30 Creative Mother Daughter Activities That You'll Love (2024)

Being home for the family is important, but sometimes it is nice to have some quality alone time with your daughter. There are many mother daughter activities that you’ll love, it just depends on your interests. This time together creates a special bond and friendship that your daughter will cherish forever as well as continue with her children.

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Alone time with your daughter every so often is needed. These outings help you both stay connected as sometimes it is very easy to disconnect. While sometimes difficult to manage, each child needs individual attention for at least 20 minutes each day, or a couple of hours twice a month. Also, when spending quality time together, try to do things that interest the child and connect to their love language. Below is a compiled list of mother daughter activities that you’ll love, and on a budget!

Mother Daughter Activities That You’ll Love

Bookstore Date

The first of the mother daughter activities that you’ll love is going with your daughter to Barnes and Noble or any bookstore in the area. Grab a coffee and hot chocolate, and sit and read together a favorite book of hers, or even just browse through the magazines. Or maybe even read her a childhood favorite of yours!

Card Games

Card games offer a fantastic avenue for mothers and daughters to foster their bond and enjoy quality moments together, with Pyramid Solitaire and Hearts standing out as great choices. While Pyramid Solitaire encourages team problem-solving as players strategize to clear the pyramid of cards, Hearts brings in a gentle yet competitive edge, teaching strategic thinking and providing opportunities for lighthearted fun and connection.

Pottery Painting

Who doesn’t love painting? Find a pottery place where you both can paint your own ceramic. Or maybe pick out a big plate or bowl and paint it together!

Art Store

Head over to an arts and crafts store like Michaels. Grab some supplies to create something together. Pinterest has a lot of fun craft ideas to try! Alternatively, sign up for an art class right there in store.

Spa Night

Create your own spa day or night at home. Give each other manicures and pedicures. Do facials together. Get all pampered up! Who could resist these types of mother daughter activities that you’ll love to do on the regular?!

Dress Up

30 Creative Mother Daughter Activities That You'll Love (1)

No little (or big) girl is too big to play dress-up! Daughters love spending time in their mother’s closets trying on clothes and shoes. Pull out those tucked away sequined gowns and prom dresses if you still have them. Maybe even put on some makeup and host a fun fashion show with your own created runway.

Movie Night

Create your own movie night at home alone. Grab some popcorn and candy, cuddle up and watch a movie she loves.

Write a Book

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Create a story and write a book together. Illustrate it and get creative! Amazon has a publishing service where you can make money on any book you create!

Cook or Bake

Find some fun recipes on Pinterest and get in the kitchen. Re-create a recipe and see how well you both did. You could even come up with your own recipe!

Farmers Market

Find a day and time a big Farmers Market is open. Head there together and walk around checking out what’s for sale. Also, try some foods, fruits, and veggies you never tried before!

Dance Party!

Get your groove on! Turn up the music and have a dance party! Even a dance off! Maybe choreograph your own dance together to a favorite song.


Girls LOVE makeup. So what better way than giving each other makeovers? Have fun with it. Do silly looks. Let her be creative on your face.

Ice Cream Date

30 Creative Mother Daughter Activities That You'll Love (3)

Go together on an ice cream date. Order the biggest most delicious looking item on the menu and eat it together.

Animal Shelter

Love animals? Go together to an animal shelter. Pet and play with the animals as well as some cuddling sessions together. Better yet, find a dog rescue at We Love Doodles and invite a new family member into your home!

Board Game Marathons!

Get some fun board games and sit and play. Maybe even look for ones that are funny. Grab a pizza and spend the night challenging one another while laughing and loving your time together. Laughing is great and healthy!


Together create your own small garden. Go to a nursery and find something you would like to plant. Each time, you can add more by planting seeds and taking care of the mini garden together. Whether you decide on a butterfly garden, a vegetable garden, or even just a small herb garden, enjoy watching your plants grow and thrive.

Visit a Farm

Go to your local farm and feed the animals. Walk around and enjoy time together with the animals. Spend time petting, feeding and even taking funny photos of the animals antics.

Create Your Own Picnic

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Makes some delicious finger foods and head outside. Pack a basket with cheese and crackers, fruits, and maybe even some sparkling grape juice. Put a comfy sheet down, have a picnic together, and engage in a nice chat.

