Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (2024)

Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (1)



Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (2)


Project Study REPORT


Training Undertaken at



Submitted in partial fulfillment for the

Award of



Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (3)

Submitted By: - Submitted To: -

xxxxxxxxxxxx Dr.

mba Part II (Sem III) H.O.D.

Deepshikha College of Technical Education, Jaipur2009-2011



Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (4)


xxxxxxxx S/O Mr xxxxxx declares that the project

report Titled ” Banking Operations In Axis Bank “

is based on my project study. This project report is my original work and

this has not been used for any purpose anywhere.


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (5)




The PGDM Curriculum has been designed to provide to the future Manager’s

ample practical exposure to the business world. The training is necessary part for the

fulfillment of the PGDM degree course helps the students to gain knowledge about

various aspects to the industry, emphasizing on the development of skills in analyzing

and interpreting practical problem through application of concept & theory.

My training in Axis Bank, Jaipur was an attempt in this regard. The project work

provided to me was “Banking Operations In Axis Bank”. It has helped me to enhance my

knowledge about the functions of the industry.

Axis Bank is today one of the most competitive & profitable banking franchise in

India as can be clearly depicted by the analysis of its portfolio of banking services. The

bank has launched several for various categories of consumers to enhance its deposit

mix. This project deals with this aspect especially with the saving account features.

The report has been prepaid and is presented under various heading as introduction,

organization profile, research objective & scope of research project etc.

I tried my best to explore the truth in our project for understanding practical way of



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I express my sincere thanks to my project guide, Mr. Deepak Jain , of Axis bank., for

guiding me right from the inception till the successful completion of the project. I sincerely

acknowledge him/her/them for extending their valuable guidance, support for literature,

critical reviews of project and the report and above all the moral support he/she/they had

provided to me with all stages of this project.

I would also like to thank the supporting staff of all the company Department,

especially for the Mr. Jitendra virahyas for their help and cooperation throughout our




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Executive Summary

The banking sector in India has become very much competitive in last few years with

the increasing growth of private and public sector banks. Day by day the competition is

most stringent and crucial.

I undertook training in AXIS bank limited Kota for profiling to understanding the

banking operation and marketing its product.

AXIS bank was established in and is working with larger assets side in private sector

banks. The quality of service is best among competitor.

I concluded the survey to get the information regarding the new potential salary

accounts and saving accounts relations and satisfactions level of existing salary accounts

and saving accounts for cross sale of other products. The satisfaction amount the existing

salary accounts holders and the saving account holders of AXIS bank was revealed most of

the aspects were at the satisfactory level. A majority was satisfied with the facility provided,

services, products, working hours, communication process and technology. Regarding

some factor, customer wants some modification in the provided facilities so they can give

suggestions to make them according to their expectations.

As a conscious strategy of building an organic growth engine during the year, the

bank continued to expand its distribution network, in both domestic and overseas

geographies, to enlarge its reach and accelerate its business momentum. The Bank has

developed a branch network, which is built on customer-convenience and service, helping it

particularly in the acquisition of low cost retail deposits, retail assets, lending to agriculture,

SME and mid- corporate and facilitating the cross-selling of third-party products. Various

products and services offered by a bank need continuous up gradation through customer


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3) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY……………………………….…………....

3.1) TITLE OF THE STUDY……………………………………………..

3.2) DURATION OF THE PROJECT…………………………………...

3.3) OBJECTIVE OF STUDY…………………………………………...

3.4) TYPE OF RESEARCH ……………………………………………..


3.6) SCOPE OF STUDY…………………………………………………

3.7) LIMITATION OF THE STUDY……………………………………..

4) FACTS AND FINDINGS……………………………………………………….

5) ANALYSIS………………………………………………………………………

6) SWOT……………………………………………………………………………

7) CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………


9) APPENDIX………………………………………………………………………

10) BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………………


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Banking in India originated in the first decade of 18th century. The first banks

were The General Bank of India, which started in 1786, and Bank of Hindustan, both

of which are now defunct. The oldest bank in existence in India is the State Bank of

India, which originated in the “The Bank of Bengal” in Calcutta in June 1806. This

was one of the three presidency banks, the other two being the Bank of Bombay and

the Bank of Madras. The presidency banks were established under charters from the

British East India Company. They merged in 1925 to form the Imperial Bank of India,

which, upon India’ independence, became the State Bank of India. For many year

the Presidency banks acted as quasi-central banks, as did their successors. The

Reserve Bank of India formally took on the responsibility of regulating the Indian

banking sector from 1935; After India’s independence in 1947, Reserve Bank was

nationalized and given broader powers.

The reserve bank of India, as the central bank of the country, closely monitors

developments in the whole financial sector. The banking sector is dominated by

scheduled commercial bank (SCBs), As at end march 2002 there were 296

commercial banks operating in India this included 27 topic sector banks (PBS), 31

private sector, 42 foreign banks and 196 regional rural bank. Also there are 67

schedule cooperative banks consisting of 51 scheduled urban cooperative banks

and 16 schedule state cooperative banks. Schedule commercial banks touched on

the growth was 14.5 % against 17.3 % of the earlier year.


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State bank of India is still the largest bank in India with the market share of 20

%. AXIS bank having good position with the net profit 192.18 crore in the banking

sector of the country. Higher provisioning norms, tighter assets classification norms

dispensing with the concept of the ‘past due’ for recognition of NPAs lowering of

ceiling on exposure to a single borrower and group exposure etc, are among

important measure in order to improve the banking sector.

A minimum stipulated capital adequacy ratio (CAR) was introduce to

strengthen the ability of banks to absorb laws and the ratio as subsequently been

raised from 8%-9%. It is proposed to like CAR to 12 % by 2004 based on the basic

committee recommendation.

Retail banking is the new mantra in the banking sectors the home loan alone

account for nearly two-third of the total retail portfolio of the bank. According to the 1

estimate the retail segment is expected to grow at 30 % to 40 % in coming year. Net

banking, phone banking, mobile banking, ATMs and bill payments are the new buzz

words that banks are using to lure customers.

The RBI is now planning to transfer of its strkes in the SBI, NBH and national

bank for agriculture And rural development to the private players. Also, the

government has thought to lower its holding in PSBs to a minimum of 33% of total

capital by following them to raise capital from market Bank are free to acquire

shares, convertible debentures of corporate and unite of equity oriented mutual finds,

subject to a ceiling of 5% of the total outstanding advance (including commercial

papers) as on march 31st of the previous year.

The finance ministry split out structure of the government sponsored ARC

called the assets reconstruction company (India) LTD (ARCIL), this pilot project of

the ministry would have way for smoother functioning of the credit market in the

country. The government will hold 49% stake and player will hold the rest 51%. The

AXIS bank holds around 10%.


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Without a sound and effective banking system in India it cannot have a

healthy economy. The banking system of India should not only be hassle free but it

should be able to meet new challenges posed by the technology and any other

external and internal factors. For the past three decades India's banking system has

several outstanding achievements to its credit.

The most striking is its extensive reach. It is no longer confined to only

metropolitans or cosmopolitans in India. In fact, Indian banking system has reached

even to the remote corners of the country. This is one of the main reasons of India's

growth process.


The first fully Indian owned bank was Allahabad Bank, established in 1865.

However, at eh end of late – 18th century, there were hardly any banks in India in the

modern sense of the term. The American Civil War stopped the supply the supply of

cotton to Lancashire from the Confederate States. Promoters opened banks to

finance trading in Indian cotton. With large exposure to speculative ventures, most of

the banks opened in India during that period failed.

The depositors lost money and lost interest in keeping deposits with banks.

Subsequently, banking in India remained the exclusive domain of Europeans for next

several decades until the beginning of the 20th century.

Foreign banks too stated to arrive, particularly, in Calcutta, in the 1860s. The

Composite d’Escompte de Paris opened a branch in Calcutta in 1860, and another in

Bombay in 1862; branches in madras and Pondichery, then a French colony,

followed, Calcutta was the most active trading port in India, mainly due to the trade of

the British Empire, and so became a banking center. The Bank of Bengal, which

later became the State Bank of India.


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Around the turn of the 20th century, the Indian economy was passing through

a relative period of stability. Around five decades had elapsed since the Indian

Mutiny, and the social, industrial and other infrastructure had improved. Indians has

established small banks, most of which served particular ethnic and religious


The presidency banks dominated banking in India. There were also some

exchange banks and a number of Indian joint stock banks. All these banks operated

in different segments of the economy.

The exchange banks, mostly owned by Europeans, concentrated on financing

foreign trade. Indian joint stocks banks were generally undercapitalized and lacked

the experience and maturity to compete with the presidency and exchange banks.

This segmentation let Lord Cruzan to observe, “In respect of banking it seems

we are behind the times. We are like some old fashioned sailing ship, divided by

solid wooden bulkheads into separate and cumbersome compartments.”

By the 1900s, the market expanded with the establishment of banks such as

Punjab National Bank, in 1895 in Lahore and Bank of India in 1906, Mumbai – both

of which were founded under private ownership. Punjab National Bank is the first

Swadeshi Bank founded by the leaders like Lala Lajpat Rai, Sardar Dyal Singh


The Swadeshi movement in particular inspired local businessmen and

political figures to found banks of and for the Indian community. A number of banks

established then have survived to the present such as Bank of India, Corporation

Bank, Indian, Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank and Central Bank of India.


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The first bank in India, though conservative, was established in 1786. From

1786 till today, the journey of Indian Banking System can be segregated into three

distinct phases. They are as mentioned below:

PHASE I - Early phase from 1786 to 1969 of Indian Banks

PHASE II - Nationalization of Indian Banks and up to 1991

PHASE III - Indian Financial & Banking Sector Reforms after 1991.


The General Bank of India was set up in the year 1786. Next came Bank of

Hindustan and Bengal Bank. The East India Company established Bank of Bengal (1809),

Bank of Bombay (1840) and Bank of Madras (1843) as independent units and called it

Presidency Banks. These three banks were amalgamated in 1920 and Imperial Bank of

India was established which started as private shareholders banks, mostly Europeans

shareholders. During the first phase the growth was very slow and banks also experienced

periodic failures between 1913 and 1948.

There were approximately 1100 banks, mostly small. To streamline the functioning

and activities of commercial banks, the Government of India came up with The Banking

Companies Act, 1949 which was later changed to Banking Regulation Act 1949 as per

amending Act of 1965 (Act No. 23 of 1965).

Reserve Bank of India was vested with extensive powers for the supervision of

banking in India as the Central Banking Authority. During those day’s public has lesser

confidence in the banks. As an aftermath deposit mobilization was slow. Abreast of it the

savings 5 bank facility provided by the Postal department was comparatively safer.

Moreover, funds were largely given to the traders.


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Government took major steps in this Indian Banking Sector Reform after

independence. In 1955, it nationalized Imperial Bank of India with extensive banking

facilities on a large scale especially in rural and semi-urban areas.

Second phase of nationalization Indian Banking Sector Reform was carried out in

1980 with seven more banks. This step brought 80% of the banking segment in India under

Government ownership. The following are the steps taken by the Government of India to

Regulate Banking Institutions in the Country:

1949: Enactment of Banking Regulation Act.

