas, William Orville, 10–15; ACE, 34; Alaska wildlife refuges, 189; Harold Alexander, 246; Allagash, 180–81, 200; “America’s Vanishing Wilderness,” 406; Apollo 11, 579; A Wilderness Bill of 405; Brower, dismissal of, 582; Brower, noise pollution and, 497; Buffalo River, 246, 636; “Bulldozed America,” 431; C&O, 76–81, Canyonlands National Park, 410; cars, 74; Rachel Carson, 221; Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park, 667; “Committees of Correspondence,” 406; Cougar Lakes, 399; Cuyahoga River, 576; dams, Nixon and, 621; DDT, 148–49, 219–20; death of, 667; Earth Day, 601; Farewell to Texas: A Vanishing 280, 621; Forest Service, 75–76; Gerald Ford, 666; Glacier Peak Wilderness Area, 485; Goose Prairie, 495–96; Guadalupe National Park, 280; Hiroshima, 19–20; Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, 475; Bobby Kennedy and, 357; Jack Kennedy, 136; Lake Lyndon B. Johnson, 486; LBJ, 170, 486, 496, 540; Maine North Woods, 440; marriages, 76; Douglas McKay, 93; Robert S. McNamara, 496; Mission 66, 405; Edmund Muskie, 200; My Wilderness: East to 81, 200, 222–23, 339; My Wilderness: The Pacific 81, 200, 339; National Parks Association lecture, 219–221; Neuberger, 110, 169–70; noise pollution, 497; North Cascades National Park, 404–5; NTSA, Potomac, 538; Occupational Safety and Health Act, 620–21; Of Men and 59, 542; Sigurd Olson, 81; Olympic National Park, 93, 129–20, 250–51; Ozark National Scenic Riverways, 377; poisons, 470; Potomac, 82–83, 159, 219–21; presidential ambitions, 31–32; Red River Gorge, 498–99; Redwood National Park, 541; redwoods, 402; reservoirs, 406; retirement of, 666; RFK, 486–87; Riverbend project, 199; road building, 76; rules of standing, 582–83; Sangamon River Project, 499; Eric Sevareid, 308; Sierra Club, 265, 582; Silent 219–23, 255; Soviet atomic testing, 221; Marjorie Spock, 148–49; Storm King, 289; supersonic passenger planes, 497–98; surveillance of, 666; Texas, 621; Thoreau anniversary party, 234–35; Udall v. Federal Power 485; Vietnam War, 499–500; water pollution, 159; Wild and Scenic Rivers bill, 399; Wilderness Act, 398; wilderness protection, 74; wild-river legislation, 414; Yakima home, Soviet Union trip, 83–84

Dow Chemical, 220, 352, 565

Dr. Schweitzer of Lambaréné (Cousins, Urquhart), 144–45

Dupont Corporation, 53, 139, 220, 598, 647

Dyer, Polly, 116, 193, 343, 542



Earle, Sylvia, 368, 372–74, 609–11

Earth Day, 578, 597–606

Earthrise, 549–50

Earthwatch, 641

Earth Week 1972, 633–34

Echo Park Dam, 98–99, 102, 110

Ecological Society of America, 521–22

ecology, 70, 225

Ecology of Invasions by Animals and Plants, The (Elton), 151


ecoracism, 667–68

Ecotactics: The Sierra Club Handbook for Environmental 525, 600

ecotourism, 131, 409, 637

EDF. See Environmental Defense Fund

Edge of the Sea, The (Carson), 62, 72–73, 122–23, 133, 367, 545

Egan, Michael, 85, 141

Ehrlich, Paul, 523–24, 553, 600

Ehrlichman, John D., 518–19, 564, 568, 571, 578, 590, 595, 603, 607–8, 632, 663

Einstein, Albert, 23

Eiseley, Loren, 264–65, 336

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 67–68, 81, 84, 99, 102, 106, 117, 125, 145, 189, 298, 364, 560–61

Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The (Wolfe), 525

electrometallurgy, 338

elephants, tusks, 660

elk, 78, 274

Encounters with the Archdruid (McPhee), 519, 582, 650

Endangered Species Act of 1973, 248, 290, 469, 654–55, 659–62

Endangered Species Act of 1969, passage of, 248, 290, 577

Endangered Species Preservation Act (ESPA), 463–65, 470–74, 519

endrin, 53, 256, 351, 352, 375

Enduring Shore (Schneider), 213

Enduring Wilderness, The (Scott), 390

“environmental bill of rights,” 651

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), 491–93, 521, 570, 589

Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), EPA, 585–87, 608, 615, 637–38, 656

environmentalism, 116–17, 552–53

environmental law, 372, 489, 492, 589

Environmental Leadership Medal, 668

environmental movement: Bodega Head, 296; Commoner and, 668; criticism of, 613; Dinosaur National Monument, 552; Earth Day and, 606; embryonic state of, 37; environmental racism and, 668; global quality of, 641, 658; LBJ and, 378; Martin Luther King, Jr., 152–53; political identity of, 521; Pete Seeger, 287; sewage treatment and, 398; Silent Spring and, 222, 370, 375; Stegner’s “Wilderness Letter,” 184; Storm King, 289; Udall, 200, 673; Wilderness Act, 398; Watergate scandal and, 662

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 597, 608, 639; automobile emissions, 619, 632; CEQ, 588; Clean Water bill, 645; DDT, 639–40; Ehrlichman, 607; EIS, 614–15; Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1972, 647; Johnson administration and, 560; National Ambient Air Quality Standards, 620; Gaylord Nelson, 604; and new environmental presence in Washington, 619; Nixon and, 630; Ruckelshaus, 614, 665; as scapegoat, 658; Time magazine, 574; Russell Train, 657; Udall and, 672–73; water analysis 616; water-quality standards, 631; whooping crane, 661

environmental racism, 479–82

Environmental Rights and 492

Environmental Science Services Administration (ESSA), 425, 585

environmental teach-in, 578–80, 597–98, 601–4

eutrophication, 139, 575, 578

Everglades, The (Carr), 467

Everglades: River of Grass, The (Douglas), 33–34, 286, 467, 483

Everglades National Park, 27, 33–35, 151, 230, 483, 594–96, 661


fallout: AEC and, 85–86, 141; Atomic Energy Commission and, 300; baby teeth and, 144; Bikini Atoll tests and, 54, 84–85; Carson, 222, 559; Commoner on, 141, 143; “The Fallout Problem,” 143; ignorance of, 20–21; Japan and, 39; LBJ, 411; JFK, 323, 328; King, 152–53; Lawrence, 324; leukemia and, 85; Limited Test Ban Treaty and, 328; media and, 553; 124; Novaya Zemlya, 301; Pacific Proving Grounds, 24; Pauling and, 85, 144; pesticides and, 222; Reiss and, 144; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 141; Schweitzer, 145–46, 151; Soviet testing, 221; Teller, 143; testing and, 140–41; Trinity, 18–19; Udall, lawsuits over, 670. See also Nevada Test Site, SANE

Farewell to Texas (Douglas), 280, 621

Farm Animal Rights Movement, 605

Farmer, Jared, 538

Federal Council for Science and Technology, pesticides and, 261

Federal Energy Administration Act, 662

Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1972, 647

Federal Hazardous Substances Act, 478

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, 370

Federal Pest Control Review Board, 253

Federal Power Commission, 286, 423, 427, 485, 530

Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 41, 230, 588, 645–46. See also Clean Water bill

Federal Water Project Recreation Act of 1965, 420

ferret, 319, 320, 469, 472–73, 660

fire ant, 150–52, 167, 253

Firefall, 270, 272, 611

Fire Island National Seashore, 119, 237, 318, 377, 382–83

Fish and Wildlife Service, 52–53, 55, 78, 150, 240, 248, 253, 279, 311, 440, 464, 469–71, 531, 661

“fisheries fiasco,” 240–41

Flaming Gorge Dam, 240–41, 381

Flawed Giant: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1961–1973 (Dallek), 433

