19 Easy Gin co*cktails » Recipefairy.com (2024)

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While spirits might not be everyone’s cup of tea, there is plenty to like when it comes to gin. It can be somewhat of an acquired taste, but when you try one of our 19 easy gin co*cktails below, we are pretty sure that you are going to fall in love and make this your new favorite drink. Whether you want fruity, fresh, or something in between, you’ll find some great ideas below. Check them out, and let us know which your favorite is in the comments!

19 Easy Gin co*cktails » Recipefairy.com (1)

Contents hide

1 Gin Fizz

2 Gin and Tonic

3 Tom Collins

4 Georgia Gin co*cktail

5 Aviation co*cktail

6 French 75

7 Gin Rickey

8 Gin and Basil

9 Pegu Club

10 Negroni

11 Cucumber Cooler

12 Strawberry Gin Smash

13 Bramble

14 Last Word

16 Greyhound co*cktail

17 Floradora

18 Gimlet

19 Rhubarb Gin

20 Conclusion

21 19 Easy Gin co*cktails

21.1 Ingredients

21.2 Directions

21.3 Like this recipe?

21.4 Related

Gin Fizz

This easy gin co*cktail is a real classic and easy to make! The clue is in the name. You’ve got a liberal splash of gin combined with club soda and a little lemon. We add a little sugar as the gin and lemon can be just the wrong side of bitter otherwise. We consider this one a little like ‘grown up’ lemonade. Serve in a tall glass with heaps of ice for something light and refreshing.

If you are looking to make this a little more eye-catching, feel free to use lime instead of lemon. If you are looking for the perfect ratio, we find that for every third of gin, add two parts club soda for the perfect taste.

Gin and Tonic

Without including the humble gin and tonic, no list of gin co*cktails would be complete. While considered slightly boring in the past, the availability of different tonics has opened up a world of possibilities (our favorite at the moment is elderflower tonic)

Want a top tip? Ignore anyone who says it should be served with lemon. This is very much a remnant from the ’80s. Instead, lime should be your citrus of choice. If you haven’t tried it before, also consider adding a few whole peppercorns for a gin and tonic with real citrusy depth.

Tom Collins

This isn’t too far removed from a gin fizz. The difference is that this is shaken in a co*cktail mixer and is much ‘flatter’ than the gin fizz. Consider it similar to the contrast between traditional lemonade and store-bought lemonade, and you’d be about there.

When making a Tom Collins, the trick is to add just enough sugar to take the edge off without making it too sweet. Ideally, you’ll want to add a simple sugar syrup too, which makes the drink slightly thicker. Still, if you don’t have it, then a little honey works just as well (and goes fantastically with lemon juice, too, might we add).

Georgia Gin co*cktail

You might be one of those folks who isn’t the biggest fan of the flavor of gin. Well, our gin-averse friends, all that is about to change as this one uses gin and peach schnapps to make something that is tropical, bright, and refreshing.

Oh, and did we mention that it is pretty strong too! This one tastes a little like a naughty version of Sunny D. We serve it over heaps of ice garnished with a juicy slice of orange for the ultimate presentation.

The best bit? There’s nothing fancy here, and it will take you around 2 minutes to make.

See Also: Espresso Martini

Aviation co*cktail

It isn’t often that we go for co*cktails with specialized ingredients, but in this case, we will have to make an exception. The aviation co*cktail is as glamourous as it sounds with a purple tinge that works wonders with a bright yellow slice of lemon.

How does it get the color? We add a small splash of crème de violette, giving a mellow, fruity flavor that works well with pretty much any gin. The co*cktail should be ‘flashed’ with the ignited oils squeezed from the skin if you want to go properly authentic. Mind your fingers!

See Also: Classic Rum co*cktails

French 75

This drink was a real favorite in France during World War I. It was brought back to the US by demobilized officers returning from Europe. It sings European charm (and possibly drunkenness). It’s certainly a strong one.

The good news is that it is super simple to make. Add a shot of gin to a glass of champagne, and you are pretty much there.