1955: Nationalization of State Bank of India.

1959: Nationalization of SBI subsidiaries.

1961: Insurance cover extended to deposits.

1969: Nationalization of 14 major banks.

1971: Creation of credit guarantee corporation.

1975: Creation of regional rural banks.

1980: Nationalization of seven banks with deposits over 200 crore.

After the nationalization of banks, the branches of the public sector bank India raised

to approximately 800% in deposits and advances took a huge jump by 11,000%.Banking in

the sunshine of Government ownership gave the public implicit faith and immense

confidence about the sustainability of these institutions.


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This phase has introduced many more products and facilities in the banking sector in

its reforms measure. In 1991, under the chairmanship of M Narasimham, a committee was

set up by his name which worked for the liberalisation of banking practices.

The country is flooded with foreign banks and their ATM stations.

Efforts are being put to give a satisfactory service to customers. Phone banking and

net banking is introduced. The entire system 6 became more convenient and swift. The

financial system of India has shown a great deal of resilience.

It is sheltered from any crisis triggered by any external macroeconomics shock as

other East Asian Countries suffered.

This is all due to a flexible exchange rate regime, the foreign reserves are high, the

capital account is not yet fully convertible, and banks and their customers have limited

foreign exchange exposure.


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Banking System in India is dominated by nationalized banks. The nationalization of

banks in India took place in 1969 by Mrs. Indira Gandhi the then prime minister. The major

objective behind nationalization was to spread banking infrastructure in rural areas and

make available cheap finance to Indian farmers. Fourteen banks were nationalized in 1969.

Before 1969, State of India (SBI) was only public sector bank in India. SBI was

nationalized in 1955 under the SBI Act of 1955. The second phase of nationalization of

Indian banks took place in the year 1980. Seven more banks were nationalized with

deposits over 200 crores

List of Public Sector Banks in India is as follows :

Allahabad Bank

Andhra Bank

Bank of Baroda

Bank of India

Bank of Maharashtra

Canara Bank

Central Bank of India

Corporation Bank

Dena Bank

Indian Bank

Indian Overseas Bank

Oriental Bank of Commerce

Punjab and Sind Bank


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Punjab National Bank

State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur

State Bank of Hyderabad

State Bank of India (SBI)

State Bank of Indore

State Bank of Mysore

State Bank of Patiala

State Bank of Saurashtra

State Bank of Travancore

Syndicate Bank

UCO Bank

Union Bank of India

United Bank of India s

Vijaya Bank


All the banks in India were earlier private banks. They were founded in the pre-

independence era to cater to the banking needs of the people. But after nationalization of

banks in 1969 public sector banks came to occupy dominant role in the banking structure.

Private sector banking in India received a fillip in 1994 when Reserve Bank of India

encouraged setting up to private banks as part of its policy of liberalization of the Indian

Banking Industry. Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC) was amongst


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the first to receive an ‘In principle’ approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to set up a

bank in the private sector.

Private Banks have played a major role in the development of Indian banking

industry. They have made banking more efficient and customer friendly. In the process they

have jolted public sector banks out of complacency and forced them to become more


Major Private Banks of India

Bank of Rajasthan

Bharat Overseas Bank

Axis Bank

Catholic Syrian Bank

Centurion Bank of Punjab

Dhanalakshmi Bank

Federal Bank




Indusind Bank

ING Vysya Bank

Jammu & Kashmir Bank


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Karnataka Bank

Karur Vysya Bank

Kotak Mahindra Bank

SBI Commercial and International Bank

South Indian Bank

United Western Bank

UTI Bank

YES Bank



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Plot No. 17 to 24, Vithalrao Nagar, Madhapur, Hyderabad – 500 081

Tel. No. : 040 – 23420815 to 23420824 Fax No. : 040-23420814

Registered Office

‘Trishul’, 3rd Floor, Opp. Samartheshwar Temple, Law Garden,

Ellis Bridge,

Ahmedabad – 380 006. Tel No. : 079 – 2640 9322 Fax No. : 079 – 2640 9321

Email : [emailprotected]/[emailprotected]

Web site :

Central Office

Maker Towers ‘F’, 13th Floor, Cuffed Parade, Colaba, Mumbai – 005.

Tel. No. : 022 – 67074407 Fax No. : 022 – 2218 6944/2218 1429

AXIS Bank was the first of the new private banks to have begun operations in

1994, after the Government of India allowed new private banks to be established.

AXIS, the largest mutual fund in India, Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and

General Insurance Corporation Ltd. and its four subsidiaries viz. promoted the Bank

jointly National Insurance Company Ltd., The New India Assurance Company, The

Oriental Insurance Corporation and United Insurance Company Ltd.


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The Bank today is capitalized to the extent of Rs. 230.88 Crore with the

public holding (other than promoters) at 45.63%.

The Bank's Registered Office is at Ahamdabad and its Central Office is

located at Mumbai. Presently the Bank has a very wide network of more than 200

branch offices and Extension Counters.

The Bank has a network of over 2010 ATMs providing 24hrs a day banking

convenience to its customers. This is one of the largest ATM networks in the country.

The Bank has strengths in both retail and corporate banking and is committed

to adopting the best industry practices internationally in order to achieve excellence


Axis Bank India, the first bank to begin operations as new private banks in 1994 after

the Government of India allowed new private banks to be established. Axis Bank was jointly

promoted by the Administrator of the specified undertaking of the

Unit Trust of India (UTI-I)

Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)

General Insurance Corporation Ltd.22

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Also with associates viz. National Insurance Company Ltd., The New India

Assurance Company, The Oriental Insurance Corporation and United Insurance Company


Axis Bank in India today is capitalised with Rs. 232.86 Crores with 47.50% public

holding other than promoters. It has more than 200 branch offices and Extension Counters

in the country with over 1250 Axis Bank ATM proving to be one of the largest ATM

networks in the country. Axis Bank India commits to adopt the best industry practices

internationally to achieve excellence.

Axis Bank has strengths in retail as well as corporate banking. By the end of

December 2004, Axis Bank in India had over 2.7 million debit cards. This is the first bank in

India to offer the AT PAR Cheque facility, without any charges, to all its Savings Bank

customers in all the places across the country where it has presence. With the AT PAR

cheque facility, customers can make cheque payments to any beneficiary at any of its

existence place.

The ceiling per instrument is Rs. 50,000/-.The latest offerings of the bank along with

Dollar variant is the Euro and Pound Sterling variants of the International Travel

Currency Card. The Travel Currency Card is a signature based pre-paid travel card which

enables traveler’s global access to their money in local currency of the visiting country in a

safe and convenient way.

The Bank has strengths in both retail and corporate banking and is committed to

adopting the best industry practices internationally in order to achieve excellence


To be the preferred brand for total financial banking solAXISons for both

corporate and individuals



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• To identify and support initiative, which are designed to improve the capacity of

the poorest of the poor to participate in the larger economy.

• These initiatives much be east effective, capital of large scale replications

and should have the potential for both near and long term impact.

• To leverage technology in orders to overcome constraints and enhanced the

effectiveness of various social initiatives.

• Customer Service and Product Innovation tuned to diverse needs of individual

and corporate clientele.

• Continuous technology up gradation while maintaining human values.

• Progressive globalization and achieving international standards.

Efficiency and effectiveness built on ethical practices


Customer service and product innovation tuned to diverse needs of individual

and corporate clientele.

Continuous technology up gradating while maintaining human values.

Progressive globalization and achieving international standards.

Efficiency and effectiveness built on ethical practices.


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Customer Satisfaction through providing quality service effectively and


Core Values

“Smile, it enhances An individual’s face value” is a service quality stressed on

Periodic Customer Service Audits.

Maximization of Stakeholder value.

Success through Teamwork, Integrity and People.


Sikha Sharma Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

Surendra Singh Director

N. C. Singhal Director


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A. T. Pammor Selvam Director

J. R. Verma Director

R. H. Patil Director

Rama Bijapurkar Director

R. B. L. Vaish Director

M. V. Subbiah Director

Ramesh Ramanathan Director

K. N. Prithviraj Director

P. J. Oza Company Secretary

M/s S. R. Batilobi & Co. Auditors Chartered Accountants

M/s. Kervy Computer share Private Registrar and Share Transfer Agent




Deposits (saving account and current account)



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Mobile Banking

Internet Banking


Other Services


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The Bank has launched customized saving account products for various categories

of customers – Senior Citizens, Students & Trusts/NGOs besides a very competitive

offering in the Salary Account category.

Easy Access Saving Account (Banking made easy)

The account is an endeavor by the Bank to understand the consumers’ needs and

redefine banking to suit an individual requirement for a truly comfortable banking

experience. Easy Access Saving Account gives an individual instant access to individual

money anywhere, anytime. Possessing a range of unmatched features, it has been devised

to better suit the convenience of Axis Bank’s eclectic client base.


Interest paid on a quarterly basis @ 3.5% per annum.

International Debit Card.


IConnectTM Internet Banking

Multi-city ‘At par’ cheque book for all Savings Accounts holders

Free Anywhere Banking facility

Auto sweep facility for excess balances into high interest earning term deposits

Quarterly statement of account.

Access to account information over iconnect, Tele-banking and ATMs


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An individual can avail of all these services with a minimum quarterly average

balance of Rs. 5,000 in metro or urban centers, and 2,500 in semi urban centers.

Senior Privilege (Because life begins at sixty)


Dedicated Relationship Managers

Free At-Par Chequebook

Free International VISA Debit Cards for primary and joint account holders

Free Monthly Statement of Accounts and Free Passbook

Free Insurance of Pay Orders or Demand Drafts drawn on Axis Bank Branches

Free Inward Remittances

Free Outward Remittances once a year

Faster credits to foreign cheques providing An individual prompt availability of funds

Remitted by An individuals near and dear ones abroad

Cheque pickup and Cash delivery services

Anywhere Banking


Free Mobile Banking



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Customized Load Offerings

Complimentary Financial Planning

Silver Health – Medical Insurance for Senior Citizens

(AQB Criteria : Rs. 10,00)


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Smart Privilege Account ( For the woman of today)

In today’s busy world it’s tough being a workingwoman. Right from shutting between

a job and family to taking care of her finances she has to be on her heels all the time.

Keeping this ideal in mind, we at Axis Bank have designed a savings accounts best suited

for the woman of today. Now with the Smart Privilege Account a Woman can manage her

money, her life and enjoy a host of lifestyle privileges as well. What’s interesting is that the

Smart Privilege Account ensures that a Woman have enough time for all those important

things in life.


Jewellery Insurance on Debit Card

Zero Balance Minor Account

At-par cheque facility

Monthly Account Statement

Additional discounts on loans

Iconnect TM

Financial Advisory Services

Discount on Retail Purchases


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Trust/NGO Savings Account (Thoughtful banking for people who spend their lives

thinking of others)

Axis Bank’s Trust Account is an effort to offer thoughtful banking for people who

spend their lives thinking of others. It is a complete banking solution for Trust, Associations,

Societies, Government Bodies, Section 25 companies and NGOs, so that the organizations

can devote all of their time to their noble motivations.


