Benefits of Sensory Activities for Adults with Autism - ECCM (2024)

Autism affects how a person behaves, communicates, and how they interact with others. The outward signs of autism can vary per person, with some individuals falling onto a different place on the autism spectrum than others. As parents and caretakers become more aware of the specific signs their loved one with autism displays, they will gain a better understanding of the treatment and therapies that work best. For many autistic individuals, processing and coping with sensory information is difficult. In these cases, it may be beneficial to consider engaging in sensory play activities.

  • Helps to improve an individual's ability to process information
  • Can help cease hypersensitive or hyposensitive reactions to information and sensory inputs
  • Can help improve coordination and fine motor skills
  • Increases the ability of the individual to practice self-control
  • Helps calm some individuals with autism when they become overwhelmed
  • Increases an individual’s capacity for communication and helps develop social skills
  • Helps improve cognition and problem solving skills

Some adults with autism may react well to sensory activities, but others may become overwhelmed. Sensory activities aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution, but they do have potential benefits. Individuals with autism who engage with sensory benefits may find that they can more easily process information and have a better experience within their learning environments. And as more treatments and therapies move toward taking place at home, most sensory activities are easily created and experienced within the home.

What Are Sensory Activities?

Sensory activities are designed to stimulate a person’s five senses: smell, taste, touch, sound, and sight. Some sensory activities may stimulate just one of these senses, but other activities can stimulate multiple senses at the same time. These activities are intended to improve information processing, specifically as it relates to sensory integration. The ability of an individual to engage with sensory information can help further develop motor skills, increase cognition, and foster social interaction.

Sensory activities are commonly used to develop cognitive, motor, and social skills in young children as they develop. Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget drew attention to children’s sensory skills when he developed his theory of cognitive development, which suggests that children develop in four different stages that focus on different types of learning during children’s formative years (from birth to adolescence). The first stage is the sensorimotor stage, which is when humans first begin to have sensory experiences. Since this discovery, sensory play has proven to be beneficial in children’s development, but also in the cognitive processing and social capabilities of individuals with intellectual disabilities, such as autism.

How Do I Know Sensory Activities Are a Good Option?

It can be hard to figure out if sensory activities are a good option for an adult with autism. ECCM offers individualized service plans for adults with autism that help develop a program that benefits and enriches their lives. Our Individual Support Plans (ISPs) establish a strategic framework for an individual’s care. These can be viewed as somewhat of a blueprint for your program and will contain treatment and therapies tailored to your unique, individual needs. Our program coordinators will work with you to determine if sensory activities will help you achieve your goals.

Best Sensory Activities for Autism

It’s very easy to create sensory activities at home, so we decided to give you examples of activities you and your loved one can engage in in the future. Keep in mind that sensory activities aren’t for everyone, so be sure to talk with your ISP support coordinator to see if these would be beneficial to include in your plan.

Sensory Bins

Sensory bins are designed to stimulate more than one of the five senses. To create a sensory bin, you will first need a plastic bin that’s big enough to adequately play in. Then you can fill this bin with a safe filling material such as sand, beans, rice, sprinkles, or even water. From here, you can add other stand-alone materials that have unique textures, shapes, or smells. These can be any type of material that you prefer, but some examples include bouncy balls, small toys, molds for the filling material, and small shovels. You can include materials that make unique sounds when knocked against each other to stimulate sound. Then your sensory bin is complete!

Finger Painting

Finger painting is a simple sensory activity because all you need are paints and a surface to paint on. More recently, safe-to-use scented paints have become available options. If you want to use edible paint, you can easily create homemade paints using yogurt, a cornstarch mixture, or fruit/vegetable purees (you can add food coloring to plain edible foods). Finger painting can stimulate your senses while also providing you with a creative outlet.

Musical Instruments

Musical instruments are a great way to stimulate sight and sound. To create this type of sensory activity, you don’t always need to have actual instruments. Wooden kitchen utensils, plastic water bottles filled with beans, and metal bowls are all items you can find around your house that can be used for musical sensory activities. Try to use items that are brightly colored, if possible, to create a more dynamic experience.