233, 643

Florida Power & Light, 472, 661

Food and Drug Administration, DDT, 139, 149, 254, 369

Ford, Gerald, 663, 666, 669

Forest Service, 75–76; Bridger National Forest, 223; clear cutting and, 656; Disney, 583; ecosystems and, 240; Glacier Peak preserve, 485; Izaak Walton League, 656; Kennedy and, 188; land designations of, 391; multiple-use policy, 305, 405; National Trails Act, 536–37; North Cascades, 542; Ozark National Forest, 637; “primitive areas,” 28; redwoods, 379; Theodore Roosevelt, 559; Sierra Nevada, 582–83; Stegner’s “Wilderness Letter,” 185; timber barons and, 193; wild and scenic rivers, 531; wilderness areas, 392; Wilderness bill, 108, 110, 115, 184

fracking, 28–30, 581

Francis, Sharon, 192–94, 215, 234–35, 240–41, 294, 355–56, 403, 413, 495

Frank Church–River of No Return Wilderness Area, 668

Freeman, Dorothy, 73, 123, 179, 221, 257, 345, 350, 367

Freeman, Orville, 188, 211, 245, 252, 259, 309, 312, 334–35, 391, 393

Freeway Protest, 364

Frenchman Flat, 39, 322

Fresh Kills, 58–59, 578, 600

Friends of the Earth, 581–82, 606, 621, 623, 624, 631, 643

“From a Mountaintop to 1,000 Fathoms deep” (Boyle), 290

Frost, Robert, 8, 182, 189–90, 199, 209, 215, 234–35, 303–4, 348, 590

Fryingpan-Arkansas Project, 267–68

Fulbright, J. William, 246, 637

Fundamentals of Ecology, The (Odum), 70–72, 390


Gaa-miskwaabikaang, 338

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 160, 577

Gandhi, Indira, 641–42

Garden Club of America, 62, 65, 126, 311–12, 418

Gateway National Recreation Area, 648–49, 664

geese, 468–69

General Motors, 306–7, 425–26, 630

“geography of hope,” 186

Get Oil Out, 570

Gift from the Sea (Lindbergh), 123

Gilliam, Harold, 215, 273–74, 297

Give Your Heart to the Hawks and Other Poems (Jeffers), 346

Glacier Peak Wilderness Area, 394–95, 485

Glen Canyon Dam, 98, 102, 106–7, 206, 320, 341, 599

Glenn, John, 457–58

global warming, 54, 232, 375, 478, 583–85

Goldberg, Arthur J., 188, 361

“Golden Circle,” 409

Golden Gate National Recreation Area, 274–75, 590, 632, 648

Goldwater, Barry, 188, 394, 411–12, 598

Goodbye to a River (Graves), 532, 561

Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 502, 529, 561

Goodwin, Richard, 376–77, 416, 428, 509, 560

Gore, Al, Jr., 374–75

Grand Canyon (Krutch), 409

Grand Canyon: Today and All Its Yesterdays (Krutch), 206

Grand Canyon National Park, 196, 312, 431, 487, 558, 599. See also Save the Grand Canyon

Grand Teton National Park, 227, 229, 339, 627–28

Graves, John, 532, 561

Great Basin National Park, 39, 192, 225–26, 342

Great Beach, 7, 121, 213

“Great Killer Fog of 1952,” 89

Great Lakes, 68, 128, 131, 166, 202, 214, 241–44, 291, 337, 460, 519, 538, 630, 633. See also Lake Erie and Lake Superior

Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, 577, 633–34, 641

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, 545

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 191, 476

Gruening, Ernest, 383, 406

Guadalupe Mountain National Park, 280, 459

Guarding Our Wildlife Resources (Carson), 56

gypsy moth, 146, 151–52, 167


“hacking towers,” 469

Haldeman, H. R., 630, 657

Handbook of Turtles (Carr), 133

Harper’s 95–96

Harris, Mary Hazell, 465, 470

Hart, Philip, 129, 236, 241, 248, 354, 460, 564, 591, 643

Harte, Edward H., 277, 279

Hartley, Fred, 566, 569

Hartzog, George B., Jr., 198–99, 362, 443, 476, 512–13, 552, 613

Harvest of Sorrow (Moses), 514

Hattiesburg, 330

Hayes, Denis, 597–98, 616–17, 668

Head Start, 363, 559

“Help Your Child to Wonder” (Carson), 368

Henry David Thoreau (Krutch), 205

heptachlor, 150, 256, 258, 352

Hersey, John, 22, 30

Hetch Hetchy Valley, 98–100

Hickel, Walter, 548–49, 56–71, 577, 600, 602, 606–7, 617, 664

Hickey, Joseph J., 148, 180

Higgins, Elmer, 47, 147

High Jungles and Low (Carr), 133

High Mountain Sheep Dam, Udall v. Federal Power 485

Highway Beautification Act, 432–34, 548

Hiroshima (Hersey), 22

Hiroshima, 19–22, 212, 255, 330, 552, 580, 672

“Home-a-rama,” 479

Hoover, Herbert, 8, 545, 549

Hoover, J. Edgar, 188, 357, 603

Hopi, 94, 455, 523

House Made of Dawn (Momaday), 524

Houston riot, 480–81

Hudson River, 159, 201, 285–90, 320, 423–24, 431, 458, 516, 534, 574. See also Storm King Mountain

Hudson River’s White Water Derby, 487

Huerta, Dolores, 446–47

Humphrey, Hubert, 107–9, 148, 168, 327, 333, 390–91, 394, 521–22, 600, 643

Hyde, Philip, 100, 380, 398, 454, 526


Ickes, Harold L., 25–26, 30, 33–34, 37, 93, 243, 410–11, 552

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, 188, 214, 237, 241–44, 410–11, 429–31, 474–76, 521

Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, 285, 289

“inhumanism,” 346

In Sputnik’s Shadow (Wang), 313

Integrity (Neuberger), 109

International Union for Conservation of Nature, 151, 657

In the Thick of It: My Life in the Sierra Club (McCloskey), 399

Iron Eyes Cody, 624–26, 626

“iron triangle,” 40

Island in Time (Gilliam), 274

“islands of poverty,” 479

Izaak Walton League, 107, 116, 126, 164, 188, 386, 420, 517, 589, 656


Jackson, Henry M. “Scoop,” 168, Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park, 601; on dams, 454; Earth Day, 600–601; Ehrlichman and, 519; Environmental Impact Statement, 615; EPA, 608; Federal Water Project Recreation Act of 1965, 420; “impeachment politics,” 662; legacy of, 665; National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 482–84, 585–89, 591; “New Frontiersman,” 168; Nixon, 564, 589, 596; North Cascades National Park, 194, 305, 485–86, 520; NTSA, 418, 536; ORRRC, 132; overconsumption, combat of, 591; Redwood National Park bill, 505; Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, 304; trail system, 418; Wilderness bill, 304; wild-river legislation, 414

Jamaica Bay National Wildlife Refuge, 648–49

Japanese beetles, 492

Javits, Jacob, 383, 424

Jeffers, Robinson, 295, 346

John Brown’s Body (Benèt), 502

Johnson, Lady Bird, American beautification campaign, 363–365; Austin, 653; beautification effort, 381; Big Bend National Park, 441; Boyle, 421; California trip, 448–50; children’s education, 363; Committee for a More Beautiful Capital, 421–22; “Crossing the Trails of Texas” tour, 511–13; death of, 670; Earth Day, 602; Sharon Francis, 413; Head Start, 363; Highway Beautification Act, 431; highways, 363–65; Lady Bird Lake, 670; “Lady Bird Special,” 412; “Land and People” tour, 381; legacy of, 560; NASA, 412; National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, 461; National Wildlife Research Center, 653–54; Padre Island National Seashore, 512; Point Reyes National Seashore, 448; Rachel Carson Award, 670; Redwood National Park, 541; redwoods, 403–4; Rio Grande River, 444; roadside America, natural beauty, 422–23; Sandburg, 475; Texas Highway Department, 563; Texas ranch, return to, 562–63; Udall, 187, 381; With Heritage So 461–63; Yosemite, Vernal Falls, 442

Johnson, Lyndon B., 172–73, Ansel Adams, 419; A More Beautiful 419; African Americans, 176; Allagash Wilderness Waterway, 440–41; “America’s natural heritage” speech, 435–38; Amphicar, 486; Apollo 11, 579; Arches, 557; Assateague Island National Seashore, 428; Big Horn Canyon National Recreation Area, 461; Biscayne National Monument, 546–47; Brower, 380; Browerites and, 529; cabinet of, 356; Canyonlands National Park, 410; Cape Lookout National Seashore, 438–39; Capitol Reef, 557; CCC, 174; Celler, 174; Central Arizona Project, 450; Chanel No. 5, 357; Civil Rights Act of 1964, 413; civil rights speech, 651; climate change, 428; Colorado River Basin Project, 449; Colorado River dams, 449; conservation and, 377, 380, 389, 528–29, 543, 559–61; “Daisy,” 411; death of, 653; Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, 428, 459; “dirty water,” 429–30; Douglas, 386; Earth Day, 602; ecology movement, 354; election day, 412; electricity, 174; Endangered Species Preservation Act, 463; environmentalists, 500, 528; executive orders, 558; farm activities, 476; FDR and, 385; Fire Island National Seashore, 377, 382; first cabinet meeting, 361; Ford’s Theatre opening, 501; gallbladder, 433; Goodbye to a 532; “the Great Society,” 376; health, 412, 651; Highway Beautification Act, 432–33; inaugural address, 416; Indiana Dunes National Seashore, 429–30, 474–75; “I See an America,” 439–40; JFK, 172, 177, 277; Katmai National Monument, 558; Land and Water Conservation Fund, 400; Aldo Leopold, 390; Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 411; Marble Canyon National Monument, 558; Michigan commencement address, 376; Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control Act, 424; National Environmental Policy Act, 484, 591; National Park Foundation, 512; National Trails Program, 418; National Water Commission, 437; Native Americans, 378; Natural Beauty speech, 418; Neuberger, funeral of, 169–70; New Conservation, 379, 508; New Frontier, 357; 1965 State of the Union, 413; Nixon, 579; North Cascades National Park, signing of, 542–43; nuclear testing, 354; on rivers, 532; outdoorsman, type of, 528; Ozark National Scenic Riverways, 377; Padre Island, 276, 278; Pedernales, 354, 384, 530; “pickle liquor,” 430; Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, 459–60; Point Reyes National Seashore, 460; President’s Council and the Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Recreation and Natural Beauty, 444–45; presidential race, dropping from, 509; raw politics of, 500; Redwood National Park, 379, 381, 401, 539–41; Restoring the Quality of Our 427; RFK adventure junkies, 529; Roosevelt, 385, 529; Sandy Hook State Park, 378; Schweitzer, death of, 430; Special Message (February 23, 1966), “America’s natural heritage” speech, 416–18, 435–38; Special Message to the Congress on Conservation (March 8, 1968), 504, 507–8; State of the Union, redwoods, 503–4; suntan lotion, 528; Texas ranch, 176–77, 562–63; The Last 380; Thoreau, 389; “To Renew a Nation” speech, 507–8; Udall, 356–58, 362, 557–58; urban wildlands, 378; Vantage Point: Perspectives of the Presidency, 563; Vietnam War, 428–29, 508; Reuther, 403; War on Poverty, 363; Water for Peace, 456; Water Quality Act, 424; as westerner, 384–85; Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, 527–35; Wilderness bill, 390; Wilderness classification, 387; wildlife, treatment of, 463; wild-river legislation, 414–16; Wolf Trap National Park, 461; working style, 527