A Savings Account for individual’s Trust with a confessional Average Quarterly


A multi-city at-par cheque facility with no limit on clearing payments at centers

across the country wherever we are present.

Free Anywhere Banking across all Axis Bank’s Branches and Extension Counters

and over all Axis Bank’s ATMs.

Free Demand Drafts or Pay Orders as and when required by An individual to remit


Free collection of cheques at outstation locations.

Monthly Statement of Account delivered at An individual’s doorstep.

Facility for collecting donations in An individual’s account through Axis Bank’s

network of Branches and Extension Counters across the country, as well as

through iConnect – Axis Bank’s Internet Banking facility.

Monthly statement of account

Free internet Banking facility

Free Demat Account


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Assistance for Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act accounts for receiving

donations from abroad.

Free Collection of cheques

Doorstep banking services

Zero Balance Savings Account (Save at Zero)

Presenting, Axis Bank’s Zero Balance Savings Account. It has been Axis Bank’s

constant endeavor to create products specifically catering to An individual’s needs. The

account while offering an individual a whole range of services also addresses an

individual’s latent need of having an account without the hassle of maintaining an

average quarterly balance.


No Average Quarterly Balance requirement

Free International Debit Card with an Accidental Insurance cover up to Rs 2

Lakhs (Charges for the primary holder are waived)

Free mobile banking facility

Access through more than 675 branches and more than 2800 ATMs

At-par cheque facility with the clearing limit of Rs 50,000

24X7 Telebanking & Internet banking

Free quarterly statements

Salary Power ( The complete financial solution)

Salary Savings Account from Axis Bank will do the job for an individual. We know ho

important employee satisfaction is for an organization to grow to its full potential. Which is


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why we have tailored Axis Bank’s Salary Savings Account not only to be a convenient may

for An individual to manage salaries (across various centers, through Axis Bank’s

centralized database), but also provide an individual employees with a range of value

added benefits.

Salary Saving Account comes with a host of facilities that give an individual

employees access to the complete gamut of banning services (including overdrafts, loans

and zero-balance requirements) on a preferential basis. Making it the perfect incentive for

an individual employees.


1 Balance Requirement No minimum balance

2 Anywhere Banking Available across the country

3 Cheque books Multi-city at-par Cheque Book

4 International Debit cum ATM


Personal Accident Insurance Cover of Up

to Rs 2 lacks per cardholder

[to keep An individual’s personal accident

Insurance cover activated, An individual

should Have made a purchase transaction

in 365 days prior to the day of the incident

& should have maintained an average

quarterly balance of Rs 5,000 (urban &

metropolitan branches) or Rs 2,500 (rural

& semi-urban branches) as the case may

be in the two quarters before the date of

the incident.]*

Cash withdrawal of up to Rs. 25000 daily

Purchase protection and Zero Card


Accepted at more than 1 million ATMs and

more than 26 million Point of Sale 34

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terminals worldwide

5 Computerized Statements Free on a quarterly basis

Free monthly statements on email

(Customer has to register for internet


6 Joint Account Facility Available

7 Flexi (2-in-1) Encase Available subject to terms and conditions


8 Demand Drafts Free Demand Drafts drawn on Axis Bank


9 Overdraft facility Up to 50% of net salary at Personal Loan


10 Outstation Cheques Free collection, only out-of pocket expenses

to be recovered

11 De mat Account Available

12 Financial Advisory Services Available

13 Poer Loaned * Power Homes – Housing Loans

Personal Power – Personal Loans

Study Power – Educational Loans

Consumer Power – Consumer Loans

Power Drive – Vehicle Loans

14 Optional Gold Debit Card Access to any Bank ATM

15 Credit Cards Available

16 Online Trading Available

17 Built-in Insurance (Medical

and Burglary) scheme

Unique facility of availing Insurance option in

built in the account Available

18 Built-in SIP scheme Unique facility of availing SIP option in built

in the account Available

19 Internet Banking Available as iConnect with enhanced


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features like free bill payments (e.g.,

electricity bills) and electronic payment of

premiums (LIC – Insurance Premium) at

select centers. Online shopping and E-


20 Telebanking Free (available for 24 hr Axis Bank’s at

select centers)

21 Mobile Banking Available

22 Nomination Facility Available

23 Funds Transfer Transfer funds from An individual’s Salary

Power account to any bank account in India

free of charge

24 Meal Card The best substitute for the traditional

Sodexo/Accor Meal coupons/vouchers.

25 Gift Card Prepaid, Rupee Denominated, Non Reload

able card – Ideal for gifting.

Power Salute (Salute to the defense forces)

Defense Salary Account from Axis Bank is a product designed keeping in mind how

though a life in the Defense Forces is. Not only does it come to An individual absolutely

free, no minimum balance is required either. An individual can access the entire Axis Bank

network, including more than 2300 ATMs and 550 branch offices (and growing) no matter

where An individual are posted.

With the complete gamut of banking services (including overdrafts, loans and zero-

balance requirements) an individual can now rest assured about his family and all their

financial needs. It’s Axis Bank’s way of showing Axis Bank’s appreciation to An individual’s



Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (37)


1 Balance Requirement No minimum balance

2 Anywhere Banking Available across the country

3 Cheque books Multi-city at-par Cheque Book

4 International Debit cum ATM


Personal Accident Insurance Cover of Up to

Rs 2 lacks per cardholder

[to keep An individual’s personal accident

Insurance cover activated, An individual

should Have made a purchase transaction in

365 days prior to the day of the incident &

should have maintained an average

quarterly balance of Rs 5,000 (urban &

metropolitan branches) or Rs 2,500 (rural &

semi-urban branches) as the case may be in

the two quarters before the date of the


Cash withdrawal of up to Rs. 25000 daily

Purchase protection and Zero Card liability

Accepted at more than 1 million ATMs and

more than 26 million Point of Sale terminals


5 Computerized Statements Free on a quarterly basis

Free monthly statements on email

(Customer has to register for internet


6 Joint Account Facility Available

7 Flexi (2-in-1) Encase Available subject to terms and conditions


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8 Demand Drafts Free Demand Drafts drawn on Axis Bank


9 Overdraft facility Up to 50% of net salary at Personal Loan


10 Outstation Cheques Free collection, only out-of pocket expenses to

be recovered

11 De mat Account Available

12 Financial Advisory Services Available

13 Poer Loaned * Power Homes – Housing Loans

Personal Power – Personal Loans

Study Power – Educational Loans

Consumer Power – Consumer Loans

Power Drive – Vehicle Loans

14 Optional Gold Debit Card Access to any Bank ATM

15 Credit Cards Available

16 Online Trading Available

17 Built-in Insurance (Medical

and Burglary) scheme

Unique facility of availing Insurance option in

built in the account Available

18 Built-in SIP scheme Unique facility of availing SIP option in built in

the account Available

19 Internet Banking Available as iConnect with enhanced features

like free bill payments (e.g., electricity bills) and

electronic payment of premiums (LIC –

Insurance Premium) at select centers. Online

shopping and E-Brokering.

20 Telebanking Free (available for 24 hr Axis Bank’s at select


21 Mobile Banking Available

22 Nomination Facility Available


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23 Funds Transfer Transfer funds from An individual’s Salary

Power account to any bank account in India

free of charge

24 Meal Card The best substitute for the traditional

Sodexo/Accor Meal coupons/vouchers.

25 Gift Card Prepaid, Rupee Denominated, Non Reload

able card – Ideal for gifting.

Azaadi – No Frills Account (Basic banking with zero balance)

A savings account that doesn’t require a minimum balance. Experience a host of

unparalleled features and heightened convenience with Azaado Accont.


Zero Balance Savings Account : No need to maintain a fixed, mandatory amount in

an individual’s account..

Instant Welcome Kit : Handed over to An individual at the time of account opening,

the kit will consist of an individual’s account number, debit card, debit card PIN,

internet banking PIN and phone banking PIN numbers.

International Debit Card : Which gives an individual access to over 1,800 ATMs

across the country, enabling an individual to make deposits or withdraw cash at

anytime of the day of night.

Phone Banking and Internet Banking : An individual can conveniently check An

individual’s balance, transaction details etc. anytime from anywhere over telephone

or using the internet, for no extra charge.


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Saving account for students

Features :

Minimum average quarterly balance (AQB) of Rs. 500.

Free international Debit Card.

Quarterly statement of account.

Tele- banking

IConnect Internet Banking

Savings account for Demat customers

Features :

Minimum average quarterly balance (AQB) of Rs. 500.

Free international Debit Card.

Quarterly statement of account.

Tele- banking

IconnectTM Internet Banking


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Priority Banking – Resident

In a segmentation study undertaken in 2002, it was found that 2.72 % of Axis Bank’s

retail customers contribute to nearly 49.05% of Axis Bank’s total retail deposits.

The clients that bring a larger share of business to the Bank expect a differentiated

standard of service. This also makes business sense, as more often than not, most of the

business in a particular branch flows from a handful of clients. Hence, Priority Banking was

launched in order to cater to the needs of the high net worth customers within the bank.

The product has at its core, the idea of providing a certain bit of differentiation in

service and treatment to a segment of its customers with a view towards customer

retention, acquisition and cross selling. The nucleus of these services has essentially four

important components

Personalized service

Investment advisory Services

Prefential pricing of banking products/services

Lifestyle privileges.

Most of Banks, private as well as foreign, offer a specialized banking service to their

elite customers. The definition of the value of relationship and services offered differs

across banks. In general, MNC banks define the HNI segment taking into account the

customers’ liability as well as, assail relationship with the bank (Between 20-30 Lakhs and

above) whereas the Indian private banks only take in the savings bank balances and term

deposits (Between 5-10 Lakhs ans above).


Priority Banking Lounge :


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (42)

As a Priority banking customer an individual will have access to an exclusive ‘Priority

Banking Lounge’ at branches. This will allow an individual to conduct his financial

transactions in utmost comfort and confidentiality through an exclusive Relationship


Dedicated Relationship Manager

An individual will enjoy access to a dedicated Relationship Manager who will be his one

point contact at branch for all An his banking transactions thus ensuring that An individual

would neither have to move from one counter to the other nor stand in queues to await his


Home Banking

Experience the convenience of Axis Bank’s home banking facilities. Avail of free cash and

cheque pick-up delivery at an individual’s or residence.

Exclusive Priority Banking International Debit card

This card allows an individual free access to all VISA ATMs in Idea. The card also comes

with higher ATM withdrawal limits; higher POS transaction limits at merchant

establishments, enhanced insurance over and a host of special discounts and offers. An

individual also get Prefential Interest Rates and lowered Processing Fees on select Retail


Investment Privileges

Avail of assistance in financial planning. Investment advice market information reports, and

invitations to investor meets are offered complimentary to an individual.

Lifestyle privileges

However, it’s all about just financial series. We aim to provide a different lifestyle

experience through Lifestyle privileges like exclusive invitations to movie screenings, plays,

music concerns and other special events sponsored by Axis Bank, especially for Axis

Bank’s Priority Banking Customers.


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Other Banking Privileges

Enjoy a host of banking privileges like free at-par cheques, demand drafts

and pay orders, free passbook updates and monthly statements.