It doesn’t have to be expensive either. And there’s no need to be a wine snob either. Sparkling wine is a great substitute, so no need to go wasting expensive champagne when you’ll be diluting the flavor with gin!

Gin Rickey

Gin nearly always works well with citrus flavors, hence their proliferation in our gin co*cktails list. This one isn’t a million miles away from either a Tom Collins or a gin fizz. The main difference is that instead of lemon and lemon juice, you will use lime instead.

This is a great co*cktail to enjoy in the summer when you want to have something cool and refreshing that will last a little while. You’ll also notice this is a lot tarter than a Tom Collins. Unlike the lemon-based gin co*cktail, this punchy little number doesn’t contain any sugar, meaning it’s a real ‘squinty’ one for sure.

Gin and Basil

This one is a real secret that you aren’t going to find anywhere else and is our hands-down favorite gin and tonic variation.

Move over boring old lemon and lime. Gin has got a new best friend!

Gin is often distilled to work with certain botanicals. Gins are designed to bring out flavors in other ingredients. Basil is one of the best. Simply muddle a few fresh (not dried) basil leaves with gin and ice before topping up with tonic. What you will be left with is a far cry from ‘bitter’ or ‘sour’ that is so often aimed at the gin. Instead, you’ll be met with a pleasant floral drink that will have you coming back for more! Give it a try. You will be pleased you did!

Pegu Club

While you’ll often see gin served with the common citrus elements of lemon and lime, there are other variations to try if you are brave enough. The Pegu Club co*cktail stretches all the way back to the British empire when it was believed that the quinine in gin could help to stave off malaria (convenient).

This super-strong co*cktail uses aromatic bitters and orange liqueur to create a well-rounded and almost sweet taste. The entire thing is undercut with a small twist of fresh lime juice. If you want to make it classic, triple-sec is the liqueur of choice, but Cointreau works just as well.

For an added bit of variation, add a couple of fresh mint leaves, too, for something refreshing and indulgent.


Often it can be the case that people shy away from co*cktails because they don’t like the sickly sweetness. If this sounds like you, then we’d like to suggest a Negroni becomes your gin co*cktail of choice. It isn’t one of those ‘glamorous’ drinks served in a martini glass. Instead, it is an old-school co*cktail that has remained unchanged for over 100 years.

You can consider it a strong gin martini, with dark and bitter spirits like vermouth and tangy orange Campari combined with a twist of lemon and little else. There is no mixer, just pure spirit, so we’d advise that you make sure you’ve got the next day off as it’s the stuff of legendary headaches.

Cucumber Cooler

Remember how we were saying gin co*cktails are much more than lemons and limes? Well, here is another example. Gin works fantastically well with cucumber. In particular, brands like Hendricks have utilized this to their advantage, but we like to take it a step further.


Mint and sugar, our dear friends. This, along with cool and refreshing cucumber, emphasizes the sweetness and will give your drink a really summery taste. It’s really easy to make too. If you want a sneaky presentation tip, use a potato peeler on the full length of your cucumber to create super-thin ribbons. Line the glass with them before making the rest of the drink for something which looks nearly as good as it tastes.

Strawberry Gin Smash

Whenever we think of gin co*cktails, our mind takes us to a world of green lawns and garden parties. Strawberries, in particular, are the taste of summer, and this co*cktail embodies all of this in one cool glass.

We combine sugar syrup, gin, and a couple of strawberries. Using a long-handled spoon, we ‘muddle’ (a posh word for ‘squish’) the above into a bright red paste. From there, it is simply a case of adding a few sprigs of mint along with a splash of ginger beer before trying to sip it slowly and failing miserably.


If you didn’t already know, ‘bramble’ is the name for the vine-like (and rather spiky) plant on which blackberries grow. And this is where this co*cktail takes its name from. One look at it, and you will know why. A nice juicy raspberry is practically mandatory for serving with this drink.