“Johnson treatment,” 358, 509

Josephy, Alvin M., Jr., 215, 228–29, 355


Kakagon Sloughs, 335, 337

Katmai National Monument, 547, 558

Keep America Beautiful, 126, 625–26, 659

Kelsey, Frances Oldham, 254, 264

Kennedy, Bobby: assassination of, 515; background, 83; candidacy, announcement of, 513; Chavez, 447, 513–14; Douglas, 13; earth feeling of, 267; fifty-mile hike, 295; Florida, 10; hiking, 13; Hudson River’s White Water Derby, 487; Hudson River, 423–24; kayaking, Jack Kennedy’s Senate run, 66; LBJ cabinet, 356; menagerie, 84; Olympic National Park camping trip, Douglas and, 250–51; “Our Vanishing Shoreline,” 120; preservationist, 357; presidential candidacy, possibility of, 503; raft trip, Rainbow Bridge National Monument, 487; Schweitzer, death of, 430; Jackson, Snake River, 457–58; Soviet Union trip, 83–84; St. Elias Range, 419–20; Storm King, 289, 423; Visalia hearing, 446; Wild Rivers, 423

Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 10, 600

Kennedy, Ethel, 214, 314, 423, 448, 457–58, 495, 515

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 187, 210 284

Kennedy, Joe, Jr., 7, 13, 15, 16

Kennedy, Joe, Sr., 10, 11, 13, 16, 19, 69, 137

Kennedy, John F., 5–7; Addison’s disease, 267; air pollution, 37, 293–94; The American Heritage Book of 228–29; America’s Cup dinner, 3; Antiquities Act, 216; Apostle Islands, 335, 337–38; Aspinall, dams, 267; Assateague, 316; Buck Island Reef National Monument, 216; C&O Canal, 294; California legislature, 134; Cape Cod National Seashore, 121, 135–36, 167, 213; Carson, 51, 179, 559; Carvel, 249–50; Church, 169; Clark, Jr., 333; Clean Air Act, 136; climate change, 232; Colorado Democratic Convention, 165; Congress, 30–31, 41; conservation, 334, 337, 559; Crosby, 343; Cuban missile crisis, 282–83; Cumberland Island, 650; Current River, 347; Cousins, 324–25; DDT, 55, 260; death of, 348; deer, 340–41; desalinization, 238; Duscha, 334; environmentalism, 260–61; environmental platform of, 171–72; environmental standards, 90; environment identity, 165–66; Federal Pest Control Review Board, 253; Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 41; Fire Island, 318; Flash 15; Florida, 10; Kelsey, 264; Freeman, 188, 245; Frost, 182, 303; Fryingpan-Arkansas Project, 267–69; Glen Canyon Dam, 341; Glen Ora, 194; Grand Teton National Park, 339; Great Basin National Park, 342; Great Lakes, 202; Greers Ferry Dam, 347–48; Hanford Engineer Works, 339; health of, 9–10; hiking, 13; Hiroshima, 20; Honey 283; Hoover Dam, 341; Humphrey, 333; Hyannis Port, inaugural, 189; intelligent conservation, 225; Jacks Fork, 347; Jackson Lake Lodge, 339; Jay Six cattle ranch, 15; Jim Crow, 335; Khrushchev, 212; Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, 164; Lake Erie, 166; Lake Superior, 335, 337; Landrum-Griffin Act, 164; Laramie speech, 338; Las Vegas speech, 342; last conservation journey, criticisms of, 343; LBJ, 172–74, 177, 277; Leopold Report, 320; love of sea, 267; Lyautey, 238; McCarthy, 333; McKay, 92; military, 16; Mormon Tabernacle, 341; Mount Lassen Volcanic National Park, 340; National Park Service, 127; National Environmental Policy Act, 591; National Wilderness Preservation System, 136; Nelson, 333, 336–37; New Conservation agenda, 195; “New Frontier,” 168, 170, 187, 266, 294; 1956 Democratic National Convention, 126; 1960 presidential campaign, 157–58; 1960 presidential campaign, issues of, 159–60; nuclear power, 339–40; nuclear weapons testing, 212; Oahe Dam, 268; Oakes, 83; oceans, 3–4; “Our American Cities and Their Second-Class Citizens,” 90; “Our Vanishing Shoreline,” 120; Outdoor Recreation Act, 320; Padre Island National Seashore, 279; Peace Corps, 174; “Peace Speech,” 326; physical fitness campaign, 294–95; Pictured Rocks, 338; Pinchot, 335; Point Reyes National Seashore, 274; Potomac preservation, 82; Prairie National Park, 226; preservation, 42; presidential election, 181; Presidential Library and Museum of, 351; presidential nomination, 170; Profiles in 122; reelection, 130; refuges, 248–49; Reuther, river preservation, 245; Russell Cave National Monument, 216; Saguaro National Monument, 217; sailing, 15, San Luis Dam, 272; scientific approach, 262; scientists and, 230–31; Senate, 65; 283; S. 476, signing of, Shadrach, 315; Silent 260–61; Silent Spring of Rachel 307; The Silent 68; Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, 279; Special Message to the Congress on Conservation (March 1), 1962, 225, 227, 253, 279–80; Special Message to the Congress on Natural Resources to Congress (February 23), 1961, 195; State of the Union address, 219, 224; St. Elias Range, 419–20; St. Lawrence Seaway, 68; test ban treaty, 324–28; “third-wave” conservation, 127; This Is the American 178; Turner, 294; Udall, 164, 182; Under the 51; upbringing of, 4–10; “Use of Pesticides: A Report of the President’s Science Advisory Committee,” 375; western states tour, 266; Why England 16; Wilderness bill, 211, 347–48; wildlife refuges, 214; William Orville Douglas, 13; Woman’s 328; Women Strike for Peace, 284; World Health Organization malaria project, 262; Yale commencement address, 262; Yarborough, 280–81; Yellowstone County Fairgrounds, 338; Yosemite, 269–72, Youth Conservation Corps, 269, 338

Kennedy, John Francis “Honey Fitz,” 5

Kennedy, Kerry, 457–58, 488

Kennedy, Robert F., Jr., 82, 314–15, 516

Kennedy, Rose, 5–10, 16, 60, 182

Kent State shootings, 606

Kerouac, Jack, 74–75, 114, 210, 542

Kerry, John, 606

Key deer, 471, 560

Khrushchev, Nikita, 141–42, 212, 282–84, 301, 303, 324–28

“killer fog,” 35

King, Coretta Scott, 284, 357, 377, 478, 511

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 142–43, 152–53, 299, 323–24, 327, 477–79, 494, 500, 510

King, Philip, 316–17

Kingdom of God and Primitive Christianity (Schweitzer), 145

Knight, Paul, 252–54

“Know America First,” 361

Korea, 38–39, 287

Krug, Julius, 27, 37

Krutch, Joseph Wood, 205–7, 409, 450–51, 558

Kuchel, Thomas H., 192, 211, 270, 273–74, 505, 535

Kuralt, Charles, “Bulldozed America,” 430–31


Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, 654

Lady Bird Lake, 670

Lake Erie, 166, 214, 572–77, 632–33

Lake Lyndon B. Johnson, 486

Lake Superior, 128, 202, 291, 335–38, 460

Land and Water Conservation Act (LWCA), 460–61

Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), 358, 400–401, 417, 649

“land ethic,” 59, 210, 355, 376, 431, 524

Landrum-Griffin Act, 164

Lasker, Mary, 421, 590

Last Redwoods, The (Hyde, Leydet), 380, 401, 504, 526

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 329

leaded gasoline, 75, 299, 307, 359, 425, 553, 658

League of Conservation Voters, 581, 644, 651

League of Women Voters, 420

Lear, Linda, 48, 148, 253, 261

Legacy of Parks, 594, 627–28, 655

Legal Defense Fund, 490, 493, 604

Leopold, Aldo, 59–60, 115, 210, 376, 399–400, 552

“Leopold Report,” 319–20

Let the Mountains Talk, Let the Rivers Run (Chappell, Brower), 582

Lewis and Clark Expedition, The (Neuberger), 110

Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 141, 160, 322–30, 342–43, 347, 357, 411, 445