An individual would also be entitled to two free minor accounts, one free

outward remittance per quarter and free Mobile banking.

As a Priority Banking customer, there would be no issuance charge on

Axis Bank’s Travel Currency Card.

Non-Resident (External) NRE Saving Account

Any person resident outside India may open NRE account. This account permits a

NRI to hoed and maintain foreign currency earnings in Indian rupees. The Principal and

interest earned on these balances are freely reportable.

Whether an individual are a student, a professional, a salaried employee or an

entrepreneur, this account will meet all an individual’s banking need.


Low minimum balance requirement of Rs 5,000

‘Multicity’ cheque book which will permit An individual to make payment via

cheque across multiple locations

Mandate or Power of Attorney facility available so that in An individual’s absence

from the country An individual can authorize his relative or friend to operate

conduct banking transactions on his behalf.

Free iConnect: 24 X 7 account access through secure internet banking facility

from anywhere and anytime.


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Online shopping mall and utility bill payment facility be using Axis Bank’s Internet

based iConnect banking login.

Free personal accident cover of Indian Rupees 2,00,000 on Axis Bank’s Debit

Card (The insurance cover will come in force only after An individual make his

first successful payment transaction at any merchant establishment.)*

Tax Advisory Services from Axis Bank’s empanelled consultants

Saving Account Deposit Interest Rate – 3.5 %

Rates Effective from : Thursday, August 21, 2008


DEPOSITS Interest Rate on

Deposits Below

Rs 15 Lakhs

Interest Rates for

Senior citizen

Interest Rate 15-

50 Lakhs

7 days to 14 days - - 1

15 days to 29 days 3 3 3

30 days to 45 days 4 4 4

46 days to 60 days 5 5 5

61 days to less

than 3 months

5.5 5.5 5.5

3 months to less

than 4 months

6 6 6

4 months to less

than 6 months

6 6 6

6 months to less

than 9 months

7.75 8.5 7.75

9 months to less

than 1 Year

9 9.75 9

1 Year to less than

2 Year

10 10.75 10


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2 Year to less than

3 Year

9 9.75 9

3 Year to less than

5 Year

8.5 9.25 8.5

5 year upto 10


8.5 9.25 8.5


The basic product for mobilizing such deposits is a Current Account. The Banks

offers a range of current account products to meet the needs of the various customer

segments such as Small Enterprises, Trade, Exproers, Corporate and intuitions. The

various Current Accounts offered by the Bank are:

Normal Current Account

Business Advantage

Business Classic

Business Privilege

Business Global

Channel One (Priority Customers)

These products offer flexibility to customers to choose from the above option with

varying minimum average quarterly balance commitments and charges structure. In

addition to conventional banking facilities, these accounts offer Multi-City At Par payable

cheque – book facility and anywhere Banking facility across offer Multi – city At Par payable

cheque – book facility and any where Banking facility across braches. Customers can

access their account Online through Corporate iConnect, Axis Bank’s Internet banking

platform as also through Tele-Banking facility and can receive account balance information


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (46)

on mobile telephones and electronic mail. Customers are subject to transaction charges

including charges for non-maintenance of the committed balances.

Axis Bank brings different kinds of current accounts for different types of businesses

Select the one that best suits an individual’s business requirements.

Axis Bank’s Current Account came equipped with the following features to give

maximum value for an individual’s money.


Normal Current Account

Business Advantage Account

Business Classic Account

Business Privilege Account

Channel One

Current Account for Govt Organizations

Current Account for Banks

Current Account for Builders & Real Estate

Capital Market Current Account

Krishi Current Account46

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Business Global Current Account

Club 50 Current Account

Shipping and maritime Current Account

Inland Road Transport Current Account

Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Current Account


Anywhere Banking

Axis Bank’s Current Account allows an individual to bank from all Axis Bank’s

branches and Extension counters. An individual can deposit cash, withdraw cash, deposit

cheque, and issue ‘at-par’ cheques at any of Axis Bank’s branches. So bank at an

individual’s own Convenience.

Instant Fund Transfer

An individual can transfer funds instantly between any of Axis Bank’s branches.

Funds transfers can be affected online, right from An individual’s through Axis Bank’s

internet banking services.

Internet Banking


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Axis Bank presents corporate iConnect – a unique net Banking platform for the

current account customers. Available with multiply user IDs, depending on an individual’s

needs. Access an individual’s account at any time form anywhere. An individual can

transfer funds to his own accounts or to third party accounts within Axis Bank & Inter Bank

covering over 25,000 branches of various banks. Corporate iConnect also permits

transaction initiation by one user and approval by another. An individual can also excuse

bulk payments like salary and commission across Axis Bank network right form his desktop.

At-Par (Multicity) Chequebook

Enjoy the benefits of Multicity Chequebook with Axis Bank’s current Accounts. An

individual cans issue cheques payable at par at all Axis Bank’s branches across the

country. An individual’s cheques will be treated as local cheques at more than 375 locations

as on January 31, 2008.

ATM or Debit Card

With every Current Account (For proprietary and partnership concerns), An individual

can avail upto 2 ATM cum Debit cards, which allow an individual round the clock access to

his account from any of all Axis Bank’s ATMs all over the country. An individual can

withdraw upto Rs 40,000 a day.

Free Monthly Account Statement

By courier and daily on email.

Mobile Banking

Mobile Banking will enable an individual to bank with Axis Bank through his mobile

phone irrespective of where an individual are.


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (49)



PURPOSE : To meet personal expenses.

Loan Amount :

Minimum Loan amount Rs. 25,000/-

Maximum Loan amount Rs. 105,00,000/- for salaried and Rs. 15,00,000/- for

salaried professionals individuals

Maximum Loan amount Rs 103,00,000/- for self – employed individuals

Maximum Loan amount Rs. 720,500,000/- for Doctors


Purpose :

Purchase of a plot of land and Construction of a house thereon

Construction of a house on plot of land already owned

Purchase of a new house / flat

Purchase of old house / flat which is not more than 15 years old (Home Acquisition


Take – over of existing Housing Loan

Take – over of existing Housing Loan with additional Finance (Top-Up)

Pre – allotment Booking finance


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Limit: Minimum – Rs 1 lakh & Maximum – Rs. 50 lacs

Margin :

15% in the case of normal product.

25% in the case of Improvement / renovation loans


Purpose :

Loan against property – Residential premises

Loan against property – Commercial premises

Loan for Purchase of Commercial Property

Take-over of existing Loan

Take – over of existing Housing Loan with additional refinance (Top-Up)

Limit: Minimum – Rs 1 lakh & Maximum – Rs. 150 lacs

Margin : 50% in case of loans against property. (On valuation)


Purpose : Purchase of new consumer durable item

Loan Amount :

Minimum Loan amount Rs. 25,000, Maximum Loan amount Rs 2,00,000


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Purpose : Purchase of a new car

Loan Amount :

Cost of Vehicle plus registration & insurance (less stipulated margin)


20 times of net monthly salary in case of salaried persons / equivalent of net annual income

as per latest IT Assessment Order in case of others, Whichever is less.


Purpose :

To provide financial support to deserving / meritorious students for pursuing higher

professional/technical education in India and abroad. To be provided to meritorious

students who have obtained admission to career-oriented profession, e.g. medicine,

engineering, management, either at the graduate of post – graduate level. This would cover

studies proposed in domestic or oversees institutions.

Quantum of Loan :

The quantum of finance under the scheme is capped at Rs. 7.5 Lakhs for studies in

India and Rs. 15 lacs for studies abroad, which would cover tuition fees, hostel charges (if

any), cost of books, etc. The minimum amount of loan would be Rs. 50,000/-.

Express Considered for the Loan

Fees payable to college / university / hostel


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Examination / Library/ Laboratory fees

Purchase of Books / Equipment/ Instruments

Caution / refundable deposits supported by the Institution’s bills/receipts

Travel expenses / passage money for studies abroad

Purchase of computers (when essential for the completion of the course)

Any other expenses required to complete the course, like study tour’s project

work/thesis, etc.


Purpose : For personal use

Quantum of Loan :

Maximum loan amount is Rs, 20,00,000/- against pleading of approved scrip’s. We

are offering this facility to individuals only.


Purpose : To purchase a two wheeler

Quantum of Loan :Minimum Rs, 20,000/- & Maximum Rs 70,000/- we finance 80-85% of

the on road price (Cost of Vehicle + registration + insurance) of the vehicle.


Bancassurance implies sales of insurance products through the Banking channel,

wherein a Bank enters into a tie up with an insurance company. The Bank would be paid a

commission by the insurance company for each insurance policy sold. This initiative would

help the Bank to boost it’s fee income through commission earned. In turn the insurance

company can effectively tap the Bank’s customer base and utilize the bank’s resources and

infrastructure to maximize its sales. As per IRDA norms, a Bank is permitted to only tie up 52

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with 1 insurance company (1 general insurance company and 1 life insurance company) of

each line of business.

In early 2005, AXIS Bank entered a Bancassurance tie up with a leading private

sector insurance player, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Ltd., for sales of non-life

insurance products through all its branches. The formal launch and announcement of the tie

up took place during May 2007. AXIS Bank is yet to enter into a Bancassurance tie up for

life insurance Sales.

As a result of this tie up, a wide range of insurance products have now been made

available through AXIS Bank branches. Insurance is being sold to all segments, viz. retail

customers, SME segment and corporate Customers as well. This partnership is expected to

become one of the major Bancassurance tie-ups in the India n market.

The important non-life products include Health Insurance, Personal Accident

insurance, Households Policy, Motor insurance, Shopkeepers Policy, Office Package

policy, Overseas Travel Insurance, Fire Insurance etc. These are the standardized

insurance products of Bajaj Allianz.

Apart from selling standard Bajaj Allianz policies, AXIS Bank has also launched

4sepcial co-branded general insurance products in association with Bajaj Allianz. These

products would be exclusively sold to AXS Bank’s large retail customer base and shall be

available only though AXIS Bank. These policies offer the customers greater benefits, more

competitive pricing and ease of purchase as compared to the regular insurance policies.

These co-branded are as follows :

Family Health

We offer the customer, the advantage of inuring not just himself but his entire family

with one policy. Axis Bank’s family Health Insurance programmed provides a

comprehensive health Insurance that covers customer, his spouse and 3 dependent

children up to the age of 18 years. Hence the customer does not have to pay multiple


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (54)

premiums to insure all the members, in his family. 30 Hospital Reimbursem*nt:

Reimbursem*nt of An individual’s hospital expenses in case of sudden illness, accidents or

accidents or emergency surgeries. Additional cash benefit for each and every completed

day of hospitalization.

Safe Home

Axis Bank realize the customers need to make their homes as secure in reality, as it

is in their mind, this is why we have launched ‘SAFE HOME’, which provides protection for.

An individual’s property and valuables at the customers home with minimal paperwork

against losses due to fire, allied perils, burglary and larceny.