You can create a ‘muddle’ very similar to the strawberry gin co*cktail above. Still, to make life easy, we’d suggest going for Chambord, a blackberry flavored syrup, instead. Pour the Chambord in first and when it comes to adding the gin and lemon juice, pour it over the back of a spoon to keep it separate.

Light, fragrant and delicious.

Last Word

Want to know how truly ‘naughty’ this co*cktail is? At one time, it would have gotten you arrested for drinking it. Whenever we make this, we are taken back to a time of prohibition, Charleston dancing, and trilby hats. It’s properly grown-up.

The last word isn’t particularly fancy. It used gin and green chartreuse (a peppery spirit) along with a little lime juice. If that sounds bitter, then don’t worry. It also has a large dash of maraschino liqueur, adding cherry sweetness. If you can’t find this, we find amaretto a worthy substitute.

Related: 11 Drinks with Butterscotch Schnapps

Red Snapper

No, we aren’t talking fish.

If you like the idea of a bloody mary, but you hate the idea of vodka, then this could just be the one for you. Essentially, it has exactly the same ingredients aside from replacing vodka with gin. Tomato juice, a little tabasco, and some salty umami in the Worcester sauce. Be sure to serve with a celery stick to make it authentic.

Greyhound co*cktail

If you want to avoid too much sweetness, the greyhound co*cktail is a worthy choice. Combining gin and grapefruit, sweet, it most certainly isn’t. We do like to sweeten the deal slightly. This pink drink can look bland, so try serving it with a glace cherry mounted on a co*cktail stick.


This pink drink is classy, tall, and sophisticated (much like ourselves, honestly). It takes its vibrant color from crème de framboise, which is blended with a splash of lime, fiery ginger ale, and of course, our old friend gin.

We love to serve this one in a tall glass along with towering chunks of ice, but it is also divine when served with crushed ice in a sort of slushie. Either, or… It all works the same way!


A gimlet is actually a small pointed tool used for marking wood. But if vodka and orange can be called a ‘screwdriver’, we will go with it. This is a little similar to a caipirinha, but we use gin instead in place of white rum.

A squeeze of fresh lime, some simple sugar syrup, and a slice to garnish will finish your gin co*cktail off nicely!

See Also: Pink Squirrel co*cktail Recipe

Rhubarb Gin

19 Easy Gin co*cktails » Recipefairy.com (2)

Step into a refreshing taste of spring with a delicious Rhubarb Gin co*cktail. This bright and tangy co*cktail combines homemade rhubarb syrup, best quality gin, and a splash of lemon juice, all topped with a sprig of fresh mint. Perfect to enjoy on those balmy al fresco evenings.


Most gin co*cktails contain a few common elements combined in different proportions to create different tastes. You can either work with the slight bitterness or contrast it completely.

While lemon and lime are nice, try a few that utilize other flavor elements such as soft herbs like mint or basil, or go completely strong with prohibition-era co*cktails like the Gimlet or Negroni. The above list of easy gin co*cktails is tasty (and most are super strong too).

Pick your favorites and give them a go!

Related: Texas Roadhouse Strawberry Margarita Recipe

19 Easy Gin co*cktails » Recipefairy.com (3)

19 Easy Gin co*cktails

5 from 4 votes

Recipe by Laura Ritterman


  • Gin Fizz

  • Gin and Tonic

  • Tom Collins

  • Georgia Gin co*cktail

  • Aviation co*cktail

  • French 75

  • Gin Rickey

  • Gin and Basil

  • Pegu Club

  • Negroni

  • Cucumber Cooler

  • Strawberry Gin Smash

  • Bramble

  • Last Word

  • Red Snapper

  • Greyhound co*cktail

  • Floradora

  • Gimlet


  • Pick your favorite gin co*cktail from the list
  • Get the ingredients together
  • Serve and enjoy

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19 Easy Gin co*cktails » Recipefairy.com (4)

Laura Ritterman

Hi, I’m Laura and having studied an MSc in Nutrition, becoming a professional chef and appearing on major publications with my recipes I decided to create a website of my own. This website is where I share unique recipes, tips and cooking inspiration that will allow your culinary skills flourish. You can contact me here. For more information, you can find more about me.