Lincoln, Abraham, 182, 242, 269, 475, 501, 502

Lindsay, John, 359, 573, 600

“litterbug,” 126

“Little Boxes” (Reynolds), 297

Living Wilderness (Dore), 105, 185, 191, 194, 304

lizards, 113, 214, 466

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 65–66, 170

Lonely Land, The (Olson), 81, 162, 202

Long Island legal case, 150

“Long Island Ten,” 491

“Long Sixties,” 4, 297

Lorax, The (Seuss), 576

Lowell, Robert, 235

Lyndon B. Johnson State Park, 563


MacKaye, Benton, 29, 235, 418, 536

Mailer, Norman, 520, 580

Malthusianism, 59

Man and Dolphin (Lilly), 233

manatee, 373, 472, 545, 644, 656, 660

Manhattan Project, 18, 38, 68, 94, 143

Mansfield, Mike, 188, 535

Marble Canyon National Monument, 547, 558

Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), 44, 65

Marine Mammal Protection Act, 472, 520, 643–44, 647, 654, 660

Masland, Frank, 203, 211

McCarthy, Eugene, 333, 502, 508–9

McCloskey, Michael, 239, 393, 399, 540, 582, 600

McCloskey, Pete, 579, 597, 599, 646

McGovern, George, 292, 338–39, 502, 528, 567, 642–44, 646

McGrory, Mary, Stewart Udall, 413

McKay, Douglas, 81, 92–3, 127

McKibben, Bill, 307, 312, 606

McLean, Louis, 45, 84, 164, 263, 448, 509

McNamara, Robert S., 428, 496

McPhee, John, 519, 582, 650

Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty, 463

Merchants of Doubt (Oreskes, Conway), 375

Metcalfe, Ralph, 622, 623

military-industrial complex, 118, 243, 298

milk, 53, 141, 148–49, 212, 222, 411, 492, 597

Mill Creek, 402–3, 504–5, 541

Minarets Wilderness, 392, 397–98, 669

“Mission 66,” 115–16, 178, 191, 362, 393, 405

Mississippi River, 41, 214, 352, 430, 574

Missouri River, 111, 268, 553, 574

Moab, UT, 409, 410

modern environmental movement, birth of, 222

Modern Man Is Obsolete (Cousins), 20–21

Mondale, Walter, 423, 530, 533–34, 567

More Beautiful America, A (Adams, Johnson), 419

More Lives than One (Krutch), 207

Morton, Rogers, 617, 627–28, 636

Moses, Marion, 447, 513–14

Moses, Robert, 260, 318, 363, 383

Mother 555

Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control Act, 424

Mountaineers, 192–93, 395, 542

Moyers, Bill, 361, 414–15, 560

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 425, 584–85, 614

Muir, John, 96–98, 200 242, 257, 269

Müller, Paul Hermann, 52, 258

Mumford, Lewis, 353, 364

Murie, Margaret “Mardy,” 189, 355, 391, 533

Murie, Olaus, 78, 80, 102, 189, 395

Murray, James E., 111, 129

Museum of Comparative Zoology, 464

Musil, Robert K., 73, 152

Muskie, Edmund, 200–201, 305–7, 358–59, 414, 420, 440, 500, 519, 521, 591, 645, 586–90, 594–96, 600, 619–20, 628, 631, 644–45

Must They Die? (McNulty), 660

“My Favorite Recreation” (Carson), 45

Myths of August (Udall), 672


Nabokov, Vladimir, 255, 287–87

Nader, Ralph, 200, 299, 360, 425–27, 493–94, 517, 553, 571, 576–77, 600, 619, 658, 642

NASA, 159, 311, 549–50, 579–80, 610

Nash, Roderick Frazier, 394, 570–71

144, 205

National Ambient Air Quality Standards, 620

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 490

National Audubon Society, 236, 259, 368, 484, 490, 492, 594, 639

National Commission on Pesticides, 370

National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE), 141–42, 160, 323–24, 326, 357, 377, 445, 622

National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, 620

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 102, 111, 437, 482–85, 585–91, 607, 641

National Farm Workers Association (NFWA), 446–48, 478

National Forest System, 401, 537

National 95, 216, 401, 419, 470

National Geographic Society, 216, 275, 380, 401–2

National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, 461–63, 501

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 607–11, 616–17

National Park Foundation, 512, 589, 650

National Parks Association, 79, 83, 106, 219–21, 418

National Park Service: A Report on the Seashore Recreation Area Survey of the Atlantic and Gulf 119; Buffalo National River, 636; Cape Cod National Seashore, 213; Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site, 476; Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park, 667; civil rights, 227; dams and, 99–100, 245; Great Lakes Shoreline survey, 128; Hartzog, 362; idea of, 96; Johnson boyhood home, 563; LWCF, 401; Mission 66, 115, 191, 393, 405; Nixon, 517; Our Fourth Shore: Great Lakes Shoreline Recreation Area 241; Point Reyes National Seashore, 274; river systems, 245–46; Rockefeller, 132; Wilderness Act, 110, 115, 392; Wirth, 127; With Heritage So Rich: A Report of a Special Committee on Historic 461; WSR, 532–33

“National Parks for the Future” (Udall), 191

National Park System: Allagash, 200; Buck Island, 216; Cape Cod, 121, 135, 201, 213, 317; Dinosaur National Monument, 98–99, 240; Firefall, 611; Fire Island, 318; Ickes, 25; Jamaica Bay National Wildlife Refuge, 648, 649; JFK, 225, 269, 334, 559; Lady Bird Big Bend trip, 443; LBJ, 459, 563; Leopold Report, 320; New Frontier forts, 217; “Our Vanishing Shoreline,” 120, 127; preservation and, 318; racial integration and, 362; Rockefeller, 132; Sandburg, 476; Udall, 192, 361, 557, 558; Virgin Islands, 132; visitations, increase of, 392; waterpower enthusiasts and, 100; Wilderness bill, 115; Wirth, 127; Yosemite, 613

National Preservation Act, 511

National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), 289, 383

National Scenic Trails, 418, 526, 536, 560

National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, 427, 478

National Trails Program, 418

National Trails System Act, 536–38

National Water Commission, 437, 556

National Water Research Institute, 420

National Wild and Scenic Rivers system, 378, 441, 509, 531–32, 535. See also Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

National Wilderness Preservation System, 29, 136, 385, 390, 401

National Wildflower Research Center, 653–54

National Wildlife Federation, 116, 164, 175, 259, 347, 393, 479, 484

Native Americans: AIM, 522; The American Heritage Book of 228–29; bald eagle, 474; Big Bend, 443; Big Horn Canyon National Recreation Area, 461; Black Mesa, strip mining in, 455; Blue Lake, 618–19; Bureau of Indian Affairs, 187; Cave, 216; Chief Seattle, 114; Colorado River Basin Project, 449; Comanche Indians, territory of, 441; Crow Indian Reservation, 381; Crow people, 461; dams, 378; environmental injustice and, 229–30; Gila River Indian Reservation, 646; Havasupai, 94; Hohokam Pima, 646; Hoop Valley Tribe Reservation, 378; Hopi, 94, 455; Hualapai, 94; Interior Department under Udall and, 228; JFK, last conservation journey and, 340; Kakagon Sloughs, 337; “Land and People” tour, 381; land stewardship and, 114; LBJ message to Congress, 507; Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty, 463; Momaday, 524; National Council of Indian Opportunity, 507; Navajo, 94, 671; Navajo Generation Station, 454; New Frontier, 340; nuclear testing and, 324; Paleo-Indians, 409; Quanah Parker, 443; radioactivity, 40–41; Red Lake Chippewa Tribe, 474; religious places, 618; river systems, 246; Sontag, 448; Standing Bear, 114; systemic environmental injustice, 229–30; Taos Pueblo Indians, 618–19; Udall, 671; uranium, 94, 230; Yurok, 378

Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act, 478

Naturalist in Florida, A (Carr), 467

Natural Resources Defense Council, 492–93, 604, 638

Nature Conservancy, 112–13, 123–24, 236, 286, 343, 368, 393, 418, 552, 614, 649

Nature’s Ghosts (Barrow), 661

Navajo Generation Station, 454

Navajo Nation, 94, 230, 340, 443

NECC, 292

“Need for Wilderness Areas, The” (Zahniser), 109

Nehru, B. K., 235

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 145

Nelson, Gaylord, 290–92, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, 292, 335–37; “Bill of Rights for American Rivers” speech, 534; DDT, 292; defeat of, 668; Denis Hayes, 599; “Dirty Dozen,” 616–17; Earth Day, 579–80, 604; Environmental Leadership Medal, 668; Environmental Teach-in, 597; JFK, letter to, 336–37; LBJ, Vietnam War and, 502; League of Conservation Voters, 644; media darling, 597; Minnesota Conservation and Water Pollution Control Commissions, 534; National Commission on Pesticides, 370; national environmental teach-in, 578; National Trails System Act, 536; Nixon, 564; Presidential Medal of Freedom, 604; St. Croix River, 533–34; trail system, 418; Udall, 534; Wild and Scenic River Bill, RFK, 423; Wilderness Act, 292; wild-river legislation, 414