Safe Guard

Low case personal accident policy, which insures the customer, against risk of

accidental death, add dental permanent total disability and accidental permanent partial


Smart Advantage

Smart Advantage is a women specific Critical Illness insurance plan that has been

designed for keeping in mind the critical illnesses and other attendant risks that are

especially faced by women. A guaranteed cash sum will be paid in case the insured (i.e.

customer) is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. The benefit amount under this policy

helps to take care of heavy medical costs for treatment of critical illness. Hence proves

protection from the economic impact of critical illness.



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Critical illness

Fire and allied perils


Personal Guard (Personal Accident Policy)


Travel Companion (International Travel Insurance) 31

Silver Health (Health Insurance for higher aged customers)

Motor Vehicle Policy

Health Guard (Individual health Insurance product)

Hospital Cash



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The Cards Division in Retail Banking Department is responsible for both the Cards

issuance Business as well as Merchant Acquiring Services. 20

On the issuance side, the Bank has two very strong products viz the interaction Debit

cum ATM Card & the International Travel Currency Card. In FY 05-06, new initiatives from

the Cards Division have been the Visa Gold Debit Card, Rewards Card and the Travel

Currency Card in several new currencies.


The Axis Bank International Debit Card is a VISA Electron/Visa Flag/ Master

Card Unendorsed card and is accepted globally at all VISA / Master Card ATMs and

Merchant Establishments accepting Visa / MasterCard Cards. The Bank has issued more

than 44,00,000 Debit Cards. The Bank issues between 100000-120000 debit cards to its

customers consistently every month.


Lost Card Liability

AXIS Bank Debit Cardholder in insured for risk of loss due to fraudulent use of a lost /

stolen/ missing debit Card. All he needs to do is communicate the loss of An individual’s

Card by calling Axis Bank’s 24 –Axis Bank’s Customer Service Number or Branch (during

working hours)

Purchase Protection

All consumer durable goods purchased using the Debit Card are insured against fire,

natural calamity, burglary, and house – breaking up to 90 days from the date of purchase.

There is a combined limit of Rs. 50,000/- per card for Zero Lost Card Liability and purchase

protection. This limit is Rs. 175,000/- for Gold Debit Card. Personal accident Cover.

In the unfortunate event of loss of life in an accidental mishap, the customer’s beneficiaries

will receive the benefit of accident insurance of up to Rs. 2 Lakhs (Rs 5 Lakhs in case of


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Gold Debit Card). The Personal Accident Cover comes into force as soon as the Debit Card

is used for a payment transaction at any Merchant Outlet. The Personal accident insurance

covers the debit cardholder and compensates the nominee in the event of accident leading

to death. Sum Insured Rs. 200,000/- Rs 500,000 per cardholder (a cap of same a mount in

the event of multiple card / multiple ac counts per person). The claim settlement procedure

and all the forms / documentation required at the time of claim submission are available

with all Axis Bank’s branches. The customer may also contact 022-55987700 the Debit

Card help line directly. 22

24-HAxis Bank’s Customer Service:

91-22-55987700 for around the clock assistance for AXIS Bank Debit Cardholders.

The Charges relating to the Debit Card are as under

PARTICULARS CHARGESIssuance Charges Rs 95- per Card Annual Fee Rs 100- per Card Card Replacement Charges Rs 95- per Card Duplicate PIN Rs 50- per Card Transactional Charges A) UTI Bank Master Card ATMs No ChargesB) VISA / Master Card ATMs In INDIA I) Cash WithdrawalII) Balance Inquiry ABROADCash Withdrawal Balance Inquiry

Rs. 50/-Rs. 15/-

Rs. 125/-Rs. 25/-

1. The Charges are waived for branches at semi urban and rural centers.

2. The Charges for Current Accounts will be the same as that for SB- NOR


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3. The Charges for SB-DMT, SB-SPL and SB-STU will be the same as that for


4. There will be no charges for Debit Cards issued to SB-SPA, SB-PB, SB-TRS

and SB-STF

5. There will be no charges for Cards issued to NRE & NRO Accounts.

6. The Charges are waived for primary card to SB-SAL.


In the absence of any annual fee, the revenue driver for the Bank is the commission

earned @ 1.1% of the transaction amount, when a customer uses his Debit Card at a

merchant outlet. Thus the Challenge is twofold:

Activation of Dormant Cards

Migration of transactions at ATMs (non-revenue earning) to Point of Sale (1.1%)

n the financial year 2005-06 the Bank earned approximately Rs. 11.27 crore from its

Debit Card program. Usage of the Card varies according to age and location. People in the

metros, large towns use the Debit Card because of more awareness and concentration of

ATMs and POS terminals. The highest usage comes from Tier I cities like Mumbai, Delhi,

Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore where most merchant outlets have EDCs

(Electronic Data Capture Terminals). Similarly age of the customer also has a bearing on

the usage pattern. Studies show that the Debit Card is used maximum by people in the age

group of 25-45.

New Initiatives 58

Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (59)

a) Remittance Card

The AXIS Bank Remittance Card. Launched is association with, is

a unique product that has charged the way money is sent across borders. Remitters from

23 different countries including the USA, UK, and Gulf Countries can sent money to India

through the Remittance Card.

The product is available as a delivery mode (other delivery modes being Demand

Drafts/Direct credits to Bank accounts) for remittances made through the Web Portal Based on the remitter’s request, we prepare a personalized

Remittance Card for the beneficiary, which is preloaded with the funds remitted to him in

INR. The card is sent in a Welcome Kit to the beneficiary, who has to take it to the nearest

AXIS Bank branch to complete some basic formalities in order to activate his/her card.

Once the card is activated, it works just like a normal ATM-cum-Debit Card, usable as all

VISA ATMs for withdrawing funds and at all VISA enabled POS outlets to pay for


Subsequent remittances are directly loaded onto the car5d and provide the

beneficiary with almost instant access to the funds remitted to him. Thus, the product is

primarily aimed at providing a hassle-free and convenient solution to beneficiaries who

receive remittances on a regular basis.

Other features provided to Remittance Card customers are as follows:

Multi-city At Par Chequebook (on request)

No minimum average balance requirement

Enchase facility

Quarterly Interest payment

Daily Cash Withdrawal Limit of Rs. 40,000/-

Daily Cash Withdrawal Limit of Rs. 40,000/-

Free insurance cover comprising of

Purchase protection 59

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Zero lost card liability

b) VISA Money Transfer Service

The VISA Money Transfer Service has now mad it possible to send money from an

AXIS Bank account to any of the 28 million VISA cards issued in India.


Sender of Funds : To avail of the VISA Money Transfer Service, the sender of funds needs

to be a holder of either of the following

A bank account with AXIS Bank

Any VISA Card issued by AXIS Bank

A bank account with AXIS Bank

Any VISA Card issued by AXIS Bank

Beneficiary of funds : The beneficiary of the funds should have a VISA Card (debtor Credit,

issued in India). In case the beneficiary VISA Card is linked to more than one bank account,

funds will be transferred to the primary account linked of the card.


The service has been enabled through all Axis Bank’s ATMs and i-Connect TM


The VISA money Transfer service can be used for the following


To send money to any of the 23 million VISA Cards anywhere in India.

To pay VISA credit card bills by giving the card number and making a direct



Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (61)

Axis Bank accountholders who hold VISA Electron/VISA FLAG Cards can also

receive money from any other Bank account, subject to that Bank enabling VISA Money

Transfer for its accountholders.

We intend to introduce several additional usage options at a later data like payment

of, utility Bills, School and College Fees, etc. through VISA Money Transfer.

Future initiatives

In FY ’08-09, the Bank plans to launch the Prepaid Corporate Card, which will be

branded as a “Rewards Card”. The product is being almed primarily at corporate for

disbursing commission payments/reimbursem*nts to their agents/distributors/employees.

The Bank is in advanced stage of discussion with several corporate across the country. The

Prepaid Card venture is expected to bring significant revenue income (primarily through fee

income) for the Bank.



The bank has 1861 ATMs as on 31.03.2006. This includes all Axis Bank’s onsite and

off-site ATMs. All Axis Bank’s ATMs are connected to Axis Bank’s Base 24 ATM switch,

which in turn interacts with Axis Bank’s centralized core banking software for transaction


The Bank through its ATMs offers the following services “

Banking Services :

Cash Withdrawal, with real time debit to customer’s account

Cash & Cheques Deposit

Balance Inquiry

PIN Charge


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (62)

Other Services :

Mobile Airtime Refill for Hutch, Airtel, Idea, BPL, Cellular, RIM, Tata Tele

Facility for Non UTI bank VISA card holders to refill their Prepaid phones.

Life Insurance Corporation Premium Payment

Bill Payment e.g.: BSNL, MTNL

Funds Transfer (within own accounts)

Online Donations to Trusts & NGOs

Purchase and redemption of UTI Mutual Fund Schemes through the ATM

Strategic Tie-ups for ATM

We have also tied up with Western Railway (Mumbai), Central Railways (Mumbai)

Pantaloons, HPCL, and BPCL for setting up ATMs at their locations.

Almost all costs related to setting up and maintenance of an ATM network is fixed.

Thus, the challenge for the Bank has been to migrate customers to this channel and

develop new streams of revenues from this channel, in order to make the channel viable.

The Bank has achieved tremendous success in this regard. We have been able to migrate

about 90% of all cash disbursem*nt transactions to Axis Bank’s ATMs.

To generate direct revenue from the ATM Channel, the bank has adopted 2

strategies :

ATM Sharing with other banks

New functionalities such as mobile airtime refill, bill payment & mutual fund

sales through which Axis Bank’s bank earns a commission.


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The Bank has also set up ATM galleries at 3 location. Each of the Gallery has 2

ATMs for the convenience of the customers, information kiosk, a card operated touch-

screen internet kiosk, though which the customers can access their iConnect accounts with

bank and perform their banking transactions such as funds transfer, bill payment, balance

inquiry, etc. A bill payment kiosk has also been set up at this gallery.

The ATM Channel for the bank has been a major customer acquisition tool,

increasingly the channel is being seen as a customer servicing tool and all the new value

added services are part of that initiative.


Since April 2000, the Internet Banking channel has grown fast to com pelmet the

branch and ATM network. As of March 2006, there are around 20 lakh users of internet

banking, which amounts to more than 50% of Axis Bank’s retail banking savings accounts

customers. Apart from routine functional like balance and transactions lookup, we also

provide a number of value – added services on the internet banking platform. A bride

description of each product is given below:

Bill Payment

The bill payment series on the internet can be classified into three categories:

Presentment of EBPP (Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment).- Under this

type of bill payment, the customer needs to register for each bill. Once registered,

the biller will sent an electronic version of the bill for acceptance and payment.

Direct Payment.- Under this type of bill payment, no bill presentment happens. The

customer is free to select the biller and pay accordingly to his convenience.

Payee : This a variation of direct payment method with the customer creating his

own biller for example, payment of rent to landlord. The landlord’s account details

would typically be entered and payment made on a recurring basis.



Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (64)

A customer with Internet banking access can buy from merchants registered with us

and pay through the direct debit facility on Axis Bank’s website.


Mobile banking was launched by the bank in October 2004, within the last one and a

half year, the customer base has grown to over five lacs subscribers as of April 2006.