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19 Easy Gin co*cktails » Recipefairy.com (2024)


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30 Easy Gin co*cktails Every Aspiring Bartender Should Master
  • GIN & TONIC.
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  • Old Fashioned co*cktail.
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Jul 4, 2022

What can I mix in my gin? ›

8 Best Gin Mixers
  • Tonic Water. Tonic water is the perfect match for gin, like a lock and key. ...
  • Ginger Beer. Ginger beer is a groovy, gregarious mixer for gin. ...
  • Cranberry Juice. Cranberry juice is practically a magical elixir when it comes to mixing with gin! ...
  • Orange Juice. ...
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  • Apple Juice.

Is gin stronger than vodka? ›

For a gin to be a gin, there must be at least 37.5% of pure alcohol in the total volume of liquid. Look for the ABV percentage on the next bottle you pick up. Sing Gin sits at a nicely-rounded 40%. Vodka's minimum alcohol content is the same – around 35% – but note the word 'minimum'!

Is gin better with tonic or soda water? ›

The most classic combination of gin and tonic is the perfect example of this: tonic's sweetness enhances gin's herbaceous flavor and its bitterness calms its alcoholic kick. Anything mixed with tonic can easily be mixed with club soda, and vice versa, but club soda offers a subtle flavor desired in many situations.

What makes gin taste better? ›

A bad gin will taste like pine and nothing else. But a good gin will have a beautiful balance of flavors. Juniper berries are the backbone of gin. Juniper should be the dominant flavor and it gives the drink its fresh, piney character, as well as some of its dryness.

What is the most popular way to drink gin? ›

What started in the 18th century is still beloved today, making gin and tonic one of the most tried and true drinks. If you want to try gin for the first time, this is a great way to do it.

What can I drink with gin instead of tonic? ›

Gin pairs well with a variety of mixers apart from tonic. Some popular options include soda water, ginger beer, ginger ale, citrus juices (such as lime or grapefruit), and vermouth. Additionally, herbal and fruity elements like mint, basil, cucumber, or berries can complement the botanical flavors of gin in co*cktails.

What liquid goes with gin? ›

You can't go wrong with a juniper-forward London dry gin, which works with nearly any juice you can source, from lemon and lime to orange and grapefruit. Softer gins can work great, too, but depending on their botanical makeup, they may pair better with sweeter OJ or more sour grapefruit.

Is gin good with Sprite? ›

If you've never had a Tom Collins before, it is essentially a spiked lemonade drink. It's made with gin, lemon juice, simple syrup, and club soda or Sprite. I prefer the club soda version, but I won't turn my nose up to the Sprite version. If you're in the mood for a refreshing co*cktail, this is a great one to try.

What is the king of all co*cktails? ›

Martini. The gin martini is the king of co*cktails.

What is the Big 4 co*cktail? ›

Bartenders Mixing Drinks

The international recipe calls for 1/3 rye whiskey, for the U.S.; 1/3 scotch whiskey, for Great Britain; 1/6 Noilly Prat, for France; 1/6 vodka, for the Soviet Union; and a dash of cherry brandy to sweeten everything.

What is gin normally mixed with? ›

It is commonly mixed with tonic water in a gin and tonic. Gin is also used as a base spirit to produce flavoured, gin-based liqueurs, for example sloe gin, traditionally produced by the addition of fruit, flavourings and sugar.

Is gin and cranberry good? ›

The Cranberry Gin and Tonic is a delicious and refreshing drink that is a great choice for any occasion. It's not too sweet, not too bitter, and has just the right amount of complexity to keep you interested. So, the next time you're in the mood for a gin-based co*cktail, give this one a try!

Are martinis made with gin or vodka? ›

The martini is a co*cktail made with gin and vermouth, and garnished with an olive and/or a lemon twist. Over the years, the martini has become one of the best-known mixed alcoholic beverages. A common variation, the vodka martini, uses vodka instead of gin for the co*cktail's base spirit.

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