Neuberger, Richard L., 109–11, 129, 169–70, 538

Nevadans, atmospheric tests and, 342–43

Nevada Proving Grounds, 86

Nevada Test Site, 38–39, 300, 323, 330, 339, 342–43, 670

New Conservation: achievements of, 526, 548; agenda, Theodore Roosevelt, 529; AIM, 522; Anderson, 211; Biscayne National Monument, 546; Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, 459; Douglas, 497; Earth Day, 602; ESPA, 463; Highway Beautification Act, 433; JFK, 195; Key deer, 472; LBJ, 211, 377, 379, 392, 417, 418, 439, 560; national parks signing ceremony, 527; optics of, 560; as political issue, 394; Redwood National Park, 505, 539; Roosevelt and, 529; St. Croix, 534; Udall, 503; Vietnam, 508; Wilderness Act, 395, 416; Wilderness lobby and, 526–27

New Deal, 9, 11, 385, 420

New England Wild Flower Preservation Society, 302

New Environmentalism, 384, 561, 594

New Frontier: Cousins, 323; declaration of, 170; Douglas, 200; family and outdoors recreation and, 194; forts and, 217; Greers Ferry Dam, 348; JFK, 224, 227, 334; King, Jr., 323; Krutch, 207; LBJ and, 559; Limited Test Ban Treaty, 328; national monuments and, 217; Native Americans, 340; natural resource management and, 266; NIYC, 340; ORRRC, 224; Potomac River, 294; Reuther and, 248; SANE, 323; Sierra Club, 204; Silent Spring and, 260, 262; Sorensen, 219; Stenson, 323; “third wave” conservation, 187; War Resisters League, 323; Wilderness bill, 182, 189

“New Frontiersman,” 168

Newhall, Nancy, 130, 178–79, 336, 419

NFWA, 446–48, 478, 493–94, 513–14

Nixon, Richard M., 170–72, ABM, 633; Alaska, beauty of, 664; Alaskan pipeline, 577; Berry, 614; bison, 654; Blue Lake, 618; Buffalo National River, 636; California vote and, 632; Cambodia, 624; Camp Pendleton, 655; CBC, 622; CEQ, 608; Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park, 601; China, 633; Clean Air Act Amendments, 619–20; Clean Water bill, 631, 644–45; Coastal Zone Management Act, 647; Colorado River dams, 321; conservation legacy of, 560; Cumberland Island National Seashore, 649–50; DDT, 557, 641; death of, 669; deer, 654; Dingell, 643; Douglas, 520; Earth Day, 600, 602–3; Earth Week 1972, 634; Ecological Society of America, 521; Ehrlichman, 518, 590; election win, 650–51; Emergency Highway Energy Conservation Act, 662; Endangered Species Act of 1969, 577; Endangered Species Act of 1973, 654–55, 660; environmental crisis atmosphere, 575; environmental lawyers, 564; environmental policy, 577–78, 593–94, 607, 630; EPA, 574, 597, 608, 630; Everglades, 594–96; Federal Energy Administration Act, 662; Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1972, 647; Fossil Butte National Monument, 646; Gate National Recreation Area, 648–49; Golden Gate National Recreation Area, 648; GOO, 570; Grand Canyon, 594; Grand Teton National Park, 627–28; Great Lakes, 633; Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, 633; Hatfield, 643; Hickel, 607; Hohokam Pima National Monument, 646; impeachment proceedings, 662–63; Keep America Beautiful, 625–26; Kent State shootings, 606; Legacy of Parks, 59, 627–284, 655; Lincoln Memorial antiwar protest, 606; Marine Mammal Protection, 520, 644; memoir of, 664; MMPA, signing of, 646; Muskie, 590, 620; Nader, 517; National Environmental Policy Act, 586–89; National Park Service, expansion of, 614; The Nature Conservancy, 614; Nibbles, 654; 1973 corporate world, 656; NOAA, 608–11; nomination of, 517; nuclear power, 571; Orange County drive, 593; pandas, 654; Project Independence, 571; Ralph, 517; Redwood National Park, 541; resignation, 663; San Clemente, 567; Sanchez, 595; Santa Barbara beach, 569–71; Saturday Night Massacre, 656; Save the Redwoods League, 520; second Earth Day, 625; second inaugural address, 654; Senate Bill 1075, sewage treatment, 437; Solid Waste Disposal Act, 593; Soviet Union, 633; Special Message to the Congress on Environmental Quality, 596; State of the Union, 593–94, 596; Taos Pueblo, 618; third environmental address to congress, 657; UN Stockholm conference, 642, 654; whales, 647; Wilderness Society, 614; Yom Kippur War, 658

NOAA, 607–11, 616–17

North Cascades National Park, 74, 192–94, 236, 250, 305, 354, 398, 404–5, 417, 452, 482, 486, 509, 516, 520, 527, 542–43, 559

Northern States Power Company, 245, 414, 473, 533

North Woods, 191, 319, 440, 460

Novaya Zemlya, 146, 301

NPS. See National Park Service

NTS. See Nevada Test Site

NTSA. See National Trails System Act

nuclear bombs, 17–19, 24, 153, 212, 330

nuclear power, 24, 142, 295–97, 285, 339–40, 356, 486, 553, 571–72

nuclear testing: “Atoms for Peace,” 68; Carson and, 118, 180, 255; Commoner and, 143; Eisenhower, 68; JFK on, 212, 323; lawmakers on, 40; LBJ and, 354; leukemia and, 85; Native Americans and, 324; Nevada, 95; New Frontier and, 260–61; Operation Crossroads, 23; Point Hope, 495; Project Chariot, 495; Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, 672; radioactive fallout and, 323; Roosevelt, 324; Schweitzer, 145–46; Truman and, 38; underground, 329–30, 342–43, 494–95, 580–81, 670; Under the Cloud: The Decades of Nuclear 301; United States, number in, 40; USSR, 212, 221; Wiesner, 231. See also AEC, Bikini Atoll, fallout, Limited Nuclear Test Ban, SANE, Women Strike for Peace


Oakes, John B., 83, 201, 239, 265, 349, 355, 450

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), 517, 620–21

ocean acidity, 643–44

Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century, An (Bush, Ruckelshaus), 665

Odum, Eugene P., 70–72, 79, 122, 390, 554, 650

“Of Man and the Stream of Time” (Carson), 255

Of Men and Mountains (Douglas), 59, 542

“oil shock,” 658

Okefenokee Swamp, 72, 133

Olson, Sigurd, 79, 81–82, 100, 108-9, 199, 202–3, 236, 244–45, 273, 395–97, 414

Olympic National Park, 93, 193, 545

On Human Nature (Wilson), 152

Operation Crossroads, 23–25, 54

Operation Plowshare, 330

Operation Teapot, 322

Operation Upshot-Knothole, 67

Ordway, Katherine, 112–14

Oregon Dunes, 110, 129, 214, 334, 340

organic food movement, 474

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, 547

osprey, 148, 371, 374, 472, 490, 638, 656, 660

otters, 51, 464, 468, 644, 647

Our Fourth Shore (NPS), 131, 241

Our Plundered Planet (Osborn), 59

“Our Vanishing Shoreline,” 120–21, 133, 276, 319, 338

Outdoor Recreation Act, 29, 320

Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission (ORRRC), 132, 183–86, 224, 237, 244–46, 274, 393, 529

Outermost House, The (Beston), 7, 9, 51, 60, 63, 73, 135, 525

Owings, Nathaniel, 190, 421

Ozark National Scenic Riverways, 199, 347, 377

Ozark Society, 246, 636–37


Pacific Coast Trail, 537

Pacific Crest Trail, 536, 538

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), 295, 571–72, 646, 656

Pacific Lumber Company, 379, 401

Padre Island, 275–81; Albright, 214; JFK, 195, 225; LBJ, 158, 354; NPS 120; “Save Our Shorelines,” 129; Udall, 192

Paley Commission, 58

Palm Beach, 10, 30, 122, 181, 283

pandas, 565, 654

panthers, 32, 442, 464, 661–62

passenger pigeon, 315, 463, 654

Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 52, 311, 469, 473

Pauling, Linus, 84, 144, 231, 329

“Paul Revere of Ecology,” 553

PCB, 140, 158, 516, 597

pelicans, 53, 148, 277, 345, 638, 656, 660

penguins, DDT and, 369

Pesonen, David, 184, 224, 296–97

pesticides, 52–54

petroglyphs, 163, 409

Phaeophyta of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico (Earle), 373

phosphates, 139, 148, 159, 166, 244, 256, 307, 603

PIBBY, 480

“pickle liquor,” 430

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshores, 128–29, 188, 214, 236, 248, 338, 354, 459–60