Axis Bank Offers the Automatic Alerts service in mobile banking:

A subscriber is alerted through SMS on the activities in his account with automatic

alerts for every debit in his account of more than Rs. 5,000. Also if the customer is

registered for bill payments, he receives an alert as soon as a bill is presented by the biller

for payment.


Safety: Be alerted on any transaction above Rs. 5,000 in an individual’s account so that

action can be initiated promptly in case of any misuse of the account.

Convenience.: Know the status of the account from wherever an individual are.


BILL PAY (Fee yourself)


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (65)

Axis Bank’s Bill pay service enables an individual to make secure payments from the

comfort of his home or office. So its time to say goodbye to late payment fines, long

queues, lost bills, and commissions paid to local errand boys.


Pay bills without stepping out of your home or office

Link multiple bills to your account

View and pay bills anytime, anywhere

Fast, convenience and hassle-free


ECS is an electronic clearing system that facilitates paperless credit/ debit

transaction directly linked to an individual’s account and also provides for a faster

method of effecting periodic and repetitive payments

Benefits of ECS (debit)

Through ECS (debit) an individual can pay all his utility bills

(electricity/telephone/mobile bills, credit cards etc.) mutual fund (sip), insurance

premium, loan installment, credit card payments of donation and other bill payments.


The bank is authorized for Collection of Income or Other Direct Taxed on behalf of

Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) w.e.f. 1 October 2003. The assesses or

taxpayers can pay income or Other Direct Taxes as listed below at 214 authorized

branches of Axis Bank across the country.

Corporation Tax – Tax on Companies and Tax deducted at Source from


Income Tax

Interest Tax and Expenditure Tax


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (66)

Gift Tax

Wealth Tax

Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT)

Securities Transaction Tax (SIT)

Banking cash transaction tax(Bctt)

Other tax deducted or collected at source (TDs or TCS) on salaries on

employees income from fix deposit , vendor payments, rent ,income from game

shows or lottery ,etc.

Any other direct tax including advance tax


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (67)



The Bank is authorized by RBI and Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) for

disbursem*nt of Central Civil Pension through its 218 authorized branches across the

country. The details towards availing Pension Disbursem*nt Facility from Axis Bank is as

under :-

For existing Pensioners of Central Govt. Departments and Ministries – This facility

can be availed by opening a Pension Payment Savings Bank Account with any

authorized Axis Bank Branch and thereafter following the necessary procedures

prescribed by CPAO for change of Bank for Pension Account for receiving on

drawing pension.

For prospective Pensioners of Central Govt. Departments and Ministries – This

facility can be availed by opening a Pension Payment Savings Bank Account with

any authorized Axis Bank Branch and providing the account details to the pay

Accounts Office (PAO) of the concerned Department of Ministry prior to retirement.

In case of existing Axis Bank customers, the details of the Saving Bank Account with

the Bank need to be provided to the Pay and Accounts Office of the concerned

Department or Ministry prior to retirement.


The Bank is authorized by RBI and Ministry of Defense for disbursem*nt of Pension

to Armed Force (Army, Navy and Air Force) personnel through its 151 authorized branches

across the country. The details towards availing Pension Disbursem*nt Facility from Axis

Bank is under.-

For existing Pensioners of Central Govt. Departments and Ministries – This facility

can be availed by opening a Pension Payment Savings Bank Account with any

authorized Axis Bank Branch and thereafter following the necessary procedures

prescribed by CPAO for change of Bank for Pension Account for receiving on

drawing pension.


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (68)

For prospective Pensioners of Central Govt. Departments and Ministries – This

facility can be availed by opening a Pension Payment Savings Bank Account with

any authorized Axis Bank Branch and providing the account details to the concerned

Pension Sanctioning Authority or Defense Unit prior to retirement. In case of existing

Axis Bank customers, the details of the Saving Bank Account with the Bank need to

be provided to the Pension Sanctioning Authorities (PSAs) of the concerned Defense

Unit prior to retirement.


The Bank has also received the authorization from RBI and Ministry of

Communications and information Technology for disbursem*nt of Telecom Pension through

its 192 authorized Branches across the country and which shall commence shortly.



An individual can recharge his mobile talk time at any of our ATMs. He doesn’t even

have to be an Axis Bank customer. All his need is a VISA debit or credit card. If he is an

Axis Bank customer, then he can also use his Axis Bank debit card (both VISA as well as

Master card).

LOCKER (Unmatched protection for your valuables)

A Safe Deposit Liker with Axis Bank is the solution to an individual’s concern.

Located at select branches in cities all over the country, our lockers ensure the safe

keeping of an individual’s valuables.


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (69)


Wide Availability: As o March 31, 2008 lickers are available at 562 branches and

extension counters.

Lickers available in various sizes.

Direct debits for licker rentals from your account rid you of the hassle in writing out


Extended banking hours to operate lockers.

Competitive rentals.

ONLINE SHOPPING (Safe ans Secure internet Payment)

Axis Bank offers an individual the convenience of shopping at many major Online

stores from the comfort of his home or office. All he need is an Internet enabled PC. He can

choose & then get he items delivered at his doorstep. He can also avail of numerous online

services, get to know about the current special offers/discounts and get a preview of the

new items added on to the shelves by these online retailers/service providers. He can shop

as much as he like and conveniently make instant payments by debiting his account

through the secured payment channel, iConnect – Our Internet banking platform.

IPOSMART (Now invest in IPO’s without letting go of your funds !)

An individual’s Axis Bank savings account now makes IPO application a seamless

and hassle-free process. Instead of moving out funds from his account for application to an

IPO, the amount can now simply be blocked. Which means as long as the IPO shares are

not allotted, the funds stay with him and he also gain interest on them? Plus he get the

security of having the refunds directly unblocked and made available to you, in his account

itself !


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (70)

The above service is being made available in accordance with the SEBI guidelines

on ASBA (Applications Supported by Blocked Amount).


Interest on funds which otherwise would have moved out of your savings account.

No need to write cheques or make demand drafts.

Convenient and transparent management of funds.

Instant release / unblocking of funds after allotment / non- allotment of shares.



9 Different Currency Options

Largest acceptance at POS and ATMs worldwide

Online Shopping on Verified by VISA ( VBV) security

ADD ON Card feature for speedy replacement

Balance Enquiry & Change of ATM PIN at any Axis Bank ATM in India for Free.


PIN & Signature protection

Compensation Payment

24 Hour Customer Service number & Email Helpdesk support

Budget control


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (71)

No over draft facility

Online A/C management

Prepaid Cards are becoming the mainstream products for Asian Customers. VISA

Prepaid Card growth in Asia Pacific was almost twice that of the global rate in 2007

and thrice in 2008 & 2009

Consumers in Australia, India and Thailand were the top three debit and Prepaid

markets in the Asia Pacific.

Prepaid Products are important in creating a choice of payment options for Asia-

Pacific Customers.

Enables Customers to have access to these whether or not they have a prior

relationship with a financial institution.


Industry Market Share





Axis Bank

C itibank




Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (72)

Long Way to Go .. As Volume generated by TCs are twice the volume on Cards

Approx $ 2 billion

Corporate Centric Solutions

A third of business traveler say “Employers are ‘out of control’ on overseas travel

Expenses” We offer Corporate centric module to manage Oversees Travel Expenses

Centralized expenditure.

No more travelers Cheques, messy cash deliveries or budgetary control issues.

Useful for Staff Per Diem Expense and Customer Compensation.

Corporate Delight


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (73)

Travel Currency Card - Feasibility


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (74)

Ability to budget funds # of users of same funds ReplaceabilityTCDC 5 1 5Cash 3 5 0Credit Cards 2 3 5Trevallers Cheques 3 3 5Debit Cards 3 1 1

Usage time per Transaction 24hour access to local currency Customer ServiceTCDC 4 5 4Cash 4 3 0Credit Cards 4 4 5Trevallers Cheques 2 3 3Debit Cards 4 4 4

Funds Usage Economical way to access Cash Security FeaturesTCDC 5 4 4Cash 4 4 1Credit Cards 5 3 4Trevallers Cheques 4 3 3Debit Cards 5 4 4

Ease of Acquisiton AcceptanceTCDC 3 4Cash 4 5Credit Cards 3 4Trevallers Cheques 4 3Debit Cards 3 4

Edge over others – The “ Axis” Effect


Withdrawal Limit Balance on card Balance on card $1000 per day Balance on card

Customer Support Team Localised SupportLocalised Support Centralised Only Mumbai

Strong Localised and Zonal based support

Loading Timely Funding Timely Funding Centralised Instant Loading Thrice in a dayValue Load $250- 100000 $250- 100000 $250- 100000 $250- 100000

Monthly Statement Online access Online access Online access NoOnline access / Axis Bank



No change permitted at ATM's

in India

No change permitted at

ATM's in India

No change permitted at

ATM's in India

No change permitted at

ATM's in IndiaChange permitted before

departure in IndiaMobile Alert Yes NA Yes Yes Yes/ Email as well

Balance Enquiry at ATM's NO NO NO NOYes with display in the base of

CNY of CardValidity - Years 5 5 3 3 5

Cross Currency Margin 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%Internet transactions Yes No No No Yes

Incentive based No No Yes Yes Yes- HighWhite Labelling No No Yes Yes Yes

Personalized Cards No No No No YesADD ON cards Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Lost Card Liability Insurance Yes No No No Yes- upto INR 200000Pre-authorisation while swiping -

PermittedYes- 45 days for

reversalYes- 45 days for

reversal No NoYes- within 2 day if all docs



Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (75)


















Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (76)


3rd largest private sector bank and 9th largest overall

1042 Branches and 4474 ATMs (as on 30th June, 2010)



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Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (78)


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (79)


Profit after tax up 38.51% to` 2514.53 crores

Net Interest Incomeup 35.76% to` 5004.49 crores

Earnings per share (Basic) increased from` 50.61 to ` 65.78.

Proposed Dividend up from 100% to 120%

Capital Adequacy Ratio stood at 15.80% as against the minimum regulatory norm

of 9%

Growth of bank at 38.51% and 69.50% against sector growth of 20.64% and

14.13% for the previous two years



Banking and Savings

Corporate Finance

Investment and Insurance

Loans and Borrowings


Branches ² 1042

ATMS ² 4474


Customers get value for money

Lower fee charge


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (80)



Print Media


Personal Selling



Training and Development of employees

Monitoring and improving employee performance

Compensation and Reward Administration

Grievance Handling


Service above others

Customer based & service oriented

Max coverage, innovative products and services

Services provided

Remittance Card

EMV based platinum credit card


Axis Bank Foundation setup in 2006

Transfers 1% of net profit to the Foundation

Supporting 41 NGOs

536 education centers covered

47055 children covered

24 SMEs exclusively focusing on MSMEs


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (81)



Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (82)



Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (83)


3.1 Title of the Study

“Banking Operations In Axis Bank”

3.2 Duration of the Project

Duration is 45 days training in bonanza limited.

From the date of 25 June to 10 august .

3.3 Objective of Study

Banking and finance can be called as the nerves of any economic

system as they accelerate the process of economic development through

canalization of adequate finace.