Old Pictures

Kids love looking at old photos of themselves. Take out the old photo albums and show her pictures of when she was a baby, toddler, etc. Share with her little stories and memories. She will smile from ear to ear!

Balloon Fight

30 Creative Mother Daughter Activities That You'll Love (5)

Get serious and have a mini balloon fight session! Balloon fights are always fun and great for a hot day!

Scavenger Hunt

Create a scavenger hunt around the neighborhood and then do it together. You can get some great ideas from Pinterest.

Play Ball

For some physically active mother daughter activities that you’ll love, try playing a game of ball. Any ball! This could be basketball, soccer, baseball, or anything you both enjoy! Being active is a great way to spend time together.

Car Rides

How about just hopping in your car together and taking a ride to nowhere. Drive around the town. Sightsee. This gives you both the opportunity to talk and communicate without the uncomfortable, forced stares. You can always turn up the music and roll down the windows letting the wind blow through your hair as you belt out the latest pop songs together.

Science Project

Science is always a fun subject. Go create a science project together, even if she has no science project to turn in. Make an erupting volcano, a magnetic forcefield, a maze, or some other science-based project your STEM lover will enjoy (even if you’re no scientist yourself). Get creative!


Set up your own photoshoot! Create backdrops, outfits, props, etc. Take pictures of each other and some together. Even if that means selfies!

Go Somewhere New

30 Creative Mother Daughter Activities That You'll Love (6)

Explore your area. Find a place you both have never been to and go together. Exploring new places is always fun, window shopping, wandering around outdoors, and seeing new sights are always an adventure. Imagine creating memories doing some mother daughter activities that you’ll love in a new and exciting place!

Shopping Spree

Now this is one of the best mother daughter activities that you’ll love. Shopping is what girls do best! Go on a shopping spree together! Make a fun day out of it. Maybe even find something matching to wear.

Take a Class Together

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This could be either painting, cooking, or even ice skating! Go for something you both aren’t so good at. That way you both are on the same level and can have more fun that way.


Go skating together! This can be ice skating at the rink or rollerblading around your neighborhood. Maybe even bike riding! Do what interests you both.

Go on a Walk

30 Creative Mother Daughter Activities That You'll Love (8)

Take a nice walk together around your area. This helps you talk and enjoy one on one time. Look for pretty flowers, even girls love to check out interesting bugs, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll find out something new about this lovely little lady you’re raising today.

Volunteer Somewhere

Volunteer anywhere together. This can be at an animal shelter or even an old age home. Serve dinner at a soup kitchen, head over to the nearest church to set up flowers, or even head to a school or library to work with low-income children. Helping others together is fun!


This list of mother daughter activities that you’ll love will give you an opportunity for to spend time alone with your daughter helping to create an unbreakable bond. These frequent bonding moments can help keep your relationship strong during times of miscommunication, hurt feelings, and even during their teenage years. Don’t feel that bonding needs to be something extravagant, it’s all really just a matter of one-on-one time spent together, connecting is key.


30 Creative Mother Daughter Activities That You'll Love (9)

Featured Photo Credit: Josh WillinkfromPexels

Sources: 17 Mother Daughter Bonding Activities to Stay Close and Connected at Any Age

30 Creative Mother Daughter Activities That You'll Love (2024)


What a mother can do for her daughter? ›

Mothers can raise confident daughters in the following ways:

Be a positive role model. Don't talk negatively about your own body. Show her what it means to take pride in a project or piece of work, not just how she looks. Listen to your daughter and encourage her to speak her mind.

What is fun on a mother-daughter date? ›

On a similar note, there are plenty of other silly activities you and your mom can do to feel young at heart. You could go mini golfing, bowling, check out an amusem*nt park, play laser tag, try rollerblading, get a caricature painting of yourselves, or take a new class together.

How can I be a cool fun mom? ›

  1. Oct 3, 2023. ​Parenting tips: How to be a cool mom? ...
  2. What defines a “cool mom” Being a "cool mom" is about fostering a strong, positive, and open relationship with your kids. ...
  3. Listen actively. Pay attention when your child talks. ...
  4. Give them independence. ...
  5. Stay informed. ...
  6. Be supportive. ...
  7. Set boundaries. ...
  8. Use humor.
Oct 3, 2023

How to be a good daughter as an adult? ›

17 Ways To Be A Good Daughter
  1. Talk to them when you're upset, but call them again when you're feeling better. ...
  2. Accept their generosity. ...
  3. Remember that gifts shouldn't go one way. ...
  4. Acknowledge the ways in which you've become them. ...
  5. Call your grandmother just to say hi. ...
  6. Talk through big decisions with them.
Jul 9, 2012

What do daughters want from their mothers? ›

Daughters want to be held in their mother's warm embrace, hear their mother's soft voice, encouraging them in their own goals and dreams. If a mother is getting her needs met, she will meet her daughter's needs.