Pierson, DeVier, 548, 551

Pinchot, Gifford, 116, 195, 243, 334–35

Pinchot Institute for Conservation Studies, 334

Place No One Knew, The (Brower), 341–42

plastics, 138–40, 336, 353, 580, 624

plutonium, 18, 19, 301, 339, 495

Point Reyes National Seashore, 273–74, 295, 448, 460, 551

“Pollution of the Environment, The” (Carson), 346

Population Bomb, The (Ehrlich), 523–24, 553, 600

Porter, Eliot, 265, 274, 341–42

Potomac River, 41, 74, 82, 134, 159, 164, 199, 216–21, 283, 294, 413, 422, 430, 538, 574, 576, 600, 645. See also Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park

Powell, John Wesley, 101, 107, 184

Power Broker, The (Caro), 363

Practice of the Wild, The (Snyder), 392

prairie dog, 115, 319, 473, 660

Prairie National Park, 226–27, 317

President’s Science Advisory Committee (PSAC), 261, 310, 312–13, 375, 427, 436

“primitive areas,” 28

Prize, The (Yergin), 75

Project Chariot, 495

Project Independence, 571

Project Plowshare, 580

Project Rulison, 581

Project Vela, 329–30

Puleston, Dennis, 371, 491

Pure Food and Drug Act, 261

Pusey, Merlo, 77, 78, 80


Quiet Crisis, The (Udall), 215, 217, 250, 334, 346, 353–56, 414, 416–17, 529, 545


Rachel Carson and Her Sisters (Musil), 152

Rachel Carson Award, 368, 670

Rachel Carson Estuarine Reserve, 440

Rachel Carson Fund, 492

Rachel Carson Homestead, 368–69

Rachel Carson Landmark Alliance, 369

Rachel Carson Memorial Wildlife Education Fund, 369

Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge, 368, 440

Rachel Carson Salt Pond Preserve, 368

radiation, 38–41; AEC, 330; Bikini Island, 23, 54; Carson on, 124, 256; Commoner on, 143; environmental movement and, 20–21, 445; Hattiesburg, 330; Hiroshima and, 19, 22, 23; leukemia and, 85; Marshall Islands, 24; milk and, 22; Native Americans, 94; Nevada Test Site and, 40, 141; nuclear plants, waste disposal and, 486, 571; Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, 671, 672; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute on, 141; Schweitzer on, 145–46; Soviet testing and, 221–22; Udall and victims of, 670–72; underground nuclear detonations and, 330, 495; uranium mining and, 94. See also fallout

Radio Oslo, 145–46, 185, 323

Rainbow Bridge National Monument, 487

Rare and Endangered Fish and Wildlife of the United 457, 463–64

Raritan Bay, 159, 378

Rebozo, Charles “Bebe,” 593, 596, 669

Reagan, Ronald, 504, 541, 664–65

“Red Book, the,” 464

Red River Gorge, 498–99, 540

Redwood Creek, 401–3, 504–5, 541

Redwood National Park, 379–81, 401–4, 417, 452, 503–7, 527, 538–41

Redwoods, 504

Redwoods: A National Opportunity for Conservation and Alternatives for Action, 380

Reed, Nathaniel, 595, 627

Reedy, George, 358, 385, 560

Reese, Frances, Storm King Mountain, 286, 289

Refuge Recreation Act, 248

Remaining Shoreline Opportunities in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New 128

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 141

Report on the Proposed Sand Dunes National Park, Indiana (Mather), 241

Report on the Seashore Recreation Area Survey of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, 119, 128, 131

Republican National Convention, conservation and, 170

Republican Party, anti-environmentalists, 668

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, NEPA, 588

Resources and Conservation Act, 111

Restoring the Quality of Our 427

Reuther, Walter, 160, 164, 166, 174, 247–48, 402, 478, 481, 578, 598, 603–4

Reynolds, Malvina, 297–99, 590

Ribicoff, Abraham, 310, 314, 352–53, 367, 370, 426

Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, 662

“Rise of Anti-Ecology, The,” 613

Riverbend project, 199

Riverkeeper, 289

River of Grass (Douglas), 33–34, 286, 467, 483

River of No Return Wilderness, 169, 458, 535, 668

river preservation, 245

Rivers of 33, 286

Rivers of Empire: Water, Aridity, and the Growth of the American West (Worster), 454

Road and Fence, Point Reyes (Adams), 273

Road to Survival (Vogt), 59, 524

robins, 148, 256, 366, 370–71, 425

Rockefeller, Allison Whipple, 368

Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 130–31, 402

Rockefeller, Laurance, 130–33, 183, 216, 224, 236, 418, 421, 424, 504, 590, 637

Rockefeller, Nelson, Earth Day, 160, 601

Rockefeller Commission, 183, 385

Rodell, Marie, 63, 143, 151, 219, 344–46

Rogue, 245, 356, 414, 531–32, 535

Romance Under the 47

Roosevelt, Eleanor, SANE, 160, 179, 324

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 8, 9, 14, 28, 33, 99, 174, 276, 316, 470, 559

Roosevelt, Theodore, 250, 261, 269, 295, 334, 395, 544–45, 555, 559

rotenone, 240–41

Rothman, Hal K., 103, 384

Rothschild, Leo, 286

Royce, Stephen, 86–87

Ruckelshaus, William, 437–38, 564, 600, 614–16, 632, 637–41, 656, 664–65

“rucksack revolution,” 114

Rulison, 580–81

Russell Cave National Monument, 216–17


Safe Drinking Water Act, 588, 604

Safire, William, Nixon, 590

Sagamore Hill, 250

Saint Croix River, 245, 291, 533–34

Salem Harbor Power Plant, 90

salmon, 254, 369, 485, 532, 638

Saltonstall, Leverett A., 135–36, 201

Sanchez, Manuel, 595

Sandburg, Carl, 209, 241–43, 406, 475–76

Sand County Almanac, A (Leopold), 59, 114, 290

Sandy (sea lion), 84

Sandy Hook State Park, 378–79, 649

SANE. See National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE)

Sangamon River Project, 499

San Luis Dam, 272

Santa Barbara, 565–75, 601

“Santa Barbara Declaration of Environmental Rights,” 570–71

Santa Fe National Historic Trail, 538

Saratoga National Historical Park, 476

Saturday Night Massacre, 656

Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL), 72

Save Grand Canyon, 451

Save Our Seashores (SOS), 133

“Save Our Shoreline,” 129

Save-the-Dunes, 241, 243, 475

Save the Grand Canyon, 450–56

“Save the Manatee,” 472

Save the Redwoods League, 275, 380, 402–3, 504–5, 520, 539

Saylor, John P., 83, 107–8, 132, 192, 211, 237, 391, 415–16, 470, 482, 506, 535, 601

Scenic Hudson, 285–87, 289, 320, 516, 656

Schwartz, Richard, 75–76

Schweitzer, Albert, 48–50, 144–46, 233, 302, 324, 430

Schweitzer Medal, Rachel Carson, 301

Commoner, 143

Science and Survival (Commoner), 554

Science Information Movement, 143

Second International Clean Air Congress, 615

Scott, Doug, 108, 390

Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 54, 231

Sea Around Us, The (Carson), 60–62, 180, 254–55, 367, 373

sea level, 427

sea lion, 84

Sea Lion Caves 110

seals, 63, 115, 140, 274, 643–44, 647, 649

sea turtles, 133, 277–78, 466–68, 650

“Second Battle of New Orleans,” 364

Secrets of Padre Island (Smylie), 277

Seeger, Pete, 287, 297, 299, 431, 590, 600, 671

Selway, 169, 245, 392, 531, 560

Senate resolution 148, 327

Senate Select Committee on National Water Resources, river preservation, 245

Senate Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, 359, 619

Senators, environment ratings of, 644

Sense of Wonder (Carson), 368

sequoias, 96, 283, 379–80, 398, 539

Seuss, The 576

Sevareid, Eric, 19, 307–10, 553

Seven Story Mountain, The (Merton), 303

sewage treatment, 159, 248, 407, 437–38, 480, 601, 616, 640, 664

Shawn, William, 219, 255

Shining Rock, 392, 397

Show Barn Complex, 564

Sierra Club: Adams, 178, 270; Bodega Head, 296; Brooks, board of, 265; Brower, 96, 265, 581; Buffalo River, 246; Colorado River dams, 321; Cumberland Island National Seashore, 649–50; Dinosaur National Monument, 101, 423; Douglas, 265; 600; EIS, 608; expansion of, 102–3; Golden Gate NRA, 648; Hyde, 398; influence, surge in, 520; Bobby Kennedy, 357; JFK, last conservation journey, 343; LBJ, Vietnam policies of, 520; Litton, 265; National Environmental Policy bill, 484; New Frontier, 204; North Cascades National Park, 542; Oakes, board of, 265; Point Reyes Peninsula, 273; Porter, 265; Red River Gorge, 498; redwoods, 380, 401–2, 504; rise of, 207–8; Rockefeller, Jr., 131; Ruckelshaus, 620; Save the Grand Canyon, 450–56; 7th Wilderness Conference, 204–7; shorelines, 133; Silent 259; Special Message to the Congress on 225; SST, 497; Stegner, 265; Storm King Mountain, 286; tax status, 452; This Is the American 178–79; Time and the River Flower: Grand 452; Train, EIS and, 608; Udall, dams, 449; Walt Disney Productions, 582; wilderness laws, 393

Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, 493

Sierra Club v. 582

Sierra Whitewater (Martin), 531

Silent Spring (Carson): ad hominem attacks and, 264; American Cyanamid Company, 263; attacks, preparation for, 252; biologists, help from, 152; Birmingham 322; Bridger National Forest, 223; Brooks on, 256; Brower, 265; Caro, 259; Chavez, 447; Church, 370; criticism of, 313–14, 375; DDT, 255, 370; Douglas, 180, 223; 263–64; Eiseley, 264–65; environmental movement, effect on, 370; finishing of, 218–19; Freeman, 252–53, 259; George, 180; Gore, Jr., 374–75; Hickey, 180; Interior Department, Kennedy and, 262; JFK, 260; Larrick, 310; last chapter, 367–68; legacy of, 372; McLean, 263; Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming (Oreskes, Conway), 375; Merton, 303; Mississippi fish kill, 353; modern environmental movement and, 222; Montrose Chemical, 263; mosquitoes, 258; My Wilderness: East to 222; Nabokov, 255; National Audubon Society, 259; National Wildlife Federation, 259; New York 264; New York 258, 265; New serialization of, 255; opening chapter of, 256; “The Other Road,” 367–68; Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 311; pelicans, 345; primary aims of, 254; publication of, 252–60; Rudd, 180; Safina, 374; Saturday 264–65; Schweitzer, 301; scientific review of, 151; second chapter of, 256; Shawn on, 255; Sierra Club, 259; Sowell, 375; Tierney, 375; 258; “Use of Pesticides: A Report of the President’s Science Advisory Committee,” 375; Velsicol, 257–59, 263; Wallace, 180; writing of, 167, 179

Silent Spring of Rachel Carson, 307–10

Silent World, The (Cousteau), 68–69

“Silverledges,” 73, 257

Singing Wilderness, The (Olson), 81, 82, 108, 202

Sleeping Bear Dunes, 128–29, 225, 236, 248

Smathers, George, 177, 278, 279

Smith, Jean Kennedy, 6, 10, 42, 69, 120

smog, 86–90

Smokey Bear, 471

Smolker, Robert, 489, 491

Snake River, 158, 381, 485, 535

Snyder, Gary, 114, 392

sodium fluoroacetate, 319, 470

So Human an Animal (Dubos), 580

Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, 279

Solid Waste Disposal Act, 593

Solvay Process, 158

sonic boom, 495–97

Sonoran Desert National Park, 547

Sontag, Susan, 448–49

Sorensen, Theodore, 66–67, 122, 177, 189, 219, 231, 326, 338

Souder, William, 51, 56, 256, 368

Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 327, 510

Southwest Expressway, 364

Special Message (Johnson, February 23, 1966), “America’s natural heritage” speech, 416–18, 435–38

Special Message to the Congress on Conservation (Johnson, March 8, 1968), 504, 507–8

Special Message to the Congress on Conservation (Kennedy, March 1), 1962, 225, 227, 253, 279–80

Special Message to the Congress on Environmental Quality (Nixon, February 10, 1970), 596

Special Message to the Congress on Natural Resources (Kennedy, February 23), 1961, 195

Split Mountain Dam, 99–102

Spock, Marjorie, 147, 149, 151, 259, 299, 313, 372, 590

Sports 287–90, 421, 571

Stalking the Wild Asparagus (Gibbons), 474

Stamp Out Smog, 117

Standard Oil, 132, 573, 601

Standing Bear, 114, 524

Stans, Maurice, 591, 607, 657

Stanton, Robert G., 227–29, 229

State Implementation Plans, 620

Staten Island Anti-Garbage Organization, 58

Staten Island Citizens for Clean Air, 58

St. Simons Island, 122

Stegner, Wallace, 95, 101, 184–86, 215, 265, 294, 296, 362, 590

Steinbeck, John, 174, 416, 436

Stevenson, Adlai, 126, 158, 160, 323

St. Francis National Forest, 637

“Stink of Dead Stripers, A,” (Boyle), 289

St. John Rivers, 440

Stockholm Declaration, 641

Stokes, Carl, 573, 575, 590

Stoneman Meadow Riots, 612–13

“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” (Frost), 348

“strenuous life” philosophy, 555

Storm King Mountain, 285–90, 423, 431, 487

Stringfellow Acid Pits, 494

strontium-89, 300

strontium-90, 141, 143–44, 153, 222, 284, 300, 339

strychnine, 470

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 520–21

Styles of Radical Will (Sontag), 448

Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, 305–6, 359, 619

suburbia, 117, 471

Suffolk County Mosquito Control Commission, 372

Suffolk trial, 489

“Summer Birds of the Adirondacks in Franklin County, N.Y., The” (Roosevelt), 559

Superfund hazardous waste site, 494

Superior National Forest, 79, 202–3, 396

supersonic transport (SST), 497–98, 577, 585, 601,

“Survival” (Hersey), 30

Swamp, The (Grunwald), 27

Sweden, DDT, 641

Synecology, 70

“systems ecology,” 70


“Take It Away” (Reynolds), 297–98

Talbot, Lee, 647, 655

Taos Pueblo Indians, 618–19

Tarka the Otter (Williamson), 51

Teapot MET, 322

Teflon, 139

Tektite project, 610

Teller, Edward, 18, 143, 330


Temporary Commission on Pennsylvania Avenue, 421

Temporary Emergency Relief Administration (TERA), 8–9

Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, 637–38

Tennessee Valley Authority, 174

Terrible Thing to Waste, A (Washington), 479

Terry, Luther, 293, 309, 310–11

Test Ban Treaty. See Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

Tet Offensive, 502

Texas Congressional 276

Texas Southern University, 480–81

thalidomide, 254, 259, 264

thallium, 470

Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace, 250

This Is Dinosaur: Echo Park Country and Its Magic Rivers (Stegner), 101–2

This Is the American Earth (Adams, Newhall), 178, 204, 208, 274

Thoreau, Henry David, 5–8, 52, 136, 205, 207, 213, 234–35, 288, 367, 395, 533

Thoreau Society, 105

“Tide Rises, The Tide Falls, The” (Longfellow), 5

timber wolf, 464, 472

Time and the River Flowing: Grand 452

Time magazine, 231, 264, 574

Tor House, 346

To the Inland Empire (Udall), 162, 672

“township parks,” 207

Toxic Substances Control Act, 588

Trail of Tears Trail, 538

Trails for America: Report on the Nationwide Trail 418, 536

Train, Russell, 555–56, 519, 564–65, 577, 586, 595, 597, 608, 627, 632, 654–59, 664

Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, 588, 617, 658

trash incinerators, 360–61

“tree huggers,” 312, 656

Trinity Dam, 378

Trinity test, 18–19, 23, 339, 378

“Trouble with Wilderness, The” (Cronon), 399

True-Life 115

Truman, Harry S., 18, 23–24, 27, 34, 38, 40, 126–27

Tuan, Yi-Fu, 14

Tule Lake, 274, 288

tuna industry, 643

turtles, 125, 133, 277–79, 466–68, 561, 646, 650, 660

2,4-D, 53, 465, 520

2,4,5-T, 465

Two in the Far North (Murie), 355

2,3,5-T, 520

Two 100


UAW. See United Auto Workers (UAW)

Udall, Lee, 164, 181, 199, 215, 412, 429, 488

Udall, Levi Stewart, 161

Udall, Morris, 163, 198, 429, 453, 488, 506, 547

Udall, Stewart, 161–65; Adams on, 355; Agenda for 549; Allagash, 200; America’s Natural Treasures: National Nature Monuments and 672; Anderson, 210; Antiquities Act and, 545–51, 547; articles, 191; Assateague, 316–18; backers, 188; Baker, 201; Big Bend National Park, 441; Bodega Head, 295; bomb tests, crusader against, 670–71; Brandborg, 355; Brower, 355; Cadillac 230; Canyonlands, 197, 211, 408–10; Cape Cod, 201; Carson, 367, 599; Central Arizona Project, 245, 450; civil rights, 227; Colorado River dams, 321; DDT, editorial on, 639; Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW), 358; Department of the Interior headquarters, 672; Desert News interview, 209; Douglas, 200; Earth Day, 599; endangered species, 463; environmentalists and, 528; ESPA, 473; Fire Island, 318; Ford’s Theatre, 501; Fort Davis, 217; Fort Smith, 217; Francis, 192; Freeman, 188–89; Frost visit, 215, 303; Galbraith, 160; Gilliam, 215; Glen Canyon Dam, apology for, 599; global warming, 583; Grand Canyon National Park conference, 196–97; Grand Canyon rafting trip, 488; Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 191; Hartzog, 362; HBCs, 227; high-poverty pockets, 229; Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, 410–11, 475; Island in Time: The Point Reyes 274; Jacqueline Kennedy, 187; JFK, 210, 267, 333–34, 348; Josephy, Jr., 215; Bobby Kennedy, earth feeling of, 267; “Know America First,” 361; Krutch, 206; Lady Bird Johnson, 187, 381, 441; “Land and People” tour, 381; LBJ, 357–58, 361, 509, 557–58; legacy of, 552–55, 670, 672–73; “Leopold Report,” 319; Maine North Woods, 440; Matthiessen, 215; media and, 553; Mission 66, 191; Murie, 355; Muskie, 200; Myths of August: A Personal Exploration of Our Tragic Cold War Affair with the 672; national monument wish list, 558–59; National Park Service, Black employees, 227; “National Parks for the Future,” 191; national parks signing ceremony, 527; Native American sovereignty, 187; Nelson, Wolf River raft trip, 534; 1965 conservation agenda, 412; 1976: Agenda for 583; NPS, 191, 552; nuclear power, 340, 553; Oakes, 201, 355; office of, 191; Old Angler’s Inn, 199; Olson, 203-4; Olympia Reges, 199; Ozark National Scenic Riverways, 199, 377; Pacific Southwest Water Plan, 321; Padre Island, 278; Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 311; personal injury lawyer, 670–71; pesticides, federal land and, 375; pollution, 554; Potomac, 164; Prairie National Park, 226; The Quiet 215, 217, 250, 334; RECA, 671–72; Redskins, 227; Redwood National Park, 379–80; Reisner criticism of, 230; Revelle, 231; RFK, 513, 515–16; Russell Cave, 216–17; Saguaro National Monument, 217; Sandburg, 475–76; Save the Grand Canyon, 452–53; secretary of interior, 182, 187, 191–92; Seguoia 380; Silent 262, 372; Sonoran Desert National Park, 547; “spite cutting,” 403; St. Croix River, 245, 533; Stegner, staff, 215; Thoreau anniversary party, 234–35; To the Inland Empire: Coronado and Our Spanish 162, 672; Train, 557; Utah, 409; Velsicol, 352–53; vice presidential candidacy, possibility of, 503; Vietnam War, views on, 428; Western man, 187; White House Conference on Conservation, 235–36; Wilderness bill, 209; Wilderness Society, 355; WSR, 533; Yosemite, 269–72, 271