It is hard to anticipate development of efficient banking services in the

country. No doubt financial institutions play so important in economic development

but at the some time economic development determines the growth and

development of banking institutions the role of various kind of banking institution. In

economic development need not be emphasized.

Main objective of the study is to “Critical appraisal of product & services

offered by axis bank.”


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (84)

Some of the major objectives of the study include the determination of

the following :

Consumer awareness about the products and services provided by the axis


Consumer preference about various products and services.

Customers perception towards private Banking and their expectations from

private banks.

Customer satisfaction with the service provided by the bank.

Draw out with conclusions and suggestion based on the analysis and the

interpretation of data.

3.4 Type of Research

Research is one of the most important parts of any study and pertains to the

collection of information and knowledge. Marketing research is defined as the

systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to

a specific marketing situation facing the company.

My project has been developed on has basis of both exploratory and

descriptive research.

The research process depends upon developing the most efficient plan for

gathering the needed information. Designing a research plan calls fro decisions on

the data sources, research approaches, research instruments, sampling paln, and

contact methods.


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (85)

3.5 Sample Size and method of selecting sample

I chose a sample size of 40 respondents consisting of based on judgment

sampling All respondents were the customers of Axis Bank. The method was simple

random sampling.

Data Source

For this project both primary and secondary data were valuable sources of


Secondary data

Secondary data provides a starting point for any research and offers valuable

sources of already existing information. Secondary data are the easiest to gather

and the cost of collecting this data is also very low. For my project work it was

collected through the help of various directories of various associations, magazines,

newspapers, websites etc. The directories helped me in short lisitng people, for my

target people.

Some of the directories made use of are as follows :

Telephone directory

Income tax office

City directory

Chartered accountant directory

Carpet industries directory

Indian medical association directory

Transporter directory

Lawyers directory


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (86)

Builders & constructors directories

Primary data

Primary data are data freshly gathered for a specific purpose. For my project

work the primary data was collected by means of survey though questionnaires.

Contact methods

Once the client had been decided now my task was how to contact them, and

for me there only two ways of contacting them.

1. Personal interview:- this method was the most appropriate way of

survey, because by personal interview I came to know about their

feeling for Axis Bank.

2. Telephone:- This method was also used by me once or twice, keeping

in mind the busy schedule of a few respondents.

3.6 Scope of Study

Axis Bank is one of the most famous banks in India. The various products and

services offered by it include:


Deposits (Saving account and current account)



Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (87)





Mobile Banking

Internet Banking


Other Services

The deposit mix of an organization especially the Saving accounts are the

backbone of every bank as an ordinary man is most inclined to invest in it due to its

convenience and easy availability. This project deals with the various customer

concerns regarding these and tries to suggest appropriate suggesting based on

conclusions. I hope that this report would be able to suggest some measures and

draw attention of bank towards the area of improvement.

- Provides all the crucial information on Axis Bank Ltd. required for business

and competitor intelligence needs

- Contains a study of the major internal and external factors affecting Axis

Bank Ltd. in the form of a SWOT analysis as well as a breakdown and

examination of leading product revenue streams of Axis Bank Ltd.

-Data is supplemented with details on Axis Bank Ltd. history, key executives,

business description, locations and subsidiaries as well as a list of products

and services and the latest available statement from Axis Bank Ltd.


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (88)

Scope of Services

Debenture or Bond


Security Trustees

Facility Agent

Escrow Agent


Monitoring Agency

Debenture or Bond Trusteeship

o Advising the issuer company on the mode of creation of security

o Advising on the draft security creation documents and vetting the same

o Holding the charge for and on behalf of the investors and hold the security

documents in safe custody

o Monitoring the security cover and financial covenants by seeking periodic

information from the issuer company.

o Convening the Debenture or Bond holder meetings when so requested by

majority Debentureholders

o Addressing investor grievances

o Security enforcing at the behest of the Debentureholders

Security Trustees

o Drafting or vetting of common documentation to secure borrowings

o Conceptualising, customising and structuring of the security documents to

minimise documentation (including advising on the stamp duty implications on

the borrower), but at the same time ensuring compliance with all the terms


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (89)

and conditions of the facility documents. Thus, ensuring effective execution of


o Liasoning with the lead lender and the legal counsel on drafting the security


o Disseminating the information between the lenders and the borrower.

o Monitoring the loan on a quarterly basis by calling of compliance information

from the borrower.

o Prompt provision of information to the lenders on any matter pertaining to the

covenants or terms or conditions of the loan and security.

o Assisting the borrower and the lenders in overall coordination and ensure

smooth completion of the transaction with adherence to the given time frame.

o Providing a common forum for the lenders by convening meetings as and

when required by the lenders.

o Taking such appropriate action including enforcement of security as may be

requested by the lenders on the occurrence of an event of default.

o Holding in custody the security documents, insurance policies duly endorsed

in favour of the trustee, guarantee deeds etc.,

The Bank has acted as Security Trustee for

(a) Borrowings made for manufacturing activity

(b) Borrowings made for thermal or hydro power projects

(c) Borrowings made for rail or road projects

(d) Various ECB or FCCB transactions

Facility Agent

As a facility agent, we act as a communication channel between the borrower

and the lenders and our role inter alia includes:


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (90)

o Confirmation of compliance pre-disbursem*nt conditions to the lenders on

receipt of the same from the borrower

o Disseminate information between the borrower and the lenders

o Convening meetings of the lenders on a request from the borrower and

vice versa

o Calling for quarterly information from the borrowers

o Monitoring compliance with the terms of issue

Escrow Agent

As an escrow agent, We inter alia:

o Draft and vet the escrow agreement and define the flow as required under

the transaction structure

o Ensure the account opening with the escrow band

o Monitor the flow of the proceeds in accordance with the agreement

o Monitor the maintenance of the Debt Service Account and the Debt

Service Reserve Account to ensure continuity of debt service

o Call for monthly account statement from the escrow bank



Settling of Trust and holding the receivables along with the underlying

assets in Trust for and on behalf of the beneficiaries (investors).

Vetting of all the legal documents prepared by the legal counsel to

ensure the "True Sale" nature of the transactions including adherence

to the securitisation guidelines and ensuring smooth execution of the



Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (91)

Appointment of the Rating Agency or Registrar and Transfer Agent


Coordinating with NSDL for Credit Corporate Action and creation of the

ISIN number and signing of the necessary documents.

Ensuring funding of the requisite accounts in time in accordance with

the provisions of the Information Memorandum.

Ensuring that the Payout Cheques along with the Monthly Reports are

sent across to the Investors or Custodians or Rating Agency on or

before the due date.

Addressing Investor queries on specific issues

Monitoring Agency

The duties include:

o Monitoring that proceeds of the Initial Public Offering / Follow - on

Offering of shares, are utilised for the objects for which the funds were


o Submission of a half yearly report to the designated stock exchange.

o Executing a tripartite escrow agreement to monitor the flow of the

proceeds in accordance with the objects of the issue.

Axis Bank (formerly UTI Bank) is a banking corporation offering retail and

corporate banking services, including retail loans, corporate and business credit,

forex and trade finance services, investment banking, depository services, and

investment advisory services. The bank primarily operates in India, where it is

headquartered in Mumbai and employs about 20,624 people.


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (92)

The company recorded revenues of INR65,830.9 million (approximately

$1,271.9 million) in the financial year ended March 2009 (FY2009), an increase of

50.3% over FY2008. Operating profit was INR37,248.8 million (approximately $719.6

million) in FY2009, an increase of 67.3% over FY2008. Its net profit was

INR18,153.6 million (approximately $350.7 million) in FY2009, an increase of 69.5%

over FY2008.

3.7 Limitation of Study

The study was based on a very modest sample size hence cannot be called

as a representation of the views and opinion of the majority.

In a rapidly changing industry, analysis on one day or in one segment can

change very quickly. The environmental changes are vital to be considered in

order to assimilate the findings.

The conclusion arrived at are based on a very less experience of researcher

in this field.

Though full efforts have been made but due to the lack of past

experience in the marketing field I failed some areas have been left

from including in the study

Due to the limitation of time I was unable to cover more sample (data

collection sheet) and to fridge the lead granted


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (93)

4. Fact & Findings

Bank is having 853 branches all over the country.

The number of branches should be increased.

Number of Branches should be increased covering a wider area in various states.

A wide publicity to be given about the organization and its products through various

means of communications to keep growth moments.

More number of training and educational programmes should be included in Banks


Developing a learning culture through continuous learning process



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1 Which are group do you belong(AGE WISE) ?

S. No. Age Group No. of Respondents

1 Less than 25 6

2 25 to 40 18

3 40 to 55 10

4 Above 55 4

Interpretation :

After looking this bar graph, it can be said the middle-aged group are the main

customer of the banks as they occupied almost 75% of this graph. The bank has a huge

potential in terms of the untapped market – Young and old age group people. High pay

packages to today’s employed youth and large saving with the old age people (especially in

urban areas) has made them attractive potential customers.

Q.2 What is your occupation ?


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (95)

S. No. Age Group No. of Respondents

1 Service 18

2 Business 10

3 Student 6

4 Others 6

Interpretation :

Most of the service class people prefer to open a Savings Account in comparison to

the business class people. This may be possible due to the facility of “Anywhere Banking”

suiting their needs and preferences.

Q.3 Please specify your annual income?


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (96)

S. No. Age Group No. of Respondents

1 Less than 1 lakh 6

2 1 to 2 lakh 8

3 2 to 3 lakh 8

4 3 to 4 lakh 8

5 More than 4 lakh 10

Interpretation :

Income does not make any difference as far as opening the account in the Axis Bank

is concerned, as the bar diagram is vividly revealing that more or less people of every

segment of income group have opened and are opening the account expert one group i.e.

lower income group where emphasis is required to penetrate this group so it can be said

that the target group of the axis bank, specially for saving account are of every segment of

income group since its is devoted to render best services to its costumer.

Q.4 What features/attributes, while opening an account do you expect from a bank ?

S. No. Age Group No. of Respondents


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (97)

1 Quick Services 16

2 Proper information 8

3 Working hours 6

4 Less Formalities 6

5 Variety of Product 4

Interpretation :

When a customer visits any bank the first and foremost thing he expects is the

quickness of service and the promptness in entertaining by the bank employee. Second

thing customer wishes to have is proper information regarding his queries. One this in this

bar also really significant is, factor like less formalities of document while opening an

account. Varieties of product do not make a big impact on customer behavior for opening

an account in any bank if its services are efficient. But on the other hand bank can’t ignore

working hours. As in this bar customer has erred it. For this services like bank preference

should be given to make a prompt and customer friendly service channel. For this focus

must be given to make well informed and proactive employee along with work should be

executed technologically rather than manually.

Q.5 What kind of account do you have in Axis Bank ?