What is a daughter supposed to do? ›

To be a good daughter, you'll need to show your parents that you love and respect them. There is no one way to do this since each family is different, but in general this means that you should listen to your parents, be responsible and help out around the house, and be open, honest, and kind.

How can I make my daughters day special? ›

The most special kind of Daughters Day gift would be to fulfill their wishes. If your daughter has demanded something from you in the recent past, then simply fulfill that wish. That can be anything from joining a pottery class, learning a foreign language, or a trip to some exotic location!

What is a typical mother daughter relationship? ›

Mothers and daughters can feel mutually supportive of one another, providing an equal contribution to the relationship. Differences might be respected, and emotions are generally understood to guide a relationship where daughters feel cared for and mothers feel admired.

What makes a mother daughter relationship special? ›

They share such a beautiful relationship together. A mom sees her childhood, her innocence, her fears, her past, her teenage years, and her love in her daughter and experiences them again through her. Such a familiarity in emotions, bring them even closer.

How can I be a more playful mom? ›

Below are few tips to playfully foster meaningful relationships with your child.
  1. Pay plenty of attention to positive behavior. ...
  2. Routines are even more important for kids. ...
  3. Offer specific praise. ...
  4. Focus on what TO do instead of what not to do. ...
  5. Think aloud as you solve problems. ...
  6. Turn chores into challenges.

How can I have a fun day with my mom? ›

Try her favorite restaurants open on Mother's Day or spend the day at home making Mother's Day crafts or playing Mother's Day games. Depending on your mom's interests, she might enjoy a yoga class, a mother-daughter movie marathon, a wine tasting or a trip to the botanical garden.

What does a cool mom do? ›

Being a cool mom is about protecting a child who is still a child while recognizing that this child is quickly maturing into a woman who needs to make choices about her life — solo. It's about accepting the ways your child is different from you while knowing what your non-negotiables are.

How do I empower my adult daughter? ›

However, there are some things you can do to facilitate motivating them:
  1. Validate When You Communicate. Listen to your adult child's concerns and be open to their ideas. ...
  2. Recognize When You Are Not Supportive. ...
  3. Praise Perseverance. ...
  4. Encourage Independence.
Jan 28, 2023

How do I bond with my grown daughter? ›

Here are some ways you can build a strong bond with your adult child.
  1. Embrace Their Uniqueness. Your child may not follow a path that you feel would be good for them. ...
  2. Avoid Giving Advice. ...
  3. Keep Communicating. ...
  4. Plan Dates. ...
  5. Avoid A Guilt Trip. ...
  6. Gracefully Accept Criticism. ...
  7. Be A Friend. ...
  8. Trust Your Child.
Feb 8, 2024

How can I be a better mother to my daughters? ›

But there are plenty of strategies to ensure a healthy, happy relationship lives on into adulthood for both women.
  1. Put yourself in their shoes before arguing. ...
  2. Have realistic expectations, and communicate them often. ...
  3. Be open about your needs. ...
  4. Ask them about their needs. ...
  5. Create a relationship of trust.

What is the most important thing a mother can give her child? ›

Moms can provide a sense of security and belonging to a child. Children NEED to know that they BELONG. They need to feel secure, that they are an essential part of the family. Mothers NEED to be affectionate and loving in actions AND in words.

How do you support your daughter? ›

13 Ways to Boost Your Daughter's Self-Esteem
  1. Model body acceptance.
  2. Make your daughter media literate.
  3. Don't raise her as a “pleaser”
  4. Start team sports early.
  5. Moms, don't borrow your daughter's clothes.
  6. Direct your praise away from appearance.
  7. Help her build skills that are independent of appearance.
Nov 6, 2023

What are the duties of a mother? ›

Scholars define mothering many ways, but most include the idea that nurturing children is the central task. Nurturing includes meeting children's physical demands, such as food, clothing, and protection. And it includes loving, cherishing, educating, and training them.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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