Udall v. Federal Power 485

“Ugly American,” 376

UN, Stockholm Declaration, 641

Uncommon Ground (Cronon), 399

“Undersea” (Carson), 47

Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau, 643

Under the 301

Under the Sea-Wind (Carson), 50–52, 59, 61, 73, 118, 367

Unforeseen Wilderness, The (Berry), 499

Union Carbide, 53, 352

Union Oil Company, leak, 565–66, 568

United Auto Workers (UAW), 164, 247, 478, 481, 578, 598. See also Reuther, Walter

United Farm Workers of America, 446

United Nations, Stockholm conference, DDT, 641

United Nations Disarmament Commission, 212

United Nuclear Corporation, 230

United States Technical Conference on Air Pollution, 37

Unsafe at Any Speed: The Designed-In Dangers of the American Automobile (Nader), 425–27

“untrammeled,” 116, 193, 251, 390, 399, 475

uranium, 18–19, 31, 40, 68, 93–95, 197, 211, 230, 295, 340, 409–10, 523, 670–73

Urquhart, Clara, 144–45

Use of 312–13, 375

US Fish and Wildlife Service, 52, 150, 470, 595

US Forest Service, 110, 536

US Public Health Service, 292, 358

USSR, atmospheric nuclear testing, 212


Van Ness, William, Jr., 482–84, 585–86, 615

Vatican, 324–25

Velsicol, 257–59, 263, 352

6, 69

Vietnam War: alternative fuels and, 583; Brower, 624; Church-Cooper Amendment of 1970, 602; climate change warning, 428; defoliants and, 465, 642; Douglas and, 485, 486, 499–500; environment and, 445; environmental movement and, 561, 583, 600, 661; Coretta Scott King, 511; LBJ, 361, 429, 438, 440, 508, 509; napalm and, 455; Nixon and, 600, 606, 607, 633, 651, 657; Sierra Club 520; Sontag, 448; Tet Offensive, 502

Vieux Carré Riverfront Expressway, 364

Virginian, The (Wister), 385

Visalia hearing, 446

Vogt, William, 59, 524

Voice of the Desert, The (Krutch), 206

Voting Rights Act, 376, 460

voyageurs, 79, 82, 202–3, 236, 396

Voyageurs National Park, 236, 557, 607


Walden; or, Life in the Woods (Thoreau), 5, 59, 60, 152, 235, 288

Walden Pond, 5, 71, 115, 182, 235, 304

“Walking” (Thoreau), 5, 205

Wallace, George (governor), 521, 637

Wallace, George J. (scientist), 148, 180

Walt Disney Productions, 582

War on Poverty, 363, 376

Warren, Earl, 235, 361, 527

War Resisters League, 152, 323

Washington (Briggs), 77

Washington Environmental Council, 578

Water (Solomon), 107

water contamination, 41, 94, 407, 420

Water for Peace, 456

Waterkeeper Alliance, 314

Water Pollution Control Act, 41, 230, 370, 436, 588, 645–46

Water Pollution Control Federation, 248

Water Quality Act, 424, 579

Water Quality Improvement Act, 280

Water Wasteland (Zwick, Benstock), 353, 577

Wayburn, Edgar, 30, 202, 204, 273–75, 613, 648

Weather Bureau, 425, 585, 609

Weinberg, Edward, 568–69

Welch Bluff (Benton), 246

“well stimulation,” 28

Western Cattlemen’s Association, 95

West-Running Brook (Frost), 8, 182, 366

whales, 63, 115, 140, 232–33, 464, 578–79, 641, 643, 647, 650, 654

“Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” (Seeger), 287, 600

Whitaker, John, 564, 566, 590, 600, 630, 632, 641, 657

White, E. B., 22, 88

White, Robert, 584, 585

White House Conference on Conservation, 235–39, 248, 252

White House Conference on Natural Beauty, 418, 461–63

White Sands, 17, 545

White-Stevens, Robert, 307–10

Whitman, Walt, 436, 523

Whittaker, James, 419–20

Whittaker, Jim, 487

Whittell Forest and Wildlife Area, 465–66

Whole Earth 525

Wholesome Meat Act, 478

Whooping Crane, The (McNulty), 660

Wiesner, Jerome, 218, 240, 261, 231–32, 307

Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, 245, 399, 415, 423, 487, 526, 529–35, 561. See also National Wild and Scenic Rivers system

Wild Bill (Murphy), 12

Wild Cascades, The (Douglas), 405

Wilderness Act, 391, 392–95; Aspinall, 238; Church, 169; Freeman, 188; Gilligan, 184; House Interior Committee, 211; JFK and, 347–48; language of, 238; LBJ, 357, 385; ORRRC, 184; passing of, 388; press and, 239; Senate passage of, 211; signing of, 390; Stegner, 184; Udall and LBJ, 357; White House Conference on Conservation, 237; wording of, 390; Zahniser-Aspinal compromises, 387–88

“Wilderness and Preservation,” 385

Wilderness and the American Mind (Nash), 394

Wilderness Bill of Rights, A (Douglas), 405, 406

Wilderness classification, 387, 391

Wilderness Conference, 105, 107, 204–7

Wilderness in the American Mind (Nash), 571

“Wilderness Letter” (Stegner), 184, 208, 296, 336

Wilderness Society, 29, 100, 204, 225, 234–35, 257, 355, 387, 393, 415

Wilderness Watch, 393

wildlife, suburbia, 471

Wildlife Management Institute, 100, 378

“Wildlife Management in the National Parks,” 319

William O. Douglas Wilderness, 667

Williamson, Henry, Tarka the 51

Willie the Operatic 115

Wilson, Bates, 197, 409

Wilson, Dagmar, 283–84, 330, 357, 377, 514

Wilson, E. O., 152, 233, 466

Wind in the Wilderness, 394

Windshield Wilderness (Louter), 542

Windward Road, The (Carr), 133

Wirth, Conrad, 115, 127, 200, 203, 362, 393, 405

With Heritage So 461–63

Witness to Power (Ehrlichman), 663

Witness Tree, A (Frost), 303

Wolf Trap National Park, 461

Woman’s JFK, 328

Women from Central Florida, 306

Women Strike for Peace (WSP), 283–84, 328, 330

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 43–44, 47, 50, 122, 223, 232, 279

Woodwell, George, 489, 491

World Book Encyclopedia 265

World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 464, 519, 555, 557, 640, 655, 664

Wurster, Charlie, 370–72, 488–94, 590


Yannacone, Carol, 372, 489–90

Yannacone, Victor, Jr., 372, 488–91, 493, 590

Yaphank Lake, 372, 488

Yarborough, Ralph, 276–80, 463, 512

Year of Decision: 1866, The (DeVoto), 95

Year of the Environment, 594

Yellowstone National Park, 32, 392, 404, 465, 594, 636

Yorktown Power Station, 90–91

Yosemite National Park, 96–98, 100, 130, 178, 207, 267–72, 419, 425, 612–13

Young, Andrew, 377, 510

Youth Conservation Corps, 158, 269, 338, 358

Yucca Flat, 67

Yurok, 378


Zahniser, Alice, 391

Zahniser, Howard, 100, 103–11, 116–18, 186, 212, 235–36, 387–88

Zero Hour in the 504

Zwick, David, 353, 577

Chapter 48: Index - Silent Spring Revolution: John F. Kennedy, Rachel Carson, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and the Great Environmental Awakening (2024)
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