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (98)

S. No. Age Group No. of Respondents

1 Saving Account 18

2 Current Account 10

3 Fixed Deposits 6

4 NRL Account 2

5 Others 4

Interpretation :

Saving account is the leading and attractive product for the Axis bank as it occupies

a major chunk in this bar. It is clearly implying that this product has the ability to satisfy the

customers. On the second had and the positions current accounts and fixed deposits has

also been helpful to increase the customer base but still their performances needs to be

improved. One thing in this bar which is significant is the business of the bank is relying on

only few leading products, reason for this could be, neither it has limited range of products

nor rest of the product does not have much ability to penetrate in the stiff market of banking

of Jaipur. That is giving an alarming message to the management of the bank to go or

analyzing the situation very minutely and must ascertain where things are going wrong and

for that what short of necessary step could be taken. Providing better services in

comparison with the competitors is a must for excelling in industry.

Q.6 Who influenced to open an account in Axis Bank ?


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (99)

S. No. Age Group No. of Respondents

1 Friend and Relative 14

2 Advertisem*nt 12

3 Bank Employees 10

4 Prospectus 4

Interpretation :

As it is said a satisfied customer is the best medium for advertisem*nt since in this

bar friends and relatives have play a key role in opening the accounts for others, which

implies that bank real customer are satisfied enough with the facilities available on the

products and the services enjoyed by them. An advertisem*nt and bank employees more or

less has been good performer in their respective domain. It reveals advertisem*nt of

different medium, as been a key factor in generating the awareness about banks product as

well as facilities that are made to available on then in the peoples mind.

Q.7 Your remark on products of Axis Bank ?


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (100)

S. No. Age Group No. of Respondents

1 Excellent 12

2 Good 16

3 Average 10

4 Poor 2

Interpretation :

As this bar is showing at what level people are saved with saving account, with its

unique facilities features, and ability to serve all the needs of customer because by and

large it can be said 75% people are saving good to savings accounts, this implies that this

product has been a leading product and still an attractive product of the Axis bank. Reason

for this could be different type of facility associated with this product, which are reading true

value to the customer and marketing people are also very much devoted to give the best

from this part. Efforts must be given to know why they are people who are still saying

average and poor about saving accounts and what are the factors that are going wrong with

that segment of people.

Q.8 In comparison to other bank how would you rate Axis Bank ?


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (101)

S. No. Age Group No. of Respondents

1 Excellent 8

2 Good 18

3 Average 10

4 Poor 2

5 Can’t Say 2

Interpretation :

Rating of any bank depends on its overall performance in the eye of the people. This

bar is vividly showing that the performance of Axis bank has been good because in such a

short span of it’s existence in this city with strong competition from major public sector bank

like SBI and other private banks, Reason for this could be, it has occupied a different

position in the people mind with its customer friendly products and to serve them a efficient

and prompt banking system.

Q.9 How long did your wait in queue ?


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (102)

S. No. Age Group No. of Respondents

1 0-5 Minute 24

2 5-10 Minute 12

3 More than 10 Minute 4

Interpretation :

As this bar graph showing 57% people wait in queue 0-5 minutes. While it should be

100% people.


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Q.10 do you think the number of counter available are sufficient ?

S. No. Age Group No. of Respondents

1 Yes 32

2 No 8

Interpretation :

As this bar graph showing 82% people are sufficient. While it should be 100%



Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (104)



Support of various promoters

High level to services

Knowledge of Indian market

Strong management team

Comprehensive range of financial products & Services

Competitive and profitable banking franchise

High level of services

Knowledge of Indian Market

Supported by various promoters

Services updated by latest technology


Low market capitalization

Not been fully able to position itself correctly

Average volume of branch network

Competitiveness of cost of services

Market capitalization is low


UTI fraud


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (105)

Customer service


Growing Indian banking sector

People are becoming more service oriented in the global market

Technological changes

Increase of new branch network

Large retail and corporate market

Wide scope in the rural market

Competitive banking services

Foreign Markets


From various competitors

Foreign banks

Government banks

Aggressive competition strategy among the main banks

Economic uncertainty in global market


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (106)

Established Governments Banks

Established and growing MNC Banks

Advent and growth of foreign Banks

Inflation and rising lending rates

7. Conclusion

Axis Bank has shown substantial growth in the past few years. The change in name

to have seemed to achieved its goal as the net profits and total incomes are growing way

over the growth rate of the sector. It may not be long before Axis Bank overtakes

HDFC Bank in terms of Net Income and Total Income to become the no. 2 bank in

Private Sector in India. My experience with Axis Bank Ltd. is outstanding. While working in

Axis Bank I found that this bank has developed manifold in short period of time due to

facilities and services provided to their customer and this growth rate can be keep it up if

they start to go in semi-urban areas. In last couple of years they have opened new many

branches and they should open many more. The working staff are very co-operative in

nature and due to that the bank will also get good benefit. Axis Bank has provided their

customer Net-banking facilities and due to that transactions are done fast. Charges at Axis

Bank are on lower side when we compare it with other Banks.

In this time of economy slump, where all options of Investment lacks the interest of

people for one or other reason, FD still remains at the top in the mind of people as a known

convenient and reward earning option for investing their hard earned savings. However

falling banks rates have certainly lessen the faith of people inn it, but still it remains the first

choice of small investor’s because it is synonymic with safe and fixed return giving 106

Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (107)

alternative for investment of savings. The leitmotif of the hour is safety and security, high

risk is out. Recent global economy slowdown has made negative influence on let investor

perception of security. With the arrival of pink slip solute, people who were spending as

though there will no tomorrow have turned savers. And savers are looking much more

closing at investment avenues in order to optimize their returns at least risk.

Savings from the backbone for FD market. Savings of people are mainly affected y

three factors.

1. Income – higher the income, higher the savings.

2. Consumption – higher the consumption, lower the savings.

3. Inflating – higher the inflating rate, lower the savings.

Axis Bank saving product is highly popular due to its various facilities, anywhere

banking with ATM and Debit Card.

In case of special saving Account, if bank provides the cheques pickup facility then it

can tap out more number of trusts and society.

With the emerge trend of globalization and privatization the look of Indian economy has

taken new dimensions. There are more possibilities of inward and outward souring at capital,

labor and technology. Indian export and job opportunity has tremendously increased. This

new look of economy has raised the demand for better banking facilities for corporate and

there staff member.

There is great opportunity to established long-term relationship bulk of people. AXIS

bank is one of these finical institutes, which has given new vision to these offers. While

going through the project I have come across with this offer and made a study on the

account services offered in Kota City by AXIS bank.

To undergo this study my prior job is to collects the data, which will provide me a base

to interact with the organization (task, public, private companies, education institAXISon

etc) in Kota city. It was found that the most of customer appreciate the service provided by

the bank and more keen to know about other offering of the bank.


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (108)

At last I concluded the study on the basis of finding and analysis of the survey. Most of

the existing customers of account holder were satisfied with the facilities provided by the

bank. Beside it account holders are also interested to know more about the other products

like demat, credit card, home lone etc. But the lack of qualified marketing execAXISves

sales persons, the proper presentation is not going to the potential customer, so the other

banks, who having qualified marketing execAXISve grab the opportunity of market so some

more effort should be done to grab the opportunity.

Thai the survey several that the organization has provide a wide range of product

service and investment plans. Banking that is flexible, innovative and prompt in meeting the

customer requirement. Over all it was observed that the customer were satisfied being as a

member of “ AXIS bank pariwar”. They think one provide better services product and facility

at one place in comparison of other competitor banks customer


Into the axis bank normally (25 to 40 age group) people are investing.

Mostly service class persons prefer the axis bank in the comparison of business and

students and other class persons

25% persons of the avg.population investing into the axis bank and the income

status of the investors will be four lacks.

Axis bank don’t doing the extra formalities so the status of the investors is being


Axis bank is normally not using properly for the current account so it’s popularity ratio

is quite down. This bank normally using for the long term planning like saving and



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This bank is not investing more into the marketing sector so I will suggest that some

of the part of income it investing in the adv. And marketing sector.

Axis bank’s products is normally good and some taking it vice a versa.

Into the comparison of other bank it’s performance is quite good but not an effective

so this may be doing the rates were down with some other facilities.

This bank providing less facility toward the consumer now it is 57% but according

to my suggestion it will be increase with 80%.

Axis bank providing counter facility 40% and it will be 82% according to my


New and different product should be launched to attract more customer

Untapped customer should be contacted in order to increase database though

more channels

Response given by some customers should be taken care of and steps should be

taken on the same.

Calls were made to head office of big organization which having branch office

in Kota city and contacted at top level to establishing new relationship.

More interactive meeting at top level or events should be arranged so more

customers could come in contact.

More branch in state should be opened so that more people can have the service

Customer service should be improved.

There is need to recruit the more qualified persons on the post of field officer who

are made more liable and responsible commitment and clearly defined the product

offer. On this post competitor banks recruit the management trainee and pay a good

scale and incentive, so for the qualitative services AXIS bank also follow the same

To eliminate the dissatisfaction of customer community and product demand

are send to the customer in proper time period.


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (110)

To eliminate the dissatisfaction proper workshop and awareness programs

like campaigning are helpful and held on the client origination.

As early as possible bank should start overdraft and CC limits to expend the market.

The larger the ATM network of AXIS bank in Kota city but still AXIS bank have no

ATM center in the major industrial area of Kota city like RIICO, etc


Dear sir/madam I am management student conduction a survey on Axis Bank,

Jaipur. I shall be very thankful, if you give your few minutes to me for answering few

questions given below. Every information given by you will be for answering few questions

given below. Every information given by you will be only for academic purpose.

Name………………………………. Address …………………………

Sex………………………………… …………………………………...

Age ………………………………..


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (111)

Occupation …………………………

Q.1 Which age group do you belong ?

a) Less than 25

b) 25 to 40

c) 40 to 55

d) Above 55

Q.2 What is your occupation?

a) Service

b) Business

c) Student

d) Others


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (112)

Q.3 Please specify your annual income?

a) Less than 1 lakh

b) 1 to 2 lakh

c) 2 to 3 lakh

d) 3 to 4 lakh

e) More than 4 lakh

Q.4 What features/attributes, while opening an account do you expect from a bank ?

a) Quick Services

b) Variety of products

c) Less formalities of documents

d) Working hours

e) Proper information

Q.5 What kind of account do you have in Axis Bank ?

a) Saving Account

b) Current Account

c) Fixed Deposits

d) NRL Account


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (113)

Q.6 Who influenced to open an account in Axis Bank ?

a) Bank Employees

b) Prospectus

c) Advertisem*nt

d) Friend and Relative would you recommend

Q.7 Your remark on products of Axis Bank ?

a) Excellent

b) Good

c) Average

d) Poor

Q.8 In comparison to other bank how would you rate Axis Bank ?

a) Excellent

b) Good

c) Average

d) Poor

e) Can’t Say


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (114)

Q.9 How long did your wait in queue ?

a) Yes

b) No

Q.10 do you think the number of counter available are sufficient ?

a) Yes

b) No

DATE:DATE: Signature: Signature:


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (115)



Dr. I. M. Pandey – Financial Management (vikas publication)

M. Y. Khan P. K. Jain – Financial Management (TATA McGraw hill publishing

company limited)

J. N. Jain, R. K. Jain–modern banking and insurance (regal publication)

Websites -

Report - 2007. PDF.

Jitendra Virahyas


Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (116)



Banking Operations in Axis Banks - [DOC Document] (2024)
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