Pottery play is a perfect way to help further develop fine motor skills and provide a way for you to explore textures. In order to interact with clay, you’ll need to use your hands to mold it into whatever you’d like. This can help both major and minor motor skills. Once your clay creation is finished, you can also paint your clay with colored, scented paints.


Old-fashioned puzzles that come together to form a single image are great options for sensory play, but you should also know that there are plenty of puzzle types out there that are specifically designed for stimulation. There are some options on the market that come in various colors, textures, and shapes. You can even invest in puzzles that have a higher level of complexity that will suit an adult with autism.

ECCM’s Services Benefit Individuals with Autism

If you’re investigating the benefits of sensory activities for adults with autism, get in touch with ECCM’s team of professionals. We will help you develop an ISP tailored just for you to provide your loved one with the best care possible.

Get in Touch with ECCM

Benefits of Sensory Activities for Adults with Autism - ECCM (2024)


Benefits of Sensory Activities for Adults with Autism - ECCM? ›

With sensory activities, children develop language and social skills naturally. They are given the ability to learn through experience in these environments. This helps them understand the ways to communicate their emotions, wants, and needs.

What are the benefits of increased sensory activities for autistic individuals? ›

The benefits of sensory activities for individuals with autism
  • It stimulates the brain. When a child engages in sensory play sessions, more neural pathways are created. ...
  • It helps develop language skills. ...
  • It improves social skills. ...
  • It improves coordination and fine/gross motor skills. ...
  • It helps them self-regulate.

Why sensory play is important for autism? ›

With sensory activities, children develop language and social skills naturally. They are given the ability to learn through experience in these environments. This helps them understand the ways to communicate their emotions, wants, and needs.

Why sensory play is important for adults? ›

Sensory objects also evoke positive feelings, helping individuals to relax, improve their mood, self-esteem, and well-being.

How do sensory toys help autism adults? ›

People with autism may have trouble processing sensory information, which can cause difficulties regulating their responses to the environment. Sensory activities are a powerful tool that can help individuals with autism regulate their sensory input and reduce anxiety.

What are the benefits of sensory activities? ›

Sensory play is a lot of fun. It also offers many benefits for child development, including: Helping children understand how their actions affect what's around them. Supporting brain development, enhancing memory, complex tasks and problem solving.

Who benefits from sensory stimulation? ›

Sensory stimulation is very important for the development of infants and can be used effectively to improve the well-being of developmentally disabled adults, people with neurocognitive disorders, and older adults.

What is sensory play for adults? ›

Sensory activities for adults are activities that engage any of the five senses. For example, this could be as simple as using sight to read a book or look at colourful photographs, or even using the sense of smell when someone is cooking.

What is sensory therapy for autism? ›

Sensory integration therapy is a clinic-based approach that focuses on the therapist–child relationship and uses play-based sensory motor activities to address sensory–motor factors specific to the child to improve their ability to process and integrate sensation.

How can I help my autistic adult with sensory overload? ›

Accommodations for sensory issues
  1. Using light covers, sunglasses or a hat under fluorescent lights.
  2. Wearing ear plugs or headphones in noisy environments.
  3. Working in spaces with a closed door or high walls.
  4. Avoiding strongly scented products.
  5. Choosing foods that avoid aversions to textures, temperatures or spices.

How do autistic adults deal with overstimulation? ›

Factors triggering overstimulation can include loud noises, bright lights, strong smells, and tactile sensations [2]. To mitigate these triggers, creating a calm and predictable environment is crucial. This can involve providing a quiet space, dimming lights, reducing clutter, and maintaining a routine.

Do autistic adults play with toys? ›

For autistics, the value of toys, whether to be played with or displayed on a shelf, doesn't necessarily diminish with age. Interests in certain toys may change, for example different types of toys aimed at specific age ranges, but for many, the curiosity and fascination will remain a key part of life.

Do fidget toys help with autistic adults? ›

These kinds of aids can be helpful for both children and adults who are hypersensitive or hypo-sensitive to stimulants. or autism to concentrate by helping them to filter out extra sensory information that would otherwise be distracting.

Are fidget toys good for autistic adults? ›

The best fidget toys can keep hands busy whilst helping to develop fine motor skills, concentration, tactile awareness, visual. Sensory fidget toys also encourage focus, help to reduce self stimulatory behaviour and can help to calm and de-stress.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.